Jetstream says, "I seee." (Usually) Shattered tech Eon says, "beware the scientist raid! bwahaha!" Pikachu Fallout says, "'raid's not a scientist." Guest1 has connected. Mr. Rank Sliver wonders if ya want some? Guest has disconnected. (Usually) Shattered tech Eon says, "I would RP with you ifg I wasn't stuck in the medbay" Diktat ooohs. Friction within the cons. :) Sliver arrives from the Darkmount - Elevator. Sliver has arrived. Guest1 has disconnected. Sliver floats out of the elevator. Fallout is standing and thinking. Sliver sneaks over to fallout trying to giver her a little jump. he goes to pounce at her. Sliver tries to pounce Fallout...but fails. Fallout side-steps Sliver at the last moment. "You're too big.. your shadow gave you away." Sliver laughs and lands a bit. "Yeah, I've been meaning to cut that thing off me, but I never got the chance. Fallout smiles. "That -would- be difficult." Sliver smiles as well, "Yeah. What were you thinking about before I so 'rudely' interupted you? You say, "The implications of my promotion." Sliver says, "Excuse me? You are getting promoted. Congratulations madam." You say, "Thanks." Sliver says, "I wish I were noted for my acomplishments. I don't even mean a promotion or anything. I just want a CoC to say good job...glad your with us. but hey." [OOC] Sliver says, "what rank are you going to?" [OOC] Fallout is already promoted, actually. *g* She's now a lieutenant instead of a Sergeant. Fallout grins. "Yeah.. I was rather surprised. And here I thought they'd forgotten all about me." [OOC] Sliver okays..thought you were my rank before. Sliver nods, "That's how I feel now, but happens with all of us running around. You say, "True.. It'll make things interesting in Polyhex." [OOC] Fallout says, "That's alright." [OOC] Sliver he hes Sliver says, "Why do you say that?" Fallout grins. "I'm the same rank as Valour, now, and he's the acting governor. With him being as formal as he is, I'm not sure how he'll act around me, now." Sliver smirks, "Why should he act any differently. He should be able to respect you as someone of equal rank, and as a femme. You say, "Well, it is different than when I was his XO." Sliver nods... [OOC] Sliver has to go..sorry Sliver bows, then good cycle to you madam... Sliver says, "Adieu." Sliver has disconnected. <--time passes--> Guest hollars "AAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Chocoholic Fallout says, "What? What?" Guest says, "Where am I supposed to send my app?" Chocoholic Fallout ums.. have you checked under 'news app'? Guest says, "Thats the old address, I need the new one." Guest says, "Bracers" Guest says, "Oh well, I'll try back later." Chocoholic Fallout says, "Good luck." Guest has disconnected. Pikachu Fallout waves to all the other people.. all two of them. Fearsome Mad Skyburner says, "hey fally!!!!!" Pikachu Fallout says, "Heya." Fearsome Mad Skyburner says, "Sorry was a bit in building hehe ground surface of my mush!" Pikachu Fallout was hoping Jetstream was still on, but.. Fearsome Mad Skyburner says, "Jetstream? Oh the new guy!" Pikachu Fallout yeps.. wanted to talk to him, as he's in my division. Oh, well. Catch him later. :) Fearsome Mad Skyburner says, "Fally if I seem to be absent I'm more like doing some codes on TF- AU." Pikachu Fallout says, "That's alright. :)" Tall Dark tricky Skyburner says, "darkmount looks bigger hehehe I added a level." Onslaught's Errand Girl Fallout says, "Oh?" Tall Dark tricky Skyburner says, "Got a Divisions Level where all the divisions have their own place, containing a meeting room and offices" Hole Filler, Uproar says, "Murphy's law on sex: Love is a matter of chemistry%; sex is a matter of physics." Uproar woos! 22h 34m 52s til my arrival in Atlanta! Pikachu Fallout waves to uppity Uproar kicks his connection You've been idling in an IC area for over 10 minutes. If you continue to idle, you will be sent OOC. Pikachu Fallout waves RP, but there are so few 'cons on.. and the bots are mostly stuck. Uproar waves to Fallout, "I'm your friend, really":) *nudges ya to the Holding Cell Pikachu Fallout grins. You enter the Darkmount - Elevator. Darkmount - Elevator You step into the reinforced lift and note immediately the large Decepticon sigil etched into the back wall as a reminder to all of where they are and why they serve the great Empire. There is a control panel near the door for selection of your desired destination. Skyburner [D] Obvious exits: -6- leads to Darkmount - Launch Platform. -5- leads to Darkmount - Security Level. -4- leads to Darkmount - Medical and Science Level. -3- leads to Darkmount - Barracks. -2- leads to Darkmount - Command Level. -1- leads to Darkmount - Tunnel. Fallout enters the elevator and nods to Skyburner, then gets out on the very next floor. You enter the Darkmount - Security Level. Darkmount - Security Level As you emerge into the Security room, you can't help but notice that the entire area looks like a spent battle zone. It is to this place Decepticons are forced when they become too unruly for even the Empire's needs, and it is here that the Autobot unfortunate enough to be captured by Decepticons will most likely meet a distinctly unpleasant end. The walls have been left scorched and marked, with an occasional piece of a Transformer's armor imbedded into the walls as a reminder of the misery and woe those here will endure. Straight ahead of you is the dark and massive door leading into the confinement cells, still stained with the vital fluids of some long gone (or possibly not long gone) Transformer. Obvious exits: -N- North leads to Darkmount - Elevator. -W- West leads to Darkmount - Interrogation Room. You enter the Darkmount - Interrogation Room. Darkmount - Interrogation Room You step into the interrogation room and immediately note how dark it is. There is no visible source of light normally unless you or the guard in the observation room has activated the luminous cells. Once your optics adjust to the low light level, you can see that the room is basically a black sphere and you'll need to hover unless you want to wind up at the bottom of the sphere after you step off the door platform. In the center of the sphere is a harness attached to an antigravity generator. Those who have the misfortune of being secured here are suspended in the harness, immobilized and left in the dark, completely deprived of all sensory inputs. There is nothing to be seen, nothing to be heard, and nothing to be felt once the room is sealed. And, eventually, even the strongest spirit will succumb to madness and delusion if left here long enough. Speak now or forever remain in this place of eternal silence. Obvious exits: -C- Cell leads to Darkmount - Holding Cell. -E- East leads to Darkmount - Security Level. You enter the Darkmount - Holding Cell. From Darkmount - Holding Cell, Fallout arrives from the Darkmount - Interrogation Room. Darkmount - Holding Cell This holding cell is spartan at best. With a narrow resting platform attached to one wall, all it offers is a reminder that one is a prisoner. The walls are remarkably clean as is the floor, but faint scratches can be seen gleaming all around as if someone was marking time. The doorway is shielded from the outside with a glimmering forcefield. Nothing els is present as this is where the prisoners wait, not get interrogated, a dreary room at best. At worst, a tomb. Uproar [A] Etching in the Wall Obvious exits: -O- Out leads to Darkmount - Interrogation Room. Fallout steps in to see what Uproar's been up to and if Triage has gotten a chance to patch him up any. I don't see that here. No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by force of arms. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power, governments and tyrants and armies can not stand. Thou it take a thousand years... We will be free. Uproar seems to be exactly as he was yesterday, in fact a bit worst by appearances, he's in the opposite corner from where the etching is, sitting on the gorund, leaning against the wall. Fallout reads the etching, then smiles wryly. [OOC] Uproar has to fix that, forgot the gh in though. [OOC] Fallout noticed. I figured it's right ICly, though. :) [OOC] Uproar shakes his head, no, I'm not stupid icly:) Uproar looks up toward Fallout, quirking his one good optic (the other being gone), "You again." You say, "Yes.. was wondering if Triage managed to catch you awake, yet." Uproar shakes his head, "And why would she?" he pauses, "Fix me before execution? So I'm all nice and clean for a show?" You say, "Fix you up some so that you won't fall apart under Raze and his cronies' tender ministrations." Ever Lagging Archer escapes the clutches of the evil Computer Demons and wakes up inside his metal body. You say, "And maybe even make you a bit more comfortable. It can't be fun to lie around with shattered parts everywhere." Uproar says, "They've already got ahold of me, I've survived as much so far." he stares for a second as you make a second comment, "And why would you all care if I'm comfortable?"" Fallout shrugs. "Some don't. Myself, I'm not really into torture unless ordered to." Dr. Feelgood E.R. saunters around the MUSH happily, having beaten his nemisis, then the random name generator appears, E.R. Screams in terror as it boots him off the MUSH. Uproar says, "Ah, but I'm an Autobot Commander, a high threat, no matterNo dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by force of arms. