Date: Sun, 07 Jun 1998 07:10:16 GMT From: Cynthia Amaya <> Subject: NEW: Influenza (1/2) TITLE: Influenza AUTHOR: Cynthia Amaya CLASSIFICATION: MSR RATING: PG SPOILERS: Up to mid-5th season ARCHIVE: Anywhere; as long as my name and e-mail stays on it and it's archived in its entirety. KEYWORDS: Mulder/Scully relationship, Scully angst. SUMMARY: Scully contracts a virus, experiences hypnagogia, and is subjected to Mulder's version of therapy. DISCLAIMER: Mulder, Scully, Skinner, and any other X-Files characters belong to Chris Carter and 1013. No infringement is intended. No profit is being made. Also to Todd Rudgren, for the song Influenza, that I've used without permission. AUTHOR'S NOTES: This is my very first attempt at fictional writing of any kind so I don't mind if it is lacking in skill but know this; it comes from an honest desire to create and share. The story idea came to me last winter while I was sick with the flu, not such a bad way to mark time while waiting to get better! My friend and fellow X-Phile, Chris, inspired me to write it. Thanks Chris. (Get well soon) Dedicated to my husband Richard. FEEDBACK: Good or bad, please e-me! INFLUENZA by Cynthia Amaya It was a Tuesday afternoon and Mulder and Scully had chosen to work through lunch. Scully had begun to feel weary the day before. Her oncologist and her good sense told her to expect to feel run-down now and then; although her cancer was in remission her immunity system wasn't up to par yet and the past stresses could leave her vunerable to illness and depression. So far she had handled the psychological stress just *fine*. "Mulder, is it cold in here or is it just me?" Mulder looked over his glasses back at Scully and said, "It's ok to me but you know how they don't want us comfortable down here in the dungeon. Want me to check the thermostat?" Mulder started to get up. "No, that's ok. I probably just need to get up and stretch." "What's the matter, too much brain drain Scully?" Mulder wisecracked. Scully just gave him that look, the one whenever Mulder was trying to get a little rise out of her. "Want to break out and get a bite to eat?" Mulder asked, trying to make up. "No, I just want to finish so I can go home early." Mulder nodded slightly and continued typing. Scully sighed as she also began typing. The report wasn't difficult but she was having trouble concentrating. Staring at the computer screen was causing her eyes to burn with dryness. Her face felt like she was wearing a heavy mask. She could actually imagine what this mask looked like: a dusky red color with striated outlines of each muscle group like in her anatomy textbooks. Scully sneezed. Immediately Scully's nose burned and tingled and her sinuses began filling. She anxiously wondered if there was blood but a quick swipe with a tissue relieved her when there wasn't. Finished, she glanced over to Mulder, sure that he was staring at her. He was. Intently. Scully waved him away impatiently and bent back to her work. Over the next few hours the two agents were busy typing and reading their field notes, pausing now and then to confirm some minor detail with each other. Suddenly, Scully said, "OK, that's it, I'm done and I'm out of here. Can you get the printout and turn it in for me? If you see any problems call me." "Sure. You ok Scully?" He thought that Scully look pale and rundown. He tried to sound nonchalant but inside alarms were going off. "Yeah, I'm probably just coming down with a little cold. Soup and a hot bath are in order," she replied. "Sounds good. Take care Scully and don't worry about a thing. I'll handle it," Mulder grinned. "I'm sure you will." Driving home Scully noticed how heavy her arms and legs were feeling. Her throat was scratchy. "Shit," she muttered to the traffic. Arriving home she threw her things down to the nearest chair, scattering her mail to the floor in the process. "Screw it, I'll get it later," was her answer to that. Her head was pounding. She shuffled into the kitchen and decided to throw a frozen dinner into the microwave while she ran her bath. Before she left the kitchen she got a glass of water and swallowed some pills for her headache. Later, exhausted but snug in her bed, she fell fast asleep in a dreamless slumber. At 3:02 AM something woke her. Pain. "Oh, what fresh hell is this?" she wondered out loud. Every joint in her body ached and she was burning with fever. She cautiously got up to go to the bathroom. She felt dizzy. She gathered her thermometer, pills, and fresh water. "Hope it's not the flu," she prayed. 