Iolokus III: Vix te Agnovi 8/20 Look thou be true; do not give dalliance Too much the rein. The strongest oaths are straw To th' fire I' th' blood. Be more abstemious, Or else good night your vow! Wednesday passed with no more news of George. I even dared return to the X Files office and sort the latest round of referrals into stacks: You've Got To Be Kidding, Warrants Further Investigation, and High Priority. Mulder would never believe how few files actually made it into the first pile -- of course the low percentage might have had something to do with the fact that I never once considered the National Enquirer an appropriate referral source. Only human experimentation (government or alien, take your pick) made it into the High Priority pile, so the Further Investigation files were piling up. We did a few exsanguinations and manifestations whenever we had a chance, but it was like opening the drain on a bathtub while running the water full force -- intake exceeded outflow. Nonetheless our solve rate remained high and I might even get a merit pay increase at the next six-month review. I was headed back to Virginia, sitting at an intersection waiting for the light to turn, when my cellphone trilled. I unshipped it from my jacket and answered the call. "Hello beautiful," a voice that was Mulder's and was not purred in my ear. My throat felt like a rasp had been shoved down my esophagus. "What do you want?" "I want to fuck you and kill you, what do you think?" he mocked and ended with a chillingly familiar dry chuckle. The brushfire of anger started in my belly, probably in the vicinity of my much-tortured ovaries. It seemed that I felt all my anger in my reproductive organs these days. "You can try. You didn't do a good job of it last time and you couldn't keep a hard-on with a live woman you sick fuck." Now with the raspy voice he'd been kind enough to give me I actually sounded fairly fierce. I almost believed it. He snorted with some strange George emotion into the phone, sounding like a hyena sniffing for carrion. "My life is so...strange these days," he whined, now exactly in Mulder's voice. "I just need to figure some things out. I need you, Scully." I shuddered and pulled my jacket closer around me. Then I pulled my gun from its holster and laid it in my lap. Other drivers were going to think I was about to succumb to road rage but I needed the reassurance. "I don't know what you want from me," I stated. I think it didn't sound feeble, but I was rapidly losing my earlier bravado. "You wanna let me show you?" he asked, his voice curling like whipped cream over chocolate mousse. Holy shit, even the innuendoes were Mulderish. "You want me to meet you?" "I'm at the park at the corner of Reno and 42nd. You'll know me from the carnation in my lapel." I got an earful of dial tone. I dialed Zippy before the noise could begin to annoy me. He picked up on the sixth ring; unlike my former partner, he was capable of ignoring a ringing phone if he was busy in other ways, like hitting on a pretty girl. "'Lo?" "It's me. George just called. He wants me to meet him at the park on Reno and 42nd in the District. How fast can you--" He cursed. "I'm out in Wheaton--twenty-five minutes. Shit!" "Don't call Mulder," I warned and hung up. Fifteen minutes and five near-accidents later, I pulled up to the corner of the park. It was a nice neighborhood, large houses set well back from the curb, an extra stripe on the street to mark off the bike path. I parked in front of a fire hydrant and got out of the car, gun held in front of me. The park was small, barely deserving of the name. From the sidewalk, the ground sloped upwards at a very sharp angle, nearly forty-five degrees, so that the park was set off from the surrounding territory by about five feet. A short flight of concrete steps led upwards. I couldn't see much up there, but the main grounds looked mostly flat with a few scattered trees on the fringes. There was a basketball court, blocked off by a high fence, off to the left. I felt the first few raindrops on my scalp as I hit the first step up. The early evening light was as gray as newspaper. The rain wasn't heavy enough to interfere with visibility yet, but the thick clouds above my head warned that it would quickly get worse. Fortunately, I didn't see any civilians when I looked around; the threatening weather had kept them away. I pointed my weapon down at the ground and followed the concrete path towards the center of the park, scanning as I went. Aside from clusters of dying daffodils and crocuses, there wasn't much to see. There were a few stands of trees at the far edge of the park, and I tried to see if there were any human figures lurking, but I couldn't be sure. "George," I called. My voice was softer than I expected and I tried again, straining bruised muscles. "George...Here boy." More steps, closer to the center, closer to the trees. "What's this George, can't you deliver? I should have known better, you loser. Hell, I'd make a better man than--" Motion, off to the left in the trees. It could have been leaves rustling in the growing wind. But I didn't think so. I left the path and headed for where I'd seen the movement, cursing my height and my vanity as my heels sank into the ground. On the up side, the grass was getting slippery with the rain and my heels helped prevent me from slipping. I jogged over the few dozen feet to the trees, watching carefully. It would be really useful if Zippy had been overly pessimistic, I thought and slowed down. There was a crack, a branch breaking over to my right and I turned. He was standing, just watching, maybe ten yards from me, framed between two dogwood trees. "We never really talk, do we?" he asked, only that couldn't have been stolen from Mulder because I'd never told him and I shuddered as if the light rain were a monsoon. "Why did you try to kill me?" He shrugged. In Mulder's heavy trenchcoat, he looked like a refugee from a fashion shoot, as if water were being sprayed on him to emulate rain; it didn't bedraggle him the way rain affected mere mortals. "It was a mistake, I didn't realize...he gets so angry, everything that's happened to us in the past year. I think confusion is inevitable. I know you don't mean what you said just now. I understand what's happening to us. Once I've tied up the loose ends you and I can be together." "Loose ends?" I parroted dumbly. He took a step forward. "He's abandoned the quest. Betrayed it. All for that little worm. It's pathetic. Our work is important, Scully, there's no time to *breed*--" And he was coming towards me, nearly jogging on the thick green grass. Lighting cracked, whiting out my vision as I fired. I'd seen him just before the thunderbolt, and at that range if I missed I should have been sent back to Quantico. But I didn't see anything when my vision cleared, no body, not even a patch of darkness on the ground where he'd been. After a few seconds lights began to go on in the houses across the street from the park. Wonderful, more explanations due to the local police. The way my luck was running the shot had probably gone across the street, into someone's house, and mowed down a kid at dinner. I moved forward to where I'd seen George. Under the two trees the ground was torn, as if a zombie had emerged. I dropped to my knees and began to scrabble in the dirt, looking down one second and trying to keep watch for my friendly neighborhood psychopath the next five. I was looking around for George when I first touched the dead woman's hand. As I dialed Mulder I heard a faint whistle, bouncing around so that I couldn't get a direction. It faded away just as I recognized the tune. It was a tune I had been subjected to on endless car rides back and forth across the US. Slow, sad and haunting, a king on a bed in Vegas, putting a television out of its misery with a handgun. Do the chairs in your parlor seem empty and bare? Do you gaze at your doorstep and picture me there? Is your heart filled with pain, shall I come back again? Tell me dear, are you lonesome tonight? Zippy found me a few minutes later, waving my gun with one hand while I gripped her cold dead dirty fingers with the other. **** We held a nonliteral postmortem that night because Scully was too tired for a full autopsy, and also it's hard to get good help for that sort of thing at night. Chinese food and crime scene reports, another Wednesday night at Casa Mulder. Warwick and Ingveld had gone clubbing with their hacker friends. The Mooselet was cutting some heavy z's and the baby snoring from the monitor underscored the whole conversation. "Definitely flayed," Scully mumbled into her drink. "Some of the strokes were done just to damage, but I'm pretty sure there's some large undamaged patches of skin that were simply removed." "Where?" I rolled another moo shi pancake, with a little less plum sauce this time, and took a bite. "Mainly the neck." She primly used her chopsticks to bring a few sesame noodles to her lips. "What's that mean, you think? Removing evidence of strangulation?" Zippy asked as yet another dumpling fell onto the table top. He gave up and simply speared it with his chopstick. "He never felt the need before. No, I think George has seen Silence of the Lambs too many times. He wants to create a new MO for himself but he can't think of one he likes so he's just stealing from Buffalo Bill." "You mean...?" "Yeah. He's making himself a throat toupee." Zippy's face moued in disgust and Scully choked back something that sounded suspiciously like a laugh. We knew each other too well; we'd gone way beyond gallows humor by now. What came after that? Gas chamber humor maybe. "Kind of makes you wonder about the advisability about letting prisoners watch cable," I added. "At least George knows that we're gunning for his ass," Zippy remarked and took another pull on his Corona. "That Scully is gunning for his ass, at least," I offered, "I'm just pissed off about my trench coat." "You know what disturbs me the most about all this?" Scully asked, her fingers drawing patterns down the side of her bottle. "The fact that he could have killed you? That he's stalking us all? That there's a serious whack-job running around out there with Mulder's IQ and picking up radio station WDANA?" Zippy asked. She shook her head. "What then?" "His taste in music. Humming a Elvis tune to me." "Which one?" Zippy asked. I looked up, shocked. Was she actually making a joke? "As far as I can see, he has exquisite taste in music," I said. **** "What are you doing?" Scully had the grace to look ashamed. The noise that brought me to the bathroom had been a metal box of Band- Aids falling into the sink as she stretched up -- with the sink in the way she was just too short to reach the top shelf of the medicine cabinet. It was the one storage area in her apartment that I'd ever taken over, and that only because she had no use for it herself. She was wearing the sweatshirt again, and gray sweatpants that fell all the way to the tops of her ankles. Her bare feet on the cold tile floor seemed oddly vulnerable, a breach in her armor. Miranda had her toes. "I can't sleep," she enunciated in scalpel-like syllables. And along with the Band-Aids I kept my prescriptions on the top shelf, so that's what she had been up to. I mentally reviewed the information on the little warning handout I'd gotten from the doctor. I never used to read those things but with Miranda in the house I felt it wise to know the side effects of every potentially edible product. "You can't take my Ambien," I informed her. She stopped stretching and turned to face me fully. "There's no adverse interaction with the Zoloft if that's what --" "Jesus, Scully," I snapped, "does depressed respiratory function mean anything to you? Bronchial swelling? Even if you split my dose in half it's too dangerous. Go count sheep." Or maybe she could count duplicate brothers, my ever-helpful guilt complex volunteered. After all we were the ones keeping her from happy dreams. "Mulder, I chased your fuckhead brother tonight with no problems. I do not think I'm in any imminent danger of respiratory arrest," she returned fire with something close to her old Zippo flare. "Do you want the bed?" I finally offered, sounding as ungracious as she did, "I could take the couch if you think it would help." "Your bed?" she drawled in her gravelly damaged voice and raised an eyebrow at me. I felt blood flow in entirely inappropriate patterns. Danger, danger Will Robinson. Even in thick sweats, even with the pallor and the bruises and the weight loss she still had the power to turn me on. I remembered her tongue flicking in just the right place in my ear, her fingers branding the hollow above my hipbone, the sour sweat under her arms and how the flavor differed subtly between her breasts. Our breathing changed together in the hospital-toned bathroom, bouncing harshly off the wall. Good intentions were lying under the sword of Damocles. There was an invisible fire in the room. That accounted for my paralyzed terror and the sudden absence of oxygen. Hypoxia, now there was an excellent explanation. I bent down and she stretched up. Her mouth opened as I forced her back against the wall tiles. They were as cold as ice cream under my hands compared to her hot fudge heat. She tasted like a mouthful of blood, growling as my hands slipped around her head, my thumbs flicking her earlobes and tracing the delicate cartilege of her ears. I wanted to bend further to reach her neck but at the last second realized that for once the pain would probably overwhelm the pleasure for her. Instead I dropped down to my knees -- her head followed me a little of the way down because she wouldn't let my lips go -- and lifted