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power, governments and tyrants and armies can not stand. Thou it take a thousand years... We will be free." [OOC] Uproar says, "err ignore that" [OOC] Fallout grins. repose. :) Uproar sighs and shrugs, "I'm a bot commander, if yer a true Decepticon warrior, lettin' me live, is well...stupid for most. Course, I'm not arguin', I wanna live just as much as you...." You say, "But you won't let us live." Uproar shakes his head, pushing himself more upright as he remains sitting, he grabs his side, which seems to be leaking again, "I don't want any of ya dead anymore damnit. You know how much slag I've been through, and I know how much all of you have fought.... This war...isn't worth it...and I know that I'm not the only one who feels that anymore." You say, "Hell.. I feel much the same way. But I don't know many of your leaders that'd be willing to leave the cons alone anymore than some of our leaders'd be willing to leave you alone. I don't want to be forced into a society with rules I don't agree with." Uproar sighs, "And thats where we both will disagree...on what the rules should be... In every society...alien and Cybertronian, thats what it comes down to. You don't do this, yet we do, we don't do that, and yet you do. Pathetic politics and logistics. Who wants that? Once...long ago I believed in what I was doing without any doubt...I knew my path. Now, my path is blurred, my sight...opaque. I know only one thing, and that path may never come, since I'm in here, and she's out there..." Uproar has exactly 24 hours before he's in Atlanta...woo!:) Fallout leans against the wall. "You sound like half a dozen mechs I knew in Polyhex." Ever Lagging Archer has one day before he wins Raindance/Grandslam, if he doesn't get sniped again. Uproar shrugs, "And what do you personally feel Fallout?" You say, "Myself? I'd be happy enough to be left to my own devices. Unfortunately, that's not really possible in all this war, so I'd rather be on the side who at least started fighting for that reason." [OOC] Uproar says, "brb" [OOC] Uproar will be back in about 5-10 mins. [OOC] Fallout says, "Okay." Dr. Feelgood E.R. faces off against his evil opposite self, E.A. at the MUSH entrance, "Ahh haa..I see we meet again E.A. You can't possibly hope to beat me" The brawl it out, E.R wins and enters the MUSH. You've been idling in an IC area for over 10 minutes. If you continue to idle, you will be sent OOC. [OOC] Fallout unidles to wait s'more. Pikachu Fallout says, "Mudnet has its own room?" [OOC] Uproar says, "back" Dr. Feelgood E.R. says, "yep.." [OOC] Fallout says, "Cool." Uproar hrmms and shakes his head, shrugging a bit, "We all fight for our own cause I guess... We all do what me must....Or so thats what they say." Fallout nods. "Cons come in different shades, much as bots do.. though I find it amazing how many bots don't believe us when we say we're going to do something." Uproar shrugs, "And just what 'something' do you refer to? Fallout is it?" it seems he's more aware and awake than it first appeared You say, "Oh.. I've seen several instances. Usually in battle or shortly after." Dr. Feelgood E.R. saunters around the MUSH happily, having beaten his nemisis, then the random name generator appears, E.R. Screams in terror as it boots him off the MUSH. Uproar sighs, "And when we say we're going to do soemthing, you don't believe us either. We've both learned our lessons it seems. Unfortunately the ignorance remains, as always." Dr. Feelgood E.R. faces off against his evil opposite self, E.A. at the MUSH entrance, "Ahh haa..I see we meet again E.A. You can't possibly hope to beat me" The brawl it out, E.R wins and enters the MUSH. Fallout nods. "Are families the same on your side? good ones, bad ones, fractured ones.. Uproar sighs and nods, rememberin' his own, " war...." he gets intensely quiet now, as his thoughs drift, "Ripped away..." Fallout nods, thinking back herself.. Uproar scrapped fist clenches, his optic shutting off..."Well you've succeeded..." Fallout hmms? Uproar shakes his head, "You may not torture with physical pain...but you've managed enough pain already..." Uproar voice is audibly shaken Guest has connected. Uproar says, "Guest!" Fallout blinks herself back to the present. "I wasn't thinking about what that might mean to you.." Guest says, "Halo! New Orleans guest here" Chocoholic Fallout waves to the guestie. Uproar nodnods, "How goes?" Guest says, "Have you my app yet?" Fortress arrives with "Enola Gay" played in the background. Pikachu Fallout waves to Fortress Fortress says, "Hey Fallout." Fearsome Mad Skyburner says, "Forty!!!!" Uproar sighs, he simply shrugs, his optic remaining off, ""No....I didn't think you did." he sighs heavily, he goes to say something else but stops himself. Fortress says, "Hi SKB" Fearsome Mad Skyburner says, "Hiya!" (Usually) Shattered tech Eon says, "hi SKB" Fearsome Mad Skyburner says, "Hey Eon!" Fallout shakes her head. "No one's unscathed, are they? Ever Lagging Archer thinks Eon's title is fitting. Fearsome Mad Skyburner says, "Sorry was doing things elsemu*" (Usually) Shattered tech Eon says, "that's why I chose it Archer" Uproar shakes his head, "It would seem no one is...I...just" he stops himself again... Fallout waits, playing the role of sympathetic audial. Uproar says, "Yer gonna stand there and wait...drag more pain out?" he shakes his head, "Ah...yes, but you don't like torturing..."" You say, "I don't.. but I'll admit to being a naturally curious sort. Besides, it's good to get some things off your chestplate from time to time." Fortress pages Fallout and Uproar: You guys can't see my poses, can you? You paged Fortress and Uproar with 'Nope'. Uproar says, "What, you want me to tell you how much I know it's killin Re' for me bein' in here? How much she's gotta be hurtin' knowin' I may not make it out alive....How much it hurts me to hurt her like that? How much I wanna ram through that forcefield and go through hell to get out?"" Uproar pages Fallout and Fortress: nada Fortress arrives from the Darkmount - Interrogation Room. Fortress arrives from the Darkmount - Interrogation Room. Fortress has arrived. Fortress slowly comes into sight. Ever Lagging Archer wishes he could speed up time and get this auction over with. You say, "Could be worse. She could be the sort that'd want you to suffer in there." Fortress says flatly, "That can be arranged, Uproar." as he enters the cell. Fallout's voice carries a tinge of bitterness to it. She catches herself and nods to Fortress as he enters. Fortress says, "Never ask for time to move forawrd. When you're gasping your last, you'll want those seconds." Fortress has his gaze locked on Uproar. He must realize that Fallout's here, but he dosn't look at her and keeps his attention on Uproar. Uproar shakes his head, "She's not that there is no worry for 'could be', simple anguish of knowin' what she feels now..." he sighs, then stares up at Fortress then looks to Fallou, falling silent. [OOC] Uproar says, "brb" Fallout keeps silent for the moment, not trusting her next words. Fortress dileberately unslings his rifle and reacivates the forcefield leading out. He looks at Uproar. "You're to be tortured to death you know. Would you prefer..." he hefts his rifle meaningfully. Skyburner arrives from the Darkmount - Interrogation Room. Skyburner arrives from the Darkmount - Interrogation Room. Skyburner has arrived. Skyburner walks in with a normal pase. Skyburner walks in with optics red. Fortress is standing near the entrace. He has his rifle out and is looking at Uproar. You say, "My, this is turning out to be quite a gathering." Uproar shrugs, "I don't think I knew that the minute I woke up in this cell?" Skyburner stops at the entrance and watches not saying any word. Fortress lowers his rifle to aim at Uproar, "Would you prefer something a little swifter?" Skyburner optics brighten up and pushes a button on his right arm. Uproar remains perfectly still, "Go ahead...simple enough. Life or death... We will win." he grabs his side again, it still leaking he rubs the energon on the wall, "We will..." Guest climbs into a corner sulks Fortress tries to console Guest. The Archer peers at Guest. Skyburner stretches his right arm and suddenly his rifle emerges from his arm. Fallout says to Uproar, "Are you really sure of that?" She then turns to Skyburner. "Have fun.. I think becoming like Razelore is punishment for itself..." She heads out. [OOC] Fallout says, "Thanks for RP!" [OOC] Skyburner says, "yur welcome." You enter the Darkmount - Interrogation Room. From Darkmount - Holding Cell, Fallout has left. Darkmount - Interrogation Room You step into the interrogation room and immediately note how dark it is. There is no visible source of light normally unless you or the guard in the observation room has activated the luminous cells. Once your optics adjust to the low light level, you can see that the room is basically a black sphere and you'll need to hover unless you want to wind up at the bottom of the sphere after you step off the door platform. In the center of the sphere is a harness attached to an antigravity generator. Those who have the misfortune of being secured here are suspended in the harness, immobilized and left in the dark, completely deprived of all sensory inputs. There is nothing to be seen, nothing to be heard, and nothing to be felt once the room is sealed. And, eventually, even the strongest spirit will succumb to madness and delusion if left here long enough. Speak now or forever remain in this place of eternal silence. Obvious exits: -C- Cell leads to Darkmount - Holding Cell. -E- East leads to Darkmount - Security Level. Fortress pages: Heading out? You tip Uproar. From Darkmount - Holding Cell, Skyburner blinks and hmms. You paged Fortress with 'I'm not heading off the mush yet..'