The OFFICIAL "Kalatir" Stuff page

Last updated December 8, 2002

Symbol of Kalatir

"Kalatir Has Lots Of Neat Things!"

There are lots of neat stuff in my Kalatir universe. To help keep track of what is what here is a list of them. If I've missed any or you have any questions then please Mail Box me.

AELTARI - Felinion command to for an Yzupap to change to its natural colors.


APPARRISION GENERATOR – A device used to project a simulation into the dreams of a sleeping individual. Electrodes are connected to his wrists, ankles, forehead and chest of the subject. The leads for these go into a large odd looking computer, there are three separate consoles connected to it each is being controlled by a tech. A larger screen is connected to the system which displays the interaction. The event is very realistic, the only way to tell this apart from reality is that there is no sensations such as pain.


ASSAULTER - Chosen s fighter of the Legion. It is long and bulky with a single thruster and a single but powerful laser mounted in the noise. Designed mostly for attacking larger ships. Not very good at dog fighting.


AUSTRALIA – Just prior to the Three-DecaYerk Demur this country went to war to expand its borders and invaded the southern sections of Africa. Public out cry forced it to withdraw and return the lands but not until the citizens of these countries reimbursed Australia for it’s war. The country was then forced to split into two counties, west and east, hoping to weaken it.


AUTOMATONS - Automatic targeting/firing system. Not preferred over human gunners since they can be jammed out with special jamming devices and sometimes gets confused between two enemy targets (jumping back and forth between but not firing).


BATTLECRUISER - The "Aircraft Carrier" as far as spaceships go. Has three large fighter bays (each holding 3 S-Qs), is heavily armed with both light and heavy weapons (including missile systems) and in the shape of a giant wing (which is use to skip the atmosphere of planets).


BATTLEFIGHTERS - Similar to Battleships except that they are usually smaller, have fixed wings and no Light-Conversion capacity. Can only be used in an air atmosphere (not in space).


BATTLESHIP - Standard space fighters of the humans. Styles, technology levels and capacities differ between governments. They look F-14's with wings the run down the length of both sides of the ship from the back to the front (and can swing out) and a twin tail. Is usually very maneuverable and an excellent dog fighter.


BOSWWA – Felinion term meaning Second in command.


CAL MOD - Stands for Calibration Module. Used to keep Quzii protectors in sync with one another. Without it, even shields that are already in phase will quickly move out of phase with the fluctuations and disturbances of space travel. Every ship usually has at least one spare.


CELTARI - Felinion command for an Yzupap to blend in with its surroundings.


CERES - Democratic Legion name of a base. There are several of these scattered all over the solar system, but most of them are on asteroids.


COMM - Communications.


COMMAND CONTROL - Governing body of the government. All ideas must be introduced through here and approved. Non-Military personal (Select People) are on the console. Terms are only for two years but can an unlimited number of terms (none can be consecutive). Elected by the Electoral board.


COMMANDER - Captain of a ship.


COMMAND STATION - A circular section on a bridge of a ship that has a seat and many computer consoles. Circling the base are several other minor stations (Exec, Comm, Gator, Engineer and Sensor).


COMM OFFICER - Handles all internal and external communication of a ship, base or installation.


COMPUTER CORE LINK - Navigating program/terminal of major computer systems. Originally only accepts verbal commands through headsets but thanks to the Instructers they can handle visual commands.


CORRIDORS OF TRADE - The most traveled path between two planets. Preferred path of travel for non-military craft but smugglers, pirates and the Legion shy away from them (easy to ambush a craft or convey but likely hood of a UCF warship in response distance is too great) Though, it is common for an attack craft to be situated just of the corridor and send out a phony distress signal (if a non-military craft responds they can ambush, if it is a patrol ship they can flee).


CORVETTES - The "Patrol Boat" as far as spaceships go. Is used to patrol sectors of space and special missions. Quarter the size of a frigate. Has a medium sized fighter bay that can hold three Shuttles and seven Battleships and a few heavily guns and some light.




DECK HAND - Lowest rank in the military. Usually consists of manual labor and gofer tasks.


DELLRRUNN - This city that is like a fortress, it was one of the few cities that did not fall during the Revolt against the Prevaricates. In order to break their spirits the Prevaricates executed thousands of Felinions in plain view of the city. If there is a city that hates Prevaricates more it is this city. Some of the citizens speak the language of humans, this was ordered by the Court of Chaw when Nikolai went to visit them about the Prevaricate situation they could tell him the truth.


