Date sent: Mon, 29 Dec 1997 17:36:54 -0800 (PST) From: Brenna MacTyre <> Subject: Icarus (1/1) TITLE: Icarus (1/1) AUTHOR: Brenna MacTyre E-MAIL ADDRESS: DATE: December 1997 DISTRIBUTION: Archive - yes, please. Do not forward to ATXC RATING: NC-17 CLASSIFICATION: V,R CONTENT WARNINGS: MSR alert SUMMARY: Mulder watches Scully sleep. DISCLAIMER: The characters of Fox Mulder and Dana Scully belong to Chris Carter and 1013 Productions. FEEDBACK: Please send to ================================================== Icarus Scully sleeps with the same grace and precision that marks her waking hours. Unlike my chaotic sprawl in tangled sheets, she lies, slightly curled, in a neat line, arms folded against her body, protecting her heart. Symmetry in sleep as in motion -- that's Scully. I hope she does not realize how many nights I spend watching her sleep. She knows my taste in videos, but never in her wildest nightmares could she imagine how far my voyeurism takes me. The simple act of watching her sleep is more erotic than any professional actor could hope to mimic. Perhaps the danger adds to the eroticism. If she ever suspects that I use the connecting door of our motel rooms for these nighttime violations of her privacy, I will be lucky if all I lose is a partner. Perhaps, if she is feeling merciful, she might not shoot me, but her pity will be more than I can endure. There must be some flaw in the Mulder genes that makes the allure of self-destruction so powerful that it over-rides all sense of caution or restraint. My father found his siren in a bottle, returning time after time to her sodden charms. Now I consort with the fiery siren of forbidden attraction. Deliberately I fly upwards to flirt with the tormenting fire of the sun in my universe. One day I will fly too close and ignite and I will rain back to earth in ashes. A rustle of sheets and the slick sound of her body moving against the pressed cotton turns my breathing ragged as I imagine what it would be like to feel her body move against mine. To feel her smooth silkiness melting against my chest and thighs as I move my hands in possessive waves across her body. My fantasies torment me with the simple pleasure of enfolding my body around hers as we sleep. In the half-waking world of lovers, she will breathe softly against my chest, ruffling the thin ridge of hairs there as I trace the size and shape of her in long languid strokes of my fingers. Soaring to skim the halo of the pulsing sun, I dare to imagine how, when my hands have satisfied their longing to know her and touch the length and breadth of her, my lips would demand their own journey. Each stop on that journey is already burned deep into my imagination, every wrinkle of skin memorized from the rare, unguarded glimpses I have gleaned over the years. I close my eyes, swaying in the darkness, as the slumbering fires of my passion shudder awake. I feel my tongue dart out of my parted lips to taste the unreachable taste of Scully's lips. I have no memory, not even a guess, as to their true taste, but my imagination gives them a dark honeyed flavor, sweet yet with a sharp spicy tang. Her lips are a wine my imagination never tires of drinking and never fails to long for. Like an epicure examining a menu, I review the treasures I hoard in my memory. With a soft groan, I fall into the dream, soaring with waxen wings of desire into the heavens, lost to all sense but the siren call of my passion. I will not rush this journey of exploration. Our first joining must be the slow building of pleasure until our passion erupts in a violent volcanic storm. I start with her ears, tracing each ear carefully with my tongue, blowing soft whispers of desire into them. She laughs in her gentle way and gives me one of her smiles to urge me closer. I smile back and grant her feather kisses along her brows, blowing away the locks of hair that fall into her face. Always moving, ever softly, my lips read her face like a blind man's fingers. Then, just as our lips almost meet, I withdraw and begin to trace the curve of her neck with my tongue, following its wet path with my lips, suckling the slick skin dry. Impatient now, she seizes my head to bring my lips to hers. Laughing, I open my mouth to her, allowing her to plumb my depths, letting her set the pace. She uses this time to make her own journey of exploration, to satisfy herself that my body and all my secrets lie open to her. As her tongue traces my lips and teeth, her hands map my body, exploring the plains and hollows of this husk of flesh that serves as mortal frame for my soul. I pity my soul, her hands can not touch it, her lips can not graze upon it. My body, however fleeting a shelter for the soul, is more blessed. I shudder as her hands reach down and grab my ass, pulling me closer to her. My cock stabs blindly, searching, aching with the single pulsing need to find her and join with her. Her laugh pours over me as her fingers trace my quivering cock. I am on fire. All thoughts of bringing our passion to a slow, simmering boil begin to flee. With an effort, I free myself from her ministering hands by seizing them and pinning them up over her head. She squirms to free herself and I lay myself upon her, letting her body grow acquainted with the feel of mine against her. Taking several slow deep breaths, I regain control and once again, begin the slow seduction of my love. Of all the euphemisms for this act of coupling, I think I love the Biblical one the best. I shall 'know' Scully and she will 'know' me. Such a profound way of expressing the joining of more than bodies; our souls shall touch and there will be nothing secret between us. Using my free hand, I slide my fingers down her thigh as far as I can reach, then, with feather-light touches move up the inner part of her thigh. She moans and thrusts her hips into my passing hand. Briefly I