. From Darkmount - Holding Cell, Uproar says only, "I'm sure... We will win." You enter the Darkmount - Security Level. Darkmount - Security Level As you emerge into the Security room, you can't help but notice that the entire area looks like a spent battle zone. It is to this place Decepticons are forced when they become too unruly for even the Empire's needs, and it is here that the Autobot unfortunate enough to be captured by Decepticons will most likely meet a distinctly unpleasant end. The walls have been left scorched and marked, with an occasional piece of a Transformer's armor imbedded into the walls as a reminder of the misery and woe those here will endure. Straight ahead of you is the dark and massive door leading into the confinement cells, still stained with the vital fluids of some long gone (or possibly not long gone) Transformer. Obvious exits: -N- North leads to Darkmount - Elevator. -W- West leads to Darkmount - Interrogation Room. You enter the Darkmount - Elevator. Darkmount - Elevator You step into the reinforced lift and note immediately the large Decepticon sigil etched into the back wall as a reminder to all of where they are and why they serve the great Empire. There is a control panel near the door for selection of your desired destination. Obvious exits: -6- leads to Darkmount - Launch Platform. -5- leads to Darkmount - Security Level. -4- leads to Darkmount - Medical and Science Level. -3- leads to Darkmount - Barracks. -2- leads to Darkmount - Command Level. -1- leads to Darkmount - Tunnel. Fortress pages: Should have stuck around. I'm going tto shoot SKB in the back. You paged Fortress with 'I'll be close by. :)'. You enter the Darkmount - Security Level. Darkmount - Security Level As you emerge into the Security room, you can't help but notice that the entire area looks like a spent battle zone. It is to this place Decepticons are forced when they become too unruly for even the Empire's needs, and it is here that the Autobot unfortunate enough to be captured by Decepticons will most likely meet a distinctly unpleasant end. The walls have been left scorched and marked, with an occasional piece of a Transformer's armor imbedded into the walls as a reminder of the misery and woe those here will endure. Straight ahead of you is the dark and massive door leading into the confinement cells, still stained with the vital fluids of some long gone (or possibly not long gone) Transformer. Obvious exits: -N- North leads to Darkmount - Elevator. -W- West leads to Darkmount - Interrogation Room. Fortress pages: Well, maybe not. You paged Fortress with '?'. Fortress pages: Maybe I won't shoot Skyburner. You paged Fortress with 'why not?'. Fortress pages: Cause I don't have a stun. You paged Fortress with 'Ah. Well, you could just move quickly. ;)'. Fortress wonders why no one stopped me from killing Uproar? Onslaught's Errand Girl Fallout says, "Why?" Tall Dark tricky Skyburner says, "you outrank me" Tall Dark tricky Skyburner says, "not alone you are stronger" Onslaught's Errand Girl Fallout says, "Uppity's staff.. he could overrule, but it's themely to die when a prisoner.." Darkmount - Security Level As you emerge into the Security room, you can't help but notice that the entire area looks like a spent battle zone. It is to this place Decepticons are forced when they become too unruly for even the Empire's needs, and it is here that the Autobot unfortunate enough to be captured by Decepticons will most likely meet a distinctly unpleasant end. The walls have been left scorched and marked, with an occasional piece of a Transformer's armor imbedded into the walls as a reminder of the misery and woe those here will endure. Straight ahead of you is the dark and massive door leading into the confinement cells, still stained with the vital fluids of some long gone (or possibly not long gone) Transformer. Obvious exits: -N- North leads to Darkmount - Elevator. -W- West leads to Darkmount - Interrogation Room. Darkmount - Interrogation Room You step into the interrogation room and immediately note how dark it is. There is no visible source of light normally unless you or the guard in the observation room has activated the luminous cells. Once your optics adjust to the low light level, you can see that the room is basically a black sphere and you'll need to hover unless you want to wind up at the bottom of the sphere after you step off the door platform. In the center of the sphere is a harness attached to an antigravity generator. Those who have the misfortune of being secured here are suspended in the harness, immobilized and left in the dark, completely deprived of all sensory inputs. There is nothing to be seen, nothing to be heard, and nothing to be felt once the room is sealed. And, eventually, even the strongest spirit will succumb to madness and delusion if left here long enough. Speak now or forever remain in this place of eternal silence. Obvious exits: -C- Cell leads to Darkmount - Holding Cell. -E- East leads to Darkmount - Security Level. From Darkmount - Holding Cell, Skyburner oh boys. "Well let me get some parts of him so I can have it send to his faction" and grins evilly. From Darkmount - Holding Cell, Fortress looks up at Skyburner, his visor a pale gray color, "Keep you hands off of him. He goes to his faction as is." From Darkmount - Holding Cell, Uproar doesn't do much except lay there slumped over. From Darkmount - Holding Cell, Skyburner shakes. "In pieces as my orders are clear from Razelore." You enter the Darkmount - Holding Cell. From Darkmount - Holding Cell, Fallout arrives from the Darkmount - Interrogation Room. Darkmount - Holding Cell This holding cell is spartan at best. With a narrow resting platform attached to one wall, all it offers is a reminder that one is a prisoner. The walls are remarkably clean as is the floor, but faint scratches can be seen gleaming all around as if someone was marking time. The doorway is shielded from the outside with a glimmering forcefield. Nothing els is present as this is where the prisoners wait, not get interrogated, a dreary room at best. At worst, a tomb. Skyburner [D] Fortress [D] Uproar [A] Etching in the Wall Obvious exits: -O- Out leads to Darkmount - Interrogation Room. Skyburner standing with his arms crossed. Fallout re-enters the cell, as she was listening outside. Fortress is kneeling over Uproar, who looks to be dead. He grates at Skyburner, "Tell Razelore to take it up with me." Skyburner grins. "If you wish it, so be it." You say, "Pieces or no, it doesn't matter. If you're going to send him back, then it's less draining on resources to send him back in one piece." Skyburner turns to Fallout. "And have the risk of them to reassemble him naah." and shakes his head a bit. You say, "They could do that anyway." Skyburner smiles. "Not everything will be send to them." Skyburner grins. "But that's not my problem anymore." You say, "What would be kept back?" Fortress puts one hand in Uproar's shattered chest and points his rifle at Skyburner, "I said, keep your hands off. Looks at him, he's dead, no need to mutilate an empty case." [OOC] Fortress says, "that should be look, not looks" Skyburner optics the rifle. "Fortress, what do you think to accomplish by shooting me?" smiles. "Like I said it isn't my problem anymore, Razelore will be informed eventually." Fallout says evenly, "What was to be kept back?" Fortress puts his rifle away, "What'd be accomplished is that you wouldn't touch the dead guy." He stands and starts to hoist Uproar's frame over his shoulder. Skyburner smiles at Fallout and softly says. "That hasn't been told yet to me." and turns around towards the door. [OOC] Skyburner says, "can't I just have a little piece?" [OOC] Fallout says, "No. Bad Skyburner! *whap* No cookie!" [OOC] Fallout ;) [OOC] Skyburner says, "a hand or sumpthing the bots got my blasted old head!" Uproar's left hand falls to the ground, having been chopped off by the shells. [OOC] Uproar says, "You won't have seen that SKB" [OOC] Fortress says, "I only used one shell." Fallout steps back out of Fortress's way. [OOC] Skyburner says, "huh?" [OOC] Uproar nods to fort, well my hand was on my chest anyways. [OOC] Skyburner says, "I didn't see the hand fall??" [OOC] Skyburner says, "Is that what you mean?" [OOC] Uproar nods. [OOC] Skyburner says, "but its on the ground now right?" Fortress pauses on his way to the door and looks down at Fallout, "Any objections from Onslaught's division?" [OOC] Uproar says, "With all the other scrap in the room, probably under the resting platform." [OOC] Skyburner says, "I'll snoop around later." Fallout smiles. "Go ahead and drag 'im out." Fortress heads for the exit, looking very pissed off. Fortress transmits a radio message. Fortress enters the Darkmount - Interrogation Room <-O- Out>. Fortress has left. From Darkmount - Holding Cell, Fallout has left. Darkmount - Interrogation Room You step into the interrogation room and immediately note how dark it is. There is no visible source of light normally unless you or the guard in the observation room has activated the luminous cells. Once your optics adjust to the low light level, you can see that the room is basically a black sphere and you'll need to hover unless you want to wind up at the bottom of the sphere after you step off the door platform. In the center of the sphere is a harness attached to an antigravity generator. Those who have the misfortune of being secured here are suspended in the harness, immobilized and left in the dark, completely deprived of all sensory inputs. There is nothing to be seen, nothing to be heard, and nothing to be felt once the room is sealed. And, eventually, even the strongest spirit will succumb to madness and delusion if left here long enough. Speak now or forever remain in this place of eternal silence. Fortress [D] Obvious exits: -C- Cell leads to Darkmount - Holding Cell. -E- East leads to Darkmount - Security Level. From Darkmount - Holding Cell, Uproar enters the Darkmount - Interrogation Room <-O- Out>. Uproar arrives from the Darkmount - Holding Cell. From Darkmount - Holding Cell, Uproar has left. Uproar has arrived. Uproar comes in, his steps more subdued but still slightly above normal sound levels, his lower face mask on, along with a total pitch black visor over his optics... Uproar has left. Uproar moves into the bomber. From Fortress, Uproar comes in, his steps more subdued but still slightly above normal sound levels, his lower face mask on, along with a total pitch black visor over his optics... [OOC] Fortress says, "oops" From Darkmount - Holding Cell, Skyburner enters the Darkmount - Interrogation Room <-O- Out>. Skyburner arrives from the Darkmount - Holding Cell. From Darkmount - Holding Cell, Skyburner has left. Skyburner has arrived. Skyburner walks in with a normal pase. Skyburner walks out of the cell heading straight for the security level. Fortress glances at the others with him, "You guys flying escort?" You say, "I will. What Skyburner wants to do is up to him." Skyburner shakes. "Not me! Skyburner smiles. "This will lead to a combat." Skyburner says, "Not the place I wish to be sorry Fort." Guest1 has connected. Fortress receives a radio message. You say, "Afraid to face a mobile 'bot, Skyburner? Fortress