DELTARI - Felinion command for an Yzupap to slow down.


DEMOCRATIC DEFENSE FORCE - The Space Force of the Democratic Government.


DEMOCRATIC LEGION - Pirate like organization dedicated to overthrowing the Communistic government through force and political pressure.


DEPOSITS - Mild swear word.


DERANGEMENT, THE - Felinion disease that makes every inch of the fur/skin itch horribly. It also turns the fur/skin red and fluctuates it through all shades of red. There is no direct pain involved but the itching is so bad that it is not uncommon for a Felinion to scratch so much that large patches of their fur are rubbed out (and sometimes they are so damaged that the hair doesn't grow back), it is even more common for the inflicted subject to go insane through frustration of the itching. It is highly contagious within ten Millis of an infected subject. There is no known cure and nothing known can stop the itching. The disease will run its course in about three DecaYerks. Though, the usually treatment is to sedate the subject until the disease has run its course. This procedure makes the illness linger for an additional three DecaYerks.


DESTROYER - The "Battleship" as far as spaceships go. It is used mainly for escort duty. Half the size of the BATTLECRUISER. Has a very small landing bay (used mainly for Shuttles), is heavily armored with only heavily guns (no missiles).


DEVELOPMENT FACILITY - Center where Felinion kittens are taken from their mothers and taught the proper ways of Felinia and are educated. It resembles like that of a foster home. They will not be released until they reach adulthood. They are never told who there real parents are and are given new names.


DISTRESS SIGNALER - Unit that not only transmits a call for assistance but also why and what is the current condition of the ship. Can be set to activate when certain criteria are met.


DORWIGIAN CHANTS – It consists of Felinions chanting in their native language, there is only one song on each disc. Some are long, some are short, no two are exactly the same length. The reason for this is that the music is used during the battle of dominance during the Ofmirax. The two prominent Kalatirs fight during the music and the one in control at the end of the chant wins. This is a battle of cunning and determination, not a fight to the death. But the contest is instinctive the blood is usually drawn.


ELECTORAL BOARD - Group of citizens that elect members to Command Control. One person from each region (usually countries) is selected by random. The government pays this person for two KiloYerks to obverse and study their regions needs so the appropriate Select Person (matching their country's needs) can be selected.


ELEMENT SCANS - Special scans that only detect the type and quantities of elements in the area.


ENDURANCE ARRAY - This is a mesh suit that covers the wearer from head to toe, it is designed to protect the wearer from extreme cold or heat. It does not come with its own air supply so it doesn’t protect the wearer from poisonous or airless environments. If there was air in space the wearer could use it instead of a space suit.


ENERGY SINK – They are four metallic balls the suck all the power out of a ship and only allow it enough energy for some controls, dim lighting a life support systems. This happens because most ships are designed when there is limited power to reroute all power to critical systems. The power drain is so critical that if all remaining power was rerouted to the weapons it might be able to destroy one of the balls but the other three would increase the power drain destroying the ship. They are generally used to knock ships out of Ultra-Light, since the ship is going so fast it can’t detect them in time. But at normal speeds they can usually detect and avoid the trap.


ENERGY SPIKE - A fluctuation in power detected by sensors. Usually indicates a discharge of a weapon.


ENGINEER OFFICER - Chief engineer of a ship, base or installation.


EXEC OFFICER - Second in command of a ship.


FAST SCAN - Take a quick scan of something (only the surface). Can identify something (or what it appears to be) quickly but returns few details. Time to complete scan depends on distance to target (the closer the shorter) and size of target (the smaller the quicker). Takes the shortest amount of time of all scans.


FELICE - Standard language of Felinions.


FELINIA - Felinion name of the home world of Felinions. 10th planet of the solar system. Is completely surrounded by thick clouds that generate sunlight for the planet but the light dims to simulate night, at this time swirls of light can be seen in them. The clouds are think and difficult to navigate through. The surface is heavily wooded, with few cities and is basically untouched. The capital is called Royale. The main attraction is Chaw castle that is the home of the king, queen and all royal officials of the Felinion Domain. Humans made contact in


FELINIAN RESPONSE FORCE - Fleet of Felinion ships that's sole purpose is to protect Felinia, its interests and quell any Prevaricate uprisings.