her shirt up so that I could lap at her pale flat stomach. She jerked against the wall as I pushed my tongue into her navel and I heard her hands slap and scrabble on the tiles. She tasted exactly the way I remembered. She tasted like manna from heaven; if the Israelites had eaten this they never would have been tempted to follow other gods and they would have refused to leave the desert. What I had forgotten was the heat, melting over my tongue and seeping throughout my body like a transfusion. I pushed her sweatpants down to her knees, accompanied by her soft bruised sounds of encouragement, and was faced with a logistical dilemma. She's so damn short that I'd have to get down on my hands and knees to really taste her, which was not unthinkable but would be highly difficult with the sink and toilet in the way. After I reviewed the floor plan and sleeping arrangements, there was only one feasible option. "The study," I said and looked up, waiting for her reaction. She nodded. Her eyes were like frayed denim that's been washed too many times and I reminded myself that our relationship had never been that healthy. She pulled herself from the wall, tugging her sweatpants back up to her waist, and I noticed that the hand she used to open the bathroom door was shaking. I wanted to beam us to the first floor of the house so that we wouldn't be able to reconsider, but instead I trotted along after her like an empty-headed golden retriever (but I repeat myself). It seemed appropriate that my sex life would get restarted on my old leather couch. I closed and locked the study door behind me as she sat in the corner, arms across her chest, looking down at her lap. I felt a nameless anxiety. Okay, it probably had a long German name that Scully would know, but I had no clue. On my knees again, this time on the more forgiving study carpet, I put one hand on each of her quadriceps and relaxed as she opened her legs and her hands unfolded themselves to touch my shoulders. A few graceless fumbles later, she was naked from the waist down. When I bent to suck at her clitoris, her sweatshirt billowed around my head, creating a small humid world around me. I love cunnilingus. The Latin name's a bit absurd, I wish that there was a good Anglo-Saxon term like "fucking" specifically dedicated to the practice of burying your face between a woman's legs so that you can see, smell, and breathe nothing but her exquisite cunt. It's a connection undiluted by any distance, unmediated by rationalization or even emotion. Scully moaned and the sound was like distant thunder as I lost myself in her hot-oil folds. Some amount of missing time later, she pulled my head up and I heaved myself into her lap. Her mouth sucked and pinched; she had no reason to avoid *my* neck and she made me writhe like a bucking bronco on top of her. I could feel my cock sticking out of the fly of my boxers, which was sort of ludicrous but I suspected that Scully wouldn't laugh. I pushed her over so that her head hit the middle of the couch and her legs went over the side. I was rubbing against her as she squirmed, trying to replace the sweat coating her body with my saliva. I wasn't even going to bother with removing my shorts. Honestly I didn't even know if I could wait that long when I felt her soaking-wet curls against the skin of my shaft. Skin. Shit. "Scully?" I whimpered, fully utilizing all three of my working brain cells. She groaned. "Don't you have anything?" "You forgot to send me an engraved invitation." She pushed against me and I turned over, as clumsy as a sack of wet sand. Now I was in the middle of the couch, which gave her enough room to stretch out. I bit my tongue hard enough to draw blood when she sucked the head of my cock into her mouth. I saw her cheek distend as I bucked against her and clenched my fists, one digging into the leather and one tangling in her hair. So long, it had been so long and I couldn't bear the thought that I would just come instantly. Scully moved her head, adjusting herself across my knees so that she could take me further in. But the angle wasn't great and I could see her wince as her attempts distressed her bruised throat. At the very least I could try to spare her physical pain. I tugged her head up with my palm against her sweaty head and she looked up at me, lips pursed around me, her tongue flicking like a metronome. She let me slide out and watched me, her eyes now the color that a summer sky would bleed if cut. I put my hands on her shoulders and pulled her sweatshirt up; she raised her arms and let me take it off. Then I rolled her carefully off the couch, so that she was lying under me. Then I stopped, cursing, and moved as far away as minimally necessary to take off my boxers. She actually giggled, though she looked contrite when she saw my face. Then her face became a question mark. I wasn't sure what she'd think about this, but I carefully lowered myself down on her, resting my cock between her breasts. If she'd raised an eyebrow I think I would have shriveled like a peanut, but instead she cupped the sides of her breasts and pushed them together. The friction was incredible; her sweat and saliva made her slick and hot underneath me. I raised my hands to cover hers, squeezing her a little harder. I felt the thin bones of her fingers fragile underneath mine, a striking contrast to the round swell of her breasts. Her skin was like rice paper, so thin that I could barely understand how the blood stayed inside. Her crinkled apricot nipples complemented the cinnamon swirl of her hair against the carpet. The purple head of my cock and the darker skin of my hands bracketing her breasts --not to mention the livid bruises on her neck -- combined to give the scene the look of a Picasso painting to my blurry eyes. All right, so men are visual creatures, so sue me. Watching her--watching us--was erotic. I don't think I blinked, even as my eyes dried out and the sight of her became painful. She was watching me as I ground and pushed against her, eyes locked on mine like laser targets. It's me, Scully, I wanted to say, and maybe I did. It's me. Her face was so serious, as if she were preparing to give her annual review of our work. I felt her hands slide out from under mine so that I was touching the flannel-soft skin of her breasts. She reached up to caress my face, drawing me down towards her so that I was doubled over, contorted like a crushed beer can, and when I could feel her exhalations against my lips she stopped pulling. "I missed you," she whispered and closed her eyes. I came, tumbling down onto her like a safe tossed from a second-story window. When her breathing evened out, I untangled myself and staggered over to the desk to get a handful of tissues to clean us off. She slumbered as I wiped off the largest puddle of come, the edges now drying and tightening on her skin. I managed to put my boxers on without falling over by bracing one hand against the arm of the couch. There was no way I was going to wake Scully up to put her clothes back on, so instead I just piled them on her stomach and picked her up. She'd lost more weight than I'd thought; if she stepped on a scale she'd have to jump up and down on it to make it register a hundred pounds. Just like the stray in the back yard, she needed to be fed more carefully. I put her on the bed beside me, my hand resting on her arm, and watched her sleep. Eventually, she began to sprawl out in the way she always had. I pulled the covers up to her chin and allowed my eyes to close. Iolokus III: Vix te Agnovi 9/20 O, a cherubin Thou wast that did preserve me. Thou didst smile, Infused with a fortitude from heaven, When I have deck'd the sea with drops full salt ... Mulder's mouth was all over me. I could feel the trails he'd left glistening like an oil sheen on hot asphalt. Currently though his head was between my legs as you'd expect, his large hands covering my inner thighs. He ate me like he was starving, like he wanted to drown. I moaned. This was not a dream, I realized as the sunlight stabbed into my eyes and I looked up at the white stucco ceiling. This was Mulder's actual bedroom. Therefore, it was okay to be turned on. I propped myself up on my elbows and looked over against the far wall. The crib was gone; we weren't introducing Miranda to the primal scene just yet. Mulder lifted his face and turned his head to see where I was looking. "Warwick has her," he mumbled, gripping my thighs and raising his head enough to push his nose and chin into my belly, looking for a reaction like an enthusiastic puppy. I panted and that seemed to be enough; he bent his head to attend to more salient matters. I groaned as his hands came up to cover my breasts. The world contracted to Mulder and what he was doing to me. The pulse of his fingers, the pulse of his tongue. Stubble against my thighs, scraping off a layer of skin cells. I pulled my knees up to give him greater access and tossed my head against the pillow. Hs tongue was wet and cool, like seals flowing through ocean water. I threw my hands up behind my head, straining to hold on to the headboard. Climaxing while awake was still unfamiliar to me. My own surprised yelp echoed in my ears as he pulled his glistening face from between my legs and scooted up the bed. He fumbled for the side table and I saw the familiar flash of silver foil. "Where -- ?" Dear God, please don't let him have asked Zippy. "I went for a jog before you got up, past the 7-11." Rip. "Mulder! You could have been *arrested*! You know you're not supposed to -- " He thrust into me, eyes closed, face strained in what might have been agony. It had been so long; I was instantly made aware of the difference between ghost-fucking and the real thing. He held me down for a second, then began to move pistonlike. I felt myself liquefying around him, the initial discomfort fading. "Sorry," he lied, pushing my face over to the side with his stubbly chin so that he could cover my ear with sloppy wet kisses. "Want me to take them back?" He paused and made as if to pull out. "Fuck you" didn't seem appropriate. I raised my legs and dug my heels into the small of his back, right above his ass. I could tell he was smiling into my hair until I picked up the pace and he groaned and stopped trying to be a wiseass. His hands slid from the sides of my breasts to my thighs wrapped around his waist and then journeyed back again. I whimpered and lurched against him. He took pity on me and slid his fingertips down to my clitoris. My head was pounding and buzzing as if I were in the middle of a fire alarm. Now his teeth were on my shoulder, searching for that one spot that always -- Oh Yes I convulsed against him, feeling his arm tighten around me, trying not to get thrown off. I saw stars, confetti, a mist of blood red and green and all the colors in between. Dimly I felt him heave into me and come to rest, sweaty and shuddering. Oh God, so good. Utterly good and perfect. How could I even entertain the thought of being with anyone else? He peeled himself off me long enough to remove the condom and throw it over the side of the bed. If I'd had the energy I would have groaned in disgust. In his arms, my head tucked under his chin, I felt like a turtle inside its protective shell. The feeling of well-being was almost agonizing, because I knew it would end suddenly. I may have dozed again, but we were entwined in the same position when I heard the door slam open, allowing a pissed- off Warwick to enter. "Mulder, she's been crying for you for ten minutes -- oh. Look, come and get her when you've got your priorities straight." He was going to close the door but Mulder's voice, raised in measured anger over my scrambling to cover myself with the sheets, stopped him. "I'd appreciate it if you'd take a moment to recall just who pays whom around here. And that I've never once complained when you wanted me to watch Her Highness so you and Ingveld could do the horizontal mambo, and you've got fifteen years more stamina than I do. I'll be there soon." Warwick frowned uncertainly and shut the door. Mulder's hand circled my shoulder a few times and then he swung his legs over the side of the bed. "Sorry 'bout that." I was still so shocked that he'd defend me -- us -- in any way that I hadn't even begun to feel guilty yet. Mulder by contrast was made for multitasking of that sort. "Why do I feel like my wife just caught me with my mistress?" he mused as he struggled into boxers and sweatpants that had been left in a pile beside the bed. He sniffed at the underarms of a T-shirt and donned that too. "Back in a few," he said. "Want coffee?" "I'll get it myself," I replied, wondering where this nonchalant attitude had come from. It was bizarrely attractive, like his morning bedhead -- he didn't seem devastated by Warwick's condemnation, but he wasn't so desperate that he couldn't leave me to tend to the rest of his life. After he left, I stared at the wall of postcards for a while. That had been a cry for help, but Mulder hadn't been listening. Maybe it was time to help myself. Then it was out to the kitchen where to my great relief no one else from this strange agglomeration of people was present. I struggled with the yuppified coffee/expresso maker and produced a substance that, while unpleasant, had the desired effect. I drank it standing up. It had been a long time. I'd scheduled the autopsy for 10 am, and I had to speed just a little to make it. In a way there was no reason to hurry. She was still dead. The blood samples I'd taken last night -- it seemed so far away I could barely believe she hadn't rotted -- were still down in the lab. She'd been moved to Quantico along with a large amount of the earth in her shallow grave. The