Pern-Laidan - Sunday, November 12, 2000, 2:20 PM ------------------------------------------------ Hatching! Talisha flops back onto her cot and drags the covers over her head. If a pillow to the face isn't enough to set off another fight, nothing is. Kichevio seems to have dozed off as well. Finally. Your location's current time: 1:29 on day 6, month 10, Turn 33, of the Tenth Pass. It is a autumn night. Laidan sleeps soundly as ever... the sleep of the just? Haloran starts snoring softly. He's oh-so-elegant. Alessandra turns on her cot again. Ah, yes, the sleep of the... late-nighters? Ilexa has connected. From afar, Schmitt hugs. Nervous yet? Balvorian rumples his sleeping furs about himself, starting to lightly snore. Caidan shifts slightly under her covers, finally peeking her head out from under them with a sigh. Looking around the room quietly, she then settles back down and stares at the ceiling. It's doubtful she's getting back to sleep anytime soon. Lenka successfully muffles a sniffle or two under a pillow and a blanket; something she's got used to doing. The only movement she makes is to curl up ever tighter, apparently in the hope this might help her sleep. You paged Schmitt with 'Yep'. Greylin remains quiet, her eyes closed, but anyone who can tell wakefulness by the speed of one's breathing can tell she's not asleep. Kyris emerges from behind the curtain across the entrance. Kyris has arrived. Vaelyn pages to Balvorian, Caidan, Haloran, Ilexa, Kichevio, Kiran, Kyris, Laidan, Lenka, and Lorrin: For those I missed wishing good luck yesterday, good luck! :) You paged Schmitt with 'Thanks.'. Kyris pages to Alessandra, Balvorian, Caidan, Greylin, Haloran, Ilexa, Kichevio, Kiran, Laidan, Lenka, Lorrin, Talisha, and Tarlo: I just wanted to take this chance to tell you all that I appreicate the time that I have spent here and the character development that I have been able to undergo with Kyris. I wish you all luck today. I hope that the bonds that we have been able to form here last for a good long time. You are some of the highest Calibre RPers that I have had the priviledge in my 9 years to RP with. No matter the outcome today we are all special, never forget that. From afar, to Alessandra, Caidan, Greylin, Haloran, Ilexa, Kichevio, Kiran, Kyris, Laidan, Lenka, Lorrin, Talisha, and Tarlo, Balvorian is a puppeteer, but I wish luck to all of you as well! From afar, Schmitt hugs. Haven't decided if I'll PCly be there yet, but Schmitt and Cami will certainly ICly be there. A'lex emerges from behind the curtain across the entrance. A'lex has arrived. Nimiriel emerges from behind the curtain across the entrance. Nimiriel has arrived. From afar, to A'lex, Alessandra, Balvorian, Caidan, Greylin, Haloran, Ilexa, Kiran, Kyris, Laidan, Lenka, Lorrin, Nimiriel, Talisha, and Tarlo, Kichevio won't spam you all, just snugs. You guys are great, and this has been fun! :) :) From afar, to A'lex, Alessandra, Balvorian, Caidan, Haloran, Ilexa, Kichevio, Kiran, Kyris, Laidan, Lenka, Lorrin, Nimiriel, Talisha, and Tarlo, Greylin will have to mallet anyone who doesn't keep the RP gang going. I have had an utter blast here, and I hope each of you liked your pictures. Even you evil Weyrleaders. ;) Alessandra may have looked asleep, but she certainly wasn't. As A'lex and Nimiriel enter, she looks out through the dark room. "Huh?" From afar, to A'lex, Balvorian, Caidan, Greylin, Haloran, Ilexa, Kichevio, Kiran, Kyris, Laidan, Lenka, Lorrin, Nimiriel, Talisha, and Tarlo, Alessandra smooches everyone. You all are -wonderful-... I've had an utter blast. Haloran is asleep. Snoring and asleep. Yessireebob. And he actually is, pillow having fallen off his face and a small puddle of drool by his chin. Greylin makes an 'eh?' sound as she hears Alessi's similar expression. "What is it?" she hisses in a very soft voice in that direction. Balvorian reaches up to scratch his nose in his sleep. Drapped over his bunk Kyris savors his sleep in quiet peace. Talisha just peeks out from underneath the covers. She wasn't quite asleep.. and she wasn't throwing pillows either. Really. Caidan wasn't asleep in the first place, so she sits up and eyes the Weyrleaders curiously. Nimiriel doesn't mince words, not at all. As soon as she's inside the dorms, she hollers (and boy, can she holler), "Everybody UP! Up and into your robes." And if *that* wasn't enough, the voice intensifies for one last word. "NOW!" Long distance to A'lex, Alessandra, Balvorian, Caidan, Greylin, Haloran, Ilexa, Kichevio, Kiran, Kyris, Lenka, Lorrin, Nimiriel, Talisha, and Tarlo: Laidan had oodles of fun! And now, she's finally @desc'd for the hatching.. though not exactly for sleeping.. ;) Kichevio hisses from her pile o'blankets, "If one more pillow is thrown..." Insert horrible consequences here. Then, suddenly, she's UP. "What?" Haloran sits straight up, pillow sticking to his face. At that, he knuckles his eyes, trying to peer about the dark barracks. "Shells....oh Faranth. Is it time?" Balvorian stirs at the booming voice and sits up, sleepily rubbing his eyes. "Huh?" Kyris sits up right, not alert, but when someone is bellowing like a wounded dragon, well it does bring physical reaction, however Kyris's mental state hasn't quiet caught up yet. Alessandra sits straight up as well, then scrambles off her cot in a daze and into her robe. "Oh sweet Faranth..." It's time? Now? At -night-?? Aisling emerges from behind the curtain across the entrance. Aisling has arrived. Kiran is up like a shot, pulling his robe on over his head and dashing out the door of the barracks while still fumbling his sandals onto his feet. Laidan blinks awake, then it registers that she's being shouted at. She hops out of bed and turns around two or three times, trying to get her bearings. Haloran immediately starts to strip of his nightclothes, fumbling about for his robe and managing--after getting stuck in it for a time--to get caught in the depths of the robe. Greylin bolts out of her cot, reacting against the bellowed voice of authority. She doesn't bother to question... she simply does. Nightshirt is clawed off with no care at all for modesty, a finger hooking her robe toward herself. Kichevio knows better than to argue with a yelling Weyrwoman. She scrambles frantically for her robe with one hand while the other begins gathering her mass of hair back in preparation for braiding. Caidan's face pales, and it might even look like she's going to faint for a moment from the surprise. Shaking her head slightly, she hops off her cot and begins changing into her robe so quickly that she puts her arms through the hole for her head before finally getting it right. Even that shout got under the covers that Lenka's got so tightly wrapped over her head, and quite a fight ensues before she gets all those blankets off her, shooting up into a sitting position with a loud gasp for air, which catches in her throat, and for a few seconds, she's just frozen there. Laidan then proceeds to scramble into her robe, put on her sandals, and tie back her hair all at once. Talisha all but flings herself out of her cot, snatching up her robe and stuffing it over her head at the same time as getting -out- of her other clothes. Pulling all her hair back tight, she darts a look from candidate to candidate. Balvorian looks around at the confusion and realizes...everyone's changing into robes! With a hiss of exasperation at himself, he quickly sheds his nightwear and pulls the robe over his head, his face becoming awake by degrees as the impact sinks into him. Aisling appears at the doorway, slipping into the barracks as she watches the candidates get ready. Indeed, it must be time, given that a deep thrumming starts to work its way through the stone walls. Peeling open his eyes he sees the rather impossing vissage of A'lex AND Nimiriel, that could only mean one thing at this time of night. BAMF! That has Kyris's attention and he's out of bed. EEEK the floor sure is cold this early in the morning in the candidates barracks, he hopes about as he tries to find his candidates clothing. Greenwitch has arrived. Kichevio takes flight gracefully from her perch. Ainsley emerges from behind the curtain across the entrance. Ainsley has arrived. Ilexa sits up, blinking blearily. "What?" And then she's out of her cot and rooting around in the trunk at the foot of her bed, flinging things around wildly until she remembers that she left her robe draped over the foot of her cot. She struggles into it, chanting to herself, "It's happening! It's happening!" Magda has arrived. Kichevio shrills angrily and ear-piercingly as she is dropped. Liam has arrived. Kichevio Liam screeches in shock as Kichevio nervously drops him. Chithit has arrived. Kichevio dropped Chithit. Dashe has arrived. Talisha puts Dashe down. Kiran heads through the entrance to the inner cavern. Kiran has left. Kiran emerges from behind the curtain across the entrance. Kiran has arrived. Laidan manages to get changed into her robe and a short belt on, one sandal on, so far. The hair finally gets tied back while both hands a briefly available to do so. Tarlo rolls out of her bed quickly, but apparently lacks the coordination to