103.2 degrees, read the thermometer. She tried to go back to sleep but it took at least an hour before she passed into an uneasy sleep. The next morning Scully woke up feeling worse. She didn't even bother to call Mulder, she sent off a quick e-mail that told him she was sick with a bad cold and wasn't coming in today and then she clicked off the computer. By Thursday Scully wasn't much better. She still had a fever, her head felt like it was vaccumed packed, and she had a dry cough that burned. The day before she hadn't eaten much, just some dry toast. She got up out of bed to go to the kitchen where she put on the kettle to make bouillon and tea. As she wobbled around the kitchen she realized she was running low of a few things. It had been well over a week since the last time she was in a grocery store. "Oh well," she thought, "there is always delivery." Not to mention she knew that Mulder would fly to her rescue if she even hinted she might need a new box of tissues. *************************** By Thursday Mulder still had the sense that he shouldn't call Scully for fear he would wake her up from much needed sleep or bother her somehow. But he couldn't help himself. Mulder knew how well Scully could isolate herself; she was just so stubborn that way. He only wanted to be there, help if needed. Help her even if she didn't need it. He tried to figure out when the best time might be to call her and then just did it. He immediately felt terrible after he heard her struggle to speak. "I woke you up," Mulder stated. "Sorry," he winced. "Oh, umm, that's ok," Scully mumbled. Mulder ventured, "How are you feeling?" Scully heard the concern in his voice. "Well, I've felt worse," was her feeble attempt to kept the mood light. "I have a little fever but I should be fine in a day or two." "Do you need anything?" He already knew the answer but he asked anyway. "Want me to come over?" "No, no. I'm fine. I'm just going to sleep this off." Scully added, "Thanks for calling." After he hung up he wished for the hundreth time that they could go that little step past partnership, past friendship. He could always imagine that little step; it was a delicious fantasy. But ahead of that and his imagination always stopped dead cold and he was filled with a vague sense of dread. Mulder would be at work and he would impulsively want to tell Scully some new interesting find or bounce some theory around with her. The realization that she wasn't there with him was different than when she was away doing independent work for a case; then he could call or e-mail her. It was even different when she had been missing - that had seem so final he had pretty much shut down in grief. So, he didn't care for the empty space in his office that Scully usually filled; it was depressing. Even more than usual he tried to avoid co-workers in the halls, labs, and offices who would ask him, "Where's Dana, heard she was sick?" or, "How is Scully doing?" "Oh, she's fine, just off betting at the races," Mulder would deadpan. ************************** As Thursday wore on, Scully began to wonder just how much sicker she was going to get. She was sleeping around the clock now, barely able to do anything except simply survive through the ordeal. During that night her fever soared so high she felt that she was hallucinating. That had scared her. "Here is one of the few drawbacks of living alone; no one to care for you when you are really sick." She felt a rush in her chest to add to the fevered thudding of her heart as Mulder immediately came back to her thoughts. "I may have to call him if things don't get better very soon," she admitted to herself. It used to be something like the flu wouldn't bother her. However, now she understood how close at hand total catastrophe could be. Clinically, she knew how one exquisitely tiny thing could go wrong within a person's body, setting up an extensive chain reaction that ended in that person's annihilation. During her illness Scully was also having plenty of time to ruminate of other things. Events that she thought were put away came to the forefront. She missed her father and especially, her sister. She allowed herself to wonder how people in her life - how Mulder - would react if something were to happen to her, and immediately felt childish doing it. At this point she felt an overwhelming sense of depression settle over her. She tried to fight it for but soon all the stress, all the sickness, all the pressures real and imagined consumed her. She felt silly and ashamed for such weak, negative thoughts and as she spiraled down she began to cry. She knew this would only make her feel sicker and she felt no real release in her tears. She turned on the bedside light and looked around for a book, a magazine - anything to distract her. She thought of her writing in her journal but she felt too weak and sick to do that. She found the novel she had