evidence techs had even brought some crushed crocuses along. As usual, he'd put her clothes back on when he was finished. Given his little experiment in do-it-yourself tannery, this had caused her once-white blouse to stick to her body in a pathetic imitation of the missing and lacerated skin. I had to cut it away with an Exacto knife, working slowly and carefully to avoid destroying any evidence. Beneath the stiff cloth her back was blue-gray between the purple-black welts of blood. The blood had still been moist enough to attract dirt when he buried her, but not so wet as to cause the dirt to mix and seep through her shirt as mud. Given the extended drying time of blood-saturated cotton fabric in damp spring weather, I thought he wouldn't have needed to kill her nearby the park. He could have done it almost anywhere within or just outside of the District and carried her around in the trunk of a car. Hairs & Fibers might have some insights to that, if they could distinguish trace she'd brought with her from the overwhelming amount of debris she'd picked up during her impromptu burial. Her body evidenced the now-standard signs of manual strangulation and postmortem sexual assault. The tissue damage at the neck made evaluation more difficult, but I judged that he'd strangled her before he cut the skin off her throat: If he'd done it the other way around, it would have been squishy and difficult for him and I also would have expected more severe and concentrated trauma to the underlying tissue. (It was the difference between squeezing a banana within its peel and a peeled banana -- the covering diffuses the pressure, causing less intense but more extensive damage.) At least we could tell her family that the mutilation and the sexual abuse had been postmortem. The stripes on her back, on the other hand, were probably inflicted while she still lived. From the depth, placement, and variation in angles of the cuts, I thought she'd still been able to writhe, maybe to scream and beg if her voice hadn't given out. George had kindly buried his victim's purse with her. She'd been Maria Penalver, Northeast Georgetown ER nurse. Her duty shift had ended at 5 pm two days before, and she'd never made it home. I'd been in the Northeast Georgetown ER a few days before, courtesy of George. I didn't remember anything of that part of my fantastic voyage, but a quick call confirmed that Penalver had tended to me when I was first admitted -- had, indeed, held my hand and reassured me as I gasped for air like a landed fish. I was a dangerous person to know. Is your heart filled with pain, shall I come back again? Tell me dear, are you lonesome tonight? I finished the report and called my gynecologist. Fortunately for all concerned, Dr. Shimada was willing to squeeze me in over lunch. "Always time for the Eighth Gynecological Wonder of the World," she said. I really didn't like having her put it that way. But you don't want to piss off your doctor -- a lesson I wish Mulder had learned -- and so I didn't say anything. My car was still back at my apartment and in any event I could use the thrill of Zippy's Corvette. It was shiny black like Batman's costume, like the vinyl-coated goddesses of Mulder's porno mags, and frankly it made me wonder about whether Zippy was trying to compensate for some more personal inadequacy. Zippy would have insisted that he was just advertising the real goods, and I certainly didn't want to initiate a debate on penis substitutes, so I just smirked whenever I saw the thing. Okay, I saw the attraction, but then again I didn't have any worries about the size of *my* gun. Zippy insisted on driving me to the appointment, saying that he had some errands in Georgetown, so I was able to gulp down a croissant and a soda on my way over. He wanted me to promise I'd wait in the hospital cafeteria, surrounded by lots of people, until he returned. I refused, mainly because I wanted him to return on time. If he was worried for my fragile safety, he wouldn't delay by flirting with salesgirls. Dr. Shimada didn't make me wait too long, only long enough for me to shuffle through the magazines in her waiting room and figure out that, if the magazines had been up to date, I'd be back at a point at which my life had made sense. When my only nightmares were about things I couldn't remember. It was the shit that I could remember which was starring in my monster vision these days. Inside the exam room, she was as pleasant as ever, her face as blank as the moon when I informed her that I'd recently become sexually active again and would like to renew my lapsed birth control prescription. If only it were as easy to renew my lapsed faith. Faith in what? Oh, just about everything. God, the Universe, myself, the possibility of finding great shoes on sale, and that science would find a cure for shortness. Like I said, faith in *everything*. "Can you slide a little closer to the edge please?" Dr. Shimada asked and I did so, looking up at the cartoons on the ceiling of the office. "You know what they say, you can never be too thin or too close to the edge," I joked. She looked at me, puzzled. "You are too thin," she warned. Whatever. Finally the exam was over and she let me get dressed. There were no obvious abnormalities, whatever that might mean in my case; in my first bit of good fortune in three or four years, my period had ended just a few days before, so I could start on the Pill immediately. In two weeks I could forget about latex when I wasn't doing autopsies, assuming that the Pap smear didn't turn up anything horrible. The thought of returning to anytime/anywhere status cheered me more than it should have. If I could put things right with Mulder...Then what, the Happiness Fairy would come and fix my life? Maybe not, but it would be a start. And yet -- I was potentially making a mistake when I presumed that a healthy sexual relationship was an appropriate goal. In the past I'd used sex to keep Mulder away from me. I didn't know if I could change that. **** After Scully left for the autopsy, I puttered around the house doing useless everyday things that would have fallen into Warwick's job description if I'd gone to work the way I should have. Being confined to the house was fraught with disadvantages; I was getting in the way of Warwick and Miranda's usual schedule and generally being a pain in the ass. Warwick had gone so far as to order a treadmill so that I could run inside the house, but it wasn't scheduled for delivery until tomorrow. I couldn't wait; much longer and my carefully maintained six-pack sized gut was going to degenerate into a keg. Warwick had been pretty snippy about the treadmill, too. He was still sulking from being reminded of the fact that he worked for me and not the other way around, and he'd retreated to his lair to work on whatever Internet wizardry he was performing for his latest client. I took the Mooselet into the study and sat down with the budget spreadsheets that I had to justify for the quarterly operations meeting. The only problem was that I found myself staring at the sofa with an insipid look on my face -- not the first time for that behavior either. Ralph Williams showed up at eleven with a briefcase full of homework for me and a couple of Sumatra coffees from Starbucks, which was the only reason that I let him in. That and the fact that Ralph was one of the Mooselet's favorite toys. Ralph's nickname around ISU was Worf and the sight of the poker-faced ex-college football player sitting on the sofa with an indulgent smile while Miranda sucked on his tie made me bury my amused smirk in the files. "What have you got for me today?" "You're got six annual performance reports you've got to do, and a shitload of other administrative bullshit that Diane says all you gotta do is read 'em and sign." The Mooselet applauded and began to make seagull noises. Ralph rubbed her tummy and smiled down at her. "So you gonna tell me what's goin' on with this evil twin thing?" he asked. I took off my glasses and piled the files on the floor next to me. "It's a long story." "I've got all day." When Ralph finally did leave, with the files from the week before, I could see the same flicker of uncertainty in his eyes that Scully wore from time to time. All of George's actions made me suspect, I was tainted by my own gene pool. I was really starting to hate George with a passion. On the other hand, he had managed to breach the communications gap Scully and I had fallen into. Manalive I had missed her, and not just as far as sex was concerned (although she had been starring in my masturbation fantasies again and I had gotten fond of the one where she was dressed like Marie Antoinette). What I had missed more than almost anything else was her annoying habit of deflating my more outrageous theories and challenging everything with her usual precise brilliance. She never failed to keep me honest and didn't give a shit about the damage to my ego. No one in ISU did that. I was either avoided or, even worse, treated with the deference due to my new status. So what were we going to do about the resurrection of intimate relations? I didn't know, but if the night before had been a one shot only deal, I was going to strangle her myself and not let George have another round. Miranda had grabbed one of the crime scene photos off the pile on the floor and was jamming it into her mouth. Fearing both psychological damage from the subject matter and the health risk from the developing chemicals, I took it away from her. She screwed her cherub-cheek face into a mask of tiny feminine fury and let out a screech that could have been heard in Baltimore. The beanie baby bribe didn't work, the pacifier didn't work and I had to get up and get her a cookie from the kitchen before she quieted down and the red flush of anger drained from her face. I didn't like having my toys taken away from me either. Iolokus III: Vix te Agnovi 10/20 ...and then in dreaming, The clouds methought would open, and show riches Ready to drop upon me, that when I wak'd I cried to dream again. After dinner I went online in the study to read the latest round of jokes that Emerson had forwarded me. They were hysterical. Half the guys writing code in his mountain hideaway were wasting their natural talents for comedy and I snickered over the soft sounds emanating from the baby monitor. I got e-mail from both Emerson and Aileen an average of twice a day, Aileen's mostly concerned with the care and feeding of the heir apparent, Samuel, and bitching about Emerson's personal idiosyncrasies. Apparently his new kick was that shoes were bad for your feet and he had issued an edict that everyone was to go barefoot in the house. Aileen was having a fit over what it was doing to their hardwood floors. Emerson's messages were lengthy journal-like missives in which he would document the events of the day and throw in a few anecdotes from the happier periods in his childhood and colorful cyber-escapades from his days at MIT. I tried to send as good as I received, on the premise that this was the best way to get to know my brother, but I didn't type as quickly as speedy-fingers did and I suspected that most of what I sent him sounded like self-indulgent whining. Also I couldn't really give him a daily event report: two serial child rapists, five roadside kidnappers, and a partridge in a pear tree didn't make for good familial conversation even in my family, setting aside confidentiality issues. That night I was tempted to tell him about the recent developments regarding George, but since there was no indication that our evil twin was traveling in his direction, I decided not to worry him or Aileen more than was needed. They had enough on their minds with the impending legal action they were planning to launch against Microsoft. I had George and he had Bill. I had just opened a message from Danny, suggesting that I take a look at a Russian porn site that he had found. I clicked on the highlighted link and the first round of naked lady pictures zoomed through our T-1, when the door to the study opened behind me. "Research?" Scully asked in that deadly sexy rough voice she now had. "Uh -- you know Danny," I stuttered and hit the back button as fast as I could. "Right," she said in a tone that indicated she had grasped the low level of truth in my statement. "Feeling any better?" I asked, "your neck, I mean?" "Better. Not great, but better." With the luxury that having an entire house had afforded me, I had set up the study so the laptop went on a table facing the window with a view of the back yard. The spring sunset was making the dark lines of the trenches Frohike and the boys had dug turn black as tire tracks in the faded green of what would be lawn. "Looks like you have giant, mutant gophers." "If I had started talking about giant mutant gophers a year ago, you would have taken me for blood testing to see what drugs I was on." "I didn't say it was giant, mutant gophers, I said it looked like giant mutant gophers," she said in a playful voice and even though I had my back to her, I knew she was smiling. "You were ascribing giant, mutant gopher-like characteristics to the trenches?" "That the trenches possibly could have been caused by something like giant mutant gophers," her hands dropped onto my shoulders and she began working on the muscles that always tightened like fried clams when I hunched over the keyboard too long, "If, in fact, giant mutant gophers existed, which they do not." Her fingers, strong and assured, loosened the knots better than any Magic Fingers in any hotel could. "Just because you have not heard of giant mutant gophers you deny their existence. What of the Coelacanth? Thought to be extinct until fishermen