FELINION - Cat‑like creatures (frame of a human but is covered with fur, have finger-like claws on hands/feet, pointed cat ears, whisker and long tails). Life span is about 260 KiloYerks, height is 6.1 Minimillis, weight is 200 prods, agility is 2.4 time of humans, speed is 3.8 times of humans, strength is .9 times of humans, hearing is 6.3 times of humans and taste is 1.2 times of humans. They are carnivores so their diet consists mostly of rat like animals (Rodentia). Though they are incredibly intelligent and advanced they're usually thought as dumb, lazy and dead beats. Until recently Command Control has been using propaganda to support this. Resentment is based on ignorance and the fact that the Felinions supported the Democratic government during the Great War (though only with humanitarian aide). They are very protective of one another and not many leave, those that do are usually in twos. They stick together and form a powerful bond. They can tell the time if they are on a planet and have been there for some time (It has to do with the planet's gravitational pull). Their saliva has antiseptic and pain-deadening agents which when applied to wounds will last an Yerk our two. They mark their mates by rubbing against them and leaving a trace of their scent on them (which other Felinions can detect) They have think orange blood like grease. 84 by 14 by 91 by 210 by 1.3 of spring take their mother's last name because they are the ones who actually bore them. They have two rows of sharp pointed teeth on each jaw. They normally sleep for ten MiniYerks, then up for ten and the process repeats over a two Yerks. They also have a shedding season that lasts for one MaxiYerk every KiloYerk. Only those who have royalty have striped fur.


FLAREDER - Fly-like creature native to Vice Sirius. Has two heads and is about the size of a nickel. Its bite is mildly poisonous.


FLOUREEN ORE - 100 time more powerful than uranium and must be kept extremely cold (or it explodes). It is pink in color.


FOOTPADS - Felinion bandits that roam the forests of Felina.


FRIGATES - The "Transport Ship" as far as spaceships go. It is used mainly for troop transport. Half the size of Destroyers. Have a small fighter bay (designed only for Shuttles) and only a few light guns.


GNARN: Three legged beasts used Felinions to track scents. They are used out in the wilderness because electronics are out of place out there where these creatures are not. They are fed grawl as reward.


GATOR - Same as navigator or helmsman.


GREAT WAR OF 2241 - The ultimate conflict between the Communistic and the Democratic governments that lasted 16 KiloYerks and reduced the human population to 2 million (mostly because of the Three-DecaYerk Demur). Though, the Communistic government won because most of its forces were off of Earth at the time of the Three-DecaYerk Demur (Democratic forces controlled and occupied a majority of the planet) the war was so bloody and that many people feel the Three-DecaYerk Demur was a carefully orchestrated military operation by the Communistic Government (just before most of their forces left Earth), public pressure forced the new government to integrate aspects of the Democratic government into it.


GOPABEL – A foul beast that was breed to eat only the foulest and repulsive of toxins. Though its odors can be smelled over a Milli away it has no natural enemies since no predator can withstand the stench. It is the most detestable creature ever.


GREEN AREA - The area around a ship that its longest ranged weapons can reach, but not accurately.


GREEN STATUS - All offensive and most of the defensive systems are off-line. Not all stations are manned.


GUARDIANS - Large androids with jet-black armor smoke black visors and are armed with laser rifles. Used mostly by the Democratic Legion.


HEART OF FERVOR – A pinkish swirl of color in the clouds above Felina, only happens at night. It is said that a couple that see one of these together will find themselves uncontrollably drawn to one another. That the mere presents binds their hearts into one.


HYDROGENALKALIDE FLOUREEN - Key element needed for the Hyperstream reaction.


HYDROGENOXIDE FLOUREEN - Key element needed for the Ultra-Light reaction.


HYPERSTREAM - Light that travels twice the speed of normal light.


IDENT CODE - Serial number of a military person.


INCITE FERVOR - Felinion act of reproduction.


INCITE FERVOR CENTER - Facility on Felinia that both male and female Felinions must report to after they have had Incite Fervor. Here the female is also tested on the results of the act. If it comes up positive then the female is admitted into the center and cared for. Any job or position that she held is suspended. Once birth takes place the mother is released and she returns back to her occupation or rank, but the kitten is sent off to a Development Facility. Mother and father will most likely never see their kitten again.