do anything at first but fall right onto the floor. "Oomp!" she says, and after fighting her way through the blankets, snags her robe, folded neatly by her side. She drops the shift onto her shoulders, and haphazardly ties her hair up as she starts moving as the Weyrleaders direct. Haloran starts to fumble beneath his bed and sandals go flying every which way as he resettles on the bed and starts to pull them on. Laces are cursed at as he frowns at the sandals. Then they work again. He looks toward the weyrleaders, eyes wide. From afar, to A'lex, Ainsley, Aisling, Alessandra, Balvorian, Caidan, Greylin, Haloran, Ilexa, Kichevio, Kiran, Laidan, Lenka, Lorrin, Nimiriel, Talisha, and Tarlo, Kyris rofls Merielan emerges from behind the curtain across the entrance. Merielan has arrived. Greylin slithers into her robe and stomps into her sandals, tying them on quickly, stamping them once or twice to settle them. Then she stands at the foot of her cot, atten-hut!, eyes front. Sandals? Oh, yes, they would help. Bal quickly finds his sandals under his cot, then sits down to strap them over his feet. "Cold," he says to no one in particular. From afar, to A'lex, Ainsley, Aisling, Alessandra, Balvorian, Caidan, Greylin, Haloran, Ilexa, Kichevio, Kyris, Laidan, Lenka, Lorrin, Merielan, Nimiriel, Talisha, and Tarlo, Kiran begs and pleads with everyone to try to keep pagespam to a minimum. I'm getting eaten alive already, here. :( Lorrin dives under her bed throwing everything behind her. She puls on her robe quickly. Public announcement: Nimiriel announces "The dragons have started humming at Telgar Weyr, and the eggs have started to rock. Never mind that it's nearing on 2am at Telgar, the Candidates are now being dragged out of bed and into their robes, which can only mean one thing-- It's time for Daelyth and Nraith's clutch to hatch! All those interested can watch the event from the galleries or the ledges, or can +watch on tgw-sands." Kichevio shoos her fire-lizards away as she pulls on the robe, still trying her best to tame her hair. Muffled oaths can be heard as she encounters knots and snarls, but it's slowly being tamed into a doubled, tied-back braid. Laidan finishes getting her hair to all stay in one tie, then works on finishing putting on that other sandal.. where did it go? Oh, there it is.. under the bed! She leans way down and gets it out, careful to keep her robe clean, and ties on the other sandal frantically. Alessandra blinks. Oh yeah. Sandals. Her sandals are fished out from under her cot, then pulled on swiftly. "Greylin!" she hisses, handing the girl a leather thong. "Pull my hair back, -please-!" Caidan quickly turns to the task of putting on sandals, thankfully getting them on the right way the first time, her usually calm nature beginning to take over even in this exciting moment. She quickly begins tying her hair into a neat bundle at her neck. Merielan stumbles into the barracks, half-pulling on one boot. She mutters under her breath "Shardit eggs.." Can be heard.."And sleep for one single night..impossible.." Having gotten her boot on, she also seems to have assumed a commanding air--fixing her knot more firmly on her shoulder, she moves to stand beside Ais and try to look awake. A'lex just grumbles and grunts alot, he must be NASTY during dawn sweeps. Kiran all but screeches to a halt near the barracks entrance, near Nimiriel and A'lex and the weyrlingmasters. This affords him some time to pull on his sandals and run a hand back through his hair. Ainsley walks through the rows of cots, shaking those awake who are a little less resistant to getting up, and lending a hand wherever necessary. Greylin hears her name and steps over to Alessi, doing as she is bid, her fingers hardly working, and maybe she pulls Alessi's hair too tight, but eventually gets it done right. "You're all set," she says with a reassuring pat on the shoulder and then a quick hug. "Stand with me and Tarlo?" she quickly asks. TelgarW_Bldr has arrived. Kyris pulling on his robe and slipping on the thin sandals, he looks awake really he does, adrineline now pumping. Laidan finally resolves the last sandle, checks her hair to make sure none of it got loose, then realizes her belt's too tight and loosens it just a bit so she can breathe a bit better. That might account for some of the light headedness. Now, she's ready and she stands up. TelgarW_Bldr has left. Balvorian stands up from the cot and just looks around, sleep-induced confusion etched on his young face. Alessandra immediately laces her fingers through Greylin's, nodding quickly. "Yes, of course." Shiver. Shake. "Those eggs have horrible timing..." Talisha scrambles beneath her cot for a few moments, searching for those dratted sandals and finally retrieving them. These she shoves onto her feet before stumbling around until she finds Greylin. "Good luck!" is breathed towards her and the other female candidates. Tarlo moves over to near Greylin and Alessi, taking the time help a younger Candidate with her robe. "No, no, that's your -arm hole-..." Laidan(#18651POace) Laidan is in her white candidates' robe, nervous as all get out. It drapes over her wiry frame in a much more complementary fashion than it probably did when it was fitted, just a few weeks ago. Her sandy-blonde hair is tied back, exposing the darker underside, while her hazel eyes gleam in the light. She stands up straight for this occassion, hands clasped in front of her and face alert. Laidan is 14 Turns, 10 months, and 20 days old. Lenka blinks several times, looking around her in utter confusion. And then, as she realises she's one of the very few not running around like a mad thing, she tumbles out of bed and makes a hasty, if shaky, grab for her robe, joining the melee. Ilexa fastens her sandals with shaking fingers, then, ready, or at least as ready as she's going to get, she stands fidgeting: smoothing her hair, smoothing her robe, checking to make sure her sandals are securely fastened, tugging at the leather tie in her hair, tightening her belt a notch, smoothing her robe, loosening her belt a notch, and so on. A'lex sighs deeply, "I'm going out to try to settle Nraith down a bit..." Kichevio is all tidy and neat, from haie to sandals. Except for her shaking hands and wide eyes, she'd be the picture of composure. "Someone stand with me...?" Or help her stand, one or the other. A'lex heads out towards the hatching sands. A'lex has left. Aisling looks remarkably wide awake, perhaps its only because she hasn't been to bed yet. She moves among the candidates, checking over robes. "I don't care who gave that to you. It stays here." She murmers to one small girl. Ainsley pauses on her way past Greylin to murmur a quiet, "Good luck." A few moments later, she does the same with Kiran. Then, she heads over to Aisling. Alessandra reaches a hand out towards Kichevio. "Stand with us, Kich, honey..." And please ignore her shaking. Nimiriel looks to the Assistant WEyrlingmasters, who seem to have things well in hand. "Two by two, whenever they're ready, okay? I'm going to head out with A'lex." WIth that, she walks out to the sands. Nimiriel heads out towards the hatching sands. Nimiriel has left. Laidan heads over to Kich. "I will," she volunteers, as if glad for the opportunity to pair up with somebody.. Lorrin grabs a comb and yanks it through her hair, pulling her hair back with a tug. She slowly stands and surveys herself. Ready as possible. "Someone come with me?" Kichevio seizes Alessi's hand gratefully, and Laidan's too. "Thanks...shellcrack, I can't believe this is finally happening..." Merielan seems to finally remember what she -ought- to be doing. Spying one candidate still in -bed- she shakes him awake, still grumping. A nod to Nim--a quick smile to the candidates and then she moves to stand by the door. "Line up!" She yells, holding a hand out in front of her to indicate the first place in line. "You all heard the Weyrwoman..two by two!" Aisling glances over at Ainsley as she spots her coming by, "I am almost as nervous as when I was a candidate." She admits softly. Kiran is, perhaps, visibly calmer than many of his fellow candidates. The wait up to this point was the stressful part; now, he's evidently fairly sure he knows what to expect. "Tarlo, you got a partner?" he asks. Kyris looks over to Tarlo and then down the barraks at the chaos that is ensuing and thinks for a moment for some this is the end of the begining and for others the beginning of the end. Lenka doesn't seem to trust herself to speak, pulling her belt too tight, her sandal straps too tight, her hair slicked tight, tight back into a ponytail. She's half-dazed. But there's close: "Lorrin?" Talisha is almost already hopping, all the way over to Lorrin, reaching for her hand. "I'll stand with you.. ? Okay?" Alessandra nearly squeezes Kich and Greylin's hands to bits as she waits. Haloran just looks around, completely forlorn. His hands twist in his robe and he just looks around. Greylin can't help smiling as she spies Josrin looking ready to wet himself, and she gives her fellow Bendenite a thumb's up, then smiles as she looks around the group she's a part of, and her smile turns to