ruffle the hairs that guard her core, my fingers ever so lightly brushing against her clitoris. Her shudder provokes a shiver of anticipation from me. My body is stretched as tight as a drumhead with urgent desire and torturous pleasure. My nerves are echo to her body. Ruthlessly I tamp down my rising need. This is for her. I can wait. I have waited so long, culmination might shatter me beyond all reunion. She must have her pleasure first, then I can burn to ashes in the sun. I lean down and capture her lips with mine as I switch hands holding hers. I feel her growl of frustration against my lips and give her a chuckle in return. She cannot know how long I have planned this campaign, how many sleepless hours were spent in devising ways to give her pleasure. My freed hand mimics the journey its brother took, down the outer thigh in light strokes that raise goose-bumps in their wake. She is moaning beneath me now, twisting under me, making her impatience, her need plain. My hand journeys slowly up the sensitive flesh of her inner thigh to the wet tangle of curly hair at the top. Hot and moist already - I am nearly undone. My breath comes in short panting gasps as I fight to control the urge to end this seduction and plunge into her. My fingers begin a slow circular motion against her clitoris. She bucks so hard I'm nearly dislodged, but escape is not in her mind. Her body surges against mine, seeking what I long to give, but will not give until she has soared as high as I have in my power to send her. I find her rhythm and begin to bring her to the edge. One finger, then two enter her. My cock burns with envy and thrusts restlessly against her thigh. As my hand seduces her, I bring my lips to the hardened nipples on her breasts. My tongue lightly laps the rosy peaks, hardening them further until my slightest breath sends her shivering and twitching. Soon the slow pace of my tongue is not enough. I begin to suckle, grazing gently at first, smoothing the nipples with my tongue after my teeth have pulled them taut. Engrossed in my dual tasks, the hand pinning her arms relaxes. With an abrupt twist, she frees herself. Suddenly I am the one being seduced. Her hands trace the outlines of my back and ass sending shivers of fire and ice through my veins. Drawing on all my willpower, I resist her demands. I refuse to be hurried until she groans with pent-up need and begins to shudder. My tongue moves in tempo with the rapid plunging of my fingers into her core. My thumb rolls her clit faster until she is climaxing against me. I hold her as she splinters apart, kissing her slowly as she comes back to earth. I revel in the simple, arousing act of embracing her as she convulses from the pleasure I have given her. As she lies panting in my arms, my lips begin to retrace the journey my hands made, smoothing the ruffled skin while whispering my love to all her parts. My lips trace her body as her hands begin to trace mine, each of us mimicking the other's actions, binding each other close in a duet of passion. Now, it is my turn. Her expression leaves no doubt in my mind that the pleasure she has just known will be returned fourfold. This is no passive partner I have taken into my bed. Scully is a fierce, intuitive giver, as well as receiver, of seduction. Her hands and lips suckle and lick in dizzying profusion until all thought is banished and I lie there captive to her will and to the urgent need she is conjuring up. With a smile and insistent hands, she draws me into her. Whatever plan I had to start slow has long since fled. I sink into her in one long thrust that buries me up to the hilt in a hot, wet sheath that stretches and tightens around me. With a sobbing groan I pull out again, then thrust in hard once more. I am beyond thought or reason. All that I am, all that I hope to be, has melted into a burning pool of passion and need. Our joining is no gentle plumbing of her depths. We are two forces of nature joining. I am the lightning striking the earth, consuming and being consumed, burying myself in her until she takes me wholly into her heart as well as her body.... Breasting the waves of desire that have hardened my flesh to a violent, pulsing demand for completion, I tear myself out of the dream. Shuddering, I stand with clenched fists, staring sightlessly at the ceiling, fighting for control. I burn; a white pillar of fire, buffeted by the winds of frenzied desire. I hang poised on the verge of a shattering release, but smother my body's demands in self- immolation, teeth clenched against the moan of protest rising from my depths. At home, on my couch, I can summon up the image of my desire and, with my hands, allow my pent-up passion to explode in the lonely darkness. But not here. Never with her living form sleeping nearby. This is the price I pay to stand and watch her sleep; invading her night with my lonely fantasies. "Mulder?" A single word, thick and unnaturally deep, pierces the dream, breaking the fragile spell that binds my wings to flight. Flailing, I plummet to the cold ocean of despair that waits to swallow me. I hold my eyes closed against the judgment I know will be in hers; anger to damn me or a soft pity that I can not live with. Helpless to explain, bereft of wit or words to plead some excuse for my intrusion, my own body testament to my crime, I open my eyes to read my fate. Neither anger nor pity mar the radiance of her gaze. In the dim light, her eyes are twin sapphire flames, burning as I burn. With a smile and those eyes, she draws me forward, out of the shadows. With a graceful sweep of her hand she throws back the covers and beckons me home. I fly into the heart of the sun and fall burning into her arms. Out of the ashes of my fear, our shared passion rises more splendid than the dream. THE END Comments? Send to:
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