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The NightQQwl

Welcome...I'm The NightQQwl
AKA Conan-
AKA Joe.

I've been residing in Cincinnati, Ohio for the past 23 years but have traveled and lived all over this great country. I was raised in Arnold, MD, living there for the first 18 years of my life. Upon graduating from High School I joined the Marine Corps for 4 years and saw the world compliments of "Uncle Sam." He even gave me a tour in Viet Nam. But I saw many other countries....some quite beautiful.....but none compared to the "USA."
I lived and worked all over the country until finally settling in San Diego, CA. wheere I got married......but now that's a whole 'nother web page. We moved to Kentucky.....another web page...and then to Cincinnati,OH. where we raised 3 wonderful children. My first born, Angela, is now 24 and married and expecting her first born in October.(Update....Angela gave birth to Peter Austin on October 5th 1998 and he is a healthy and happy boy!)
My second daughter, Lisa, along with her daughter, my first grandchild,(A beautiful little girl) is now living close to her EX....(like I said, another web page needed)in California, along with my son, Tony. I miss them terribly.

My interests are Music....most kinds except heavy metal and rap.....might as well be honest about it. I love going to Concerts whenever I get the chance, no CD or tape compares to it.
I also love going to the movies and dining out ALL the time. I like to vacation in California, where I use to live, so I can visit my son, now living with his mother, and my youngest daughter and granddaugher.

And of course I certainly do enjoy talking to my Webtv friends who are the nicest, most helpful people on the internet. Without people like "momma nightowl", "dabutterfly", "Doc Draac", and many others, these pages would not exist.

I just created these pages on June 4th, 1998 and the Cool Links are mounting up so come back and surf my links often.

Instead of making several different pages to find the links I will put everything I can on one page to make things easier. The links are easy to find and navigate so enjoy your stay.

You can Email me at the mailbox below or at [email protected]

I'll be fixing up this place and adding more links soon
In the meantime
Click below and check out some Cool Links and Homepages
made by some of my Cool Webtv friends.

"Now to the Cool Links"

� 1997

[email protected]

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