one of pride. She only mildly winces at Alessi's death-grip. Tarlo says "Ack, two by two. I think me and Greylin are going together, and 'Lessi with Kich. I'm not sure..." Laidan bites her lip, looking around. "Um..." Balvorian moves towards the line, then asks Haloran, "Partner?" "Remember!" Ainsley raises her voice to be heard over the general chaos that is the barracks. "Bow to the dam and sire once you get out there! We'll be calling your names, two by two." Kichevio shakes her head. "I'm with Laidan--I thought Greylin and Alessi were togther." Haloran looks toward Balvorian, nodding shyly. "Partner. Sounds good." Tarlo oh's, ok. "Kiran, I'll go with you!" Alessandra looks over at Ainsley. "We're with whomever they say, it appears." That lopsided grin again; Kiran gestures grandly to a space right next to him. Balvorian smiles, then gets into the line, motioning for Haloran to join him. "This is scary!" Lorrin takes Talisha's hand, smiling weakly. "Okay." Ilexa, told to pair up, glances around uncertainly, then just moves in the general direction of the line forming up, gaze skimming through the chaos in search of someone else without a partner. Kyris puts himself beside whomever doesn't have a partner, looks like one of the younger boys and offers a reassuring pat on the shoulder. Tarlo grins. "That saves that confusion." she walks over to Kiran anyway, and reaches out to ruffle his hair. "One for the road." she tells him excitedly. Caidan seems at a loss for what to do, then just moves over to join the others, her hands clasped together tightly. She offers a weak smile for those near her. Aisling moves her way to the doorway to the sands, standing just to the side to allow people to walk by. She seems unable to stop fidgeting, her fingers drumming against her thigh. Lorrin looks about her. "Good luck everybody." She tugs Talisha slowly toward the line. Merielan clears her throat--she looks more awake now--finally. "Don't fall.." Is her offered piece of advice and a muttered "Not like me.." Her eyes glance over the candidates, making sure they haven't tied their sandals together, or put their head through the arm hole of their robe. She moves to stand at the other side of the door, smiling over the heads of the line towards Aisling. Talisha smiles a warm, and what she hopes is an encouraging smile despite the shaking of her hands and the wiggling of her nervous self. "Remember what they told us.." she whispers, though loud enough for all to hear. Someone else comes to take the younger candidate in hand and Kyris is free to find another parterner, walking up to Ilexa, he nods, "You ready for this?" Kichevio is actually smiling, if somewhat shakily. Her grin encompasses Laidan, Greylin, Alessi and Tarlo. "Here we go..." Laidan nods. "Good luck!" she squeeks nervously. Greylin musters a squeeze of whoever's got her hands and a warm smile for all. "Best of luck to everyone," she says in a just-loud-enough voice. Alessandra just beams back at Kichevio, nodding slightly. "Good luck, everyone..." Ainsley clears her throat, and stations herself by the exit to the sands. "Right! Talisha and Lorrin! You're first." Tarlo mutters, "I am so glad I made I'sai keep those samples." Lorrin shivers and walks toward the exit. Haloran just stares ahead of him, lips pressing together as he does. Ilexa finds herself near Kyris, and glances up at him, offering a nervous smile. "No!" she exclaims, then laughs tightly. "But I guess I'll manage anyway." Aisling offers each a warm smile as they walk by, her gaze moving to consider each. "Luck." She whispers softly to them. Ainsley OOCly notes, the exit is 'sands'. :) Lorrin heads out towards the hatching sands. Lorrin has left. Talisha heads out towards the hatching sands. Talisha has left. Merielan pats a crying candidate "Good luck.." she murmurs, in echo of Aisling. Kyris smiles, "Don't worry," He says to Ilexa. Balvorian whispers to Haloran, "Good luck!" and offers the other candidate a reassuring smile. Ainsley calls out, "Tarlo and Kiran, you're next!" Haloran smiles back at Balvorian, nodding his agreement. "Luck to you." Lenka sidles, cautious, lost, almost bumps into Caidan, then, gulps and offers, "Would you go with me?" Tarlo widens her eyes, and calls out, "Good luck!" to the others as she moves ahead with Kiran. Merielan is issued a particularly grateful smile, and Aisling is graced with a cocky salute. Tarlo heads out towards the hatching sands. Tarlo has left. Kiran heads through the entrance to the inner cavern. Kiran has left. Aisling glances over each, offering the same words before she offers to Lenka. "Your name will be called, then you will go out." Kiran emerges from behind the curtain across the entrance. Kiran has arrived. Kiran heads out towards the hatching sands. Kiran has left. Ilexa blinks, and tugs at her hair tie. "Why not? I think it's something that's well worth worrying about." She takes a step forward as the line moves. Ainsley looks over her shoulder, then calls out, "Ilexa and Kyris!" "Yes but worrying never solved anything. Its fate." Kyris says and steps forward. Ainsley hollers, "And don't forget to make your bows!" Kyris heads out towards the hatching sands. Kyris has left. Alessandra just waits, shivering slightly in the darkness. Ilexa heads out towards the hatching sands. Ilexa has left. Laidan has the air of someone reciting instructions over and over in her head, bobbing a bit nervously. Kichevio mutters, "I'll bow, I'll curtsey, I'll do a dance...just this turn out all right..." Greylin grimaces and squishes Alessi's hand again. "Alessandra and Greylin, it's your turn," Ainsley calls. Caidan shifts slightly, turning to look at the girl next to her and smiles before looking up at Aisling. She glances back to Lenka and shrugs. "I guess we'll see." She offers the girl an encouraging smile. "At least none of us have to go alone." Alessandra squeezes Greylin's hand, then steps with her out onto the sands. Merielan offers a grin to Tarlo as she passes--she looks entirely too calm now. Hands in pockets as she rocks back and forth on her heels. "Just don't fall.." She reminds..glancing at Kich. "No dancing, please." Aisling tells Kichevio with a slight grin. Kichevio smiles at Alessi and Greylin. "Luck!" Greylin goes with Alessandra to meet her fate, taking a deep breath, waving her free hand to the others, especially Kich and Josrin. Greylin heads out towards the hatching sands. Greylin has left. Alessandra heads out towards the hatching sands. Alessandra has left. Lenka nods, far from confident, and then does her best to concentrate on her breathing, as it seems to be the most important thing at this point in time. Ainsley continues to call out names, two by two. Next, "Caidan and Lenka!" Laidan seems to get more nervous the longer she waits. She feels so small, despite being such a tall girl. Caidan takes a deep breath before leaving the room. Caidan heads out towards the hatching sands. Caidan has left. Lenka gulps, loses her breathing again, and goes. Lenka heads out towards the hatching sands. Lenka has left. Ainsley calls out, "Haloran and Balvorian!" Balvorian glances at Haloran as their names are called. "Let's go!" His voice cracks a bit nervously, and holds out his hand if Haloran wishes to take it. Haloran smiles and can't help himself. He takes the hand and off they go. Haloran heads out towards the hatching sands. Haloran has left. Balvorian heads out towards the hatching sands. Balvorian has left. Ainsley waits for the two boys to pass, then calls out for, "Laidan and Kichevio!" Kichevio holds tight to Laidan's hand. "And we're off." And so she is. Aisling gives up trying to offer each luck, down to a warm smile that she -hopes- conveys the same thing. Laidan looks at Kichevio and nods. Kichevio heads out towards the hatching sands. Kichevio has left. You enter the passage to the hatching sands. The tunnel goes to the north some ways, and then curves, heading eastward. Hatching Sands This is the immense cavern containing the hatching grounds of Telgar Weyr. It stretches for several hundred feet across, and even farther in length. To the north is the large mound of sands used by the queens for their clutches. Looking up along the high walls of the cavern, the ledges where dragons and their riders observe the hatchings are visible. Much of the eastern wall is dominated by the galleries. Row upon row of tiers are capable of seating hundreds of people. Contents: DRAGONS: Daelyth Nraith PLAYERS: A'lex Kiran Caidan Lenka Haloran Greylin Balvorian Kyris Tarlo Lorrin Laidan Talisha Kichevio Ilexa Nimiriel Alessandra OTHER: Lumpy patch of sand Obvious Exits: Path to Barracks Galleries Balvorian follows Haloran's example and bows to the Weyrleaders as well. Caidan quickly moves to join the others already on the sands, pausing to give a respectful curtsey to the Weyrleaders and their lifemates. Lenka is getting visibly more nervous, hardly trusting herself with a curtsey, she makes do with a stiff, but curteous bow, before melting back to the circle; safety in numbers, perhaps. The drowning sound of humming dragons begins to wan slightly as several of the eggs scattered across Telgar's warm