been trying to read and opened that. She never got past a whole sentence; she kept reading the same sentence without comprehension until she quickly fell asleep. ********************************** Skinner came down to Mulder's office to inquire after Scully and chat it up with Mulder. Skinner rarely did this - he rarely had to. The duo were usually in hot water about one thing or another and were often called to his office. Lately he hadn't seen too much of Mulder. Skinner shook his head and thought, "Not a good thing to leave Mulder to his own devices too long." He imagined the two agents as a kind of modern day Nick and Nora Charles, the wisecracking, witty, married detectives of the old "Thin Man" movie series. One minor detail though - Mulder and Scully weren't married. He kept waiting for signs that they were more intimate but after five years he couldn't see what would bring them together if they hadn't by now. Skinner stood at the doorway and asked, "How's Agent Scully doing?" Mulder looked up mildly surprised and replied, "Looks like she has a touch of the flu but she should be coming back to work next week." Mulder pressed his lips into his mouth and bit at them before releasing them with a slight sucking sound. He was avoiding Skinner's face. "That's good to hear." Skinner said. He sat down in what he now thought of as Scully's chair and continued, "You feeling all right, Agent Mulder?" Mulder snapped to attention. "Now why is he asking me that?" Mulder wondered. "I didn't catch whatever Scully has, I feel fine." When Skinner saw the guilty look on his face he almost laughed. Instead he raised his eyebrows and said, "Just thought you looked a little tired and worried. I know how it is when your partner is down. Feels like something is missing, like a phantom limb." Mulder got a mischievous look on his face. "I'll tell you what. If I start seeing any phantom limbs floating around here you can bet I'll open an X-file on it." "You do that," Skinner replied as he left. *********************** Friday morning Scully was finally feeling better. Shortly before sunrise she had broken her high fever and she woke up surprised at the amount of sweat that had soaked her nightshirt. She was relieved that the fever was reduced. Feeling dehydrated, Scully made sure to drink plenty of water. She reached for her book and spent a few hours reading before she fell back asleep. Now Scully leaned against the bathroom sink surveying the damage in the mirror. "Oh yeah Dana, you look like shit and you don't smell too good either," she mentioned to herself as she reached for her toothbrush. Later, after her shower, she curled up on her sofa surrounding herself with her blue and white throw. Scully felt fatigued just from the effort of taking a shower so she hadn't bothered to dry her hair. She turned on the TV but really wasn't paying much attention to the early evening news. She half expected another phone call from Mulder any time now. She realized that she was hungry - really hungry. "I'll get up in a few minutes," she thought. Scully drifted to someplace between sleep and full alertness. Her thoughts became dreamlike and she entered that state of consciousness that sometimes confused her; she was dreaming and aware of it but was also including the outside world. The noises of her environment, mostly her TV and street noise coming through the windows, that are normally turned off or ignored by the sleeping mind, were somehow incorporating into her dream state. She heard the phone ringing and she struggled to sit up and answer it. When she picked up the receiver the voice at the other end didn't seem to hear her. "Hello? Hello? HELLO?" She seemed to be yelling into the phone but the other person still didn't hear. "Must be a bad connection," she mumbled, "they'll call back." She put the phone down and soon went back to her busy dreams. A few minutes later the phone started ringing again. This time Scully really did wake up. She sat up quickly, looking in the direction of the mute phone when she heard a noise at the door. Her heart was pounding and she was confused. "Scully?" She thought someone was coming after her. She couldn't breath in panic. "Scully, it's me. I'm coming in." Scully just stared over the back of the sofa at the tall man standing in her doorway. Mulder thought she looked stunned, afraid, and sick. "What's the matter? Are you okay?" Scully was panicky. She couldn't remember where she had put her gun. The man's voice echoed loudly in a hellish manner and a hazy grey tunnel outlined his dark figure. Scully finally blinked her eyes, swallowed, and started panting. She put one hand on her chest and one hand out in a stop motion. "Scully! What's wrong? Tell me," Mulder