From Tue Apr 08 09:04:28 1997 Subject: Hourglass (revised) 1/4 From: Rhiannon <> -------- TITLE: Hourglass 1 of 4 - Revised AUTHOR: Rhiannon E-MAIL & COMMENTS TO: ARCHIVE: Okay, just note that this is a revision of my earlier story by the same name! SPOILER WARNING: Through Momeno Mori! This was originally done in response to a challenge on the EP list last month to cure Scully's cancer. Although I already cured it in my first attempt at fanfic (Sudden Gift of Fate). BUT that was post Leonard Betts and pre-Momento Mori and all the proverbial cards weren't on the table, although all the players were in the game (except Kurt, Kirk, whatever). Anyway, this story is done specifically for the challenge and hopefully will be something "different". I think I took the coward's way out on the first try and for some reason I just *can't* leave the subject alone. DISCLAIMER: Ah, these characters aren't mine (unless they don't seem to be from C.C.'s World, then, I made 'em up). X-files, Scully, Mulder, Maggie Scully, Walter Skinner, Cancerman (I CANNOT be politically correct on that guy), The Lone Gunmen, Samantha, etc. belong to Chris Carter (bow down before him for he is God), 1013 Productions and Fox (we're bigger than God) Broadcasting. I'm only playing with these characters and will return them to their rightful owners (who include the enigmatic Gillian Anderson and enchanting David Duchovny) when I'm done. I'll even try to return them in the same condition I borrow them - except D.S. will be sans the tumour between her eyes as required by the Challenge. WARNING LABELS - (like the ones they should put on sad country songs): Angst (for all), S - for Story, MSR (can't see 'em or write 'em any other way). Anti-shippers, stop reading NOW before I taint you. NOTE: This has been revised or (as my old prof from U of L would say) "tightened up" with some advice and suggestion from Yvonne Richards. Thanks Yvonne. If you've already read it, feel free to hit the delete key now! SUMMARY: A surprise force behind the scenes sets up a way to cure Scully. June, 1997 A spring breeze gently rustled the curtains. Dana Scully rolled over and looked at the clock. 5:50 a.m. When had she started waking up so early? It seemed every day was more precious than the last and she wanted to be aware of every moment as it passed. The feeling that her life was slipping away like sand through her fingers was always there. The lyrics of a song played through her mind. "Seize the day. Seize whatever you can. Life slips away just like hourglass sand." Her hourglass was rapidly draining of its sand and she was beginning to grow weary of the struggle. It had only been four months since her cancer had been diagnosed. Since Penny Northern had died. Since she had resolved to carry on and to survive, somehow. Lately the only force sustaining her resolve was Mulder. Mulder. How quickly they had moved from partners and friends and to something more. Not quite lovers. They had yet to share the act that would consummate the love they shared. It was an unspoken vow between then. Not until she was well. Not until it was an act, not in anticipation of the end, but in anticipation of the beginning of their future. Over the past four months they had chased leads and avenues, doctors and treatments. Even threats of going public with the DAT tape contents had not inspired Cancerman to provide any information. She was beginning to think he had none. If she was going to die, she wanted to bring him and his friends down first. Her thoughts of press conferences and CNN news' specials were interrupted by a key turning in the front door. Mulder. He had taken to coming over early in the morning, bringing her breakfast in bed on the weekends. At first she had protested. But he just kept showing up on Saturday and Sunday mornings with a grin on his face and something delightful from one of the local bakeries in a bag. Scully knew he was worried because she was losing yet more weight. Her 5'2" frame had shrunk to just under 100 pounds. Thinner than she had been since high school and determined to make cheerleader, just like Melissa. She *had* done it. The Scully stubborn streak and a very revealing outfit had insured her garnering enough votes from the mostly male judges. It had not lasted long. She quit before the first game. The basketball coach put his hand where it should not have been during a practise and suggested that she meet him later in his office, if she wanted to stay on the squad. Later that day she had quietly explained to him that if he ever touched another girl, and she heard about it, she would see that he was sent to a place where the only females around appeared in glossy pictures on cement walls. Even at 15 