told a visiting paleontologist that they always got caught in their nets? What about the giant white catfish that has been spotted in the Amazon River?" "What about the catfish?" "It's a big fish, a big white fish. And there could be giant mutant gophers hiding in South America as well." "They have enormous frogs in the Amazon basin, the size of a two year old child." If it had been anyone else, I would have thought that she was shitting me. But I was luxuriating in the painless banter, the smell of her hair, and the relaxing way that her hands moved over my back. I couldn't repress a little groan of animal pleasure, like a puppy having its belly rubbed. "I didn't tell you before, but this house, the entire environment you created here for Miranda - it's good. It's a home. An actual home," her fingers grazed my neck, "and you're doing a far better job of being a parent than I would have." I wondered how much it had cost her to say those words. "I just had the luxury of some ill-gained wealth, and Jason didn't-" I didn't bother to finish the sentence. "So what are we going to do?" she asked. "I don't know." Scully's hands fell away and I briefly mourned their loss, until she leaned over, her breasts pressing warm and heavy against my back, logged me off the Internet, and shut down the laptop. Her hair was in my face and I couldn't stop myself from burying my snout in it and nuzzling her ear. She gave a short snort of amusement and slapped the top of the computer down. I retaliated by pulling her into my lap. It was such a thrill to see her splayed across my legs in her professional blue suit, nipped waist and hard plastic buttons promising secrets underneath, with just a hint of scoop-neck white silk blouse poking out of the 'v' of the jacket's neck. So severe, so competent; she'd hang my balls around my ears for patronizing her if I ever voiced such thoughts and I had to content myself with smiling moronically. She brought her arms up to rest on my shoulders and began to stroke my earlobes with her hot little fingers. "I want to do this right," she said softly, staring at the pulse I could feel throbbing in my throat. "I'm highly fucked-up right now, though. I haven't had -- anything -- to anchor me all this time. If you can't be patient tell me now and I won't...I won't look for your help." I could tell her that I'd be her anchor but even with a house and a child I was more of a floating buoy. "Just let me know what you need," I breathed into her brittle, aloe-scented hair, and reflected as I did so that it was time to buy her her own toiletries, or Warwick and I were going to be headed for a serious misunderstanding. Then she husked, "Make love to me, Mulder," and thoughts of hygiene evaporated. She didn't have to twist my arm. **** Once bitten, twice shy. This time, Mulder had the presence of mind to lock the door behind us in the dark bedroom. I watched his shadow-shape flit over to the dresser heard and saw the flare of a match and a candle was ignited. It was a small blue votive candle and the room was filled with the smell of the ocean. "Ingveld," he said in a conversational tone, "is candle-happy. I'm not sure if it's a girl thing or because she's afraid when the lights go out. The electric lines on this street are woefully under code." "You're a regular homeowner now, aren't you?" My voice shuddered with the candle flame. "I have begun," he admitted as the light pulled the bones in his face into sharper planes, "to worry about the lawn." I would have given out a nervous laugh, but he had crossed the room in a pair of quick strides and his hands were cool on my nervously burning face. Fingers traced my nose, my brows, my cheekbones, and over my lips, as though he was learning my face like a blind man. A tingling wave rose from my stomach and brushed like electric feathers underneath my skin. I wanted to close my eyes but I was afraid that he'd melt back into the darkness again and leave me alone. "Things will be different," he said as his hands tangled in my hair. "Define different," I asked. His lips were like cool wet leaves. I felt the nervous tightness in my chest relax somewhat. "Like giant mutant gopher different - bizarre, strange, with a basis in the mundane," he whispered into the side of my face. God help me, I snickered. "Just look at it this way - no more hotel rooms, no more sneaking around, no more fear of reprimand - we're in different sections now and no one gives a shit," he prodded, angling down to kiss me again. "Did anyone give a shit before?" I raised my arms so that he could pull my shirt off. The cotton fluttered against my abused throat, awakening brutalized nerves. "I did," now his hands moved to the waistband of my pants, slide snap and hiss of zipper as I undulated on the bed, trouser socks and shoes hitting the floor. I laid back and watched him undress, golden as an Oscar statuette in the warm and flattering candlelight. He threw his socks into a hamper at the side of the room, stopping for a moment to appreciate his three-pointer, then stripped his shirt off, giving me a delectable view of his broad solid chest and compactly muscled arms. He almost fell when his feet tangled in the pile of my discarded clothes, but he recovered nicely and dropped trou with presidential efficiency. "We could - " I whispered into his mouth as he descended again, "be seen together in public." "God forbid," he said with a chuckle, his fingers twining in mine. His mouth was as powerful as I'd remembered. I panted as he explored the contour of my hairline and tasted the flesh at the back of my ear, dipping down right to where the bruises on my neck began. After so long with only shadow lovers, to feel real wetness and pressure on my skin was a revelation. "Behave?" he asked into my ear. "Of course." He hadn't tacked on an adverb, after all. Abruptly he scuttled away, backing up on the bed, and pulled the sheet over my body. He retreated further, underneath the comforter, until he had entirely disappeared. "What are you doing?" I sounded fretful, too needy. He'd lit candles, this was going to be okay, truly. "I'm a giant mutant gopher," he rumbled from his hiding place. "I seek human maidens for mates." I covered my face with my hands and shook with relieved laughter. "No maidens here, only me," I said as soon as I'd regained a semblance of calm. His hands snaked out and grabbed my ankles, fingers trailing familiarly up my calves and to my inner thighs. His head was still obscured. "You'll do fine," I heard and then he was pulling me towards his hidden lair of blankets. I could not prevent the goofy smile that stretched my mouth to an almost painful extreme. "You know, I think I saw this movie on the Sci-Fi Channel." Without further ado, his head settled between my legs and he began giving me a tongue-lashing of the most pleasant kind. My head lolled back and I groaned appreciation. One- handed, he pushed the blankets away so that he could look up. "Sure it wasn't the Playboy Channel?" His other hand was still drawing runes on my inner thigh as he pinned me to the mattress. "Back to work, gopher boy." He snorted, which caused a really intriguing sensation, and bent his head again. He was watching my face as he plunged his tongue into me. I felt lighter than air, like I was flying on a seagull's back. My heels traced lines up and down his back as candlelight turned the ceiling into a waving wheatfield. The air was warm with the fire and our own heat. I curled upwards and managed to capture his head between my hands, running through his pelt -- he was keeping it a little shorter these days, I noted -- as his nose pressed into my belly. He surged up and latched on to my right breast, moving his hand to take up where his mouth had left off. He should really register that mouth -- hell, the whole package -- as a lethal weapon, I thought as I sighed happily. His thumb circled around my clitoris, teasing but not making full contact, while he slid a long finger into me. Now I had better access to his body, and I wrapped my arm around his shoulders, pressing him closer to me. I watched him suckle, eyes closed in concentration as he stroked his finger in and out of me, simultaneously circling my nipple with sable-heavy brushes of his tongue and the occasional nip of teeth that made white stars flash in my vision. I needed more, needed to feel him entirely on top of me, covering me and hiding me from the rest of the world like a concrete slab in a bomb shelter. I grabbed the sides of his shoulders, right at the center of those beautiful masculine curves of muscle, and pulled hard. He knew what I wanted and stopped only long enough to reach onto the bedside table for a condom. I stared at him hard, so that he'd know not to tear it; I was unable to wait for a second try. He gave me a shaky smile and ripped the packet open. I had to smile back at his obvious nervousness; if he *did* screw it up I'd just have to bounce up and down on his face like a yo-yo, and it's not as if that would be such a terrible fate. I hissed in agonized pleasure as he thrust into me. "You giant mutant gophers have some advantages over normal men," I husked as soon as I'd gotten my voice under control. He licked my ear, sending me arching off the bed, grinding into his pelvis. "You know we have expertise in --" I cut him off by raising my legs so that my knees rested just below his armpits, squeezing his chest as he slammed in and out of me. "If you use the word 'hole' right now I'm not going to answer for the consequences," I panted. His right hand circled my ankle, rubbing gently, his thumb grazing the sensitive skin under my arch, as he insinuated his left between our wildly hammering bodies and resumed stroking where he'd left off moments ago. "I was just going to say that we're used to working with our hands," he said with deceptive mildness as the climax overtook me. I pressed my cheek against his end-of-the-day stubble so that he couldn't see the tears; he would have misunderstood. My hands kneaded his shoulderblades, like furled angel's wings, until he came. Iolokus III: Vix te Agnovi 11/20 Mark his condition, and th' event, then tell me If this might be a brother. The gunmen checked in at noon on Friday and they weren't happy. I listened to them banging around near the speakerphone. The cup of coffee shook in my hand. Miranda was sitting on the floor near my feet, happily sucking on the spatula she had decided was the toy for the day. George had called the Gunmen. Using my cellphone. "Tell me George couldn't really know these things, Mulder. He knew our phone number, where the headquarters are located. And our favorite places to meet. How is it that he knows?" "I can't tell you that -- you knew before you asked. With my family anything's possible, it's even plausible that Jason actually told George something about his plans. But he's not planning on telling you anything about that or about any other secret government projects, no matter what he promises. This is just to fuck with our heads." "Pretty good job he's doing." "Guys, remember who's the federal investigator here. You don't even carry guns...Do you?" The prospect was almost as frightening as the thought that George was walking around living my life. The line went numb as my ear pressed into the phone. I guess they didn't want me to know all their secrets in case I did go over to the dark side. I heard Frohike's breathing again as he took me off mute. "Frohike, you're going to meet him, aren't you?" "Sometimes you've just gotta take your chance, know what I mean?" "Let me put a trace on your phone." "Not a chance." "Frohike, this man is a killer!" "Has he killed any guys that you know of? From what I hear we're not exactly his flavor." "He's branching out! Okay, okay, will you at least call and tell us where the meet is so we can get him as he leaves?" Actually I was planning to have the team swoop down and catch George as soon as he showed up, but I could always tell Frohike that my colleagues had ignored my instructions; it would seem plausible because Frohike remembered my old status when I was in the X Files. Hmm, maybe the little guy was right to be paranoid. While I was plotting, so was Frohike. He came back and there was a note of relief in his voice. "Yeah, sure." "Where did he say to meet you? I asked. He told me. **** Of all places. In front of the fucking Hope Diamond. I could have died of embarrassment. Really. But no, I was a big girl wearing a gun and a body mike. I also knew that in addition to half a dozen agents scattered in the gemstone section of the Natural History Museum, there was a jerry- rigged uplink on the body mike back to Mulder in Arlington. I could imagine him hunched over the coffee table with Miranda on his lap while the silent chorus of agents looked down at the speaker with him. I watched Frohike amble up and look at the glittering blue gem in the case. He looked furtively around, examining each tourist and undercover FBI Agent as if he was memorizing their features for a quiz later. I sighed and leaned against the pillar I was trying not to obviously hide behind. Asking Frohike to look casual is like asking a tiger to become a leopard. Only the bribe of allowing him to take the body mike off me after this was over did he agree to play nice with the Feds. Byers and Langly had refused and were off sulking somewhere. Thanks to recent events, I wasn't exactly in their good graces. I think they would have been just as happy to let George hang my head on his trophy wall. The light glittering from the facets of the Hope Diamond has a certain hypnotic charm. I stood and watched the sparkle on the surface of the so-called cursed gemstone, looked at the depths of blue which seemed to