loudly asked. Prickles of fear went through him. When she still didn't answer him he quickly strode over to her. To Scully, this surreal image of danger running towards her was becoming too much to bear. She let out a low groan that ended in a loud "NO!" This startled Mulder and he backed off a bit. Now the fog was beginning to lift. "I'm okay, I'm okay, just give me a minute. I was in the middle of a dream," she said breathlessly. Mulder leaned down and felt her forehead and the back of her neck as she continued talking. She was not looking at him anymore but focused on some spot under the coffee table. Scully knew that most of what she was saying was about the dream but then she starting babbling of other nightmares; being sick and feverish, being taken, feeling like she was going to die, knowing that death and monsters were all around her, and that she was scared and alone. Mulder knelt down and studied her face and took it all in wordlessly. He had never seen her in this state. He held her hand and she gripped his tightly. Soon she worked herself to a near hysterical pitch and cried as she spit out the words: "I was alone, Mulder, all alone and there was no one to help me. And I was so angry. It was hurting me and I couldn't stop it and it kept coming and coming and I all I wanted to do was hit it, stab it, shoot it! And I tried and I tried and it just kept coming back, laughing at me! IT WOULDN'T DIE AND I COULDN'T KILL IT!" Scully by now was clutching Mulder's shirt. Her face was wet and burning and her breathing was ragged. Mulder felt compassion surge over him. His own worried eyes moisten. "What hurt you Scully? What couldn't you stop?" She looked up at him with so much pain on her face. "YOU! I couldn't stop YOU! Somehow this horrible evil thing turned into you and I hated you! I wanted you to die!" Scully started raw crying set free from the depths of her soul. "Wha-? Scully." He pulled her to him and they clung to each other while Scully continued to cry. Mulder was busy trying to take in Scully's distress. He wondered how much of it was the dream and how much of it was perhaps some kind of recovered memory of her abduction. His empathic skills understood most of the dream, understood the triggers and the releases it brought. His understanding of the mind worked for him and he thought he knew why he played that role in her dream. It was still a shock to him however, and he couldn't help but be a little hurt by the accusation, mixed with a strange pride at being allowed into such a deep secret place. Scully immediately regreted what she told him. She blurted, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean it." "Shhh, it's okay. I understand. It was only a dream, just a dream." They were rocking gently. "I was just so...disoriented," Scully continued, "it was frightening." "Yeah, I know. I've had a few bad dreams myself." Mulder looked around and spotted the tissues on the coffee table. He wordlessly handed a few to her and put the box nearer to her. He stroked her still damp hair. Scully had stopped crying but her breath still came in hitches. "Oh Mulder, it hurts," she hiccupped and tapped her chest. "I know," he said. "Can you take a deep breath?" Scully shook her head no. "Come on, try," Mulder encouraged. Scully let out a short sigh. Mulder coached, "No, do it with me, like this." Mulder took a deep breath in and let it out slowly. When he did it again Scully followed. "Again," he said. Scully let out a few blows. "Better?" Mulder asked. She nodded yes against his chest. It felt so good to feel him this way. She lifted her head a little and muttered, "Your T-shirt. I've gotten... stuff all over it." She was embarrassed at the whole situation now. "I don't care about that but my knees hurt." Scully wondered out loud, "Your knees?" Then she understood. "Oh, sorry." Mulder joined her up on the sofa while Scully grabbed a few more tissues, trying to hide her face. Scooting down to accommodate her height he put one arm around her. Scully had her own arms up against her chest with both fists jammed under her chin. They felt the hot dampness between them; her tears, her hair, their perspiration. They were aware of breathing in each other's air while the rhythm of their breathing synchronized occasionally. Scully could swear she heard Mulder's body humming as if she was listening not only to the strong beat of his heart but listening down to the fibers of his muscles and nerves. She felt so tired but it was a good tired and she relaxed into it. The horror of before was fading away and something good and clean and right was rushing in now. Soon Scully didn't know where her body ended and his began on the places they shared. Scully found great