she had been imbued with a need to protect not only herself but also others. When she was in her first year in University she learned the coach had been charged with sexually assaulting one of the female gymnasts on the school team. The police were looking for former students who had been approached by the coach. She immediately called the investigating officer from half way across the country and gave a statement. The day she stood in court and told the jury what had happened to her four years' earlier, the coach stared at her with disbelief. She had simply raised her eyebrow at him as if to say: "You didn't think I was serious, did you. Never underestimate a woman!" Was she still that woman now? The door to her bedroom opened. She had boosted herself up against the pillows and smiled at the man standing in the doorway. He smiled back, holding a bag from Dunkin Donuts. "How did you know I was craving donuts this morning?" She smiled. "And, more importantly how did you know I would be awake at this ungodly hour." "Actually, I didn't know you would be awake." Mulder said down on the edge of the bed. His eyes looked as though he had not slept at all. "But, I couldn't sleep and figured I could sit around and stare into space here as well as I could at my apartment." "Mulder, you look like hell." Scully took the bag of donuts and set them on the nightstand. "Did you sleep at all last night?" His shrug told her everything. "Another night with the Gunmen searching for the missing piece?" Mulder and the Lone Gunmen had been crawling around the globe on the Internet looking for a treatment for her cancer. Something new. Something to give them hope and a future. Together. "The guys have found a doctor in Europe. He has been experimenting with a magic bullet type of drug for brain tumours located where surgery is impossible." Mulder had been chasing down leads like an Irish Wolfhound chases deer. Rapidly and with no mercy. "And. . ." Her eye's burrowed into Mulder's, questioning. The silent language the two of them shared had expanded in recent months. Before, the looks had been an extension of their work together. Somewhere, the line between their jobs as FBI Agents Mulder and Scully and their lives as Fox and Dana, man and woman, rubbed quietly away. "He checks out. Frohike hacked into every computer on the Continent to verify the man's story. Even called up his third grade teacher. She remembered him and faxed us a school photo." He took her hand in his and held it up to his cheek. He smiled. "So, up to a trip across the Atlantic?" "I suppose." She pulled Mulder close to her and slid down so that both were laying on the bed, his head resting on her shoulder. "But, first you are going to curl up quietly and sleep for a while." Mulder started to protest but as Scully began to trace gentle circles on his back, he gave in to sleep and moved into her embrace. Several hours later, Scully awoke and looked down at the man who lay sleeping next to her. His head rested between her breasts with the teal green silk of her pyjama top forming a frame around his face. Sleep softened Mulder's features. He looked like a small boy peacefully lost in dreams. This was an image she would carry with her. A memory that would get her through the dark times she feared lay ahead. Mulder's eyes opened and he smiled up at her. Neither moved or spoke. There was nothing to say. For the moment they were just two people holding onto each other and a dream. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ June, 1997 Somewhere in Germany. "Do you really think she'll come?" The woman looked at the man in the lab coat as he looked through the file in front of him. "She'll come. He'll bring her." The man closed the file. "He and his little friends were checking me out last night. I expect they'll be here soon." "I hope you're right," the woman turned to leave the office. "She means a great deal to him. You have me. I won't let you take her as well." "Yes, Samantha, I promise I'll do everything I can." End of part 1. Song lyrics from "Seize the Day" by Carolyn Arends borrowed without permission but I wholehearted recommend checking out her CD. From Tue Apr 08 20:39:57 1997 Subject: Hourglass (revised) 2/4 From: Rhiannon <> -------- TITLE: Hourglass 2 of 4 - Revised AUTHOR: Rhiannon E-MAIL & COMMENTS TO: Disclaimer/spoiler warning/etc. - See part 1. **Somewhere in Germany.