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The Subway Series

NYNY logo
Go Yankees!

As I sat in my suite at the NYNY hotel overlooking the Las Vegas strip, my eyes were constantly drawn to the NYNY logo. After several occurences, I thought to myself "What is this trying to tell me?" The answer I got seemed to come from left field (ha ha).

It was "Subway Series!"

Subway Series

At first, I thought this was an absurd answer. After all, the Yankees already lost the 1st game of the American League playoffs & the Mets didn't even start yet. Downstairs in the casino, the crowd & the odds favored a different Subway Series, in California. Nevertheless, the answer just kept getting louder, & I kept getting more confused. "How could this already be determined?", I thought. Later on, I would get an answer.

My vacation continued in VA Beach, where I turned on the TV to watch the next game, alone in my nephew's house. After a few minutes, my eyes turned toward a cap hanging on the wall. It had the same NYNY logo from Las Vegas. By now, if there was any doubt left, it disappeared. While in VA Beach, I attended a conference by the famous medium Rosemary Altea. She mentioned that spirit guides could see "a little bit" into the future. Recently my spirit guide, represented by a feather, seemed to be having a stronger & stronger presence. This seemed to answer my question about the foreknowing of a Subway Series. (For more on Rosemary & spirit guides, see "Feathers from Above".) While at this conference, the series became a reality.

My trip ended with a weekend visit to Washington DC with my friend Carlos. Walking through Georgetown, I constantly peeked through pub windows to see what was happening in the Subway Series. Meanwhile, all my friend kept saying was "baseball sucks". I tried to explain to him why people were so passionate about such a simple game.

To some people, baseball is a language. Sometimes it's the only language between a father & son. It also has a unique mysticism to it, as evidenced by the many movies like "Field of Dreams". The game seems to mirror one's spiritual journey: coming back home, which is really where you are before you even begin. It's a game of 3's: 3 strikes, 3 outs, 3 bases, 9 players, 9 innings, & 27 total outs. A diamond is also a spiritual symbol & is the shape inside the Star of David .It represents the saying often heard on a spiritual journey: "As above, so below." Being inside Yankee Stadium for some people is like being inside a cathedral. Baseball players are notorious for their superstitions also, & their lucky numbers. Some players, like Andy Pettitte, put themselves into a trance-like state during a game, similar to an intense meditation. Even the logo NYNY represents the duality of man, while at the same time representing his oneness. In the past, perhaps baseball had a greater impact on the American psyche. However, we may have learned one thing from that time. It seems the Subway Series has brought the city closer together, rather then dividing it. Maybe our duality is becoming our oneness.

PS-Do you see any symbols in the picture below? Put mouse on picture for answer.

Diamond on Cathedral. If you find more, e-mail me!

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