Subject: * Channeled Communication with a Hijacker *

Dear Friends,

I am a channel, and I channel the teachings of just one wise spirit being, by my choice. Last night as I was lying in bed the thought occurred to me that perhaps I could get in touch with one of the hijackers of the planes that flew the horrendous missions on September 11th that caused so much destruction and loss of innocent life. My thought was that perhaps I could get information concerning who was behind the plot to do these heinous acts. So I went into my relaxed detached state of mind that is conductive to channeling with the intention of attempting that contact.

A presence came into my awareness. I knew that he was a hijacker. He said that his name is Ahmed Amani (or something similar to that). He told me he is in a very dark place. He said that he had expected to go to a wonderful great celebration as a hero, but that was not what he has experienced.

I asked if there were other people or souls around. He said that there were but that he was not able to make contact with any of them and that this contact with me was the first he had been able to make with anyone. He was not sure about whether the souls were aware of his presence and were shunning him or whether they really could not see him and did not know that he was there.

I asked him to describe the place he was in and he said it is very black and completely colorless. There are gray shadowy forms that he can see and sense. I asked if there was light anywhere (since I have read that lost souls can move toward the light) and he said that there was none and he had looked for light in all directions. I asked if he was outside and could see stars or anything like that and he said that there were none and it was not like being outside.

Then I understood and he discussed with me that he was having to undergo the experience of the death and agony of every person that had been affected by the actions and decisions that he had made. He said that the events that began on September 11th still exist in what we know of as past time and that he is required to go back into "earthly time" and experience first hand, for each person individually, their death and/or agony, fear, physical pain, etc. as though it were happening to himself. Not only that, but he also must experience in the same way the grief and pain of everyone who is a loved one of the people that died or were injured. This has been communicated to him and it has begun. I asked him how many deaths he has thus far experienced and he said just two and that it would take the equivalent of many lifetimes to experience all that is ahead of him. He said it is taking so long because the pain and grief of the families and others connected to just these two individuals is so intense and it is ongoing, so he cannot move on quickly.

I asked about his family and loved ones and if they understood what he is going through. He told me that he had found that they were unable to do so because they held the belief that he was a hero and that he was being celebrated and that the truth could not penetrate through their beliefs.

I asked if there was any message he wanted me to take back to the world. He said that he had been lied to and that he had wanted to believe the lies. He said that to those who might be plotting or intending to do similar acts, that he wanted them to realize that they are being lied to and that they will not be celebrated as heroes as they have told to believe.

He also said that not only would he have to experience these deaths and pain but that all those who assisted and plotted these acts would also. Even those who were not a part of the plot but who celebrated the events that caused all this misery for innocent people would be experiencing many of the same things.

Except for when he talked about those that lied to him (and he felt or knew that some had knowingly done so to advance their own purposes) his air was one of resignation and disheartenment. I realized that I felt very sorry for what he would have to go through and the realization that was dawning on him, but that it was what he needed to experience to learn from.

I believe that he had the insight that this was not punishment per se, but that it was a consequence of needing to learn the human consequences of what he had done.

I left him and pondered this for a time and finally went to sleep. My husband awoke me and said that I was having a bad dream. I realized that I was still with Ahmed and experiencing my body being crushed as one of his victims must have experienced. I didn't feel pain but much anguish and terror and I must have been screaming for my husband to hear. Once awake I realized that the door to that world had to be closed for me at least for the time being so that I could get some sleep.

This morning more insights poured in during my meditations. I realized that each of us is responsible for what we do and support, and that if we support the injury and killing of innocent people, or celebrate such an event that we are also going to have to experience the grief that it causes. This is not just a lesson for terrorists but for any who support and applaud even official actions that harm innocent people.

I asked what the solution might be. The answer came. It is time that we realize who and what we are. We are not individuals separate from each other, as the illusion appears to us. We are a part of a single conscious organism and when we injure any part of that organism we literally are injuring ourselves. This is the meaning of the Golden Rule.

The Bible says that God claims "Vengeance is mine". The meaning of this is not that we are free to retaliate blindly when harm is done to us. Nor is it that there is a terrible avenging and punishing God. Its meaning is that the best way for us to learn is through direct experience. We must be able to experience the consequences of our thoughts and actions in order to understand what and who we are, and the implications of our actions. Thus we suffer the suffering that we inflict on others.

We are One. This Oneness is a literal reality. We are being given the choice to see and know this right now, so that we can avoid enormous amounts of suffering. To see it and teach this to the world in this time of great grief is the most marvelous legacy that could come out of the horrific acts that have immersed the globe in sorrow.

God is love and desires for us to see our Oneness and thus to heal mankind.

                       In love and light,

                       Nancy X. xxxxxxxxx

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