** Samantha Mulder-Campbell looked through the one-way glass at her brother. The brother she had not seen in almost 25 years. It was strange, she had only known about her brother for the past 10 years. In that time, she had found out everything there was to know about Fox Mulder. Including the fact that he was hopelessly devoted to his partner, Dana Scully. As she watched the two of them she could see they were not just partners. They were in love with each other. It made her smile and confirmed that her decision had been the right one. The people who had taken her from her home and family so many years before had their reasons. She had tested in the top .000001 percent of children in the world in intelligence. The lure of such a mind was too much for the Quorum to resist. They made their deals. First with the American shadow government. Then with the training centre in Frankfurt. Then with Samantha herself. That deal had taken years. After many years of education, training and indoctrination in the ways of the Quorum. At first, she had wanted to go home. More than anything. To see her mother and her father and even her brother who had teased her relentlessly. To sleep in her own bed. To wear her familiar clothes and play with her friends from school. Slowly many of these memories faded. Her family became a dream and her old life ceased to exist. It was not that they did not take care of her. She was cared for by a kind and loving family. It just was not her family, even though she could not really remember them. After about five years spent learning, soaking up information on every subject known to humankind, she began to learn about the Quorum. It was not evil, as she had first believed. Well, there was a certain evil in taking young children away from their families, but it was for a greater good. The Quorum abducted (or involuntarily recruited, as they called it) and trained the greatest minds of the day. They encouraged genius and gave the members the resources to pursue research light years beyond what was being done anywhere else. This was how Samantha Mulder had trained as a doctor and then a researcher. She had focused on the treatment of previously untreatable cancers. It was not in her nature to quit. When she had found her long lost family, she was amazed how similar she and Fox were. True, their skills were in different fields; but their sense of determination bound them together as though they had been raised side by side. Therein lay the dilemma. If Samantha revealed to her brother that she was alive and happy, it would take away his motivation to seek the truth. From her home in Germany, she was able to follow his work. To see the leaps of logic he made when pursuing a lead were amazing - a real gift. She was thrilled and very proud to be his sister. After many hours of discussion with her husband, she had decided not to intrude on Fox Mulder's world. His search for her was the fire in his soul. It gave him reason to go on. Samantha also had selfish reason. As much as she valued the work she and the other members of the Quorum did, she wanted to exact revenge on the men who had allowed her to be taken from her family. The Quorum had long since stopped doing involuntary recruitments. They had severed their ties with the shadow governments of the world, including the one that had been responsible for her abduction in New England so many years before. But she knew the shadow government and its players were still there and still active. Now, she worked behind the scenes hoping that Fox would find a way to extinguish the power of the shadow players. Once that was done, she would find him. Scully's illness had been a turn in the road Samantha had not anticipated. Just as his search for her abductors fuelled her brother's passion to search for the truth, Scully kept him grounded and able to cope when his was ready to give up. Samantha did not who was behind Scully's kidnapping several years earlier. She suspected that it was the same shadow players who had taken her so many years earlier. It did not really matter to her now. What matter was keeping her brother's search alive. His added desire to find the truth behind Scully's abduction was central to his search. Without Dana Scully, Samantha was certain Fox Mulder would give up on everything that had mattered in his life, including finding her. As soon as she had learned of Dana Scully's diagnosis, Samantha Mulder-Campbell thanked the powers that she had chosen her profession well. It was as if she was meant to save this woman who seemed to complete her brother. As if all her life's work had lead to this inevitability. To succeed she had to create a doctor to administer the treatment she had been working on for almost three years. One of the many public faces the Quorum kept on retainer stepped in to fill the need. In order to make the Quorum work, it was necessary to have individuals who could take credit for the inventions and discoveries made by the Quorum members. To do otherwise would have ended the project many years