can take care of most of 'em.. I just like to go along on these things to cover the flanks." Guest1 has disconnected. Skyburner shakes his head. "Still it puts me in a hostile situation." You say, "I didn't think you were that bad... oh, well." Skyburner blinks as he walks towards the exit. Skyburner says, "I wish not to be in a combat or close-combat situation."" Fortress shrugs and looks down at Fallout. "Let him go. Lets get to Crystal City with this guy." Fallout nods. "It's best to get him off our hands.. we're straining as it is to hold a proper celebration tonight." Fortress transmits a radio message. Without further ado, Fortress heads out. Fallout moves after. Fortress enters the Darkmount - Security Level <-E- East>. Fortress has left. You enter the Darkmount - Security Level. Darkmount - Security Level As you emerge into the Security room, you can't help but notice that the entire area looks like a spent battle zone. It is to this place Decepticons are forced when they become too unruly for even the Empire's needs, and it is here that the Autobot unfortunate enough to be captured by Decepticons will most likely meet a distinctly unpleasant end. The walls have been left scorched and marked, with an occasional piece of a Transformer's armor imbedded into the walls as a reminder of the misery and woe those here will endure. Straight ahead of you is the dark and massive door leading into the confinement cells, still stained with the vital fluids of some long gone (or possibly not long gone) Transformer. Fortress [D] Obvious exits: -N- North leads to Darkmount - Elevator. -W- West leads to Darkmount - Interrogation Room. Fortress transmits a radio message. Fortress enters the Darkmount - Elevator <-N- North>. Fortress has left. You enter the Darkmount - Elevator. Darkmount - Elevator You step into the reinforced lift and note immediately the large Decepticon sigil etched into the back wall as a reminder to all of where they are and why they serve the great Empire. There is a control panel near the door for selection of your desired destination. Fortress [D] Obvious exits: -6- leads to Darkmount - Launch Platform. -5- leads to Darkmount - Security Level. -4- leads to Darkmount - Medical and Science Level. -3- leads to Darkmount - Barracks. -2- leads to Darkmount - Command Level. -1- leads to Darkmount - Tunnel. Fortress receives a radio message. Fortress transmits a radio message. Fortress enters the Darkmount - Launch Platform <-6->. Fortress has left. You enter the Darkmount - Launch Platform. Darkmount - Launch Platform Forcibly hewn out of the side of a raised mountain, this sturdily constructed platform is large enough to accommodate several ships and still allow enough room for the arriving and departing patrols of Decepticon seekers. Crafted of solidly forged chunks of Durillium, it has been made to withstand the tests of time and battles. Around the edges of the platform are various anti-aircraft batteries and entrenched watch posts for defense drones should anyone ever be foolish enough to attempt an attack from the air, or intrepid enough to risk approaching the Decepticon stronghold from the nearly impossible climb below. Fortress [D] Decepticon Flagship Obvious exits: -U- Up leads to Sky Above Tarn. -D- Down leads to Darkmount - Elevator. Fallout jumps up and transforms Fortress transmits a radio message. Fallout folds up into a small ovoid with wings. Fortress slowly folds up into his larger bomber mode. Fortress receives a radio message. Fortress receives a radio message. Tetrabomber enters the Sky Above Tarn <-U- Up>. Tetrabomber has left. You enter the Sky Above Tarn. Sky Above Tarn The vast expanse of Cybertronian airspace stretches further than the focused optic can see, unhampered by a heavy atmosphere or major weather formations. From this point of view, the ravaged landscape, rubble strewn highways, and demolished buildings of the planet below are clearly visible for miles in all directions, a constant reminder of the ongoing war. Tetrabomber [Fortress] [D] Darkmount Obvious exits: -S- South leads to Sky Above Bismuth Skyway. -E- East leads to Sky Above Wastelands. -D- Down leads to Gates to Tarn. Huh? (Type "help" for help.) Tetrabomber enters the Sky Above Bismuth Skyway <-S- South>. Tetrabomber has left. You enter the Sky Above Bismuth Skyway. Sky Above Bismuth Skyway The vast expanse of Cybertronian airspace stretches further than the focused optic can see, unhampered by a heavy atmosphere or major weather formations. From this point of view, the ravaged landscape, rubble strewn highways, and demolished buildings of the planet below are clearly visible for miles in all directions, a constant reminder of the ongoing war. Tetrabomber [Fortress] [D] Obvious exits: -N- North leads to Sky Above Tarn. -S- South leads to Sky above Hellpit Territory. -E- East leads to Sky Above Forest and Causeway. -W- West leads to Sky Above Bismuth Causeway East. -D- Down leads to Bismuth Skyway. -D2- Down2 leads to Foothills. Tetrabomber enters the Sky Above Forest and Causeway <-E- East>. Tetrabomber has left. You enter the Sky Above Bismuth Causeway East. Sky Above Bismuth Causeway East The vast expanse of Cybertronian airspace stretches further than the focused optic can see, unhampered by a heavy atmosphere or major weather formations. From this point of view, the ravaged landscape, rubble strewn highways, and demolished buildings of the planet below are clearly visible for miles in all directions, a constant reminder of the ongoing war. Obvious exits: -E- East leads to Sky Above Bismuth Skyway. -W- West leads to Sky Above Polyhex. -D- Down leads to Bismuth Causeway . You enter the Sky Above Bismuth Skyway. Sky Above Bismuth Skyway The vast expanse of Cybertronian airspace stretches further than the focused optic can see, unhampered by a heavy atmosphere or major weather formations. From this point of view, the ravaged landscape, rubble strewn highways, and demolished buildings of the planet below are clearly visible for miles in all directions, a constant reminder of the ongoing war. Obvious exits: -N- North leads to Sky Above Tarn. -S- South leads to Sky above Hellpit Territory. -E- East leads to Sky Above Forest and Causeway. -W- West leads to Sky Above Bismuth Causeway East. -D- Down leads to Bismuth Skyway. -D2- Down2 leads to Foothills. You enter the Sky Above Forest and Causeway. Sky Above Forest and Causeway The vast expanse of Cybertronian airspace stretches further than the focused optic can see, unhampered by a heavy atmosphere or major weather formations. From this point of view, the ravaged landscape, rubble strewn highways, and demolished buildings of the planet below are clearly visible for miles in all directions, a constant reminder of the ongoing war. Tetrabomber [Fortress] [D] Obvious exits: -N- North leads to Sky Above Wastelands. -S- South leads to Sky Above Workcamp. -E- East leads to Sky above Bismuth Causeway. -W- West leads to Sky Above Bismuth Skyway. -D- Down leads to Bismuth Causeway . -D2- Down2 leads to Black Forest. Tetrabomber enters the Sky above Bismuth Causeway <-E- East>. Tetrabomber has left. You enter the Sky above Bismuth Causeway. Sky above Bismuth Causeway The vast expanse of Cybertronian airspace stretches further than the focused optic can see, unhampered by a heavy atmosphere or major weather formations. From this point of view, the ravaged landscape, rubble strewn highways, and demolished buildings of the planet below are clearly visible for miles in all directions, a constant reminder of the ongoing war. Tetrabomber [Fortress] [D] Obvious exits: -NE- Northeast leads to Sky above Asteroid Canyon. -E- East leads to Sky above Trench. -W- West leads to Sky Above Forest and Causeway. -D- Down leads to Bismuth Causeway . -D2- Down2 leads to Bismuth Causeway . Tetrabomber enters the Sky above Trench <-E- East>. Tetrabomber has left. You enter the Sky above Trench. Sky above Trench The vast expanse of Cybertronian airspace stretches further than the focused optic can see, unhampered by a heavy atmosphere or major weather formations. From this point of view, the ravaged landscape, rubble strewn highways, and demolished buildings of the planet below are clearly visible for miles in all directions, a constant reminder of the ongoing war. Tetrabomber [Fortress] [D] Obvious exits: -N- North leads to Sky above Asteroid Canyon. -E- East leads to Sky above Ruined Outpost. -W- West leads to Sky above Bismuth Causeway. -D- Down leads to Bismuth Causeway . -D2- Down2 leads to Bismuth Causeway . You enter the Sky above Ruined Outpost. Sky above Ruined Outpost The vast expanse of Cybertronian airspace stretches further than the focused optic can see, unhampered by a heavy atmosphere or major weather formations. From this point of view, the ravaged landscape, rubble strewn highways, and demolished buildings of the planet below are clearly visible for miles in all directions, a constant reminder of the ongoing war. Obvious exits: -SE- Southeast leads to Sky Above Crystal City. -SW- Southwest leads to Sky above Guardian Pass. -E- East leads to Sky above Iacon Crossroads. -W- West leads to Sky above Trench. -D- Down leads to Ruined Outpost. -D2- Down2 leads to Waystation. Tetrabomber arrives from the Sky above Trench. Tetrabomber has arrived. Tetrabomber soars into vision range. You enter the Sky Above Crystal City. Sky Above Crystal City The vast expanse of Cybertronian airspace stretches further than the focused optic can see, unhampered by a heavy atmosphere or major weather formations. From this point of view, the ravaged landscape, rubble strewn highways, and demolished buildings of the planet below are clearly visible for miles in all directions, a constant reminder of the ongoing war. Obvious exits: -NW- Northwest leads to Sky above Ruined Outpost. -E- East leads to Sky Above Old Cybertronia. -W- West leads to Sky above Guardian Pass. -D- Down leads to Gates of Crystal City. -D2- Down2 leads to Crystal City - Starport. Tetrabomber arrives from the Sky above Ruined Outpost. Tetrabomber has arrived. Tetrabomber soars into vision range. Tetrabomber enters the Crystal City - Starport <-D2- Down2>. Tetrabomber has