INITIATOR - Login to a computer system.


INNARDS - Felinion Desert. A group of animal stomachs, intestines and other internal organs served raw (usually in a cup).


IONIC SYNAPSES - It was a technology developed by Felinions to reclaim water vapors from space. It was originally suppose to be used in restoring Earth’s water supply but instead it was perverted into a weapon. Command Control tried to develop it into lumping vast amounts of water on command, because of the coldness of space it would freeze. They had hoped to be able to do this in front of speeding Democratic Legion vessels. At Ultra-light even ice can destroy a ship or at the very least knock it back to normal speed. But as they experimented with it something went wrong. Too much power was applied too quickly, this resulted in Ionic Synapses. The closest things to describing it as roving storms that feed of water vapors, as they do they become stronger and stronger. Some, like a division five, are strong enough to knock major systems of an ore carrier off-line. If the storms get big enough they can split. The only way to stop them is to deprive them of water but no one has been discover how to do this. Inside the storms the temperatures are extreme sub freezing and there are incredible violent surges, so string a ship with weak Quziis can be ripped apart.


INSTRUCTER – A black glove that is covered with electronic sensors that can be wore on either the right or left hand. It is used to issue commands to workstations. The user wiggle their fingers in a certain sets of order which are then translated into different console commands, to set the command the hand is snapped flat. It has a built in Vitalizer module that sooths the user’s hand so the device can be used over extended lengths of time without any physical damage or fatigue. These units replace the old vocal commands.


JAN-19 - A nerve gas paralyzes instantly but its effects aren’t permanent.


JAVRO – A thick black liquid that is used like a stimulate, it is very much like coffee.


KALATIR - Felinion word for Bonded Friend. A Best friend that pledges their friendship for life. The closes of relationships. There has been one for over 20 KiloYerks (as of After Shocks).


KAZAN - A God Felinions believe to have created the universe, every living thing in it and other Gods. Kazan specifically states that only Kazan can play god. Of course this is just a false ledged.


KOOTAWA - Felinion name of the Crown Prince of the Felinia Domain.


LASER LIGHT TRANSMITTER - Prior forms of communications before the Signaler. Uses low frequency light waves. Can only be detected by sensors in its immediate path.


LAZ - Slang for laser weapon.


LIGHT-CONVERSION - A timed self-contained process of converting mass to Hyperstream and back to mass again (at a new location). Used mostly for Battleship travel.


LIGHT-EXPLOSIVES - Basically they are the LIGHT-CONVERSION process except when they change back to matter it is in a highly violate state (which explodes). Can penetrate up to three layers of Quziis. Draw back are it takes up a lot of energy (since the original matter is destroyed) and there is a lag time between volleys (LIGHT-CONVERSION is not instantaneous)


LIGHT MISSILES - Just like Light-Explosives except they are twice as large and travel twice as slow. Can penetrate up to five layers of Quziis. They are slow enough that they can be destroyed or knocked off course if the enemy is expecting them.


LIGHT PROJECTORS - Device used to create and fire Light-Explosives and Light-Missiles. Uses similar processes as that of Light Conversion.


LIFE BOAT - Small self-contained unit that contains food, water and life support. Used when abandoning ship. Has no engines or shielding. Powered by solar cells.


LIFE FORM OUTPUT - Combination of a creature's heart rate, respiration, body temperature, weight and density (relative to humans). Each figure is separated by the word BY. If a group of the same creatures are being scanned only average numbers are used.


LOG ENTRY - Date that consists in order of Centroid, KiloYerk, MaxiYerk, CentaYerk, DecaYerk, Yerk, MiniYerk, MicroYerk all separated by dots (example:


MARINE - The Police Officers of the military.


MARS CITY – This is a huge city with a large dome of Quzii, large laser guns and missile batteries surround the dome outside for protection. Inside everything is made of metal, there are buildings of all sizes. From Skyscrapers to one story buildings. Vehicles of all sizes zip around in the air. Some are civilian and some are military. Authorized ships can pass through the dome but only when a section of it changes color. The city is broken down into three sections: Military, governed by the UCF Admiral. Government, Governed by the Select Men/Woman. Civilian, Governed by the Civic Council. But Command Control has authority over all.