before. Samantha's public face was Calvin Hofer. He was a medical doctor and an oncologist. He had taken credit for many of Samantha's discoveries in the past. This was just one more time he would follow her instructions and make history. Samantha looked up as Dr. Hofer entered the office to meet with his new patient. The treatments would start immediately. It would be several weeks before their effectiveness could be measured. Samantha sighed. Would she be able to resist contact with Fox? She knew in her heart it was too soon for them to meet. But there was no reason she could not meet Scully. It did help that both Fox and his partner thought they *knew* what she looked like as an adult. The shadow players had given her the gift of anonymity. She raked her fingers through her short, honey brown hair and picked up her pewter framed reading glasses. Yes, she was several inches shorter than Dana Scully would expect. She was also physically so unlike the supposed Samantha clones that she doubted even her mother would know her. In researching her family, Samantha had concluded that her eventual adult appearance was from her father's grandmother, a woman who had died when Fox was 15. He probably would not even remember her, but Samantha could not take the chance that his eidetic memory had within it a picture of the soft, round woman she had grown to resemble. Samantha looked up as her brother and Dana got up to leave Dr. Hofer's office. She watched Fox place his arm protectively around his partner. The two shared a private look and left the office. Samantha flipped on the intercom into the office. "So, Cal, how did it go?" "I got the fifth degree," he said rubbing his temples. "Your brother is one serious investigator. I managed to answer all their questions and she starts the therapy this evening." "Good," Samantha smiled. "Remember to administer the dosages exactly as I have outlined. I know my treatment will save her. It has to." End Part 2 From Tue Apr 08 20:40:35 1997 Subject: Hourglass (revised) 3/4 From: Rhiannon <> -------- TITLE: Hourglass 3 of 4 - Revised AUTHOR: Rhiannon E-MAIL & COMMENTS TO: Disclaimer/spoiler warning/etc. - See part 1. Fox Mulder paced the hallway of the small private clinic. It was in a small German town. So small, in fact, that he and the Gunmen had a difficult time even locating it on a map. Right now he was glad they were away from the hustle of a big city. Maybe these doctors knew what they were doing. Treating patients in a clinic that was more like a health spa than a state of the art medical facility. <<What's taking so long?>> He thought as he paced. The first four treatments had gone well but the fifth dose of the new designer medication had caused a reaction in Scully's system. She had suffered dehydration and nausea that made the traditional chemotherapy after-effects seem mild. For almost 48 hours he had sat beside her, caressing her hand as it lay limp at her side. She was not truly in a coma, but she was not fully conscious either. Watching her asleep, but not asleep was wrenching. Dr. Hofer tried to assure him that the reaction was to be expected. It was part of the way the medication worked. That did not make Fox Mulder feel any better. The truth was that what hurt his partner, hurt him just as deeply. An hour earlier they had kicked him out of her room. Some specialist was coming in to consult on the case and wanted privacy with Scully. Mulder had not been happy leaving her alone with anyone, especially some mysterious stranger. But, Dr. Hofer had made it clear that he was to leave and not to return until the nurse came to get him. Samantha looked down at the pale woman who lay on the stark white sheets. "Damn it, Dana Katherine Scully," she said as she stroked the unconscious woman's hand. "You are not supposed to get this sick. The medication should be shrinking the tumour - hell, maybe it is, but we can't even take a look until you open your eyes." A firm believer in the power of talking to patients who seemed as though they could not hear a word, she continued. "Besides, my brother is standing out in that hallway worrying himself to death over you. I can't let you slip away from him. Losing me was bad enough. But you are the key to finding out what happened to all of us and who did it. Dana, you've got to come back from wherever you are. Do it for yourself. Do it for me. And if you can't do it for either of us, please come back for Fox. He loves you and, because he does, I love you, too." Samantha slipped Dana's hand under the light blanket and adjusted the IV next to the bed. She turned and walked to the back of the room where curtains hid an almost invisible door. As she turned to leave, Samantha looked back at the woman