left. You enter the Crystal City - Starport. Crystal City - Starport The once dilapidated and run down hangar has been restored to its former glory. The enormous space within is ablaze with marker lights directing incoming vessels to berths, passengers to transports, and so forth. The centerpiece of this reconstruction is an ivory-colored control tower, equipped with new and refurbished radar and communication feeds. A short, gleaming steel runway runs parallel to the berths, manned by a crew of red droids and yellow mechs, ready for any emergency. Antigrav units and refueling trucks move through the hustle and bustle to waiting ships. Tentacle-like waldos snake around repair bays, servicing the new flood of traffic, some directed by technicians, and others working on their own for less complicated repairs. Dark blue Militia patrols march purposefully around, making sure everyone is safe. Welcome back to the all new Starport. Tetrabomber [Fortress] [D] Wildfire [U] Subterranean Hangar Control Tower Unaffiliated Freighter Unaffiliated Passenger Liner Obvious exits: -U- Up leads to Sky Above Crystal City. -SE- Southeast leads to Crystal City - Commercial Sector. -E- East leads to Crystal City - Industrial Sector. Zipjet flies near the tetrabomber's flank in a watchful manner. Tetrabomber flies in and hovers over one of the landing platforms. Fortress's large bombay doors swing slowly open, Guest1 has connected. Tetrabomber says, "Hi guest1" Tetrabomber says, "COLD!" Wildfire is standing in the starport, looking around, occasionally watching the sky, waiting for something. Tetrabomber lands carfuly then drops something out of his cargo door. Guest1 has disconnected. Troop Shuttle arrives from the Sky Above Crystal City. Troop Shuttle has arrived. Troop Shuttle flies through the area,sensors active. Wildfire spots the bomber and walks a little closer, gun in hand, apparently ready for anything. Uproar emerges from the large bomber via the cargo bay. Uproar has arrived. Uproar comes in, his steps more subdued but still slightly above normal sound levels, his lower face mask on, along with a total pitch black visor over his optics... Tetrabomber drops Uproar. Zipjet continues to hover nearby. Troop Shuttle lands, and not so lightly at that. It's hatch is lowering before it settles to the pad. Tetrabomber is stationary on one of the landing pads. Uproar is just been ejected from his cargo hold. From Troop Shuttle, E.R. hops out, landing roubly on the ground, "Ouch...feet.." E.R. has arrived. E.R. receives a radio message. Wildfire grimaces at the sudden influx of people. She is none to pleased by all of this, it seems... E.R. transmits a radio message. [OOC] Uproar says, "sorry had to get food" E.R. receives a radio message. Ever Lagging Archer gets dragged away by his player to the mundane little world also known as RL. Tetrabomber hovers up away from Uproar then moves back a ways, transforming and landing. With a creak, Fortress closes the bombay doors. The bomber folds down into the robot Fortress. Zipjet merely continues to stay nearby. E.R. stands next to the troop shuttle, confused a bit... Barricade arrives from the Crystal City - Industrial Sector. Barricade has arrived. Wildfire's optics fly from each person, before settling on Fortress, "Mind telling me what this is all about?" Uproar lands on the ground hard, his form slagged, melted, sliced, cut, beat, he's missing an optic, his sigil, and by all rights, looks to be dead. His core is BARELY online, a quick scan would hardly see it. Barricade clanks in from the east. He's proudly displaying his militia badge in the center of his chest. His pump blaster is slung over his shoulder. He scans the area quickly while listenting to his radio. E.R. gasps at the sight of Uproar, he flinches unintentionally. The mech grimaces at Fortress, gritting his emmiter shut... Keeping his hands away from his weapons he says to Wildfire even though he keeps watching Linebreaker, "Uproar's dead. I wanted the bots to have his frame." From afar (to Fortress and Zipjet), Uproar tips ya both for great rp. Good work. You paged Uproar and Fortress with 'Thanks.. *already tipped Uppity today* :)'. Wildfire takes an involuntary step back as she realizes exactly how badly hurt Uproar is. Her optics flare bright with fury that's apparently directed at all the factionals present, "Oh, lovely. And you decided CC was just the place to do this? We're honoured, I'm sure." You say, "Can you think of another place where we won't be tempted to slag the hell out of each other?" Fortress turns to look at Wildfire, "Yes, this place is. It was the only way I could deliver him in safety. Do you require a handling fee? I can pay for your time." Troop Shuttle keeps his engines powered up as he rests there on the pad, prepared to depart at a moments notice. "Ok, Fortress, obviously we aren't talking open warfare here in Crystal City, but the last time I came to pick up a prisoner, your friends had planted explosives in him. I'm not sure they wouldn't do worse to Uproar's corpse." His turrets are obviosly powered down, laying flat against his hull or retracted altogether. (New BB message (10/44) posted to 'Decepticon' by Skyburner: Supplemental Report) E.R. growls, forcing himself not to speak, he shoots a cold glance at Fortress and Fallout, z Zipjet emits, "Please.. the only reason we did that was to get Uproar. We got 'im. We're done with 'im." Wildfire laughs darkly, "Whatever." She shakes her head in disgust at the entire situation and glances down at Uproar, "Is he...?" Barricade clanks up to the gathered mechs. He looks down at his friend but doesn't give any signs of consern on the outside. He's on duty and duty before friendship. "What's the problem Wildfire?" Wildfire turns her head slightly to nod a greeting to Barricade, "Apparently our fair city's been elected to host a prisoner exchange." Troop Shuttle transmits a radio message. Wildfire receives a radio message. Fortress shakes his head at Linebreak, "That's not why I brought him here. He was supposed to be slowly tortured with part after part delivered to you. I.." He pauses and looks away, ashamed, "Uproar deserved better." Wildfire flashes Linebreaker (now that she's had his identity confirmed) an impatient look, then sighs and nods quietly. Barricade turns his optics down toward the battered mech, "Well I suggest you Autobots get your mech and take him home." he sighs, "He needs medical attention asap." he turns to the Decepticons, "Next time you think you could find another location to drop off prisoners? We don't need any trouble here." he shakes his head, "We do our best to keep this a peaceful city." [OOC] Uproar says, "someone logging this?" [OOC] Barricade isn't... [OOC] Wildfire usual... [OOC] Fortress says, "I am" (New BB message (1/39) posted to 'Public' by Skyburner: re:razelore VR wish) [OOC] Zipjet can. Wildfire nods in total agreement with Barricade's sentiment. Zipjet emits, "Why else do you think we came here? The only other neutral territories are all battlegrounds." Troop Shuttle agrees, "Yes, I'd say he did." His tone is flat and emotionless. "E.R. Can we get him aboard and home? Someone will have to tell Revamp." Fortress looks over at Barricade, "I'll try next time, but I needed to deliver him without taking fire. I.." He trails off and leaps into the air suddenly, transforming. Wildfire looks up at Fallout, "And the only way you can be trusted not to blast each other to hell and back is for us to hold your hands?" Her voice becomes cynical, "We're doomed..." Fortress slowly folds up into his larger bomber mode. Zipjet emits, "I just don't trust the 'bots, is all.. if you don't like being neutral territory, then perhaps you should reconsider." E.R. nods slowly, walking over to the corpse and managing to heft it up after a few moments of work, "Wildfire... it's a war.. not a gang bust..." he looks at uproar's body lying in his arms as he walks by, he blinks suddenly at something...and makes his way back to the ship. Barricade gives a nod, "I understand." he sighs and shakes his head, "Thank you for your co-operation." he adjusts his weapon. His optics flare as he turns to the zipjet, "Perhaps we should..or maybe it'd be easier to just give up?" [OOC] Tetrabomber says, "lwho is a cool command.....size 12?!" You say, "I get as tired at being shot at by Autobots as anyone else." Wildfireeyes Fallout and she forces herself to bite back the first comment that comes to mind. [OOC] Uproar says, "LB is a big fragger:)" Wildfire nods to E.R., "Just get him home, all right?" She watches Uproar sadly, "And -you're- in the middle of a war. We want no part of it." Barricade shrugs, "Maybe the Autobots are tired of being shot at by decepticons?" Uproar is, thats for sure. Oww. [OOC] Uproar says, "sorry had to throw that in." E.R. turns to snap at wildfire, but..he just enters Linebreaker silently. [OOC] Zipjet chuckles Tetrabomber circles slowly and heads off into the sky, broadcasting back, "Then I'll try to avoid entangling you anymore." Zipjet keeps her usual comment about that to herself. As much as she tries not to start fights, she knows of the idiots on the decepticon side who like to start them frequently. Wildfire says, "Appreciated." Barricade nods, "Thank you." he sighs and turns to get back to his post. Tetrabomber heads into the sky, anxious to be away. Barricade transmits a radio message. Fortress receives a radio message. Zipjet continues to hover near Fortress's flank. Tetrabomber enters the Sky Above Crystal City <-U- Up>. Tetrabomber has left. You enter the Sky Above Crystal City. Sky Above Crystal City The vast expanse of Cybertronian airspace stretches further than the focused optic can see, unhampered by a heavy atmosphere or major weather formations. From this point of view, the ravaged landscape, rubble strewn highways, and demolished buildings of the planet below are clearly visible for miles in all directions, a constant reminder of the ongoing war. Tetrabomber [Fortress] [D] Obvious exits: -NW- Northwest leads to Sky above Ruined Outpost. -E- East leads to Sky Above Old Cybertronia. -W- West leads to Sky above Guardian Pass. -D- Down leads to Gates of