comfort in this warm place so close to Mulder. Meanwhile, Mulder's mind was leaping ahead. "Oh my god," he thought, "it's going to happen." END PART 1/2 INFLUENZA by Cynthia Amaya Mulder and Scully quietly watched the television, each pretending to be absorbed by the images. Every once in a while Scully would let out a snuffle and a sigh and Mulder in turn would give her arm a little rub and a couple of pats. Outside, the brilliant sunshine began to be obscured by fast moving grey clouds. Occasionally the wind rattled one of the living room windows. This was the same window that had been broken during Scully's abduction. By now Scully knew that sound and hated it. She had traced the noise back to the upper window pane, the untouched one that had seemed so solid until just the right wind came along. Whenever she heard it memories of the terrifying night when she had been taken would instantly replace any previous thoughts and she was reminded of her own shattered self image. For the first time Mulder heard that rattle. He turned his head quickly towards the sound and froze. When he was satisfied there was no danger he resumed staring at the TV but his face had gone dark. Scully had wanted to say something but couldn't think of anything so she said nothing at all. Once Mulder relaxed again he brought his other arm around her protectively and gave her a little hug. Scully impulsively pressed her hand slowly across his chest and returned the hug . Mulder took a deep breath and hugged her warmly for a long time. His hands began to slowly and sensually caress her arm and back, anywhere he could reach. Although Scully's head was horribly congested and her body still weak she couldn't help but notice how aroused she was quickly becoming. It was as if she had came back from some abyss and wanted to feel life again. Scully began to move on her own, reaching for more and more of him. Mulder arched his back attempting to scoot down lower, causing Scully to press more fully on him. At the same time he turned his head down, rooting for closer contact with her face. Scully could feel the heat radiating off him. She closed her eyes and nuzzled his neck and licked her lips, tasting the salt of her tears mixed with the taste of his skin. Their bodies pulled at each other, transformed by the pure physical craving of warmth and love. For those blissful moments Scully and Mulder simply enjoyed feeling each other, too overcome to think of anything else. Scully let out a low sigh. Things began to feel dangerously close to a point of no return. Her mind snapped back to reality. Instinctively, Mulder also felt the need for a pause, for a chance to evalute. As Scully pulled away and sat up, she and Mulder locked eyes. Mulder's eyes were seductively focussed on her. She could see how dialated his black pupils were, how compelling that made them. She felt that Mulder's whole life was compressed into that blazing gaze. Behind the fire she could see his soul laid bare for her. Scully saw the lust, the need, and the love; it shocked her. She didn't think she could return the feelings in equal amounts. "Mulder, what are we doing?" "I think you know." "Well, we shouldn't do this," Scully said half-heartedly. She stopped trying to pull away but stayed tensed. Mulder felt he still had self control - barely. So often he had counted down the reasons this shouldn't happen. Now circumstance brought him this chance. He wondered if he was being a fool but suddenly, he didn't care. He wanted to stay and trust his instincts. All Mulder could see was Scully's face; her red nose and splotchy face, her slightly bloodshot eyes and the dark circles - all ravages of the cold and crying - yet Mulder worshipped this face. He watched her large expressive eyes looking back at him, watched the mixture of emotions washing across her face. He glanced down to her swollen lips and felt a wave pulse through him. He leaned over, brushed the hair back a bit from her eyes and tenderly began kissing her face. Scully blinked slowly, enjoying the warmth of his lips, while her heart skipped and she tingled in various places. Mulder's hand cupped her head while his lips traveled to her mouth. For moments they hesitated, prolonging the intense sensations, each not willing to be the first one to close their eyes. They brought their lips together lightly for a few times; lips exploring and teasing each other until Mulder tasted Scully's mouth with his tongue. That was all Scully needed; they were overcome with desire and began fully kissing. Scully let out a small noise of pleasure into his mouth that made Mulder draw his breath in sharply as they continued to kiss with abandonment. Scully became breathless - literally. It was she