she had come to consider her sister, "Don't give up life yet." Scully was vaguely aware that someone had been in the room with her. Slowly she became cognizant of the feel of the sheets against her skin, the quiet hum of the monitor next to her bed and the feel of the cool liquid that was entering her arm through the IV. Had it been a dream? She could remember a woman's voice. A very familiar voice. Not a voice she had heard before, but the tone and pitch reminder her of . . . Mulder. What his voice would sound like if it were female. She could not recall what the voice had said, but it had been comforting. It had called her back from an abyss she had been close to once before. The voice anchored her to the here and now. To this world. To her life. "Mr. Mulder," the nurse touched his arm, "you can see her now. She seems to be coming around." Scully looked up as the door opened. There stood Mulder bearing a million watt Muldersmile. The kind that made her warm from the inside out. "Hey, you," he was at her side, "it's good to see your eyes open." It was true. For the past two days all Fox Mulder had cared to see were the deep blue orbs that revealed his partner's soul for anyone who knew how to read them. Luckily, as far as he knew, he was the only one who could read Scully's eyes. Right now they were smiling and there was a peace within them that he had not seen in a very long time. "I'm going to be fine, Mulder," she reached out and took his hand. "I just know it. The worst is over." "Is that what the specialist told you?" "What specialist?" She looked quizzically at her partner. "I don't remember any doctors, but I guess I haven't really been very observant if I can read your face right now." She pulled Mulder down so that he was sitting next to her on the bed. "I did have a dream about Samantha, though." He looked up. "What?" "I don't understand it Mulder, but I'll tell you what I remember." Scully eased herself up on the pillows. "A woman was sitting next to me, talking to me. I don't remember ever seeing her before but she sounded, she sounded - Mulder you're going to think I'm crazy." "No I'm not," Fox Mulder studied his partner's face. He had rarely seen her as solemn as she was at this moment. "Well," Scully took a deep breath, "she sounded like you would - if you were female. And, she talked about you and said that I had to get better for you." Scully fell silent and her eyes held his gaze for what seemed like an eternity. "I don't know who it was, Scully, but whoever managed to convince you to pull out of the tailspin you've been in for the past two days, I thank them. For giving you back to me. If they had to pretend to be Sam to get your attention, that is okay." Just then Dr. Hofer knocked on the door. "Excuse me. But we need to take the patient for some tests." Three hours later, Scully was sitting in the soft armchair in front of the window in her room. She had changed from the hospital issue gown into a gold satin set of pyjamas Mulder had presented to her earlier. Dr. Hofer was coming up with the test results. She had demanded that they track Mulder down - he had gone to his hotel to change - before Hofer gave her the results. Mulder had been with her through it all and she wanted him there now. Whether the news was good or bad, they would hear it together. Just then the door opened. "Scully." In an instant, Mulder crossed the room and was standing beside her. "Relax, Mulder," Scully could tell he was worried. "Dr. Hofer hasn't said anything yet." "She wouldn't hear of me talking until you arrived," Dr. Hofer had walked in behind Mulder. "If I were you, I'd keep this little lady close at hand. She's pretty devoted to you." From behind the curtained door, Samantha smiled. <<That's it, Cal, a little gentle nudging in the right direction.>> Mulder sat on the arm of Scully's chair and took her hand. The air was heavy with anticipation. Dr. Hofer could tell the pair were ready to collapse under the weight of their questions. He opened Scully's file. "Dr. Scully," he began, "as you know, the treatment we gave you targeted the tumour using new techniques. Your last treatment, well, let's just say that your reaction to it had us all a little bit worried." His eyes studied the partners who sat quietly hanging on every word. "In any event, the last test we did appears to confirm what we had hoped. The tumour has shrunk and continues to shrink almost on an hourly basis. It is our opinion that within the week the last traces should have been eliminated by the treatment." Fox William Mulder and Dana Katherine Scully breathed out in unison. They had not even been conscious of holding their breath for the past several minutes. With the release of air, came