

YATTA!!  I finally have the ninth chapter of the Mazoku Chronicles, Discord, finished.  Enjoy.



For my first update of the new millenium, I bring you chapters 3, 4, and 5 of Good Princess, Bad Princess, and a little something I wrote for the upcoming Ryuzoku Chronicles entitled The Last Will And Testament Of The Flare Dragon God..   Also,  two more keepers, one more brigadier.


Today I have two new ficcies in the Singularities department entitled The Mazoku Horror Picture Show and Spanked By The Hand Of God..  I fixed some broken links.  Added another keeper.  And I now have 50 pocket bishonen!  ^_^v  Go say hi to my newest cuddly-wuddly little bish, Kaworu.

(p.s.  I AM working on chapter 9 of The Mazoku Chronicles.  Swear.  I've just been having creative difficulties.) 


New piccie in the Sherra shrine.


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