MATED - Felinion version of marriage. Through an ancient ritual dating back at least 40 KiloYerks (but probably goes back a lot further) a male and female Felinion pledged their lives for one another and would only mate with each other. Recently, before the Revolt of Dissolution, this became unpopular (one mate wasn't as fun as two). Though never sanctioned, the practice of pledging to more than on mate begun. A few KiloYerks before the Revolt the ritual part had all but disappeared. The Court dissolved all responsibility between mates after the Revolt (each could come and go as they please, they could mate with whomever they wanted). The reason stated was to repopulate Felinia, the real reason was that it had become publicly unpopular.


MEDICATED HARDTAK - An extremely slick liquid used exclusively by Medic Techs as a conductive substance for electrodes (for monitoring).


MEDIUM SCAN - Take a semi-detailed scan of something (surface and several key places of target). Can identify something (but there is a slight chance it will be a false reading) Time to complete scan depends on distance to target (the closer the shorter) and size of target (the smaller the quicker). Takes longer than Fast Scan but not as long as Slow.


MEMORIAL YARD – This is like a mausoleum. A visit to here starts by seeing a Caregiver, they is like the care taker of the facility. They traditionally wear white decorative robes and a cross hangs around their neck By imputing a code in the format of II-NNNNNNN-SSS (I=the initials of the decent, N=the identification number of the deceased, S=the branch of service the deceased was part of when they died such as Military, Civilian or Government) they can retrieve requested the casket (a large plastic block which the deceased is encased in, because of this they look exactly how they were when they died and their bodies do not decay) On the front their two places to display flowers. The casket is then transported (it hovers on its own power) to one of the Remembrance Rooms, these are small rooms that looks a little like a church. To one side is a platform with a rectangular altar (where the casket will be displayed), to the other side are rows of chairs. Everything is decorated in white, on the wall is a crucifix. The only way in and out is under a curtain.


MINER'S CONFLICT - Spark that started the Three-DecaYerk Demur during an armistice during the end of the Great War. When a huge vein of Floureen was discovered on Neptune miners from many governments claimed it. It resulted in armed actions. After a short struggle the Democratic Government finally won out.


MULDEMUM ALE – A drink of Felinions derived by the MulDeMum root that can only grow on Felinia. It comes in a thick green liquid. Where as human alcohol is a depressant, it deadens the mind Felinion alcohol is a stimulate. It chemically gives them a high.


MUT - Every female Felinion bares at least one in her lifetime but they usually don't live long after birth. Those who do survive grow up to be extremely strong and without any distinguishing markings. They are usually given tasks dealing with Prevaricates like guarding them.


NERZA - A lubricant that is a liquid unless in an environment that contains oxygen (then it turns to a gas) Highly toxic to all forms of life (except cats) The all reason it is use because it is very efficient.


NOGARD - Felinion bird that is about the size of an eagle but has the frame of a dragon. Genetically and breed to eat garbage like candy wrappers. This was done to deal with the trash problem on Felinia. It will not attack living creatures.


OFMIRAX - It is the ritual of the Katatir. When two Felinions consider Kalatir they must test one another. For unlike the friendship of humans there must be a dominant Kalatir in every relationship. There is not to say a submissive in Kalatir, the dominant does not abuse the other. In fact, it is just the opposite. It is their duty to protect the other. This is a fall back to Felinion instincts. They feel more comfortable in this because the winner has earned their place in the relationship. This is done by the battle of dominance. This is triggered by Dorwigian Chant music, the one in control at the end of the chant is the dominant one.


OLD LINE - Human technology that was developed before Felinion technology was introduced.


OXIDATION DEPOSITS - Mid-range swear word.


PIERCERS - Highly intense weapon system that uses great amounts of power to charge up and only focuses on a small area. Originally designed for mining. To date only Felinions have this technology. Effective only at extremely close range.


PREBARA ICE FIELDS - An area with huge iceberg chunks of if which are contaminated. There is very little movement here so navigation is easy but since straight lines of path are hard to find Ultra-Light is out of the question here. Not many people come here.


POWER PLANET - Same as a Power Station but for an installation or a ship. Usually use a combination of solar and Hydrogen-Floureen. Newer systems use Hydrogen-Floureen isotopes (referred to alpha and beta) that are mixed together in large tubes. The reaction they give off causes energy that is then used as power. The start up of a Power Planet is quite violent.