who had to break away first, her clogged sinuses interfering. "Oh god," Scully sighed, surprised at how dizzy and light headed she felt and for how much she had enjoyed their kiss. For Mulder it was like coming home and he greedily wanted more. "Wait - I can't breathe," she half laughed. "Sorry. Breathe," Mulder whispered, not yet able to overcome the knot in his throat. Scully looked up at him and made a strenuous effort to remember her previous mindset. Although she was determined, she dreaded what she had to say next. She racked her brain for the right words and made several false starts until she became frustrated and closed her eyes to him. She looked at Mulder again and saw across his eyes a flicker of something - what? Hope? Surrender? Fear? She became irritated. Damn him. Damn him for being so needy, so alone, so misused. In that instant she was thankful for her anger; it gave her the energy she needed to refuse him. "We can't do this," she stated. "Why not?" Scully took a deep breath and said, "It won't work." "Sure it will. We'll make it work." "I don't want it to work out this way." Mulder had his guard down. "What's wrong? Don't do this. Don't ruin us." Scully was astonished. "Ruin us? Me ruin us? What about you?" Mulder sat back in disbelief and panic. He fought hard to think clearly, to not give in to the chaos. Abruptly he thought he had the answer. "Don't give me that, you're just looking for an excuse!" "Look, I don't need an excuse. I know what's best for me. In the end you will see that's it's probably best for you too." Mulder quickly and angrily said, "don't decide what's best for me!" They both grew quiet for a moment. Scully began, "I wasn't looking for this but it happened; I can't do anything about that now. So much has happened to me where I had no control -" "Don't blame me Scully," Mulder interrupted, "blame *them*. Better yet, don't blame anybody. You can't go around always in control no matter who you are or what you do. For once in your life stop fighting it." He plaintively added, "Stop fighting me." Scully countered, "I'm not blaming you for anything, you know better than that. I've worked hard to avoid being a victim in all this. My beliefs, my faith, my family, who I was before - has helped me, not hindered me." She continued with resignation in her voice, "I haven't given up the war, just the battle. This has got to stop. It's insane. It's too painful. I don't know how much time I may have left and I just can't waste it." Mulder stood up and paced a few steps. He was getting hurt and confused again. He wondered how these things could turn bad so fast. He wanted to understand what she was doing but it was hard not to think of her rejection signifying him as a waste of space. He went forward as rationally as he could. He asked her, "Well, what DO you want? This is as much a part of you now as ever. You can't stop it. You can't run away from it. And even if you could, sooner or later you'll discover that all you have is your work and you'll look up and there won't be anyone there. You WILL be all alone. Is that what you want?" Scully knew exactly what to say to that. "I'm not running away from anything, Mulder. You're projecting on me. This is what YOU do." Mulder measured those last words all the while glaring at her and chewing his lip. "Goddamn it Scully! You think I don't KNOW that? There is nobody there for me, only -" Mulder looked away and put his hands on his hips for a long time. Finally Mulder turned back to her and quietly said, "You are all I have. We can be there for each other, just like before." Defeated, Mulder started walking out of the room. Scully stood up to follow him. "Mulder -" "I'm leaving Scully," he said evenly. "This isn't going anywhere. I won't ask you to stay with the X-Files or me. You have to decide that for yourself and from the sound of things you already have." He headed for the door. Somehow, after getting what she wanted, she began second guessing herself. "Mulder, I'm sick and I'm tired. Did you forget? We can talk about this later." Mulder took a few steps back towards her. His voice was straining with anguish as he spoke loudly, "That's just it, I know you are sick. I know some of the unspeakable things that have happened - are still happening to you. I want you to know you are not alone. You don't have to be so strong all the time. Do you think you have to be strong for me?" It was Scully's turn to look away. She sat back down heavily on the sofa. Mulder followed and sat with her. He sensed a chink in her armor. Suddenly he had an idea, something that would help her see the truth. Calmly he asked, "What do you think that dream was about? Do you know?" Scully became wary but she wasn't