hatching grounds start to make decided motions. Dragons from several Weyrs continue to land on the ledges high above trying to find a good place for viewing while others finish finding seats and chatting within the galleries not far below. Aisling emerges from the candidate barracks. Aisling has arrived. Merielan emerges from the candidate barracks. Merielan has arrived. Schmitt pages: Yeah Laidan!!! Go go go! Lorrin ' 's hand shakes and she squeezes Talisha's, trying to be reassuring while needing some reassurance herself. Almost as soon as she arrives on the Sands, Kichevio bows deeply to Daelyth and Nraith, and to A'lex and Nimiriel as well, then moves into the semicircle. She seems to be breathing all right Laidan walks out onto the sands with Kichevio, trying to be as calm as possible, and mostly failing. She follows in the line, bowing right after Kichevio does, drifting along with the older girl. Alessandra reaches to snag Kichevio's hand, so that she's standing between Greylin and Kich. Having people on both sides to hold hands with seems to calm her down a bit, as she begins to stop shaking. Aisling steps out onto the sands, offering Daelyth and Nraith a respectful bow before she moves off to the right, standing behind the semi-circle. Greylin reaches her free hand out for Tarlo, seeing that Tali has partnered up with Lorrin, her eyes on the eggs, or perhaps a selected few of them. Ainsley emerges from the candidate barracks. Ainsley has arrived. Tarlo is up on the balls of her feet, eyes sweeping the sands carefully. She looks surprisingly focused, like when she's working on one of her creations. Greylin does indeed get her free hand. Long distance to Schmitt: Laidan is nervous, OOCly.. :) Merielan follows after Aisling--bowing to Daelyth and Nraith and -not- falling. A glance at Aisling position and then Meri moves to the left of the semi-circle, hands behind her back, waiting with the rest. Schmitt pages: Oh lord yes, girl. :) I remember. :) GAME: Saving to disk. Will resume shortly. GAME: Save complete. Resuming. Pharmacopeia Egg rocks just a little two times, hardly enough to be noticed, and quickly falls still again, returning to look as still as before. Kichevio grabs Alessi's free hand. There. Anchored on both sides. A'lex makes his way over towards Nimiriel, apparently waking up some. Along the browline beads of sweat have already begun to pop out on Kyris's brow and she squeezes Ilexa's hand gently. He shifts his weight from one foot to the next watching the egs on teh sands. The Aventurine egg begins making a dash, it would seem, for the Candidates. Rolling free from its cubby in the sands, the star-scattered sky like egg finally rolls to a stop. Suddenly a pale green claw breaks through a patch of golden specks of light. A brown patch is shattered by a pointy little tail. The green finally breaks free and ~dashes~ much like her egg, towards the group. A young woman from Half Circle cringes as the dragonet screeches to a halt before her. "Noth!" the woman cries and falls to her knees. "Of COURSE we'll get you fed," she says before gazing towards the Weyrlingmasters. Ilexa frowns down at her sandal and mutters something disgruntled containing the words curtsey, sand, and hot. After a moment she stands on one foot and shakes the other, frown deepening. The movement of the first egg distracts her, and she forgets whatever it is she was doing to stare at that egg as intently as if her life depended on not missing the slightest nuance of it's motion. Incongruously, Kiran actually seems to be enjoying himself. He remains silent, simply watching with eyes alight and that lopsided grin tugging one corner of his mouth upwards. Balvorian gasps and tightens his hold on Haloran's hand, pointing to the Impression. "Oh! That one was quick!" Haloran's eyes bug out in surprise and he stares at the impression just witnessed. "Shards--is it always that fast?" he asks the candidates beside him, nodding to Balvorian. Caidan is breathing, oh yes she is. From her utterly still stance, it might be hard to see that. She holds her hands clasped in front of her and stares directly ahead. Greylin gasps as the first dragonet breaks shell and impresses. "So swift," she exhales, eyes widening. Laidan's eyes widen as the first dragonet dashes and hopes she can dodge one if it goes by and isn't headed for her. Alessandra flinches slightly as the first egg hatches, breath catching in her throat at the quickness of it. And then--the great candidate dance begins, as Alessi raises first one foot, then sets it down to lift the other in hopes of cooling them. Lorrin shifts from foot to foot and her attention is renewed as she stares toward the eggs. She gasps at the Impression, amazed. Ainsley gathers up Noth and her newfound lifemate, with a grin. "Come this way, we'll get you oil and something to eat." With that, she leads the new pair off to the barracks. Ainsley heads off towards the bowl on the way to the weyrling barracks. Ainsley has left. Lenka barely stifles her gasp of amazement, rocking back and forth on her feet; /now/ it's starting to sink in - this is really it. Talisha gives Lorrin's hand a return squeeze depsite whether hers are shaking or not. And then the egg rolls... and a hatchling is impressed. "Did you -see- that?" and then it happens, the shifting twitching little hop-hop of her feet. Florabundance Egg shifts in the sand, slightly rocking, displaying more brilliant colour patterns that had been buried in the sand. It's almost like a soft breeze of wind that makes flowers shift, a gentle rippling. The calm before the storm. Merielan had taken a step forward--as if towards the first impression, but it's not needed. She fires off a salute to Ainsley and moves back to her position. Balvorian shakes his head, turning his face toward Haloran's. "I dunno," he admits. His attention is drawn to the slightly rocking egg. "Think that'll be next?" Kichevio can only watch, with wondering eyes. The heat of the Sands is unnoticed. In fact, she probably wouldn't notice much of anything. Except the eggs. Lorrin quickly looks toward the rocking egg and squeezes Talisha's hand, biting her lip in anticipation. Pharmacopeia Egg rocks again, slightly more than before, though still abruptly stops again, as though embarassed and trying to hide its mistake. It finishes at an angle, as though pushed gently from the side. Tarlo lets her eyes dart to the rocking egg, but continues to survey the whole area. She too, is rocking back and forth. The Gemflagration and Proctalgic eggs both splinter at nearly the same moment. The huge green egg sends shards scattering everywhere as does the other gem-hued oval. The mix is quite a sight to behold, but not moreso than the pair of dragons that spilled forth from the remains. A brown, almost a bit clumbsy looking by his already large size, heads strait for a young man Searched from Benden Weyr. The blue that broke free from the precious-stones traipses quite gracefully to find his mate in a young woman from Benden Hold. Nraith moves his head quickly froms side to side, watching the rocking and cracking with swirling violet eyes. Haloran looks at the egg, blinking rapidly. "I..." He's cut off when he sees the blue. "Oh, look at that one? And the brown? We'd better keep our eyes open." Daelyth looks every inch the proud parent as she watches her eggs begin to hatch. Laidan's eyes flicker over the rocking eggs, and move hopefully for a moment back to a certain one.. then she's watching the rocking ones again. She dances a bit. A'lex just grins happily, the hatching inspired adrenaline waking him up even better than M'kla's klah could. Alessandra takes a deep, deep breath as more eggs shatter, dark eyes flickering first to Kichevio and then to Greylin as she cracks a grin. "So. Nervous yet?" Please ignore the slight quaver. Merielan grins widely at that..A brown! And a lovely blue too--she taps both dazed looking new weyrlings and ushers them and their lifemates towards the barracks. "Food and oil in there..and congratulations!" Greylin breaks into a smile as one of her fellow Bendenites impresses, and she directs a glance toward Alessi on one side and Tarlo on the other, then a grimace appears as the heat makes itself known. She tries to lift one sole from the sands without looking horribly silly. Everything happening so quickly, Kyris tries to pay attention to the eggs, but so much is happening around him that he gets distracted as each egg shatters to reveal the treasures insdide. Caidan smiles a little as the dragons hatch and Impressions are made. She shifts from foot to foot, almost like the eggs that rock back and forth. Her head turns slightly as she looks around, trying to see everything at once. Lorrin gasps and glances toward Talisha before looking back at the eggs. "Look at them!" The Lintitude Egg suddenly starts to bounce across the sands, as the hatchling within starts a rather heated assault on the walls of its shell. It rolls end over end, before it comes to an abrupt stop, resting up against another of its clutchsibs. With a shimmy that just might be an apology, the egg starts to roll away, but then it splinters apart, shards