The OFFICIAL "Kalatir" Rules page

Last updated December 8, 2006

Symbol of Kalatir

"Kalatir Rules!"

Here are some of the rules and laws that govern the Felinia Domain. If I've missed any or you have any questions then please Mail Box me.

BEWINOR - The King and Queen have the final say in all matters and must both agree before anything can become law. Matters for the King and Queen are brought before an executive committee representing all the people of Felinia. The people go to them if they want something done. It doesn't matter what social class the presenter is, the only rule is that it must be presented in person. The committee then translates the request into some sort of written form, which the presenter must give their okay on, so the King and Queen may evaluate it.


BEZ-WEN – The first trial of becoming a Kalatir. Though it is not designed to be physical some Felinions get so caught up that they resort to violence. This is where the two potential Kalatirs yell and scream at each other. They expose all their dislikes about one another no matter how large or small. The thought here is that you can’t be someone’s friend if can’t be honest with them. Nothing can be held back. At the end both parties must voice whether the trial was a success on two levels. First, if anything that was said can be over come. Seconds, if they felt everything was brought to the surface. The latter can be corrected by a retrial but the first, if it is stated as a failure, is automatic dismissal from proceeding. Only one has to voice a negative opinion.


BORSHA - Ancient Felinion ritual. A best friend's final task is to bury the deceased in the element he/she died in as soon as possible.


CLAK - The Crown Princess and Prince of the Court are: Ambassadors, advisor to the court and eventual replacements to the King and Queen.


CRAE - Parents of the royal family, which are the ones who bring up their children (they are immune to Telsathum), are care for by the court. They can live where they want, are clothed and fed, all provided by the people of Felinia.


DYROOONE - The PTTCP (and other royal physicians) are directly responsible for their royal patient. If they become ill in any way, minor or major, they are directly responsible and will be punished due to the severity of the illness. If their patient should happen to die of natural causes they will spend the rest of there live in Prsdlik.


GORWIN – When a member of the court of Chaw leaves of their own free will.


KAK-TOK – This is a concoction made of the vilest and disgusting things known to Felinions. It is so bad tasting some pass out at the mere sight of it. It is presented in mugs carved out of stone that have hieroglyphics on them. It is used in the initiation to becoming a Kalatir. Both potential Kalatirs are to drink the contents in one gulp. Throwing up or spitting it out would be an insult. To do so would automatically disqualify the canidate as a Kalatir. The typical reaction for a Felinion from drinking this is that they become weak, so weak that they can not stay on their feel. They also will shake violently and they will have a high fever almost instantly. Sever pain in the stomach can also arise. For the humans the reaction is the opposite, it tastes rather good to them and there are no ill effects.


KOS - Before any Felinion enters military service, whether it be domestic or foreign, they must pledge to the court to up hold all the laws, ideas and philosophy of the Felinion Domain. Any Felinion caught going directly against this oath is to be executed on the spot.


MUSBETRIA - The King and Queen can only have Personal and Sexual relations between one another (to keep the breed pure and true).


PRSDLIK - Referred to as the Pit of Eternal Torture. A large pit dug into the mud where a criminal of only the highest crimes is placed. The public is then allowed to throw fruit (since Felinions are carnivores this is a high insult) and insults of any degree. Other objects my be thrown in as well as long as it doesn't cause the criminal any major harm (otherwise the perpetrator is forced to join in the pit for a time). The object here is torture and not rehabilitation. The only way a criminal can leave the pit is through death. The logic behind this is that Felinions don't believe in capital punishment. If someone does a crime that hideous they feel that they should be punished for the rest of their life. Death is too quick.


SWAMP OF HARMUS: This is the only place on Felinia that is not a paradise. The swamp is acid. Nothing can live there. As a punishment, condemned prisoners against the state are forced to set out on a journey the center of the swamp where Felinia can be assured their evil influence will not contaminate others. As an incentive to make it to the center a member or friend of the family not condemned are killed every Yerk. If they fail to make it to the center all family members and friends are killed. To document the travel a representative of the Court of Chaw accompanies the condemned. They log everything in a special portable computer that is retrieved later. As the journey processes the acid of the swamp slowly eats away at all members of the party. The fumes from the acid burn the lungs. It is an agonizing demise. Since this is a death march for all a lower member of the court, usually a guard, acts as the guide. In the end all perish. This punishment was banished at the start of the war of the Prevaricates. After the war it was never reinstated because of the low number of population on Felinia.


TELSATHUM - Felinion law designed to help repopulate Felinia. Felinions must have Incite Fervor at least once a CentaYerk. Failure to comply with this law results in forced Incite Fervor. Both male and female must then report upon the act to the nearest I.F. Center so the female may be tested on the results. If it comes up positive then the female is admitted into the center and cared for. Any position or job she held in temporarily suspended. Once birth takes place the mother is released and the female's rank or occupation is restored. But the kitten is sent off to a Development Facility where it is brought up and taught with other kittens. It is not released until it reaches adulthood. Even then mother, father and kitten rarely ever see each other again. It is felt that the parents should be free to go about the business serving Felinia while the child is allowed to develop unhindered. To support this process all parties evolved are never told where the other is. The facility even selects the child's name. The only exception of this is that of the members of the Court of Chaw. They grow up with their parents. Before the Revolt of Dissolution two Felinions would bare many kittens together and spend a majority of their lives together (old term of Mate).


Characters, names, situations, and any multimedia items found here associated with "Kalatir" are © 1989-2006 by Steven Today.

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