about to let him know that. She pulled herself together, leveled a look at him and began, "I believe it was induced by the flu, probably the results of the combined effects of my fever and elevated levels of naturally occuring chemicals during sleep; serotonin, epinephrine, endorphins and such, that were likely artificially heightened by the drugs I was taking for the flu. This in turn set off and provoked higher levels of brain neuron activity that manifested itself onto my brain's dream sites." "In short, Mulder, a dream gone bad." Scully thought she sounded like such a smartass but she didn't care; she was hedging. Mulder sighed, "That was just the catalyst. You haven't answered my question Scully." "I'm getting to that, Mulder." Scully went on, "What I experienced a while ago was hypnagogia, the 4th state of consciousness, the 'twilight state'. This often occurs in the interval preceeding stage 1 sleep not to be confused with REM dreaming." Mulder interrupted, "You did have a nightmare. Maybe not just now but earlier. You told me that." "Yes, I might have incorporated that. But a more likely explanation was the association of hearing you knocking at my door during this fleeting psycho-physical state, inducing paranoia." Scully was on a roll now and she knew it. She continued, "You know as well as I that hypnagogia is associated with the paranormal hypothesis. That's it's a fertile source of ghostly experiences, out of body sensations, astral projection. This altered state is quasi-hallucinatory or even full-blown hallucinatory." "It can also be a time of personal transformation," Mulder said with quiet intensity. "You mean how do I interprete the symbolism? It's really quite simple -" "Cut the crap Scully," he sneered. "What about how you felt, what you were feeling emotionally? Towards who or what?" The anxiety pain in her chest was coming back. She struggled with herself for awhile, fighting her wish to fly from the room, make him dissappear, anything to keep from answering truthfully. She didn't want to compromise her honesty anymore though, she needed to get this out. She was just going to have to tell him. "You. All the unresolved issues I have with you." "Why Scully, you have issues? Do tell," he said smugly. Mulder thought he could widen that crack for sure now and he kept digging at her. He knew he sounded ugly and revengeful. "Don't. And you can stop using that tone with me." Scully was disappointed and annoyed with Mulder now. She had no intention of sharing her feelings if he was going to carry on like that. "What is so hard that you can't tell? You can do anything Scully, isn't that right?" Mulder badgered. "Stop it." "You don't have anything to be afraid of. It was just a stupid dream, nothing, remember? Just a jumble of brain cells randomly firing, isn't that so Scully? Why can't you talk about it then?" "Stop it! Back off Mulder!" Scully didn't think she should have to endure his stupid harassment anymore. She could feel her anger rising. Mulder was persistent, "Tell me Scully! What are you afraid of? What's happening to you! What's your dirty little secret!" Mulder's temper and impatience kept going up to match Scully's. Something close to blind panic slammed into Scully for the second time that day. Adrenaline punched through her like a jackhammer. Scully felt a huge bubble rising and it threatened to choke her. "Damn it, Mulder, stop. Just stop! I'm not telling you anything. Get the hell out of here, LEAVE!" She punctuated those last words with shoves against him. "No," he said defiantly, "Tell me." Scully reached her breaking point and her voice strained, "I've said enough as it is!" "No, you haven't, Scully. What are you hiding?" Mulder pushed her back. "Fuck you, Mulder!" "No, fuck you, I insist," Mulder replied flippantly. Scully balled her fists and began pounding on Mulder's chest. They struggled after Mulder quickly caught her wrists. Scully blurted, "I feel so used! I should have been able to stop this. They've taken so much from me. And I don't want you feeling sorry for me. I felt pathetic. I hated being hurt, letting myself be hurt by you while we were busy holding each other off at arm's length. I hated myself and you for making me fall in love!" Scully stopped struggling with Mulder. "How could you make me go through this now?" she cried. Mulder wasn't shocked and he wasn't feeling guilty - he was relieved. He grabbed her face and declared, "Because it's time for both of us to commit to something more solid, tangible, something we can count on. I've decided to take that chance, Scully. I'm in love too, don't you see?" The words hung in the air. Mulder was the first to speak again. He assured her, "You can do this with me. We can