flying everywhere. Sitting in the middle of the sand is a Southern Meadow Green Hatchling, left staring at the egg that she just bumped up against. Southern Meadow Green Hatchling A faint rustle of wings heralds the arrival of this richly shaded dragonet - a soft whisper of sound like that of the breeze dancing over a field of grass. Complete serenity lies in the thick, churning shade of sun-kissed golden green of her hide. A luxuriously dew-dampened green sweeps over her more prominent features--darkening her talons, headknobs and the slender lengths of both her wingspars as if a calm summers morning under the shade of a skybroom tree were painted upon her very hide. Flowing as a field of swaying verdant grass does in a brisk wind, the perfect hue is lightened to a gentle leafy-green on her belly and thin, translucent wingsails. Seeming to dance fluidly from her shattered egg, this dragonet croons melodically to the glare of white robes that surround her. Her tail ripples and curls in an intricate ballet behind her as her brightly glinting red eyes regard everything around her with a newborn sense of wonderment. Similarly, as curiosity killed the feline, she dances forward with a carefree air, already attaining a felinic grace that is more oft than not only found in flight. Surely there is someone who wants to dance with her. Ilexa exclaims, "Oh, look!" And then, "Look!" again, in a different direction. "Oh, how can you keep track of it all?" She gives Kyris a quick smile and dances in place, gaze jumping her and there, cheeks flushed from the heat and excitement. Aisling glances over to watch thehatchlings, no time for reminescing as she tries to keep an eye on candidates, hatchlings, and newly impressed. "Ohhh" She murmers softly. "Beautiful" Talisha tightens her grip on Lorrin's hand.. "Look!" she hisses without shifting her gaze from the eggs. Haloran's mouth drops open and he just /stares/ at the green. "She's....she's /perfect/." Kiran keeps his mouth shut and his eyes open, trying to avoid adding to the confusion by keeping quiet and still. Alessandra giggles softly, eyes tracking that new-hatched green. "Oh... look at her, she's gorgeous..." Balvorian begins to nod in agreement with Haloran, then spots the green and ends up nodding in agreement anyway. "She is! So pretty!" In his excitement, he squeezes the other boy's hand again. Kichevio's jaw drops to the sands. "Oh how beautiful..." Words fail her, for once. Laidan blinks at the green and keeps quiet for now. She doesn't trust her voice. Lorrin gasps and stares at the hatchling. "Oh, look at her. How... how beautiful!" Greylin leans forward slightly to catch a look at the new green, shifting to the other foot quickly. Tarlo smiles torward the green, her brow furrowed as she does her best to patient. Caidan grins a little in surprise at the newly-hatched green. "She's so graceful - especially for just having hatched." Washing across the sands quite like the waves of the sea seemingly portrayed along its face, the Islandia egg begins its trek across Telgar's sabulous ground. Suddenly it grinds to a stop, like a wave meeting its end on a golden-sand beach, and begins to crack in several places. Like the baked shores that appeared on its face, a baked-chocolate brown emerges from the fragmented shell. A few girls get a looking over before he decides (appropriately?) on a tanned lad from Ista Hold. Pharmacopeia Egg hardly stumbles getting out of the shards of the egg, and walks vaguely in the direction of the Candidates. Lenka can't look in enough directions at once, can't focus on all these dragonets at once - and apparently can't choose one to concentrate on, either. She continues in some strange rocking motion, heel to toe, heel to toe. Lorrin's eyes widen, her head trying to turn in twelve different directions at once. She gasps at all the goings-on, and yawns a bit to her surprise. Greylin faintly pouts as one of her favorite eggs hatches, but then the brown impresses. She apparently can't remain pouty about that, her eyes searching the clutch for another egg bursting open, her eyes on the green still out there. Lumpy patch of sand is no longer listening. Talisha isn't turning away from those eggs for anything, she just keeps squeezing Lorrin's hand and drifting her gaze between each new hatchling and the rocking eggs. Alessandra giggles at Greylin's pouty look, fingers tightening around 'Lin's and Kichevio's hands. Laidan tries to look at everything at once, the green, the rocking eggs, the big parent dragons, the other candidates, the eggs.. Tarlo is caught in that horrible quandry of feeling eager but trying not to look it. The Cracketycrotchety egg, for all its seeming dullness of shade suddenly bursts forth one of the most brilliant blues Pern has likely seen. Awash in saphire and amethyst, this young dragonet is sure to become even more eyecatching as he ages. He stares down the candidates as if to dare them to attempt to match his gorgeousness. It would seem rather fitting to some that a somewhat mousy girl from Telgar's own nursery has a will to tame his. "Bryth! Yes, we will be perfect together..." Caidan glances over at Lenka for a brief moment and gives the girl a reassuring smile. "There is just so much to see." She looks forward, then to her fellow candidates, as much curious of their reactions as she is the dragonets that are breaking from their shells. Tarlo oh's, the new blue getting her attention. "He's gorgeous!" she murmurs in admiration, and then her attention is back on the sands. Lorrin 's eyes dart about, focusing first on the eggs, then the green, then everything else.She gasps at the next Impression and bites her lip. "Wow." Haloran tilts his head, looking over the sands. He is wary but otherwise beaming as he watches the motions of the hatchlings about the sands. "Shells...." Kichevio watches, and watches, and..."Blue. And green. And that egg there, and...I need an extra pair of eyes!" Balvorian sighs softly. "Bryth! Is that what she said his name was? Lovely name," he says, then tries looking everywhere at one. So much to see! Blue, brown, green, its all happening so fast, Kyris works hard to keep his feet from being scortched on the sands through his thin soled sandals. He steps asside from a bit of shattered egg, but doesn't break the semi-circle even though there are few more open spaces now that the Weyrlings have begun to leave the sands. Laidan sighs at the blue, watching it for a brief moment as the Telgarite impresses, then remembers to keep alert. Alessandra would point, but her hands have sort of been claimed. "Would you -look- at that blue?? Bryth, was it?" Lintitude Egg shivers, shaking off the last of the egg shards that are still sticking to her damp hide. She slowly takes a graceful step forward, then stops to stare intently at the pink and white things gathered around. Lorrin shakes her free hand, staring at the new hatchling. "Oh!" Tarlo grins. "She's a finicky one." Aisling makes her way the newly impressed. "Bryth did you say?" She murmers as she get close enough. "Lets go and get him something to eat. He'll feel much better then." The assistant begins to shepherd the pair off the sands, talking quietly to them both. A bugle suddenly erupts from where the Castaneous egg once sat. Although chestnut-brown shards still cling to his hide, there is no denying the hue of this dragon is bronze. A bronze so simple and sleek it almost seems odd that the color does not change across his flesh. He offers a greeting to both Dam and Sire quite properly before making purposeful strides across the sand. If he were not so young, some might peg him as hidebound. After some considerable thought, he puts himself before the red-headed lad from Benden Hold. J'rin...has eyes as wide as saucers before he stumbles out the words, "Za...Zaenooth!" Unlike most of the rest of its clutchsibs, the Pharmacopeia Egg has been sitting mostly quiet for awhile, just the occasional wiggle belying the fact that there is something inside trying desperately to get out. That sight quickly vanishes, though, as the egg begins to shudder in place, sending cascades of sand falling around its base. The hatchling inside is quick to break through--there are occasional flashes of claws, but it's hard to tell what color they are. Suddenly, the egg splits into two pieces, tiny shards flying everywhere, leaving an Autumn Afternoon Brown Hatchling sitting there, looking quite startled. Autumn Afternoon Brown Hatchling In the plains around Telgar Weyr, amber grains herald the end of summer, turning the rolling green fields to gold. And like a tawny sunset on a clear fall day, this ginger-brown dragonet is cloaked in the toasty tones of freshly cut firewood and steaming klah. The translucent sails of his sturdy wings might be melted caramel; delicate sensory knobs stud his wedge-shaped head in a pattern of nut-brown perfection. His well-formed muscles curve with latent strength under a glossy hide the color of warm spiced cider, and his intelligent eyes are as quietly jubilant as the dance of a sun-kissed skybroom leaf on a swirling autumn breeze. Lenka pauses, rocked back on her heels, to return that grin to Caidan sheepishly, but eyes bright. Voice unable somehow to get about a reverent whisper. "And all of it - oh - amazing!" Another quick scan, a gasp at each new egg that cracks, and then the heat of the sands seep through to her heels, and she's back to toe-then-heeling again. Ilexa stares at one of the newly impressed. "Look at him, how happy he looks!" she exclaims, before her attention moves on. "Oh, and look at that one! They're all so wonderful...." She smoothes her robe selfconsciously, unnecessarily, and stares some more, her in place shuffle-dance continuing, apparently an unconscious motion. Greylin stares back toward the hatchling nearest to her and the others with her. "JOSRIN!!!" she shouts as he impresses, nearly wrenching herself free of Alessi and Tarlo. "Lookit that! He impressed /bronze/!" Haloran's jaw drops and he stares at the brown. "Oh Faranth......he's perfect too." His eyes go from the green to the bronze, a smile half-curling his lips. Kichevio grins around at Greylin. "Your lad did well!