Anthony's Anxieties

Commentary by Anthony Van Pyre


First off, be warned. There's spoilers, so if you don't want to

know about the AVENGERS movie, read no farther.

What can I say, it kicked ass. Any critic who gives this a bad

review is a moron plain and simple. To tell the truth, I didn't know if

they could pull it off or not but they did. This movie had the feel of

the T.V.

show even though I felt the stars were scaled-down verisons of Steed and

Peel. It was still jolly good.

I couldn't believe how Uma had some of Mrs. Peel's mannerisms

down, and Sean Connery as a villain - he rocked. The whole movie had that

AVENGERS feel to it - the dialouge, the witty banter, what can I say, it

just kicked ass! This movie paid homage to many British folks from Lewis

Carrol to H.G. Wells to Jules Verne. The movie moved along at a good pace

while the plot was almost not there at times (basically a no- brainer

plot) - the dialogue and sight gags made up for it, though.

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