PRIMARY SCIENTIST – Chief scientist of Command Control, has a say like a Select Person and their term in unlimited. They are voted in or dismissed by Command Control itself. In charge of doing all scientific research and investigation for them.


PREVARICATES - Human name to dog-like Felinion enemies. They have the frame of a human but are covered with fur of that of a dog, finger-like claws on their hands, toe-like claws on their feet, a long bushy tail, a head of a husky and red eyes. They are savage creatures that kill on a whim. The Vice Sirius' started out as savage, wild beasts. Having as much social purpose as dogs. They are strictly carnivores. Then about 300 KiloYerks ago Felinion scientists introduced Felinion genes into Vice Sirius. The Vice Sirius' brain capacity was greatly increased, but they still lacked the intelligence of Felinions. Unable to increase it any further chemically, the scientists started using concentrated training and conditioning. It took 40 KiloYerks, but the Vice Sirius finally had highly developed brains. Yet, they still weren't as intelligent as Felinions. But what they lacked they made up in determination. They entered Felinion society doing simple tasks and treated as equals. They work contentedly, many Felinions befriend them. As they learned, they slowly took on more and more important tasks. They began to climb the social and political ladder. This lasted 150 KiloYerks. Then came the Revolt of Dissuasion. Because of this the Felinions keep them quarantined on Tethys Minor. Their Life Form Output is 90 by 16 by 119 by 270 by 1.7. Their society is very military. Everyone is PICKED to do a mission or task a task, there are no volunteers. Punishment for failure is very harsh.


PULL, THE - Felinion term for love.


QELTARI - Felinion command to stop.


QUZII DEFLECTOR SYSTEM - A shielding system that uses sound waves to encase and protect an object with multi-levels that can deflect and absorb most energy weapons.


QUZII GENERATION CENTER - Usually a large room that the centerpiece is a huge cylinder, a ladder leads up the side. On the top is a narrow walkway and in the very center is shaft leading through the cylinder and through the floor below to a set of metal mirrors pointing in all different directions. Above is a large protector that points down into the shaft. Out of three sides of it are thick metal pipes that lead down to the walkway, at that level each pipe usually has a electronic safety valve. These valves are design to be closed even when pressure is applied, they are only opened by the automatics inside the valve. In later systems these valves were removed because they cause drag, removing them made the flow faster. The pipes then skirt around the cylinder and into the floor. Down there are several workstations, controls and monitors. Three compounds are introduced and mixed in the projector, this causes it to be converted into light energy. This energy is projected down through the shaft that intensifies it and then hits the mirrors below. This reflects the energy down huge fiber optic cables that lead to the individual Quzii projects that convert the light into sound. The Quzii.

RABOTTE - Felinion delicacy that consists of very large pink rabbit-like creatures with three legs. They are served with the bones in them.


RAH DOLVA: It is a swamp of acid with a dirt path leading through it. Anything living exposed to it will have its lungs and eyes burned by the fumes. They will die a slow and painful death. This is the heaven to the fake Felinion god Kazan, he believes everyone is guilty and must be tormented. This is a punishment worse than death.


RED AREA - This is point blank. Where all the weapons of a ship can hit accurately.


RED STATUS - All hands are summoned to their stations. All defensive and offensive systems are brought on-line. A Marine guards a vital area of the ship (along with the Yellow Status Marine). This new Marine MUST has a weapon more powerful than the first (usually a rifle). Large status lights all over the ship QUICKLY flash red.


REFUGE HAULER - The ship is about four times the size of a shuttle. It has no armor or weapons. Designed to carry waste from a ship to a discard station. The only inhabitable area of the craft is the cockpit which is very cramped, allows only room for a pilot and co-pilot.


RELOCATION COLONY – After the Earth was made inhabitable by the Three-DecaYerk Demur the surviving citizens were moved to asteroid cities, domed complexes that were able to generate oxygen (O2 generators) on their own. Yet, since they essentially live on a big rock they cannot grow their own food. They relay on the UCF and Command Control on this. The colonies that are clustered closely together are given the best and well enough to survive, well past their needs. Inter-colony travel is encouraged here to spread the word how well the military is treating its civilians (so there are no revolts) But the outer colonies, those isolated from the rest are barred from travel. This is because corrupted military officials redirect these resources to themselves. Almost all of it is sold and they keep the money for themselves while people starve on the outer colonies. A similar practice happens on UCF ships, funds given to their commanders to protect the civilians are really used to pamper themselves and bride their crews.