try." Scully shook her head slightly and huffed. Large silent tears fell down her face. She shook her head again more vigorously. "Scully, you can do this, don't be afraid." She gasped and shuddered. She *was* afraid. "Scully? Please." Mulder appealing to her stirred something in Scully's willful spirit. Looking at him now she saw a bit of herself in his face; the same fears, the same despair, the same hopes and dreams. She began to understand she didn't have to lose herself to be with him. That they could take care of each other on equal ground. Through her fears and her doubts she decided to try; she would crack open that door and allow Mulder in. She owed that to herself. Scully gave Mulder a look of resignation along with a small nod. Mulder let out a gasp of relief and immediately put his arms around her. Scully glanced at his face at the last moment and saw the intense mixture of relief and joy. When they pulled back Scully shyly looked at him and Mulder sweetly kissed her until Scully once again had to stop in order to breathe properly. "Scully?" Mulder asked, "how do you feel?" "Actually, not too well," she said faintly. Although Mulder was concerned for her he couldn't help secretly being delighted that she had finally told him that. "Hold on," Mulder got up and told her, "Be right back." Mulder went over to the grocery bags he had dropped on the floor when he had first come in, picked them up and went into the kitchen. He soon returned with a glass full of ice and something clear. "Got something for you," he offered. Scully took it gratefully. "Ginger ale, supposed to be good for you when you are sick, isn't it?" Mulder asked. He sat beside her and stroked her as he spoke. "I'm going to get you something to eat. I'm going to take care of you," he said seriously. He kissed her, got up, and went back into the kitchen. Scully grabbed the afghan around her, pulled up her feet, sat back sideways to the couch and closed her eyes, nursing a headache. After much rustling and banging around in her kitchen he finally brought to her a bowl of chicken noodle soup and a grilled cheese sandwich. "Comfort food, Mulder?" "Just like mom's." She couldn't decide which was better; the hot salty food or the light sweetness of the cold ginger ale. Scully thought it was the best food she had tasted in a long time. "What about you, aren't you going to have some?" "I will later. You need to get some rest now. Do you want to stay on the couch or go back to bed?" "Bed would be nice but I'd like to change the sheets first." Scully wearily got up and got fresh sheets. As she walked into her bedroom she realized Mulder was right on her heels; it felt awkward. Scully decided to ignore the discomfort and just get on with the task at hand. She dropped a pillowcase and bent over to pick it up. She gave a small grunt when the pressure and pain from her head hurt her. "Here, let me do that." Mulder began moving so quickly that Scully thought she might do well to step back and stay out of the way. "Come on, in you go," Mulder coaxed. Scully slid in bed and sat back against the headboard. Mulder sat down on the edge of the bed and said, "Call me if you need anything." She nodded. They held hands; she looked at his profile while he looked down at the floor, lost in thought. Mulder looked at her, smiled, and gave her another kiss. He straightened, and with a little nod of satisfaction, turned out the light. Mulder was enjoying this new role; he felt whole again. Scully murmured, "I could get used to this," as she snuggled down under the covers. She heard Mulder knocking about the kitchen again. The noises began retreating as she nearly drifted off to sleep. She heard him walk into the living room and sit down. As she listened to him change the channels on the TV she was just...about...asleep. And then she heard something that caused her heart to skip a beat and her eyes to fly open. "Oh no," she groaned. Mulder sneezed. ************************** There's a part of my heart that says stop please go no further I just can't take the pressure So I try to resist then my heart tells me don't bother that this pain is pleasure I can tell, I can feel, I can see something is changing To me change is no stranger I don't run, I don't hide, I don't fight what fate arranges I don't think about danger I should trust myself I should beware of this but it's like a stranger's kiss and somehow I can't resist And I can feel, I can feel I can feel my will slip away under your influenza I can feel, I can feel I can feel my mind slip away under your influenza I can feel, I can feel I can feel my heart slip away under your influenza END PART 2/2 Comments? E-me at
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