Crystal City. -D2- Down2 leads to Crystal City - Starport. Tetrabomber transmits a radio message. Fortress receives a radio message. Fortress broadcasts "I hope you understand why I did what I did, Fallout." You say, "What, taking Uproar out of there? Yes." You say, "Unless you had a different reason." Tetrabomber enters the Sky above Guardian Pass <-W- West>. Tetrabomber has left. You enter the Sky above Guardian Pass. Sky above Guardian Pass The vast expanse of Cybertronian airspace stretches further than the focused optic can see, unhampered by a heavy atmosphere or major weather formations. From this point of view, the ravaged landscape, rubble strewn highways, and demolished buildings of the planet below are clearly visible for miles in all directions, a constant reminder of the ongoing war. Tetrabomber [Fortress] [D] Obvious exits: -NE- Northeast leads to Sky above Ruined Outpost. -E- East leads to Sky Above Crystal City. -W- West leads to Sky above the Dead Zone. -D- Down leads to Guardian Pass . Fortress broadcasts "There's hope for Skyburner, though there won't be hope for any of us if we start delighting in torment." You say, "If Skyburner will take his head out of his aft and pay attention, yes.. I despise Razelore." Fortress broadcasts "I don't blame you." You say, "You did know I used to be in Intelligence, didn't you?" Star-Runner says, "Hello Cybertron, how ya'll doing today?" Attack Chopper arrives from the Sky Above Crystal City. Attack Chopper has arrived. ======================= Connected players in your area ======================= U 6 Attack Chopper Wildfire D 3 Zipjet Fallout D 10 Tetrabomber Fortress ============================================================================== Tetrabomber is slowly flying west, conversing with Fallout. Zipjet flies next to Fortress, as before. Fortress broadcasts " No, Fallout, I had no idea. No wonder you hate him so much." Attack Chopper enters, apparently heading back out on her patrols. She spots the Decepticons, but doesn't spare them a 'glance' as she continues north. She is -not- pleased. Attack Chopper enters the Sky above Ruined Outpost <-NE- Northeast>. Attack Chopper has left. (New BB message (10/45) posted to 'Decepticon' by Silo: Greetings) You say, "He and Skyburner put me into a bad mood. Care for a jaunt into Polyhex? I could use a friendlier place so I can get my perspective back." Fortress broadcasts "Lets make a quick pass over Neurex before we head there. I'd like to see the damage for myself." You say, "Alright." Tetrabomber enters the Sky above the Dead Zone <-W- West>. Tetrabomber has left. <-- Travels to Neurex, etc --> Tetrabomber circles around some distance away from the factory used for the Silo project and lands behind some ruins, transforming. The bomber folds down into the robot Fortress. Zipjet transforms but continues to hover, keeping an optic out, just in case. Fallout unfolds into her usual six-limbed robot form ===================== Sky over Neurex Industrial Complex ===================== ================================ Misty Basin ================================= ======================= T'kara Production Corporation ======================== ========================= Subclavian Mining Facility ========================= ==================== Neurex Industrial Complex ===================== ====================== Neurex Industrial Complex ====================== Abandoned Factory Fallout Fortress ============================================================================== Fortress unslings his rifle and uses the scope on it to peer down at the factory. An abandoned factory Carrying: Hidden Stash Various prototypes Fortress says, "Looks deserted?" You say, "Pretty much.. after all, most of what was worth taking was taken. We have it back.. for now." Fortress stands and hovers up a little, "Lets go check it out then." He starts to fly towards the factory. Fallout shakes her head, but follows after. She has time. Silo says, "Who here uses MUSHclient?" Pikachu Fallout says, "YO!" Dr. Feelgood E.R. does. Attack Chopper does. Fortress pages: Fort's not too anxious to go back to Darkmount right now, in case you oculdn't tell. Fearsome Mad Skyburner Does Silo says, "Is my post blue, any cons?" Fearsome Mad Skyburner says, "Black" Long distance to Fortress: Fallout is starting to get anxious to get back to Polyhex. Abandoned Factory An abandoned factory currently refitted for work on some sort of 'con project apparently involving the creation of a new being. Contents: Hidden Stash Various prototypes A pretty well-camoflauged stash of materials, consisting of everything from raw sheet metal to complex salvaged circuitry and decaying power cells. Although you are -unlikely- to discover it, closer inspection would reveal that it seems to have been recently collected, judging from the lack of dust. Only one protoype has been completed. There are several others, to different degrees of completion, set up on med-tables and in holding bays along the walls. They range in size and design, but something sinister seems to dwell in each one. Fortress has arrived. Fortress slowly comes into sight. Ever Lagging Archer wakes up from a nightmare of living in a world where people couldn't transform, had soft skins, and were they couldn't fly on thier own... Starfire says, "Blue for me, too. It's configured to show channel chat in blue, and since you put angle brackets around your post, MUSHclient thinks it's channel chat." Silo says, "How do I change that?" Emotionless Tricky Skyburner says, "Still it looks black to me" Fortress looks around the ruined and gutted facility and shakes his head. He punches a now empty medtable and exclaims, "SLAG! We we so close to building something here, Fallout. Vulk but we were close." Pikachu Fallout says, "Use *'s instead of <>'s" Silo says, "SB, you prolly have different settings of color." Ever Lagging Archer's client is set to show <> containing lines in purple. Emotionless Tricky Skyburner says, "Perhaps! :)" Starfire says, "You change it in the configuration under highlighting." Fallout nods, looking around. "It wouldn't take long to fix things, here, but the building's not worth much of anything.. a missed shot could bring it down in this state. Fortress shakes his head in frustration and heads out of the building, saying nothing. Fortress has left. Silo says, "BRB. dinner time." Neurex Industrial Complex At one time, this massive plant complex here mixed up the numerous chemicals that were used in many basic Cybertronian compounds. However, this area was also the scene of many bitter battles, and eventually, the massive storage tanks were made targets. When they were destroyed, a noxius cloud of chemical agents rolled into the valley to the south, and for many years made the area unlivable. Finally, the gases have cleared enough to make these ruins livable, and surprisingly enough, many of the buildings of this former plant still stand and are quite usable. Fortress [D] Abandoned Factory Obvious exits: -U- Up leads to Sky over Neurex Industrial Complex. -S- South leads to Misty Basin. -N- North leads to T'kara Production Corporation. -W- West leads to Subclavian Mining Facility. -E- East leads to Neurex Industrial Complex . Puncture arrives from the Neurex Industrial Complex . Puncture has arrived. Puncture walks in noisily, his drill clanking. Glancing at him, you see that he is the Autobot known as Puncture. His brownish chrome colored armor is all that protects him. His drill has been fully replaced and is a silvery gleam in the light. Powerful weapons have a new accomplice to beating.. the drill. He needs to use them every so often to get through the ground. The familiar Autobot emblem is stashed right onto his forehead, where everyone can see it. His design is straight forward, like any driller, you see that he is powerfull. Puncture also carries a variety of range weapons, all used to blow things up.. They are all marked with Cybertronian lettering, none of which anyone can understand but Puncture. They say, "Truth is the key to everything." Fortress walks out of the factory and surves the trenches that both sides dug in the battle for the complex, "So close...." he says to himself. Fallout checks radar and frowns. "We got a visitor." ===================== Sky over Neurex Industrial Complex ===================== ================================ Misty Basin ================================= ======================= T'kara Production Corporation ======================== ========================= Subclavian Mining Facility ========================= ==================== Neurex Industrial Complex ===================== ====================== Neurex Industrial Complex ====================== Abandoned Factory Puncture Fallout Fortress ============================================================================== Puncture enters from the eastern side of the complex, poking his head through the bits of chemicals floating through the air. He gags as he takes a small whiff of the dank air. Fortress turns and looks at Fallout, unslinging his rifle, "Where?" Fallout pauses, narrowing it down, then points to the east side. "Over there." She looks and tries to match it up, but there're ruins and such in the way. Puncture begins making his own scans and finds two Decepticons heading his way. He frowns and unwillingly takes a few of his weapons out. Pushing the button on each one to make sure that they are all charged and primed. Fallout clenches a fist or two. "Primus! Don't they know to keep out of our territory?" Fortress takes a few steps away from Fallout, putting distance between the two of them and says, "I guess its an Autobot. Well, we can ask him to leave." Puncture just barely makes out two shadowy figures, behind a few collapsed and burnt out tanks. He continues to scan through the ruins, hoping that he won't have to battle.. He continues to forage through the ruins to get a better view of the two Decepticons.. He continues poking his head awkwardly in every direction, making sure nothing else is in the area with them. Fortress arms his anti-aircraft guns as they emerge from his right arm and extend down either side past his hand. Fallout nods. "that