the release of tension and emotion. Their eyes met silently discussing what Dr. Hofer had just said. The tumour, the cancer was fading. Across the room, Dr. Hofer moved quickly to the door. He left and closed the door behind him. Neither seen nor heard by the two people who were busy contemplating what the results meant. "Dana," Mulder breathed her name. She moved into his arms and buried her face in his neck. He could feel her tears on his skin. They mixed with the ones he was shedding. Tears not of hurt or loss, but tears of gratitude and hope. Mulder gently lifted his partner from the chair and carried her to the bed. There he pulled her into his embrace and held her to him like she would melt if he released his grip. He wanted to carry her from the hospital and to the hotel and make love to her right then. He wanted to give her the ring he had bought almost a year earlier - the ring he was afraid she would never wear. He was caught with an incredible desire to find the nearest priest, minister, rabbi, judge - whatever - and marry this amazing woman. For her part, Scully could scarsely believe that what had been said and its implications. She was not going to die. Suddenly the future that she had felt slipping through her fingers began to reform before her eyes. Thoughts and images came to her unbidden and uncontrolled. Her mind settled on a image of Mulder dressed in a tuxedo standing under a canopy of flowers and leaves. Her mother smiling with tears in her eyes. Frohike with tears in his eyes. . . . She and Mulder decorating a house. Not an apartment, but a house with a yard and a garden. . . . The next image both amazed and frightened Scully. It was Mulder and he was comforting a small girl who appeared to have fallen off her bike. The little girl looked up and Scully saw herself at 7. But that would be impossible. She thought to herself. Marriage. A home. That is possible. But I am infertile - whatever was done to me made sure of that. If only that image were possible. An hour later the nurse slowly opened Scully's door to check on the patient. On the bed she saw the couple entwined in each other's arms. Both were asleep and both were smiling. The nurse gently closed the door and went to report to Dr. Mulder-Campbell. End part 3 From Tue Apr 08 20:41:22 1997 Subject: Hourglass (revised) 4/4 From: Rhiannon <> -------- TITLE: Hourglass 4 of 4 - Revised AUTHOR: Rhiannon E-MAIL & COMMENTS TO: Disclaimer/spoiler warning/etc. - See part 1. **SERIOUS MSR WARNING!!!** Three weeks later. Washington, DC "You have the rings?" Fox Mulder paced nervously in a circle. "Yes, Mulder, they are right here." Walter Skinner contemplated the young agent who was rapidly wearing a hole in the carpet of the anteroom where they waited for their cue. "For heavens sake, Mulder, stop pacing. You’re making me dizzy." Dizzy. That was the only word to describe the events of the past three weeks. It was three weeks to the day that Scully had received her clean bill of health from Dr. Hofer and the rest of the staff at the German clinic. She and Mulder had returned to DC and her own doctor had confirmed the evaluation of the German facility. The tumour which had been steadily growing was gone. Scully was, as far as anyone could say, cured. That night Mulder had taken her to their bench by the reflecting pool and done what he had been planning for almost a year. "Scully. . . Dana. . ." he had almost lost his ability to speak. "You know I love you more than my own life." She had just stared into his eyes as he spoke. "I have for a long time - hell, probably since the day you showed up in my office with your naiveté and gung-ho attitude. Anyway, the past months have been hard. Harder than anything I've ever been through. Just so you know, I have been planning this for a long time - since before you got sick. The time just never seemed to be right. . . ." He swallowed hard and took the small box from his pocket. For her part, Scully was just sitting, listening unable to speak. She knew Mulder well and she knew that feelings were something he held close and did not reveal easily. On one level she knew what he was going to say. On another level she was amazed and surprised with each word that flowed from him. "Damnit, Scully, this is hard for me. What I'm saying is I want us to be partners - real partners - in everything. Will you marry me, Dr. Scully?" He opened the box. Scully was crying. Tears splashed down her cheeks. She could not speak. All she could do was offer her hand to the man sitting beside her and nod. Now, three weeks later, Fox Mulder was standing in a steel grey tuxedo wondering how he had been so lucky. He had been blessed so many times over by a god he was not sure he even