REVOLT OF DISSOLUTION - An elaborate plan where the Prevaricates pretended to be content and worked with the Felinions. In reality they gained knowledge and Felinion friends (to lower their guard). Behind closed doors they horned there fighting skills and battle tactics. After a 150 KiloYerks, this exploded into a full-scale war. Prevaricates attacked city to city, seeking out and murdering all Felinions. Whether they are young or old, male or female. The civil war lasted 20 KiloYerks and cost both sides nine-tenths of their populations. For the entire time the Court of Chaw stayed locked up in Chaw Castle. The guards of the castle lead the civilians in battling the Prevaricates. In the end, the Felinions won. The Prevaricates were exiled to Tethys Minor. To make sure they stayed there heavily armed Felinion ships patrol the planet and a huge sensor network detects their every move. Miwea lead the Felinions in the absence of the court to victory.


RODENTIA - Two heeded rat-like Felinion delicacy. It is usually cooked very well done and is stuffed with orange paste. They are served with the bones in them. Prevaricates hate it.


SAFE ROOM - A room in a Felinion old dwelling that is usually heavily fortified with thick walls and heavy door with several locks. These room were made during the Revolt of Dissolution in case of Vice Sirius attacks. A family could lock themselves inside for CentaYerk with all the necessities for life (Food, Water, etc).


SCOUT SHIP - Any of a variety of ships ranging up to half the size of a Corvette. Usually has little armor, comprised mostly of thrusters and no offensive weapons (speed and agility is it's defense). A few have small cargo holds.


SECURITY ERASE - Erase files in such a way they can never be

recovered (partially or completely).


SELECT MAN - Male board member of Command Control.


SELECT WOMAN - Female board member of Command Control.


SEMBORZ ASCENSION - Ritual promoting lower society member of Felinions to Royal status. May take various forms but must consists of drawing blood from royal member and having the person promoted to drink it. Must contain the following speech: It is written: We let our enemies eat our flesh unwillingly. But only do we let our friends drink our blood. Are you our enemy or our friend?


SENSOR OFFICER - Monitors all internal and external sensing devices.


SEPCOR - Major swear word.


SERGEANT (MARINES) – Is the highest officer possible aboard a ship, they are in charge of all the Marines.


SIGNALER - Radio (communication travels at the speed of light).


SIGNALER-SET - Hand held internal communications unit (audio/visual).


SLOW SCAN - Take a very detailed scan of something (including below the surface). Takes longer than a fast scan but it returns more data. Time to complete scan depends on distance to target (the closer the shorter) and size of target (the smaller the quicker). The longest of all the scans. Chance of a false reading is almost none.


SMUGGLER WAR: A skirmish between two smuggler fractions, usually independents (large groups shy away do to lose on equipment and personnel is too high to recover) Usually over unclaimed cargo or an abandoned ship (salvage rights). Almost always ends in both sides getting heavily damaged and the article in question are destroyed.


SPQDORANS - Vicious Mole-like creature. Attacks anything on sight, no matter how big or strong it is. Even objects. Have sharp teeth and two barbed tails.


SPQRCER - Six legged Spider-like creature native only to Felinia. Is about the size of a quarter and is florescent. Its bite is non-poisonous.


STAT COLL - Medical device that fits around the arm and transmits all vital signals to a predetermined receiver. Range under normal conditions is inter-planetary.


S-Q - A group of ships consisting of 25.


TAC CHANNEL - Communication line that links one or more ships together so each ship can share information (sensor reading, comm messages, battle status, etc.) instantaneously. The channel is usually scrambled with a high-level security code and only effective at close quarters.


TAPE CARTRIDGE - Not a tape, more like a diskette (but can hold gigabytes of information) that is used for the transport of data that can be stored as files, images and programs. Usually is in a tape holder when transporting. The holder may be seal with a blue band (the instructions on the tape is only advisory) or a red band (the instructions on the tape must be followed to the letter). The most elaborate holds have locks and bobby-trap systems (in case they are tampered with).


TELTAR – A small observation post Near Venus.


TETHYS MAJOR - Human name of Felinion home world. 10th planet of the solar system. Humans made contact in


TETHYS MINOR - Human name of the Prevaricates home world. 11th planet of the solar system. Humans have never been near here. The Felinions patrol the area and ward off any ships. A huge deflector system surrounds the planet. Nothing can get in or out (except signaler waves), not even sensor scans.