go into a universe of blue darkness and shine, until I started wondering what it would be like to have the weight of the thing hanging around my throat, the fire would burn like ice, the facets and prongs of the setting would scratch my skin, digging in with the weight of the journey from India to Washington, the deaths dragging me into the dark blueness and - "I love you," he whispered, his hands warm on my shoulders through the fabric of my blouse and jacket. I swallowed diamond dust, scratching my tortured throat. Are you lonesome tonight, do you miss me tonight? Are you sorry we drifted apart? "You have a funny way of showing it," I said without turning around. God, it was worse this time. Whatever Mulder-confusion I'd suffered in the office was nothing compared to this. Whatever I had willingly suppressed to hand myself over to his dark charms for the purpose of my own destruction was nothing compared to this. Even though the cancer had done terrible things to my sense of smell, I know Mulder's. I could probably track him through a department store. He smells of books, leather, sandalwood after-shave, and something feral that belongs only to him. The smell was enough to make me hold onto the pillar for support. Somehow, George had managed to capture the eau du Mulder. I looked down and saw the familiar taupe trench coat tails sliding along my legs like a caress. George had his entire body flattened up against mine, his fingers gently kneading the rigid muscles over my shoulders. A finger of heat raced along my nerves. "He's not good to you, you know that?" he whispered into my left ear. The years in Canada had done something peculiar to his vowels but other than that, it was the same charmless monotone. In Arlington, Mulder was probably having apoplexy. "I'm so much better to you," he insisted. He brought me dead bodies the way that a housecat brings dead mice to an owner for praise. Does your memory stray to a brighter sunny day When I kissed you and called you sweetheart? "I have an incredible headache," I said, giving the agreed- upon trouble signal, as if anyone didn't have a fucking clue. "It's too crowded in here," George said with a twist of amusement, "too many FBI Agents spoil the stake-out." His breath was warm in my ear, his hands moved down my arms, leaving hot trails through my clothes. My head was humming like a fluorescent light as his fingers burned through to my skin. The reaction had nothing to do with intelligence or sense, my mouth was dry and I felt like I was moving through warm honey. Hello? Dana! Wrong guy. This is bad, very bad. Hand moving under my blouse, across my stomach, pulling out the leads on the mike. Oh God. It could have been and I - The fingers of his right hand stroked the skin on my throat, making the bruises whimper underneath his touch. The far corners of my vision wept a red haze. I could hear my own hair hiss on the shoulder of his trench coat as my head fell back. I knew who it was. My brain knew but my nervous system from the medulla oblongata was not paying any attention. My thighs were trembling, and I was soaking wet. Do the chairs in your parlor seem empty and bare? Do you gaze at your doorstep and picture me there? My wrist vanished in his hand. As I had done so many times before, I stumbled after him. Over at the Hope Diamond, I caught a flicker of movement out of the corner of my eye. The "Employees Only" door shut behind us. Back pressed up against the wall in the stairwell like a high school student, the banister digging into my ass while his fingers roved over my breasts and belly, his lips melting the sore sad places he had wounded on my throat while his hipbone ground hard into my pubic bone, making me whimper with my head against the wall. His fingers pushing away the body mike and sliding down the inside of my bra to touch my nipples, which were already harder than the gems in the other room. He groaned when I bit down on his earlobe. Is your heart filled with pain, shall I come back again? Tell me dear, are you lonesome tonight? "God I've missed you," he moaned, sounding just like I had two nights before. His fingers were busy at the waistband of my pants, fumbling first with the outer button and then snuffling with frustration as the pants didn't release their hold on my waist. Bizarrely, this hitch was what helped me reboot. Of course George wouldn't know that there was an inner button, it made the pants hang more smoothly, but how would he know about better women's clothes? He'd never had a trust fund, never even graduated college or held a full- time job. I stiffened like bakelite, pushing my body into his growing erection but no longer molding myself to him. "I don't understand this," I said, wanting him to be off-guard when I finally went for my gun and blew his impersonating, mind- fucking head off. "I didn't realize until recently how important you are to me," he whispered and ran his tongue over the contours of my ear. Giving up on the pants for the moment, he covered my breasts with his hands, thumbs rubbing against my nipples as if he were channel-surfing and I was the remote control. The realization that had chilled me began to seep away, melting in the renewed heat. He may not have had Mulder's advantages, but he'd figured out how to fake it. "I just need to take care of a few things, then everything can be the way it was. Just you and me, Scully, us against the world. So good..." His tongue invaded me, rough and heavy, and I brought my left leg up to wrap around his thigh, pushing my mons against his hard-on. I'd have to let go of his arm to get to the gun, I thought with one half of my brain as the other half gurgled with need. I released his left arm and slid my hand over the hot fabric covering his side and waist. He was a solid slab of muscle, more buff than Mulder at his manic peak. He hummed, approving the caress, and moved his mouth to cover my cheek with soft wet kisses. "Tell me you want me, Scully. Say my name." I craved him like chocolate, like ice cream, like coffee latte from Starbuck's on a cold morning, I needed to have his bitter sweetness fill my mouth and my stomach like warm poison. Are you lonesome tonight, do you miss me tonight? **** I heard her breathing change as he began speaking, and I had to struggle not to get a sympathetic hard-on, which would have gone down really well with the other agents sitting on my couch watching me bounce my daughter on my lap. It was torture when George ripped the leads from the mike, but it might have saved my ass anyway. "Isn't anyone else *there*?" I yelled into the phone, over Miranda's wails, barely noticing when Warwick scooped her up, into his less conflicted arms. "They didn't just *disappear*, god damn it! What kind of reindeer games are you playing?" Burble, whimper of voices through the monitor, confused and angry. She went with him willingly, yes of course you idiots but *where* did she go? Flash of red/white exit light, bar on the door for easy opening in case of emergency. A white stairwell, more utilitarian than the parts of the building that were open to the public. "The stairs," I said. "Someone needs to check the stairs." If George was going to play head games with me, I could hit back just as hard. Sometimes it's good to have a reputation. At least one of the useless fucks in the Smithsonian acknowledged my demand and reported that he was heading to the stairwell. I was going to kill her, so help me. I'd make her look me in the eyes and acknowledge who I was. Not just one of a series, not some interchangeable Ken doll for her viewing pleasure. **** My fingers slipped free of the thick cotton and my hand flopped back against the wall, the banister cool and hard under my twitching fingers. His teeth nipped playfully at my chin, pushing my head up and stretching the bruises. "Say my name." Now his mouth was at my shoulder, setting his teeth over the marks he'd made that morning. My hand was drifting slowly behind my back. I couldn't exactly remember why. "Mulder..." He jerked, his cock throbbing against me, and his hands were at the sides of my face, his thumbs caressing my throat and his palms pressing my head in a flesh-and-bone vise. A pull in the right direction and my head would come off like a dandelion popped from its stem. His eyes were mulch-brown and burning with the heat generated by decomposition. "*My* name," he insisted and my hand hit the butt of my gun. I can't say I found it intentionally, but at that point chance was good enough for me. I tugged and twisted, trying to hold my torso still against him as I prepared to shove the gun into his rock-wall stomach. "George..." I felt his erection wither and he groaned, anger replacing arousal. I heard a noise on the stairwell below us, someone finally having clued into the fact that George and I were having a tete-a-tete up here. The gun cleared my torso just as George looked down my side to see it. "Bitch," he snarled and used his grip on my head to slam me into the wall. I saw white, then black as I felt my legs fold like a well-used map. I shook my head and spit out sweeping compound. George had taken off; his footsteps sounding like a stampede of buffalo overhead. With rubber fingers, I grabbed my Sig up off the floor and fought my way to my feet. Just behind me the fire doors exploded and the gallery was flooded with agents. Up the stairs we pounded, catching a glimpse of trench coat tails fluttering through the railings. I fell into the middle of the pack, with Zippy running shotgun next to me, screaming into his headset. "Roof. Upstairs! Move! Move! Move!" Roof, right. The roof was the obvious escape route, down the external fire escape and - Mulders are never obvious. A half phrase of a child's song rattled through my head, words changed. The wonderful thing about Mulders Is Mulders are wonderful things Their tops are made out of rubber Their bottoms are made out of springs Primal force of chaos. Unpredictable. But I spoke fluent Mulder. I stopped in the middle of the stairwell and the Tokyo rush- hour crush of dark suits flowed around me like a stream around a stone. I went back down two flights. My fingers burned on the cold metal of the doorknob. "Dana, what the fuck?" Zippy asked at my elbow. Dark gallery, little grating catwalks where the lights for the displays hung down. I had a momentary flash of the "breeding" facility in Texas and bit my lower lip to still it. A flash of movement in the shadows. The only agent I can beat at a sprint is Agent Amato, and he's shorter than I am, a pack a day smoker and pushing sixty-five. Zippy nearly knocked me over as he leapt out onto the catwalk. Fools rush in. I clattered along behind him, watching the lights flash up into Mulder/George's face as it registered surprise then teeth-tightening fury. The catwalk jumped and shuddered like a cheap carnival ride as Zippy's bowling-ball mass smashed into George's pin body. They fell onto the catwalk. Dazed with an incipient concussion and George voodoo, I grabbed onto the handrail with fearsweat hands. Zippy could have taken out Mulder with a punch to the jaw but George was a slab of meat after years in stir so it wasn't quite the same. Punches flew. I raised the Sig and tried to get a clear bead on the man that wore the face I'd awakened to that morning. Somehow with Zippy involved it seemed easier. I needed a witness. I needed a lot of things but a witness would do for now. Blowing the witness' brains out, however, was not a good idea. And I couldn't get a clear shot. Brown hair, heads bobbing, flashes from the lights from below and under it all the humming voices of the tourists. A woman, tour guide or teacher, spoke over the noise of the grunting men on the catwalk. Her voice carried with eerie clarity up the dozens of feet between us. " Many people think that the Allosaurus is just a smaller Tyrannosaurus Rex. The Allosaurus was actually the great- grandfather to the Tyrannosaurus Rex. The Allosaurus lived 140 million years ago during the Jurassic Period." George had Zippy's back pressed against the handrail of the catwalk, hard enough and at enough of a severe angle that vertebrae were in danger of breaking. "Tyrannosaurus Rex lived only 100 Million years ago during the Cretaceous Period. The differences can be seen in their hands, an Allosaurus had three fingers and Tyrannosaurus Rex only had two fingers." Bones, bones, bones dry bones how much pressure before the bones gave way and -- The bones didn't give way, the catwalk did, Zippy, with a roar, slid backwards and into the air as the fragile aluminum pole severed with a snap. The entire catwalk jumped and swayed like a rope bridge in a jungle adventure movie. George slid to the far end as Zippy screamed on his way down to -- "The Allosaurus was a carnivore or a flesh-eating dinosaur. He had very sharp serrated teeth that look very similar to the cutting edge on a knife and---" Bones breaking, crashing, crunching. I looked over the edge of the platform to see my partner crash through the skeletal embrace of the Allosaurus' outstretched claws. George had vanished. Below, the flashbulbs from the cameras started popping like tiny fireworks; Mr., Mrs. and Jr. America were documenting the fact that they had just lived through the human segment of the last ten minutes of Jurassic Park. With any luck something terrible would happen overnight and the FBI Agent Destroys Priceless Fossil wouldn't make the front page of The Post. My cellphone rang at my hip. "Dana?" Zippy, not surprisingly, sounded shaky, "I think I broke something." "I'll be right down," I clicked off the phone and had to bite the back of my hand to muffle the hysterical, inappropriate laughter that threatened to shatter my skull like