would probably be best. Cover me." She moves quickly towards the blip, one hand resting on her disruptor and the other three equally ready to draw darts. Fallout fails with her generic roll. Puncture continues to walk over, his visor leading him towards the two... Puncture fails with his generic roll. Fortress nods and moves to take cover by one of the shattered tanks. He points his AA guns in the Puncture's general direction. Fallout grumbles, but finally manages to match up something to the blip. She steps out into an open space nearby. Mighty Valour flies onto the MUSH, singing, "Here I come to save the daay!" Onslaught says, "Val!" Mighty Valour waves [OOC] Fallout is 10 feet tall, so I'll forgive you if you don't notice me. :) Onslaught's Errand Girl Fallout says, "VAL!" Onslaught's Errand Girl Fallout says, "ONS!" The Not Quite Alive Oracle is driven onto the MUSH by six white mice, which turn into horses. She transforms from a pumpkin into her normal self. She tries to speak, but pumpkin seeds keep falling out of her mouth. "I just have to find another way of getting here," she finally says. Onslaught says, "Fally!" Tall Dark tricky Skyburner says, "Hey onslaught!!" Fortress catches sight of Puncture and starts to draw a bead on him. Puncture continues on his way and enters the same area that Fallout stands in. His radar continues to tell him that the Decepticon is standing just a few meters away from him, yet he cannot see a thing in his way of sight. He continues to look around, unable to see anything at all. The Not Quite Alive Oracle listen as the clock strikes the 'right time.' She turns into a large, golden pumpkin and is driven off the MUSH by six, white mice, leaving behind a single glass slipper as a promise that she will one day start looking for a happy ending...or perhaps just return to pick it up. Fallout realizes the problem and actually laughs. You say, "I'm here, but that's not the issue.. You're in Decepticon territory. We proved that just two cycles ago, so i'm not really in a mood to fight over it again. Turn about and leave." Fortress broadcasts "Or stay and end up like Uproar" Puncture continues to look around, his scanners supposedly on the blitz. He doesn't even bother to use plain opticsight, but still holds his weapons ready in case of an emergency. "Excuse me?" He calls back out. "I didn't know that this was Decepticon territory. The Neurex Complex is sanctioned by the Autobots and it is our territory. I will not leave. It is you who should be leaving." His audials twitch as Fortress makes a sound.. "End up like Uproar? What about Uproar? He was fine the last I heard." He folds his arms, but is still ready for an attack. MedusaSaur has connected. [OOC] MedusaSaur waves ... consider me prowling somewhere out of visual range.... You say, "Apparantly you're several cycles out of date. We retook this place two cycles again. I'd appreciate it if you left now." [OOC] Fallout waves. [OOC] Fallout says, "two cycle ago, pardon me. :)" Fortress has taken cover in one of the ruined gas tanks and has his AA guns aimed at Puncture, who is some distance away. He calls at the Autobot in a flat, bitter tone, "He's dead." Puncture raises a brow. "I will not accept that reply. The Neurex Complex is under Autobot control, Decepticon. You leave, NOW." ===================== Sky over Neurex Industrial Complex ===================== ================================ Misty Basin ================================= ======================= T'kara Production Corporation ======================== ========================= Subclavian Mining Facility ========================= ==================== Neurex Industrial Complex ===================== ====================== Neurex Industrial Complex ====================== Abandoned Factory Puncture Fallout MedusaSaur Fortress ============================================================================== Puncture listens as Fortress calls out to him. "Dead you say? By all means, I will protect this complex from your Decepticon grasp!" He grumbles in a low tone quietly. You say, "I tried it the friendly way. I have places to be, and would really not like to bother with this tonight. Whenever you're ready, Fortress." MedusaSaur is scouring the ruins somewhere nearby, hoping to pick through the cooling remains of the old factory later on, but stops short as she hears voices up ahead. Fortress's visor goes black as he closes his optics and shakes his head. In a low, dark tone he says to himself, "So be it." He raises his head and calls, "Take him out!" Puncture readies himself for an attack from the side and from the front, his head turning every few seconds to glance at both Decepticons. He is in an attack stance, waiting for the Decepticons to make a move.. Fortress pages: BTW, Puncture wants his char dead, so we get to p-kill today. MedusaSaur edges into the deepest shadows and creeps forward toward the commotion, trying to move into a position from where she can see what's going on. You paged Fortress with 'Ah. Okay.'. Fortress pages: Be as brutal as you want, though he's planning on fighting back. Fallout catches the extra blip on her radar as she powers up her electrical attack and hits the dirt for cover. [OOC] Fallout says, "That's my turn.. ICly, Fallout hates to shoot first." [OOC] Fortress says, "oh, ok." Fortress peers at Puncture, wondering when Fallout is going to fire. When he sees her dive for cover he steps out from behind his protection and fires a burst at Puncture. MedusaSaur reaches a vantage point from where she catches sight of the Autobot. The other voices sound familiar -- Fallout and Fortress. She looks around, hoping to pick them out in their tactical positions as well, so she can get a good overview of where everyone is. Fortress strikes Puncture with his ballistic attack. Puncture waves his hands through the smoke, trying to get a good view of everything. Unfortunately, Fortress begins his burst of ballistics his way.. He shudders and falls to the ground, injured, but not ready to defend himself. He slowly transforms to his tank mode and sends piston charges into the ground at an extremely high pace. Puncture rotates his drill the opposite way as before. His head enters a tiny hole, disappearing from view. His arms and legs fold into special bulkdhead like compartments. The huge drill bends up into it's former drilling position. The transformation thrusters reverse and then push him back to the ground. This is Drill Tank, rotating his heavy drill. -=- OOC -=- Drill Tank says, "mind if I area? except lash cuz lash be in the air.." [OOC] Fallout says, "Quake or something similar?" [OOC] Fortress says, "I don't mind." -=- OOC -=- Drill Tank nods. [OOC] Fallout says, "Go ahead." Drill Tank has disconnected. [OOC] Fallout AFKS for a bit. Drill Tank has connected. -=- OOC -=- Drill Tank aggressively attacks AOL and stabs it many times. -=- OOC -=- Drill Tank is going to attack now. Super Zany Scientist Perceptor waves to everyone... Drill Tank misses you with his quake attack. Drill Tank misses Fallout with his quake attack. Drill Tank strikes Fortress with his quake attack. (Usually) Shattered tech Eon says, "hi percy" Super Zany Scientist Perceptor waves hi to Eon...:) MedusaSaur remains in the shadows for the moment, watching. *Just* in case Fortress and Fallout have trouble, she can leap to the rescue, but at this point wouldn't insult them by joining the fray. Whiplash receives a radio message. MedusaSaur transmits a radio message. Fortress falls to his knees and nearly drops his rifle. He looks around, trying to see if Fallout is still up. "Fallout?" he calls as he gets to his feet, unslinging his rifle. Whiplash receives a radio message. MedusaSaur transmits a radio message. Whiplash receives a radio message. Fortress guesses that Fallout is out of the fight and steps away from his cover, drawing aim on Puncture. "That was a mistake, Autobot. I rather liked her." With that, he fires a shell from his rifle. MedusaSaur transmits a radio message. Fortress strikes Drill Tank with his artillery attack. Whiplash receives a radio message. Whiplash receives a radio message. Red-Blk Tetrajet has arrived. Red-Blk Tetrajet stealth MedusaSaur's attention sharpens as she looks for some sign of Fallout. Surely she couldn't have been knocked out of the fight that quickly? A bit concerned, she moves to circle the battle scene in the direction where she saw Fallout dive for cover. The Immortal, Barricade says, "Anyone here have Asheron's Call?" [OOC] Red-Blk Tetrajet says, "I'm here Stealth'd not coming to fight nor am I in range of any optics. OK?" Fortress is near a ruined gas tank. He's holding his rifle and is squared off infront of Puncture. Drill Tank gets blasted heavily with the attack from the artillery shell and topples over several times, leaving him upside down. A low grumble can be heard coming from the tank. It transforms quickly and throws a barrage of bombs towards Fortress in a fit of angry range.. "AAAHHHHH!!!" Drill Tank opens transformation mode thrusters and stands vertically, treadwheels facing horizontally. The drill folds down onto the dirty bottom caused by sand and dirt. From secret compartments, bulkheads, form legs and arms, making the tank even huger. A head emerges from the spot once placed for the drill. This is Puncture, rotating his heavy drill. Puncture strikes Fortress with his bomb attack. [OOC] Fortress says, "Ok by me, I'm kind of focused on the guy with the BIG drill at the moment." [OOC] Red-Blk Tetrajet says, "k" Fortress ducks for cover, though not fast enough. The bombs explode all about him, slamming him into the gas tank he so recently vacated. He shakes his head and his visor goes black again. "This has to end" he says to himself. He loads a grenade into his rife and launches it in Puncture's general direction. Fortress misses Puncture with his grenade attack. Fortress says, "Hi Midi" Cyber Shuttle says, "hi Fort :)" MedusaSaur pauses in her movements and bares her fangs in a growl, weighing the situation. Should she, or should she not, step in to help? She decides to hold back a bit longer. No sense depriving someone else of their kill. Cyber Shuttle