--" And then, the brown appears. "Ah, how _beautiful_!" Talisha stiffens slightly, then picks up her feet again as the heat begins to seep through her sandals. "Look.." is hissed once again towards Lorrin as the brown hatches, and then a muffled giggle towards Greylin despite herself. Tarlo grins to Greylin, and then points to the newly arrived brown. "Isn't he lovely?" Laidan wows at the brown. "It gleams, doesn't it?" Merielan was headed towards the blue--but suddenly changes direction towards the bronze "Aren't you loud?" She grins, heading the pair towards the barracks "C'mon..maybe some food will keep him quiet." The new pair safely inside, she resumes her post, and watches the green and the brown with interested eyes. Lorrin's hand clutches at her robe, and stares at the brown. Balvorian's eyes go wide at the sight of the brown. "Oh! You're right, he is perfect!" Alessandra cheers loudly, then attention swivels to the new brown, gasping softly. "Oh. Isn't -he- handsome?" Pharmacopeia Egg starts walking off for a moment in the wrong direction, away from the Candidates, but quickly works out his mistake and turns back towards them, creeling a little as he stumbles in the right direction. Caidan watches the brown intently, her head tilting to one side as she considers him. She smiles, nodding in agreement to some of the comments being tossed around about him. Spending a scant few moments to admire the wandering hatchlings, Kyris glances to Ilexa with a smile and hearing Tarlo and Greylin's comments, the smile can't help but turn into a grin as he sees friends finding the other part of their souls. It would seem fitting to many of the Benden and Telgar greenriders to see the lovely, mischievious green hatch from the Chuckilicious egg. It did not take her long to get free, but now she simply sits in place with such an odd look across her muzzle. Is she feeling...lonely? Or just biding her time? Onlookers have little chance to determine as she finally gets to the business at hand. A young Bitran lad seems to take her fancy and soon they join as one of Telgar's many new dragonpairs. Greylin steps back into line with Tarlo and Alessi, a look of utter disbelief on her face at the fate of her fellow Bendenite. "Can you believe that?" she queries, eyes looking toward the rest of the clutch again. Aisling grins as she makes her way towards the newest pair. "She is beautiful." Aisling murmers, not at all biased towards greens. "Oh, it's all so--" Ilexa breaks off, a strange expression crossing her face. Her dance in place stops. "So..." The rosy flush drains from her cheeks, and she sways, then, almost in slow motion, crumples. Fainted. Southern Meadow Green Hatchling stares up and around, her eyes locking on sire and dam. She begins to slowly walk toward them, but pauses, looking back over the candidates. She changes direction and with a curious warble moves toward them. Kiran continues to watch in silence, now folding his arms across his chest. Ilexa has disconnected. Haloran leans forward, looking down the row of candidates. "Did someone just fall down?" he asks, sounding confused. Talisha glances over at Ilexa as the girl faints.. but she can't do anything and so stands still, cheeks flushed with colour as she turns her eyes back towards the hatchlings. The fingers that had clutched at his hand go limp and he looks at Ilexa as she passes out and towards the Weyrlingmaster's Assistants, stepping away from the passed out Candidate his foot crunches down on a peice of hard shell and he stifles a yelp. Telgar Weyr> Kyris says, "That was my pose" Three eggs all appear to break apart within candlemarks of each other. Fitting, too, as the Amethyshades, Starspangled and Sveltevelt eggs all had faces so reminiscent of a beautiful welkin when Rukbat's light has little effect. Two browns and a green, respectively, tumble forth and go searching for their mates. A lad from the Mastersmith Hall is claimed by one of the browns, while the other decides on a lass from the Woodcraft. The charming green must have great taste...she chooses one of the Bakercraft's fine apprentices. Lorrin stares toward the green, and she shifts from foot to foot and shakes her hand and bites her lip, the very picture of nervousness. Telgar Weyr> Keara says, "YEAH! Love that NPC pose. *smooch*" Merielan curses under her breath and moves quickly towards Ilexa. She picks the girl up and hurries to quickly get her off the sands and into the arms of waiting healers. Alessandra simply watches the hatchlings--more specifically, that green--and pays no attention to anything else. Laidan lets out another sigh, seeing the beautiful eggs all break together. Autumn Afternoon Brown Hatchling wanders off towards the Candidates, stumbling once, twice, but always managing to hoist himself up again. Kichevio almost steps forward as she sees Ilexa fall. "Is she all--?" Then steps back with a sigh of relief as Meri rushes out, and relaxes(sort of) back into watching the lovely green and brown. Lenka's feet don't stop rocking, her gaze doesn't stop wandering, but she's focused purely, only, on those dragonets. Lest they should get too close... Balvorian glances over shrugs. "I can't tell!" he says, eyes dragging back towards the eggs and hatchlings. Greylin glances worriedly toward Ilexa as she's carted off. "That's two of us not here... like Myrine." Sweat rolls down the side of her face. Caidan turns her head sharply as Ilexa sinks to the ground, but her attention is caught by the wondering dragonets as soon as she realizes that Merielan has everything under control. Lorrin digs her nails into her palm, staring at the eggs and hatchlings. Aisling glances towards Merielan and Ilexa. Concern comes to her face until the girl is taken from the sands. Then her attention moves back to the hatching. Opps. She missed an impression. Her steps are quick as she moves over to greet the new riders. Tarlo looks over briefly, expression concerned before she turns back to the sands. She pushes at her tied back hair. So far, no one of her own circle has Impressed yet. Haloran watches the girl get taken off then nods to himself. "She'll be all right." Balvorian finally notices the girl and asks Haloran, "Too much excitement? Or the heat?" He's begun doing the Candidate Shuffle as he watches the eggs and hatchlings, the Impressions, and the crowds in the gallery. No one could miss the explosion of shards as the brighter-than-rukbat Posalutely egg crumbles into an array of bright shell-pieces around the bronze hatchling that once held it. As if he gleaned his own color from the shard, the bronze that sits amidst the catastrophe that was his home is equally bright in hue. Almost a brownish-yellow rather than pure bronze, he has an absolute sheen to him. Though the turns may soften his hue, the man from Hold Balan softens his heart first and the two become a weyrlingpair for Telgar. Laidan looks back at the wandering brown and green, then blinks as the Posalutely Egg so violently cracks up. Greylin shivers as more dragonets hatch and the candidate numbers dwindle, and she glances furtively to her two neighbors, then further down each side of the line. Alessandra flinches again as the posalutely egg explodes, stepping back a pace as if to protect herself from flying eggshells. Lorrin stares at the eggs, then spares a glance toward her friends, noting that none have impressed. Tarlo squeezes Greylin's hand, taking a small hop back when the PosEgg shatters to dramatically. Merielan's eyes had been on the healers as they fuss over Ilexa, glancing back they find the new pair of weyrlings. She marches quickly over, her own expression matching the softness of the new weyrlings. "This way.." She murmurs, guiding the new pair towards the barracks. This accomplished she resumes her post, grey eyes straying fondly to the watching brown high up on the ledges. Talisha steps back just a touch as that egg shatters, then gives Lorrin's hand a reasurring squeeze before looking down the line of candidates. Nope, her group is all still here. Laidan clings a bit to Kich, unintentionally, worrying at her lip. Kyris folding his arm across his chest