the Allosaurus'. I rode with Zippy to the hospital, held his hand while they x- rayed him and agreed that a fractured femur was not the worse thing in the world that would have happened. The Allosaurus was in far worse shape. Thank God the fake terrain underneath the bones was high-tech cushioning material, not exactly designed for this situation but still in place in case any dino bones took a pratfall; the padding had done an okay job on Zippy and he had far more soft tissue to damage. I was tempted to palm a couple of his pre-op muscle relaxants but promised that I would call his parents in Brooklyn instead. I did call them and then I really wanted morphine. I wasn't looking forward to going back to the house and facing Mulder, either. Iolokus III: Vix te Agnovi 12/20 . . . like one Who having into truth, by telling of it, Made such a sinner of his memory To credit his own lie -- he did believe He was indeed the Duke . . . By the time the other agents stopped asking stupid questions and took me back to Mulder, I needed weapons- grade chocolate. I settled for the few half-stale brownies lurking underneath a coating of tin foil that I found hidden in the refrigerator. I'd barely managed to dispose of the evidence when Mulder stalked in. "Can we take this into the bedroom?" I asked before he said anything. "I think the walls are better insulated." He nodded and led the way. I wanted him to comfort me, to tell me that this confusion wasn't my fault. This was about as likely to happen as Skinner becoming the new spokesman for the Hair Club for Men. I considered dragging my feet but judged that delay would only provoke Mulder further. "Exactly what the fuck were you trying to prove?" he hissed in a voice of dry ice. I sat down on the bed, my legs betraying me. "That's pretty cute, Scully, pretty fucking cute. Working your way through the alphabet again? Only during waking hours? You want I should have Christopher and Hal dug up? You can put the moves on them," he crossed his arms over his chest and leaned up against the closed door, "Of course they might be a tad bit *ripe* by now, but you've never had a problem with the smell of death before." "You don't understand--" "Damn right I don't understand. All I understand is less than twenty-four hours after we're making a short blunt human pyramid, you're practically going down on George in the Smithsonian. Color me slightly annoyed." "I don't have an adequate explanation for what happened." "Well isn't that just fucking lovely. Okay then, fine, can't imagine why I was upset. We'll just call it an X File and be done with it." "He smelled like you," I whispered. "I knew -- but I couldn't stop, not when he -- you were touching me. How can he do this?" His eyes crystallized into frost. "How can you do it?" he asked and smiled a dark and rich smile, "but I forget, you're a whore just like the rest of them." "Slut," I said, not even realizing I'd said it until I heard the word bounce off my knees. "Whores, they get paid." My mind was full of lint. I had a familiar litany to fit this situation, one that required only the slightest of modifications to account for new data: It hadn't been George's strange tricks at all making me writhe in the stairwell, had it? Just like I couldn't *not* have known that it was Jason in the bathroom all those months ago. What kind of fool, after all, lets her lover leave the lights out when her lover's identical twin is wandering the halls of his mansion, looking for pussy? Let's face it, part of me *wanted* to know what he'd be like. Occasionally I managed to disbelieve this voice. But not very often and not now. I was curled up on myself again, as if that ever helped. As far as I could tell it just put me in the right shape to get knocked out of the park by the great home-run hitter in the sky. At that moment, my near-concussion throbbing and my near- strangulation choking me, still sore from my recent sexual gymnastics with the man now denouncing me, I could have put my gun in my mouth and pulled the trigger right then. Actually I'm not sure that I could have avoided doing so, if it had been on my person. Mulder's sneer had faded but I was paying less attention as I considered my options. With Zippy's toys the house was better armed than the average gunsmith's. Or there was my Xanax and Mulder's Ambien, that and a few of the remaining Coronas would do me right, though there was the horrible possibility of discovery, more humiliation as my stomach was pumped, and then potential brain damage. Men kill themselves more often than women because they're more likely to get it right; they use guns. They don't bother with the subtlety of pills or razors or freewheeling serial killers. I'd be breaking my implicit promise to Zippy. But what had he been thinking, asking me to wait until this was over? It was abundantly clear that where the Mulder genome was involved there was no such thing as "over," only periods of greater and lesser action/adventure. I could just take my own gun from the end table in the family room downstairs, walk out into the twilight and do it. I no longer feared Hell; the worst that God could do would be to send me back right where I was. Mulder was staring through me. I wondered if he could sense the black cloud of my soul, or if he'd shut down the connection between us in disgust. I had almost made my legs uncurl to start the long march downstairs when the phone rang. I watched, half-curious, as Mulder warily picked it up. He listened for a moment, breathing heavily. "It's for you," he said and handed it to me. The red cord stretched through the air like a length of intestine. I pressed the receiver to my ear, hearing Mulder leave -- to get to another extension, I presumed. Even without listening to the call or interpreting the look on Mulder's face, I knew who it had to be. It's not as if I got a lot of gentleman callers these days. "Yeah?" "Don't do it, Dana. You just need some sleep, everything will seem better in the morning." "What do you care?" I was really curious. Just like my Mulder, he seemed impervious to small betrayals, as if confident I'd come through for him when it counted. I could almost feel the moistness of his breath in my ear. "We can't do it alone. It's too much for any one person. But I know I can see clearly where you're confused and I believe, I truly believe, you can do the same for me. Just hang on, hang on for me. Because I'm coming." He clicked off and I put my head between my knees and moaned. Like an animal caught in a trap, I'd chew my limbs off if I only knew where to start. The sobs that ripped through me like grenade blasts were dry and unproductive. Eventually, after the phone stopped making noise, Mulder came and took it from my hand. I could hear his knees creak as he knelt on the carpet in front of me. "What did he say to you?" he asked in the mildest tone imaginable. "Does it matter?" Fingers bit into my throat, overlapping the bruises that awakened from their half-slumber. I looked up and watched the gold flecks in his eyes surface like koi in an algae-filed pond. I should have screamed, I should have fought. I couldn't do anything. He jerked me to my feet and my legs shook like a cheap chair's. To be held in thrall is a terrible exhilaration. George in the Smithsonian had been a snack, a morsel to tempt my Muldercraving into a fever pitch. I would have fucked Mulder on the stairwell at the Natural History museum, feet away from the gemstones and other strange and beautiful things under glass. I would have fucked him and loved every minute of it. My hands were weeping sweat when I closed them over his chest. Pectorals, warm and solid as bread under my hands, his useless nipples standing hard as stones against my palms. I raked my nails over the smooth cotton surface of his T-shirt. You can't rape the willing, can you? He slapped my hands away, making my fingerbones ache with the harshness of the movement. I caught my breath with surprise. This was a little rough even for him. With eyes that were now more amber than jade, he looked down at me as though he was examining an unpromising pork chop between cellophane and Styrofoam in the grocery store. Finally, a decision was made and his fingers made for my throat again. The world spun like the revolving light on a squad car. I let go. I let consciousness leak away like water. I surrendered. An unknown amount of time later I came back to myself. The mattress was reassuringly solid underneath my spine, the air chillingly cold on my naked skin. The room was filled with the insect hum of an air conditioner and my arms ached. The reason for my aching arms was clear a moment later. I was inverted on the bed; my head touching the footboard rail and my wrists efficiently lashed to the smooth rail with what felt like neckties. It wasn't the first time that he'd bound me, but it was the first time that it made me afraid. Usually, it seemed amusing, but this was not funny. The air was so cold that I was carpeted in gooseflesh. The door opened and I shut my eyes, willing to play possum until I had a better idea of what was happening. While parts of my mind were doing the dance of fear and the dance of lust in counterpoint, the part that was still functioning in a semi-reliable fashion did the waltz of logic. George's sexual assaults had all been postmortem. He liked his women somewhere between passive and decayed. If, in fact, Mulder had absorbed this much of George's pathological behavior, I was lucky that the ties were around my wrists and not around my neck. Even considering that I had been willing to suck bullets out of my own gun an unknown amount of time earlier, I found that idea of being strangled by the person who knew me best in the entire world somewhat less than appealing. So, rather than create an actual corpse a la George, Mulder was willing to create a faux cadaver by rendering me unconscious and chilling my flesh with the air conditioner. Morbid, but not lethal. Donnie Pfaster. He'd chilled his women in an ice-cold bath. And George, he liked anal sex. God, what if --? I couldn't handle that again - I really couldn't. I wonder if you're lonesome tonight You know someone said that the world's a stage And you must play a part. Fate had me playing in love you as my sweet heart. Elvis moaned in the background. If he hadn't already been dead I would have wished him so. The mattress creaked under his weight. I held my breath. Fingertips, hardened from computer keys, smelling of baby soap, smoothed over the surface of my stomach, my breasts, circled the cold-stiffened tips of my nipples. A stab of pleasure cut down between my legs. I squeezed my eyes tightly closed. The fingers slid up to my face, stroking the bruises on my neck, following the line of my cheekbones, touching my lips. An index finger slipped between my lips and it was all I could do to keep from suckling on the dry hardness of his finger. Act one was when I met you, I loved you at first glance You read your line so cleverly and never missed a cue Then came act two, you seemed to change and you acted strange And why I'll never know. The finger withdrew and I could hear the telltale rustling of Mulder shucking off his clothes. A moment later, he was prying my jaws open with insistent hands before pressing his cock into my mouth with a shove. The tip of his cock nudged the back of my throat and nearly made me gag. Tied to the bedstead, I had no leverage or control of the situation. I circled the baby silk skin of his cock with my tongue, tasting the dark wildness of him, wishing that I could dig my fingernails into the hard white curves of his ass, the long muscles in his thighs. He groaned helplessly and continued to stroke slowly in and out between my lips. I sucked hard on his glans, tasting salt and candy, traced my teeth along the shaking vein on the underside while he undulated, his knees on either side of my ribcage, shaking. A disappointing moment later he came, flooding my mouth with semen. I tried to swallow but rivulets cascaded down my cheeks and into my hair. Honey, you're lying when you said you loved me And I had no cause to doubt you. But I'd rather go on hearing your lies Than go on living without you. Silent and still, he lay with his head against my breasts and his hand tucked between my legs, his breathing harsh as though he'd come back from one of his runs. Embarrassingly enough, I was aroused by it all and the fingers twined in my pubic hair were wet with the proof of my need. Once he'd caught a normal breathing pattern, Mulder began suckling at my breasts, cupping one and then the other in his free hand and biting at my painfully tight nipples until I started to whimper and move underneath him. I pulled at the ties, wanting to touch him, wanting to pull him closer and inside me once again. His fingers moved, rubbing at the swollen length of my clitoris, pressing up inside me until I was grinding against his hand and moaning. Filthy, dirty, guilty waves of pleasure rolled over me, breaking over the carefully constructed sandbag walls I'd put up around my mind. I shuddered against him, seeing white spots and feeling the undertow pull against the bottom of consciousness. At least I think I hissed the right name when I finally orgasamed underneath his touch. Stuck together with various biological secretions, we lay under the cold wind of the air conditioner for a long time. Finally, Mulder roused himself from his stupor long enough to stumble over to the window unit and switch the machine off. The ties were loosened from my hands. Stupid with lust, crazy with need for him greater than a need for air chocolate, I pulled him down into the bed with me. He clung like a barnacle while I ran my hands over