THREE-DECAYERK DEMUR - Final phase of the Great War where angry Communistic Miners, who lost out in the Miner's Conflict, staged a protest that escalated into the use of Floureen weapons on the Earth's atmosphere (which burned it away) killing everyone and everything on the planet.


TOURER - Any ship that is takes a large number of people on a tour in the solar system. Must be registered with UCF and licensed as such (many codes and regulations must be passed and the ships inspected from top to bottom at the start of every tour) Very on the level and by the book.


TRACTOR LINK - When a tractor beam interlaces with the field of Quziis to make a very strong bond.


TRIBU INCENSES - They were originally used in Kalatir rituals. When Kalatir died out and Incite Fervor was needed out of survival the incenses were moved over to this.

TURBO INFLATORS - Devices that make fuels more vital (and more efficient) by changing its chemical bonding.




ULTRA-LIGHT - Light speed.


ULTRA-LIGHT COLLAPSE – This is when the Ultra-Light system fails forcing the ship to return to normal speed for any number of reasons such as the Diodes become out of align.


ULTRA-STRIKE – Ramming a target at Ultra-Light speed. This will certainly result in the destruction of the ship but will cause massive damage to the target. Someone needs to stay behind to make final adjustment to the very last second.


UNITED COMMUNISTIC FORCE - The Space Force of the Communistic Government.


UTILITY CRAFT - Any of a variety of shapes and styles of spacecraft that is designed to repair and maintain capital ships and bases.


VELTARI - Felinion command to walk along side.


VICE SIRIUS - Felinion name to dog-like enemies of the Felinions.


VR-DISKS - Alternate form of entertainment. It enables the viewer to be in the movie through VR technology thus allowing them to change plots, story line or anything else.


VR-SPECTACLES - They are like wrap around sunglasses that are black and have cables connected to them, these are in turn connected to a computer. This is used to interact with Virtual Reality combat simulations.


WANE, THE - A Felinion disease where the body slowly deteriorates until it can no longer sustain itself. The fur falls off and the exposed skin becomes red and raw. It is a slow and painful process. Before Telsathum mates would carefully select each other. They used their instincts to decide. Instincts that could detect those you were healthy and those who had The Wane, of course they would refuse the latter. But now they leave it to the Court to decided who mates. They use fertility drugs and other methods to ensure success. This allowed this dreadful disease to spread. Felinion science can’t detect who will get the disease. In fact, someone could carry the disease dormant for KiloYerks before it became active. So it affects both young and old. Once someone has been diagnosed with the disease they are separated from society in internment camps. There they are left to die. There is no cure but the pain and suffering can be eased by a natural plant call Beltorish. It is easy to grow but the Court fears that if they help mass produce it would indicate to the population that this disease even exists so it is forbidden to be grown.


WELTARI - Felinion command to speed up.


XELTARI - Felinion command to go left.


YARIX HONOR BANDS – They signify a bond, a friendship between two. They are usually two identical wristbands made of strange animal hide and have heliographic etched into them. Fastened to a metal ring is a gold disk in which half of it has been broken off, it leaves unique jagged edges so that when put together they match exactly. It is as if they are one. Just like the bond between its owners. The inscriptions reinforce this. Though this bond is not as strong as that of a Kalatir, it is still nothing to be taken granted.


YELLOW AREA - This is the area around a ship that most of its weapons can hit accurately.


YELLOW STATUS - All hands are summoned to their stations. All defensive systems are placed on-line (including Quziis). A Marine, usually armed with a holstered weapon, guards a vital area in each section of the ship. Large status lights all over the ship SLOWLY flash yellow.


YELTARI - Felinion command to go right.


YZUPAP - A rhinoceros like creature used for travel on Felina. Having an IQ near human level but extremely loyal to its caretaker. It can change colors on command to blend in with its surroundings. Its natural colors are black with white stripes. It is guided by vocal commands.


ZALIC SLIME WORM – A Felinion creature that is like a normal earth worm but is five times the size and has razor sharp teeth. They live in caves in packs and are scavengers.


ZENITE BAND - Low band used for communications. Difficult to detect but not impossible.


Characters, names, situations, and any multimedia items found here associated with "Kalatir" are © 1989-2002 by Steven Today.

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