says, "lotsa people on.." Fortress says, "Good RP to be had too." You've been idling in an IC area for over 10 minutes. If you continue to idle, you will be sent OOC. [OOC] Fallout says, "Sorry.. back. :)" MedusaSaur searches out Fallout and moves silently to her side, appearing next to her. Fallout grumbles as she shoves the last of a pile of scrap that fell over her out of the way. She blinks up at Whiplash and grins, a little sheepishly, but unhurt. Puncture is an expert at demolitions attacks and does a dive roll to escape the launch of the grenade at him. He covers his head, pieces of debris shattering on his armor. He grumbles, his body still shaken up and rattled, but trying to make its way through this battle. He turns his attention back to Fortress, a little barrel emitting from his fist. He aims it towards Fortress' direction and fires a high intensity sonic blast to temporarily disable Fortress' systems. "Take this, Decepticon!" MedusaSaur mutters to Fallout: "You still in the action?" MedusaSaur mutters to you: "You still in the action?" Red-Blk Tetrajet floats a bit more closer but keeping in the darkness of the sky. Puncture misses Fortress with his sonics attack. [OOC] Fortress says, "nice mutter" -=- OOC -=- Puncture grins.. I saw that too :) Fallout mutters to Whiplash: "Yeah.. Just ... tied ... for a bit ... ..." [OOC] MedusaSaur says, "Well, it was a *quiet* mutter, at least.... ;)" [OOC] Fallout grins. MedusaSaur nods to Fallout and returns her attention to the altercation between Fortress and his opponent. Fortress lunges to the side as the wave of energy shatters what was left of the gas tank behind him. He shakes his head to clear it and leaps into the sky, transforming. Fortress slowly folds up into his larger bomber mode. Fallout moves over out of the wreckage and turns her upper two palms up and towards the Autobot. A moment to aim and warm up, and then she does what she originally planned to do and zaps a large arc of electricity at the drill tank You strike Puncture with your electricity attack. Fallout strikes Puncture with her electricity attack. -=- OOC -=- Puncture says, "well, no longer drill tank, but bot, it's okay though ;)" [OOC] Fallout says, "Yeah.. was about to correct myself on that. :)_" Red-Blk Tetrajet moves a to behind Whiplash but keeps out of sight, as a small peek of energy slightly emits that could only be sensed by some. Tetrabomber circles overhead, his targeting systems attempting to lock onto Puncture as Fallout has him distracted. [OOC] Tetrabomber says, "I'm not firing this round. Your shot Puncture." Short Fuse woohoos and got a comic strip award. :) Mewtwo Onslaught says, "Woo!" From out of nowhere, Puncture takes the electric burst from Fallout and gags as he falls to the ground, knees making a *KLANK* on the hard floor of the complex ruins. He begins panting, taking simulated breaths as he tries to regain his breath. He grabs a grenade of his own from a compartment in his arm and tosses it at Fallout's direction, in hopes of striking the Decepticon. He growls as his arm gets pain from doing so. Puncture misses you with his grenade attack. Puncture misses Fallout with his grenade attack. -=- OOC -=- Puncture says, "brb, gotta go rig that VCR of mine for some taping.." Short Fuse says, "guess that means I have to update it on time from now on ;)" Pikachu Fallout chuckles. [OOC] Tetrabomber says, "um...ok. I'll fire after Fallout when you get back." Cyber Shuttle says, "AAAAAH! POKEMON! RUN!!!!!" Pikachu Fallout says, "Pika pika!" Pikachu Fallout just zapped someone IC. ;) Short Fuse says, "How do I add stuff to my name? :)" Pikachu Fallout says, "@chan/title =" (New BB message (19/48) posted to 'IRL Meets' by MedusaSaur: Ultra Lamus) Mewtwo Onslaught says, "Join my cause, Fallout..." Pikachu Fallout says, "Which one?" Growlithe Short Fuse stares. Mewtwo Onslaught says, "Uh, all of them?" Tetrabomber starts a slow appraoch for Puncture, targeting systems locked and weapons batteries ready. In some strage way, you get the impression that Fortress is forcing himself to do this, as if he'd rather flee. Growlithe Short Fuse says, "Actually.. I should be something electric." Mewtwo Onslaught hee. Pichu Short Fuse Fixes that. >:) Pikachu Fallout hasn't seen what Pichu's look like, yet. 'sniff MedusaSaur watches Fortress' approach, a momentarily puzzled look crossing her face, but then she shakes her head slightly as though dismissing the concern. Pichu Short Fuse has one on her page. -=- OOC -=- Puncture returns ;) Pikachu Fallout says, "WHERE?" [OOC] Tetrabomber says, "I'll go after you fally." [OOC] Fallout says, "that's cool. :)" Blastiose Barricade flexes his new pokemon chan/title. ;) Blastoise Barricade thinks he spelled it wrong. ;) Ever Lagging Archicuno hahahas and goes Barricade one better. ;) Fallout finds a new position away from the newly unstable section of ground where the grenade hit. She flips out one of her burning darts and wings it at the 'bot. You don't have that attack in your current mode. You strike Puncture with your incendiary_dart attack. Fallout strikes Puncture with her incendiary_dart attack. Guest1 says, "Throw me something mister!" Guest1 has connected. Pichu Short Fuse says, "A Pichu and an anemic Raichu:" Tetrabomber says, "Hi guest1." MedusaSaur waves a tentacle to Guest1.... :) Chocoholic Fallout waves to the Guest MedusaSaur waves to Guest too while she's at it.... :) Onslaught clubs the Pichu! Mewtwo Onslaught clubs the Pichu! Pichu Short Fuse eeeeks and runs to Billie! Pikachu Fallout awwwwws at the Pichu. ky00te! Puncture is transfixed as he gets hit with the flaming dart. His optics glare a bright red, fading slowly away as he nears unconsciousness. But no, he must go on. He stands up honorably and gets back into a fighting stance, ready for the next attack the Decepticons have to throw at him. Pichu Short Fuse says, "That image was a bit too rushed." Mewtwo Onslaught says, "Yes it is." Pichu Short Fuse will do another one when an official iamge of Pichu comes out. :P I can't believe it has green ears 0.o Blastoise Barricade wonders, "Is Blastiose the propper pokemon for Barri?" Mewtwo Onslaught says, "If I was to go off Physical, I'd be a Blastoise, but since I'm using persona, Mewtwo is it. ;)" Hacksaw has connected. Operation: Hacksaw strolls onto the MUSH, and an old gypsy man walks up to him, and brushes his cheek with his hand, saying "I curse you... high school!" Hacky screams in mind-numbing horror, and flees into the safety of... here, I suppose... Pikachu Fallout is just matching her character. She personally loves Abra over all other pokemon. It's just so ky00te. [OOC] Red-Blk Tetrajet says, "Not in sight, just watching" [OOC] Hacksaw says, "ARGHHHH! Ohmigod! Must.. run... fast-like!" Tetrabomber accelerates suddenly and dives for Puncture. The Autobot is nearly underneath the large 'con before Fortress banks hard and opens up with his missile batteries, veering away, yet still forcing himself to fire. MedusaSaur is lurking unseen, watching the combat. Tetrabomber strikes Puncture with his missile attack. Blastoise Barricade grins, "Abra is my fav too." -=- OOC -=- Puncture is getting blown to pieces by the cons.. don't interfere :) [OOC] Hacksaw says, "I won't interfer in the least! :)" [OOC] MedusaSaur says, "Hacksaw is witness who can carry the news home...." Pikachu Fallout drew a picture of an Abra with her 'signature' characteristics. Pichu Short Fuse loves Abra... has a nice abra image too:) -=- OOC -=- Puncture says, "he's too small =P" Guest1 has disconnected. Red-Blk Tetrajet still out of any range as sudden glitz and his stealth fails. Pichu Short Fuse says, "" Pikachu Fallout says, "Though I didn't know what the legs looked like, then, so I need to draw a new picture with 'em done right." [OOC] Hacksaw runs away, really flippin' fast. Hacksaw enters the Neurex Industrial Complex <-E- East>. Hacksaw has left. Tetrabomber keeps banking hard and transforms, landing back away from Puncture. The bomber folds down into the robot Fortress. MedusaSaur catches some movement behind her and whirls around, bringing her tentacles forward just in case there are Autobot reinforcements arriving... Pikachu Fallout says, "" MedusaSaur bares her fangs and moves toward the point where she saw a flash of light. Mewtwo Onslaught can't draw, hence must bribe Short Fuse for drawings... Ever Lagging Archicuno finally gets dragged away by the nasty computer demons. "I'll get you next time! And your little cyberdog too!" ;) Puncture falls to the ground as he gets bombarded by the huge missile attack by Fortress. With his last breath, he says, "You Decepticons will pay for your crimes against Cybertron!!" With that he groans utterly and falls, his body 99% charred to a crisp. "Ohhhh...." His red optics fade.. fade.. fade.. away and his entire body shuts offline. Fortress has no artistic skills whatsoever. Mewtwo Onslaught isn't finding that page, Fally. -=- OOC -=- Puncture says, "and if someone would like.. attack me again and destroy this body.. along with the laser core" Blastoise Barricade can't drawer. Pichu Short Fuse has a suprise for Onslaught when we go to Mardi Gras meet :) Mewtwo Onslaught says, "...oh dear..." Pikachu Fallout says, "Oh.. .../Lair/2879/..." [OOC] Red-Blk Tetrajet says, "punc. what is your health if I may ask?" Fortress coldly raises his rifle and fires another shell into Puncture's frame. He lowers his rifle and says darkly, "We're paying now, Autobot. We're paying now." Mewtwo Onslaught says, "Hee!" Pichu Short Fuse needs to do more watercolors >:) [OOC] Fortress says, "can't shoot you again, you're already unconcious." (New BB message (19/49) posted to 'IRL Meets' by MedusaSaur: Oh, and...) -=- OOC -=- Puncture says, "-52%.. fort's missile did 45 or 48.." MedusaSaur growls softly. "Skyburner, is that you sneaking around out here?" -=- OOC -=- Puncture says, "okay, just RP it then ;)" [OOC] Fallout must go.. She'll head on out to Poly and sign off. *wave* -=- OOC -=- Puncture waves to Fallout Fallout sees the 'bot slagged and takes off. (New BB message (19/50) posted to 'IRL Meets' by Onslaught: Re: Whiplash) [OOC] Fortress says, "Bye Fallout."