Commentary by Jerry Seward

In lieu of a column this month (my reading glasses are broken), I

thought I'd list some of my Top 5 recommended movie picks.

EVER AFTER: An empowered Cinderella! This is a funny, romantic

film that the whole family can go see together. Highly recommended and

Anjelica Huston steals the movie as the Wicked Stepmother.

THE AVENGERS: I don't think many of the critics had even watched

the original series. I thought the movie was great, although wasn't the

plot lifted from an old GENERAL HOSPITAL storyline?

HALLOWEEN: H20: Finally, a HALLOWEEN sequel that's truly worth

seeing. We see the Laurie Strode character evolve and become stronger in

much the same way we saw Sarah Connor change in T2 and Ripley evolve in

ALIENS. You get a great character study in addition to the scares. Thanks,

Jamie Lee, for returning to your roots.

DEEP IMPACT: Okay, ARMAGEDDON was more action-packed, but this

film took a more realistic approach at what would happen if we learned our

planet was about to be destroyed. It's not a great film, but interesting

and thought-provoking nonetheless.

THE X-FILES: If you haven't seen the movie yet, I highly recommend

it. Of course, everything's not going to be revealed. What would they have

left for the series? It's well-written and intelligent, though, with two

of the best defined characters you'll find anywhere.

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