every inch of his body, sucking at his neck and shoulders. I slid down his body, teasing his nipples with my teeth and nails, scraping the sensitive Bermuda Triangle of nerves just at the base of his spine, where the buttocks begin to cleave. The blind worm of his cock started to awaken when I sucked at his flat stomach, bringing the blood to the surface in a raspberry love bite. I ran my hand between his legs, massaging his balls within their protective sac while I tongued my way down the narrow seam of fine hair running from navel to cock. He groaned and grabbed my hair. I resuscitated his cock with my mouth until it wobbled erect once again. A feral growl escaped him. Now the stage is bare and I'm standing there With emptiness all around And if you won't come back to me Then make them bring the curtain down. End over end tumbling, skin on skin slick with sweat, saliva, and come. I looked up into the strange mask of disinterest on his face between the tops of my feet when he plunged into me. Hot, hard and insistent once again, he filled me to my spine, stretching my muscles to the tearing point, rubbing against my nerves like steel on flint. Sweat dropped from his forehead to my face and I caught it in my mouth, saltier than the come already clinging to my tongue. I shuddered as he pumped in and out, grabbing my ass and pushing in deeper and harder at each thrust. Torn, broken and pleading, I pushed myself forward at him until we were both grunting like rutting dogs, teeth bared in snarls of lust. I caught fire in great circles that moved out from my groin like electromagnetic rings. I bit his forearm, blood filling my mouth, in a vain attempt to muffle the shout that erupted from my chest when I climaxed and my brain crashed. Mulder continued to drive into me, sending aftershock waves along my limbs. Aftershocks hot and delicious as the actual orgasm. His teeth sliced into my breast right above my heart and he jetted into me like champagne. The thrusting grew weaker and weaker as he shuddered to a halt, finally going soft inside me. I gathered him to me, his hair in my face and his arms around my waist. Sticky and shaking we lay like that as the room gradually warmed around us. Is your heart filled with pain, shall I come back again? Tell me dear, are you lonesome tonight? Just before I fell asleep I realized that we hadn't used a condom, but visiting hours were over and the lights were switched out in my mind. Iolokus III: Vix te Agnovi 13/20 ...sometime am I All wound with adders, who with cloven tongues Do hiss me into madness. It was seven a.m. when I woke up. Scully slumbered, her face duplicitously innocent in sleep, the sharp lines of age and stress carved into her flesh contrasting with the rest of her smooth ivory skin. I felt strange, as though I'd been asleep on an airplane and awakened in another time zone. The overcast morning muffled light and sound that barely made it through the cotton surrounding my brain. I had a strobe light nightmare memory of making love to Scully the night before but I didn't want to take the time to stop and examine it just then. I filed it for future rumination. Instead I showered, being careful with the scratches and bites which made me look as though I'd been gang-raped by Mongolian yak-herders. I slapped a Band-Aid on the drying scab on my forearm and wondered if the teeth marks would blossom and bud into yet another Scullyscar. I couldn't look at her before I went, not without facing the memory of the Loch Ness Monster of her smooth skin still and cold underneath me cutting through the deepness of my pain. I dressed to unimpress, using my most innocuous suit and a nondescript rep tie that wouldn't look out of place in the DOE or on a Metrobus driver. Hopefully this would be enough to prevent Washington's sterling citizens from dropping a dime on me. Creeping like an intruder in my own house, I made my way downstairs and towards the front door. I heard no Warwick- like noises. He had no reason to be suspicious, none whatsoever. I hadn't misbehaved at all since he'd known me; this flight into the free world would come as a total shock. Scully should have known better but, hey, give the girl a break, she was mighty confused at the moment. If she'd been fully functional she would have known that there was no way I could sit at home like the caterpillar on his mushroom, waiting for someone else to solve the George problem. There was no way I could just allow myself to be made a prisoner, locked up as tightly as George in his Canadian cell. There was no way that I could let him seduce her and, like as not, kill her. (To get a real sense of the freak show that was my life, ask me which of those two prospects bothered me more.) And he'd hinted that he was coming for Miranda. I was not programmed to deal with this and I knew the system was about three seconds short of crashing. I had to get out, go after him on my own. There was only one logical place to start. Profile. Do the fucking profile, Spooky. I swung by the Starbuck's for my first fix of the day and sat in my car, letting the relays click over. George's behavior had been erratic, but he'd given us some crucial clues yesterday. He thought he deserved to be me. He wanted my life. But he wanted my old, glamorous life, the one where I flew around the country in order to get beaten up by an astonishing variety of people and things. The one where I could afford band-collar Armani shirts and Hermes ties, the one where Scully and I fucked with slightly less trauma. He wanted, in short, to rewind my life about fourteen months. I might just have let him if it hadn't been for Miranda. Miranda whose late-night feedings didn't fit into his schedule. She couldn't be erased like a week-old episode of NYPD Blue. But George didn't believe that; he was trying to reconstruct my old existence. Therefore, I headed into Alexandria, toward my old haunt at Hegal Place. The super was, as usual, in his office. You don't run an apartment complex among whose inhabitants Fox Mulder is numbered without learning the value of hands- on management. He looked up as I came in. "What is it now?" Obviously I had been there already, or at least George had. "I have some questions about my apartment." He sighed. "Were there any problems with the delivery? I know you love that couch but it's not exactly easy to get up the stairs." "I'm afraid I need to clarify some things. It's official FBI business," I flashed my snazzy replacement badge. "I need to know what happened after you gave me my security deposit back." He scratched his head. "Why don't we just take a look, I don't want any more trouble with the FBI." He swiveled his padded chair around to peck at the keyboard. "Okay, apartment 42. Security deposit returned on January tenth. Apartment cleaned, various bullet holes and dents of unknown source repaired, repainted, floors refinished. Rented out again March fourteenth, fifty dollars more per month reflecting improvements to the premises, deposit and first three months paid by your lawyer." Good to know that I still had that Spooky sense. "Did the lawyer leave a card?" He pulled open the right drawer on his desk and rummaged around. "Sure enough," he said. I love lawyers, they *want* people to know what they're doing and obligingly leave a paper trail like a Roman road. Jon Kyle, of Dallas's Lanson & Hogue, LLP. The business card was the same color and used the same font as the letterhead they'd used to inform me of how the evil that Jason did had lived on after him. (As for good being interred with his bones, that I couldn't vouch for. I think he still had bones when we finished.) "Hey," he asked as I turned to leave, "did that business with your brother ever get settled?" I shook my head. "Not really." I let the door swing shut on his murmured condolences. Now what? He wasn't home, I knew this the same way I'd known where to go. He was somewhere, being me, while I was being him. I could break into the apartment and trash the place, that would give him some *real* Fox Mulder verisimilitude. Or maybe I'd just take a quick look around, see what was up with the old digs. The two had been nailed into place with some shiny brads which jarred me a bit - but once I'd finessed the lock open (never return lockpicks - a cardinal rule of law enforcement), I stepped back in time. Damn. He even had old magazines on the coffee table. I had taken that particular issue of GQ with me to the house. I guess I thought I was still going to be able to afford the suits even with the mortgage and the car payment. For a second I had a brief flash of nostalgia for the pre-Miranda days. Then I saw the dead fish floating in the tank and thought again. The red eye of the stereo glowed. There was a CD in. I touched the play button, noting that he'd programmed in only one song and set it to repeat ad infinitum. Are you lonesome tonight, do you miss me tonight? Are you sorry we drifted apart? Fuck. My knees gave out with a crack and I fell to the floor, my mind refusing to wrap around the words. Are you lonesome tonight, do you miss me tonight? Oh God please no. Not last night. I couldn't have. She was cold underneath me. Are you sorry we drifted apart? Cold as death cold as- It had to stop. I had to stop him before I hurt Scully or Miranda. I swallowed the bile eating my throat and stood up, shoving whatever bloody human chunks were left of me into a safe corner and went into the familiar architectural thoughts of analysis and profile. The bedroom was really interesting. He hadn't managed to re-create it as well as the living room - the comforter was the wrong shade of green and it was missing the twin peaks of clean and dirty laundry on top. (Ever wonder why I slept on the couch so much?) On the dresser were spread some grainy printouts of photos of me - my ID, the photo on file in the FBI database, and the same for Scully. Well, almost. You see, he'd pretty much wallpapered the walls with a few pictures of my divine little imp. Color photocopies, snapshots taken at a distance in various states of blurry red hair, and what looked like a yearbook picture. Holy shit. I stepped closer to the picture photocopied to poster size. I never would have known her, feathered hair, lips shining with gloss, eyes ringed with then-fashionable black lines and the telltale gleam of a retainer across her teeth. Scully at eighteen. Who would have thought? She looked as sweet and frothy as a strawberry daiquiri. Does your memory stray to a brighter sunny day When I kissed you and called you sweetheart? Do the chairs in your parlor seem empty and bare? Do you gaze at your doorstep and picture me there? Is your heart filled with pain, shall I come back again? Tell me dear, are you lonesome tonight? But - was the me in the pictures the me me or the him me? Newspaper photo, gritty newsprint lay on the dresser. An old picture. Scully and I were walking out of a courthouse in Anne Arundel County. I couldn't remember the case but from my haircut it looked like about 1997 - Scully was thin with cancer in those days. The photo made things abundantly clear. He'd taken a thick black marker and drawn the barbed wire necklace around my neck. That must have been his way of replacing me with himself. I wonder if you're lonesome tonight You know someone said that the world's a stage And you must play a part. Fate had me playing in love you as my sweet heart. Act one was when I met you, I loved you at first glance You read your line so cleverly and never missed a cue Then came act two, you seemed to change and you acted strange And why I'll never know. My reflection shimmered at me in the silvered glass. The marker was still lying on the dresser top and I reached for it. I wrote across the cold surface of the mirror in thick black letters, not giving a shit about fingerprints - since ours were the same anyway. "What's eating you, George?" Honey, you're lying when you said you loved me And I had no cause to doubt you. But I'd rather go on hearing your lies Than go on living without you. Now the stage is bare and I'm standing there I don't bother locking the fucking door behind me when I left. The King's drug-slurred voice chased me down the hall. With emptiness all around And if you won't come back to me Then make them bring the curtain down. If I waited long enough, he'd show. I went back to my car and sat in the driver's seat. Station wagons weren't too common among the young unmarrieds who populated this area of town, but by the same token no one was likely to make me for a cop, driving this thing. Two hours passed during which I stared at my ex-front door and narrowed my attention to a pixel-width. Nothing mattered but watching for George. I was my brother's keeper. And like Cain, I had plans for my meat-eating brother. Is your heart filled with pain, shall I come back again? Tell me dear, are you lonesome tonight? **** Dr. Shimada's office called at nine a.m., waking me from a sound sleep. Mulder had already disappeared, no doubt off playing with Miranda. In any event, the news I got pushed him off my priority list. My Pap smear had been normal, but when the nurse's assistant went to insert the results in my rather large and noteworthy file, it was missing. Subsequent investigation disclosed scratches on the locks on the office doors and the cabinet where the files were kept. "Let me speak with Dr. Shimada." "She's not here yet. She must be running late..." I felt sorry for the office manager; this wasn't really in her job description. "Listen, I am a Special Agent for the FBI and if my file is gone Dr. Shimada may be in danger. I need you to put me in contact with her." Panic tinged the woman's voice. "I tried to reach her but she's not answering her