he watches eggs shatter, hatchlings wander, Impressions happen and darn it his feet are scortched, he picks his feet up off the sand, given little time to wish that the soles were thicker. Like clouds rolling across a perfect blue sky, the face of the Innubilious egg begins to peel away into pieces. A pine-silver snout peeks out from one of the breaks, her ruby-violet eyes almost filling what is left of the oval with their color. Soon she is free and searching for her mate. A young woman from Southern Weyr pulls her instinct and soon Taura and, "Mayth!!" are joined in a bond meant to last their lifetimes. Caidan tucks an escaped lock of hair back into the knot at her neck and scratched her arm distractedly. Then she begins to shift back and forth once more, probably more from restlessness than the heat of the sands. Aisling makes her way to the new pair, "What a fine pair you two make." She offers before assisting Taura to escort the awkward dragon off the sands and to her first meal. Kichevio squeezes Laidan's hand encouragingly. "We're doing fine. We're doing fine." Although whether that's meant to calm herself or the younger girl isn't too clear. One of the shards from the Posalutely Egg's explosion catches Kiran across the cheek. The young man wipes absently at the thin line of blood the shard draws, his eyes still on the sands. Greylin shifts her weight back and forth uneasily, blowing out her breath nervously. She glances over her shoulder toward the galleries, but can't make out any faces that far away. Lorrin scratches the back of her neck with her free hand, and shifts from foot to foot, and stares ath the eggs. Haloran has relaxed a bit, since most of the action on the sands is elsewhere and away from him. He's watching but that nervous stance of his isn't so bad. Tarlo looks to Kiran. "You alright?" she asks her partner. The Ascian egg begins to wobble quite violently in place. Soon cracks begin to mar its perfect looking-glass face and the beginnings of a blue dragonet begin to peek forth. Soon the whole of the blue dragon, almost powdery in his light hue, emerges from the darkness of his hatchling-home. A quick survey of the white-robed humans and he is on his way to find a mate. A young woman originally of High Reaches Hold captures his gaze and keeps it. Soon she is hugging her new lifemate as two tears fall down her left cheek. Greylin looks over her shoulder again, and at a wave from the galleries, seems a bit reassured, facing front again and swallowing, her jaw setting itself. As the Ascian egg hatches and a blue dragonet emerges, she smiles with just one side of her lips, as if she's clenching her teeth. Absatively Egg creeeeaks and whispers movement on the sand: miniscule sounds for such a big egg, and hidden among the louder echo of Candidates and spectators, eggs and dragonets. Only the most discerning of eyes will spot the movement, much less the tiniest hairline crack - which appears just above the contrast of red-on-sand, to complicate. Alessandra squeezes Kich and 'Lin's hands again, darkly purple eyes flickering wildly across the sands. Shufflehop--her feet are getting hot again... Balvorian lifts one foor then the other, and turns to Haloran. "It's getting hotter in here," he declares, although most likely it's just him. A bead of sweat runs from his forehead down the bridge of his nose to hang there. Kiran nods once, vaguely. "Fine," he mutters, his syes still fixed on the tableau upon the sands. "Just a scratch." Haloran absently rubs a hand along one bare arm, nodding to Balvorian. "It'll get hotter before we're taken off the sands." Laidan nods. "It's -so- hot.." Merielan turns her eyes from Alerith and back to the sands. Ah hah--a blue. She moves towards the pair, almost slipping on a shard. "Shard it!" She mutters, which is rather..well..considering. Trying to regain her composure she smiles at the new pair "Congrats.." She offers and leads them, walking -carefully- now to the barracks. Once they're settled she resumes her post, giving the shards a wide berth. Lorrin shakes a little and stares at the hatchlings still wandering about and then her attention is caught by the cracking egg. Her lips are pressed together and her brow is dripping a bit. Caidan shifts again, somewhat uncomfortably now. A slight sheen of sweat glitens on her forehead, though she doesn't seem to notice. She is transfixed on the events unfolding, watching one after another of Impressions. Lenka rocks - despite everything, she has to keep that rhythm going, head ceaselessly turning, that green, that brown, that blue... and suddenly blurts out: "My goodness, what'll they do if they don't - don't like /any/ of us?" Talisha glances along the line towards her friends again. None have impressed.. yet. Her fingers tighten their grip on Lorrin's hand, and she quirks a smile smile towards Lenka. From the seemingly frozen shell of the Frostiferous egg comes the sounds of a heated battle. Claws seem to break through all over the place, a tail, a muzzle...suddenly the shard more melts than breaks away from the lovely green it was holding. From the looks of her, too, she knows that she is quite a lovely sight - it is obvious that she already regards herself rather highly. Moving across the sands, she actually seems to sneak up behind a few of the candidates just to give them a scare before moving on. It is a raven-haired young man from Boll that she finally deems worthly enough to garnish her with attention. Soon Sodin is O'din paired with a lady who's ego might just outweigh his own. Hatchlings wander, Impressions happen and darn it his feet are scortched, he picks his feet up off the sand, given little time to wish that the soles were thicker, he takes a moment to look up into the Gallaries and then back to the sands as another egg hatches and Impression is made. Telgar Weyr> Kyris says, "Me again sowwy" Southern Meadow Green Hatchling waltzes by one group of candidates, then another, pausing occasionally as if listening for something, as if listening for a certain note or melody, before moving on. She stops in front a sandy haired lad longer than most, but in the end warbles sadly and moves on. Kichevio has obviously thought the same thing as Lenka, but she answers serenely, "Then we wait for the next Hatching. And that green and brown are still out there." Autumn Afternoon Brown Hatchling comes up close to the Candidates, and looks wildly at their feet. He passes by a strong and somewhat large lad from the Minecraft, then a young girl from Telgar Hold, giving neither more than a glance. Alessandra peers over at the meadow green hatchling, leaning forward to get a better view. "She sounds so sad..." This is offered to no one in particular. "But she's so pretty..." Laidan nods to Kichevio. "Yeah.. there's still the green and brown.. and more eggs." She dances a bit. Lorrin looks longingly toward the green and brown hatchlings, squeezes Talisha's hand, and stares toward the rest of the eggs. Haloran watches the green closely, murmuring under his breath softly, "She's absolutely perfect...." Course, then there's that brown. "He's very strong...." Tarlo looks over at the crooning green. "Poor thing..." Balvorian nods slowly. "And both making sure they find just the perfect Candidate, I think," he comments, wiping sweat from his face. "She seems so sad..." Aisling paces as she watches the candidates, to much energy to simply stand still and watch. That plus the fact that the sand is hot, despite the thinkness of her soles. Breaking apart much like a crust from a pie or the crispy layers of baklava do, the shards of the Scrumdiddlyumtious begin to fall away. Although flecks of lavender shard still cling to the dragonet's hide, he is undeniably a beautiful shade of cinnamon brown. Shaking loose that last clingy shell piece, he begins moving along the sands towards the robed candidates. His journey is sweetly short, his mate a young man who hails from Bitra Hold. Florabundance Egg moves more restlessly now after a period of calm, twitching, rocking, no more gentle breezes stirring up floral patterns, no, this is the real storm, as someone is eager to leave the confines of the egg behind. A very fine line, almost invisible, runs over the surface now, flowery petals blown away, very precisely, very neat. Perfection. Greylin tries to watch all of the young dragons, but there are simply too many of them, too far apart. So her eyes start darting from hatchling to hatchling. Lorrin moans shortly and quietly for the little green, then stares toward the Florabundance egg. She shifts anxiously from foot to foot. Caidan has reconnected. Alessandra peers, catching sight of the subtle movement of the florabundance egg. "Oh. I wonder if that one will be next?" Caidan has partially disconnected. Laidan looks over the hatchings as they come so fast.. "How many are left?" she murmurs, looking worried. Incandescence Egg shivers its comfortable, warm, cozy spot in the sand. Not moving, no way, no how. This egg is going to stay right here. Balvorian catches the hem of his robe with his free hand and shakes it a bit, trying to circulate air along his clammy skin, eyes darting from hatchlings