believed in. Scully had come into his life unbidden and had opened up a part of him that had been closed off and protected. Now she was waiting in a mirror image of the room in which he stood ready to commit to him for the rest of their lives. For her part, Dana Scully was calm. Part of her rationalised, she should be nervous. In a few minutes she would make a commitment that she had never dared believe she would make to anyone. Now, she was making a formal declaration of a commitment she realised she had made a long time ago. She knew that marrying Fox Mulder was the right thing to do. The doctors in Germany had given her a second chance and she was not going to waste a minute of her life. Across the room her childhood best friend, Cathy, was straightening the jacket of her dress. "Dana, are you ready?" Cathy adjusted the short veil that Scully was wearing. Cathy could hardly believe where she was and the circumstances that had lead her there. It had begun less than three weeks earlier with a phone call in the middle of a Monday afternoon. "Cath, it's Dana," the voice at the other end of the line brought back a flood of memories. It had been almost a year since they had talked. "Dana, what's wrong?" Cathy closed the file she had been reading. "Nothing, I was just wondering if a busy attorney like you can pull herself away from her practise for a weekend." Dana grinned to herself. She was taking Cathy up on a promise the two of them had made almost 20 years earlier sitting in Cathy's room in California. No matter what or where, they would be at each other's weddings on two-weeks' notice. "Why are you asking?" Cathy had a feeling what was coming next. "As if I need to ask. It's that partner of yours isn't it." "Gee, Cathy, am I *that* easy to read long distance?" "Actually, yes, you are. We may not have spoken that often over the past few years, woman, but every conversation with you has revolved around a man who is named after a rather bewitching and cuddly animal. And, I'm sorry, but I never did buy your "we just work together" line." Cathy was scanning her dayplanner. "So, when's the big day?" "Remember our promise?" Dana wondered if Cathy remembered. "Two weeks - no, Dana, you can't be serious?" Cathy thought back to the conversation so many years ago. "Actually, two weeks from next Saturday. I'm giving you almost three weeks." Cathy sighed. "Of course, I'll be there. I promised didn't I?" The two women locked eyes and grinned, both of them remembering their promise. Just then there was a knock on the door. It was Mrs. Scully. "Sweetheart, are you ready?" Margaret Scully looked at her youngest daughter revelling in the sight she had thought she'd never see: Dana Katherine Scully in a wedding gown. It was a sizeable bonus that Dana was marrying Fox Mulder. A young man that Margaret had loved like a son long before her daughter had realised he was the one for her. "Fox is waiting for you, honey. And he's so nervous if you don't get out here soon. Well, I think he may need your skills as a doctor to revive him from the faint he's working himself into." Dana straightened her shoulders and picked up her bouquet of irises and lilies. "I guess I better not keep him waiting any longer." She smiled and followed her mother and best friend out into the garden where she and Fox would declare to the world that, in deed and in fact, they were Mr. and Mrs. Spooky. The ceremony was simple. Two people promising their love and devotion before friends and family. Scully looked around the garden area. Frohike, who still professed his undying love, wiped a tear from his eye as she took Mulder's hand. Skinner, their boss and ally, standing behind Mulder as his support and best man. A number of people had been surprised at Mulder's selection of Walter Skinner. Scully had not. Her mother was smiling, a silent tear of joy slipped down her face. One person neither Scully nor Mulder noticed was a woman slightly younger than Scully standing silently behind the lilac bushes that separated the garden area from the street. The woman watched as her brother took the hand of his partner and best friend. Pledges of love and devotion. Promises made. Rings exchanged. As the happy couple kissed, Samantha Mulder-Campbell turned and walked toward the car that waited for her at the curb. "So," said the man behind the wheel, "did you see what you came for." "Yes," was all she could say. In her mind she pondered the future. Her brother and his wife. They had more challenges before them. If she could help them, she would. And someday, someday, she would again take her place in her brother's life. But for now, it was enough to know he was happy. END
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