cellphone, or her beeper. She's not picking up at home..." "Give me the address." I was perfectly calm as I called Ralph Williams and had him pick me up in a Bucar. When we arrived, we knocked, Then we broke down the door -- we'd worry about justifying it to a judge later. The break-in was unavailing; there was no sign that Dr. Shimada had even made it home the night before. Her mail was still scattered across the foyer floor where it had fallen through the slot. The morning sunshine was bright and clean; it didn't care what horrors it illuminated. Ralph busied himself getting an APB out on Dr. Shimada's Ford Explorer. I wallowed in guilt. I should have known better -- any fool could have noticed that female health care personnel, particularly the short ones, had early expiration dates around me. Just like it had been with Pendrell, I didn't even know her first name. Shall I come back again -- "I have a thought," I said to the air. Ralph was nowhere to be seen. Well, I tried to let him know, I thought and got back in the car. My apartment looked like a stranger's. Yellow spring light seeped heavy and thick through the twisted blinds as I opened the door. It was cleaner than I remembered, but then that was Zippy's doing. "Honey, I'm home," I called out. Oh yeah, I forgot, I'm not married. The air was dead. Even the dust motes didn't move much. I hardly recognized the place. It didn't say anything about who I was. Not that furniture would have an easy time explaining me. The pictures might have come with the frames for all the emotional response they evoked in me. I edged across the room, keeping my gun pointed in front of me, backing away from any corners that might hide George. My breathing rasped like a nail file in the quiet. Reaching the other side of the room, I flipped the hall light on and continued down towards the bedroom. My back was against the wall, protecting my blind side, as I inched towards the closed door. Damn, I wished I knew what the place looked like when Zippy left it. One, two, three. I kicked the door open and trained my gun on the figure waiting for me on the bed. She couldn't have been dead very long, I thought dazedly as I took in the scene. Dr. Shimada had been strangled, of course, but the hat trick was how George had dressed her. Instead of putting her back into her official doctor clothes, he'd dug out the emerald green nightie I'd bought with Mulder's money all those months ago in Arizona. I was surprised he'd been able to find it, actually, I hadn't been doing glamour at bedtime in a long time. The color of the satin clashed with her blackened face, and she weighed about twenty pounds more than I had so there were some unattractive bulges. Shock, I was feeling shock, I had to keep alert. With my left hand I pulled my phone from my jacket and hit redial. "Williams." "I need you at my apartment now. I found Dr. Shimada." I hung up before he could ask any questions. I heard the humming, my mind filling in the unuttered words as I spun and faced the bedroom doorway. Is your heart filled with pain, shall I come back again? Tell me dear, are you lonesome tonight? Cold room. Such a cold, cold room. "Why are you talking to him when you could be talking to me?" George was in the hallway, his shadow visible on the part of the floor I could see. "Come in here and we'll have a chat," I suggested. "Just like old times? I remember what you said the first time I had you -- well, all right, the first time, in the shower, mostly you just screamed. But that night, what you said, it was so beautiful -- 'Don't hurt me.' I really liked that." "That wasn't you, you sick fuck," I said in a voice that shook like San Francisco in an earthquake. "Wasn't it?" He shimmied half a step forward. "I find it so difficult to remember. You smelled different then -- like flowers." I should burst out of the doorway, he was close but he might not be able to react in time, all it would take was one good shot. But I couldn't shake the absolute conviction that he knew what I was thinking. Mulder would know what I was thinking. He'd be ready and he'd kill me. It would be slow and careful, not like the hastily arranged scenario with Dr. Shimada. No. That was a copout. I wasn't afraid that he'd kill me -- I was afraid that he wouldn't, that he'd complete my conversion into Bonnie to his Clyde, Bride to his Frankenstein's Monster. I didn't know if I had enough of myself left to resist that and accept death instead. I stood with the cooling body on my bed behind me, waiting for him to come forward, but I couldn't cross the doorway myself. Instead I darted forward and kicked the door shut. If he was going to come through I'd have warning. I might be able to make myself shoot him, shoot the man who looked and smelled and sounded like Mulder in the face and watch him die. The mirror on the back of the door shimmied slightly, vibrating from the force of the slam, and I saw my pale crazed face waver in front of me. It looked like I was pointing the gun straight at my own bruised throat. "You can't put this off forever." The voice was slightly muffled by the door, but years of practice allowed me to interpret it. "You have to make up your mind, George, kiss or kill. I don't like men who play games." "Could have fooled me. You're the one who's making it difficult. It's him, him and that mewling kid, they're distracting you. God, Scully, look around you! You can't fight a global conspiracy while you're wearing a Snugli." He was close, so close, he had to be standing right in front of the door. His hand might be on the glass knob even as he spoke. "You want to fight the conspiracy? How'd you get out of the Roush compound, George? How are you supporting your current lifestyle choices?" "Sometimes you need to make deals to get at a larger truth. I'm not proud of everything I've done, but it was necessary." If I hadn't known that "everything" included the systematic murder and rape of numerous innocent women, I could almost have found it plausible. In fact I had, when the real Mulder said it to me. My finger trembled on the trigger; I knew that I wanted him dead not because he was a killer, not because he was stalking Mulder and Miranda, but because he confused and upset me. If I killed him it would be for the wrong reasons, not even with the tissue of justification I'd used for the baby-things in Arizona. Humming like the buzz of a fluorescent light. Is your heart filled with pain, shall I come back again? Tell me dear, are you lonesome tonight? Closing my eyes and raising my left arm to cover my face, I fired. The mirror exploded and I felt a rain of fragments. One dug into my cheek and I welcomed the start of the blood. As soon as I dared I opened my eyes. The Sig wasn't intended to shoot through doors but it was a good all-purpose weapon. The mirror and a good portion of the door were history. I couldn't see anything moving when I looked through the hole. Then I heard the front door close and almost sobbed in disappointment. He'd escaped. Classic ploy. If I'd been watching myself on the movie screen I would have screamed "Don't go out there." So I didn't. Fuck heroic, I was ninety percent certain that he was still there and I was not going to let him kill me in a way that made me *look* gullible. My arm was spasming by the time Ralph arrived with the cavalry. Iolokus III: Vix te Agnovi 14/20 To have no screen between this part he play'd And him he play'd it for . . . I nearly split my skin in surprise when someone knocked on my window. I turned my head and stared into the barrel of a gun. "Put your hands on the wheel," the police officer ordered. I complied. "You're making a mistake," I said. "My name is Fox Mulder, I'm with the FBI, my ID is in --" "Shut up! Slowly, now, unlock the door. Keep your hands visible." I sighed and followed orders. I should have known better than to try this without someone to give me my bona fides. I've been on both sides of this routine often enough to skip any detailed recollection of what comes next. The patdown, legs spread and hands against the car; the cop was competent enough to find my ankle holster. Give the man a cigar. The handcuffs, cold and then blood-warm as they chafed behind my back. I didn't try again until the cop and his partner, who'd been prudently standing back, ready to fall on me if I tried anything, began to shove me over to their cruiser. "You should call Julie Graff at the ISU, she can confirm my identity." "Your identity is that you're an identical twin. We know your brother's safe at home, being watched by his FBI buddies." He opened the door and prepared to push me in. "George Naxos has a tattoo around his throat," I insisted. "Just look on the description." The cop looked at me curiously. "What's your point?" After so long away from the X Files I'd forgotten what it was like to deal with people who didn't give any credence to what I was saying. I took a slow breath. "My neck. Look at my neck." He put his index finger in the collar of my shirt and pulled. The tightness at the back of my neck was unpleasant, but I'd bear it for a chance at getting out of this without having to call Scully. "Geez," he commented, "that must have taken a long time. Did it hurt?" "What?" "It goes all the way around, hunh? You had to get that done before you went to prison, nobody in prison is that good." He released me and tipped me into the back seat so that he could slam the door of the squad car in my face. I looked through the wire mesh protecting the cops from my violent assault, tilting my head frantically to get a glimpse in the rear view mirror, but the angle was too bad and there was too much metal in the way to see my neck, to look at my unmarked neck. It was unmarked, it had to be. Otherwise -- The drive to the station was long enough to let me consider. George was taking over my life. Apparently he thought it was only polite to give me his in return. I had to believe that Scully would forgive me for the fact that George had apparently succeeded in fucking her at my house better than he had in the Smithsonian. I needed to believe that he hadn't actually been along for the ride, so to speak. Nonetheless he was obviously contaminating me. How could they think I was tattooed? Ed Jerse claimed that his tattoo moved and spoke to him, but it was always present. There were a few X Files involving body markings that only manifested in certain circumstances -- witchcraft- induced marks indicating possession by the Devil, for example. But I'd never seen anything about psychic *transfer* of bodily alterations. And what was it about the decorated Scully that attracted illustrated men? I had invited him in, last night. I had invoked him, summoned him, as sure as if I'd fucked Scully in the middle of a pentacle marked out with her blood. Punishing her seemed less important now than it had then, when I was high on anger and lust. I should have known that I couldn't just make him into a way to hurt her and expect to be unaffected. Even as kids George and I had a connection. And Texas brought us closer together, the blood feast we shared weaving us further into one another. Making us as one. All right, so maybe tearing Jason apart hadn't been as good an idea as it had seemed at the time. Why not Emerson and Darien? Darien was a happy whore. There were no reports of similar murders coming out of California, though I'd set flags up on the NCIC database. Emerson sounded fine in his incessant emails, and his childhood trauma had never reached out and touched George. The whole ugly mess branched out from me. Something in my tattered psyche called out for George, and George had answered. I felt the thin ice separating me from my demon brother crack; the dark water beyond swirled and I felt the warm pull of madness. I was jerked out of the squad car, fingerprinted, photographed (as if that would matter), stripped and subjected to a body cavity search. Contrary to popular belief, most cops don't enjoy that kind of thing; it's just a routine you get used to after a while. People can get used to just about anything, it's what makes us so damn adaptable. By the time I was fully processed Scully had arrived. I heard her sharp tones in the hallway as she approached my cell. "- -missing from his house for the last five hours. He most likely decided to investigate on his own." She came into view and looked me up and down. I was wearing the same kind of ill- fitting orange jumpsuit that George had worn when we first met him. This Trading Places deal was getting old fast. "Mulder?" "Who else would it be? You think George lets cops catch him?" Her eyes narrowed and she trained her scalpel-sharp gaze on my neck. I almost felt real blood start to run, to cover whatever else was there. "I thought you said he was tattooed?" The burly officer next to her blinked and came closer to the bars. "He was. I swear to God." "Show me your scar," she ordered. There were several, actually, but she could only mean the bullet hole she'd put in me, so I unzipped the coverall and pulled it aside. She stared for a moment, then nodded. "This is Fox Mulder. Let him out." "I don't know, Agent Scully --" "Let him out," she insisted. "I'll take full responsibility." When I walked out, dressed in my real person's clothes again, the cops glared at me. They weren't convinced. Hell, neither was I. Before we left, we stopped for my mug shot. The officer who'd taken it insisted that he'd seen the tattoo. But the photograph didn't show any marks on my neck at all. Scully mumbled something about my maybe using magic markers - - in my sleep, unconsciously, of course -- and I forebore from pointing out that I hadn't washed up anytime recently.
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