Welcome to my Guestbook!

SHWETA - 09/30/00 10:00:08
Favorite Game: LOVE
Favorite Band: LOVE
Favorite Munchie: LOVE
Favorite Link: LOVE
Favorite Book: LOVE
Favorite Cartoon: ME

Trunkbutt - 05/10/00 04:06:30
My URL:http://pages.bolt.com/me/lady8/lady8.html
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Game: final fantasy VIII
Favorite Band: don't have one
Favorite Munchie: stuckeys pecan log
Favorite Link: my own
Favorite Book: the stand/watership down
Favorite Cartoon: simpsons
hey Jay, how are things at SB?

Laurel - 07/27/99 21:04:22
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Band: REM
Favorite Munchie: Cotton Candy
Favorite Book: The Book of Frank
Favorite Cartoon: Cow and Chicken
I like all the music...I dont understand gaming though!!

krysty crow - 06/30/99 22:29:04
My URL:http://www.chickpages.com/poetrypod/juliashope/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Game: love (thought i'd be deep)
Favorite Band: our lady peace
Favorite Munchie: something munchable...?
Favorite Link: http://www.bolt.com/
Favorite Book: there's too many to pick just one!
Favorite Cartoon: simpsons/family guy
i love your site, it's fun and educational! you did a darn good job hun...make sure you keep writing, k? k. that's what i thought.

Hannah - 06/27/99 11:01:23
Favorite Game: Tomb Raider
Favorite Band: Boyzone
Favorite Book: nine lives of Montezuma
Favorite Cartoon: Sabrina

elana - 06/24/99 22:27:53
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Game: tennis
Favorite Band: rem
Favorite Munchie: oreos
Favorite Link: ?/////
Favorite Book: a prayer for owen meany
Favorite Cartoon: mutts
hey thought i couldn't reach this, this fast, yet here i am. Hi Stace. just browseing around. hey can i borrow you perhaps sunday to fix my car door? oh yeah im sopposed to be commenting on your page aren't i well deal with it puppies and kittens, elana

Aaron - 06/08/99 13:51:25
My URL:http://lynx.neu.edu/a/akessman
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Game: Civ II
Favorite Band: Live
Favorite Munchie: mmmm Pizza....
Favorite Link: http://www.en.com//users/dte/mp-holy.txt
Favorite Book: none!
Favorite Cartoon: Simpsons/Looney Toons
We were supposed to talk over AIM, but I closed the window before I remembered to buddy list you! My screen name is "fuzz aj". It was yesterday. Nice page btw!

Jon - 06/01/99 01:23:57
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Game: Baseball
Favorite Band: KORN
Favorite Munchie: popcorn
Favorite Link: dont really have 1
Favorite Book: sports illistrated
Favorite Cartoon: bugs bunny
your page is cool and i think that you look good in that pic no matter what you say!!!!

Laura Kolker - 03/17/99 07:04:13
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Game: groo (the card game)
Favorite Band: tori amos
Favorite Munchie: guacamole on chips
Favorite Link: The Secret Logs of Mistress Janeway ;)
Favorite Book: Ender's Game
Favorite Cartoon: Bloom County
HI Jay! Your web page looks pretty neat; can't wait 'til it's finished. Running any games in the future? Laura

Christa - 03/10/99 17:10:52
My URL:http://pages.bolt.com/me/lady8/lady8.html
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Game: Nun beating
Favorite Band: Nun beaters
Favorite Munchie: anything with cinomen (spelling?)
Favorite Link: http://pages.bolt.com/me/lady8/lady8.html
Favorite Book: This Perfect Day
Favorite Cartoon: simpsons, of course
you should try out my web page. put it on, move around in it, it feels great!

Melissa Frank - 02/07/99 20:34:52
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Game: boffer fighting
Favorite Band: Depeche Mode
Favorite Munchie: ice cream
Favorite Link: Astronomy Magazine
Favorite Book: HitchHiker's Guide...
Favorite Cartoon: Looney Tunes
Awesome Webpage, Jay!!! I probably will be working on one over the summer.

Aunt Lee - 01/29/99 14:56:40
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Game: Scrabble
Favorite Band: Shania Twain
Favorite Munchie: Snickers
Favorite Link: Astronet.com
Favorite Book: Scarlett
Favorite Cartoon: RugRats
I love your web page.....I think it is cool. But of course I do show some favoritisim....... Keep up the good work Sweet Stuff!

Stacey - 01/24/99 20:45:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Quadrant/1475
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Game: Heros of Might and Magic 2
Favorite Band: Catherine Wheel and the Doors
Favorite Munchie: Chicken and Cheese Quesadillas
Favorite Link: mine!
Favorite Cartoon: anything with Brak!
I think the Webmaster did a very nice job on the layout.

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