to eggs and back again. Crowds? He doesn't even seem to notice them now. The heat finally sears through Kichevio's sandals, and she makes an involuntary hop. "oooOOOO...I _meant_ to reinforce these soles." She still looks, alternating between green and brown. Autumn Afternoon Brown Hatchling wanders away from the Candidates a little, then heads back towards a different part of the group, tripping once, but righting himself. His eyes start to whirl faster as he looks at a thin boy with brown hair, but he's still not the one. Such a deep purple is the Permaganate Egg, at first its cracks seem invisible; eventually and all at once it spills a pool of vivid green wings and curling tail, whose red eyes turn blue upon meeting a shaggy-haired boy's gray. Absatively Egg dances a *thunk*, rocking end over end as its bulk moves fully from its original spot, leaving a smooth impression - there was absolutely positively an egg there before, and the eye follows in surprise at the sudden absense. Carmine shell shakes and rocks and gives its notice that, indeed, there will absolutely positively be a hatchling rather soon. Talisha looks between each egg as they rock, then each hatchling and finally down along the line of candidates again. Tugging her hand free of Lorrin's a moment, she wipes the sweat from her brow before reaching for it again. Haloran takes an involuntary step backward. "Shells--they're all going to hatch at once!" Alessandra's attention swivels towards the absatively egg next, eyes widening at it's antics. "Oh goodness. And that one green and brown haven't impressed yet, have they?" Tarlo's eyes widen. "That'd be amazing, wouldn't it?" "Shards, I hope not." Aisling mutters. "What a mess, that would be." TO add to that, she just shgudders. Florabundance Egg rolls on its side, stirring wildly, then rights itself again. The fine line begins to show more obviously now, never marring the colourful beauty of the egg, maybe even enhancing it. Not much longer. A very thin, even line seems to almost draw itself across the middle of the Florabundance Egg as if done by an invisible Master artist at just that moment. The sound coming from the oval is barely discernable...only that perfect little crack. As if simply removing a hat rather than the nurturing case that was its home, the Star-Kissed Sage Green Hatchling almost cautiously tips the top away, leaving her sitting rather oddly in half a shell, regarding this new world. Star-Kissed Sage Green Hatchling Dusty sage's near-careless hues creep their way like a verdant mist up her sharply, exotically angular face, but it is the sudden burst of color around her headknobs that attracts gazes. Striations of malachite work deeper into an otherwise grassy green neck, lilliputian caverns of pine and hunter that curve up and over this hatchling's lime-laced crest. The glint of light off dripping-wet pinions flaunts their translucent hues; nearly luminescent verdancy glimmers up long wingspars and shines all the way down drying wingsails, only to be assimilated with the rest of that grassy green, making a dotted line down her lithe back as it struggles to appear again. Around her slim tail, it succeeds, brightening the brown-tinted chartreuse to a bold aquamarine that twinkles with silver's refracted light. Lorrin turns toward the newly rocking egg, squeezing Talisha's hand, and then her gaze shifts to the green, and the brown, and the Florabundance egg too. She just can't seem to look at one thing for more than a few seconds. Balvorian gasps. "All at once? It'd be like a Candidate buffet!" he says, whether or not he meant the humor. "Oh! Another pretty green!" An admiring gaze falls on the newly arrived dragonette and Kyris smiles brightly at it. Laidan eeps. "Another one! It's beautiful!" Tarlo's breath catches as she spots the newly arrived green. Aisling oohhs softly. "Another beautiful green" She murmers softly. Alessandra catches her breath sharply, stepping forward unconciously as she tries to get a better look at the newly-hatched green. "Oh, Kich... Greylin... Look at her..." Haloran blinks his eyes rapidly. "She's just as pretty. Are they always so pretty?" He leans forward, trying to get a good look/. Kichevio swallows hard, eyes growing, if possible, even wider. "Of Faranth, she's just...marvelous!" Greylin spots another green hatching and her eyes run over it with a smile. "Look at that one," she murmurs, gesturing with the hand Tarlo's got. Striped shards flake free from the Scrunchous Egg, but somehow the shell remains intact - till its hatchling gives one last push, and the tiny ecru-dotted bronze stumbles free to the feet of a corpulent young farmer from Bitra Hold. Lorrin gasps. "Shards, its all happening so fast!" Talisha just -squeezes- Lorrin's hand as another green hatches. "Isn't she pretty.." Caidan shudders as she hears Haloran's exclamation. "Oh please, not at all once." Spotting the green, she smiles and just watches avidly as the hatchlings search for their future lifemates. Southern Meadow Green Hatchling continues along her survey of the candidates, searching for the one and only person that if perfect for her. She stops in front of two dark haired girls, one with green and the other with blue. She leans forward, head to tilted to one side as if listening, then looks up and stares into the pair of eyes that belong to one that contains the perfect song she was looking for. Balvorian shakes his head. "I don't know!" he admits. "All of these are so far, though!" Autumn Afternoon Brown Hatchling passes on again, and finds a thin girl with her red hair set both on top of her head and down her back. Eyes whirl faster yet, and then turn a glorious, ecstatic blue as he gazes up into her eyes. Pluvious Egg knocks against Aurorabora Egg, stormy night to clear, and it's the latter that first gives way - its evergreen dragonet crosses the clutch with newborn resolution, finding herself an auburn-haired boy even before the hatchling in her wake has disentangled his river-blue wings. Still, breathless moments later, a strapping smith apprentice gapes in wonder as a new pairing's made. Alessandra watches silently now, attention nowhere else but on that Star-Kissed green. Tarlo watches some of the hatchings toddle close to her area, peering intently to see who they select. Laidan closes her eyes for a moment, still chewing on her lip, and peers at the eggs. There are so many that've hatched, and so many yet to go... Talisha wiggles her hand from of Lorrin's just long enough to wipe away the sweat collected on her brow. "Oh Lorrin, look.." she whispers softly to the girl she stands with. "..look at the green." Kiran continues to watch quietly, now and then mopping at the bloodied side of his cheek with a thumb. Haloran leans over toward Balvorian, blinking a bit and wiping sweat from his brow. "I think some of our group have been selected." Kichevio cranes her neck, trying to see where the hatchlings have stopped--and what that star-kissed green is up to. Lorrin gasps. "Oh, she's so beautiful." Balvorian glances at Haloran, then peers in the direction the other boy is looking. "They have? I can't tell which ones, though, can you?" Busy staring at Daelyth, a black-braided baker misses the Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Egg's hatching in a soft wash of pastel shards - but a few sprawling strides later, its hatchling interjects his blue muzzle so that she can see nothing but the rainbowed whirl of his eyes. Greylin watches the dragonets with wider eyes, freeing a hand from Alessi's grasp to wipe away that bit of sweat that was tickling the side of her face, before giving her hand back. Tarlo manages to watch both waringly and welcomingly as she stands next to Kiran. "There's almost too many to keep track, neh?" Lorrin stares at the hatchlings, nervous and unable to keep still. The eggs hold her attention for a moment, but when she sees that none are about to bread open, she looks back to the hatchlings. Kiran nods minutely, his smile resurfacing. "Almost," he agrees. "Two bronzes, a couple of blues, three greens and three browns, I think, so far." Laidan blinks, hearing Kiran's count. "Only about ten? That few? But that means there are still over twenty-five to go!" Just as the Cottoncandy Egg finally begins to rock, its magenta base pops off in a single huge shard - and its plump creamy-brown dragonet skitters away from all that pink; after a circuit about the sands, including a detour by his sire, he's finally able to spot the woodcrafter's son for whom he'd been searching all his life. Haloran just shifts a bit, tilting his head to one side as he rakes a hand through his hair. "I had no idea what to expect at one of these...." Star-Kissed Sage Green Hatchling remains sitting in the lower half of the shell, cautiously looking around. Shaking her head haughtily, to get rid of remains from the shell, she then recognizes dam and sire. Almost daintily she steps out of the shell, unlike more clumsy clutchsiblings. Next to the shell she stops and looks around. Not at those white creatures standing there, no, at herself! She splays out her wingsails and studies them closely, and after she seems pleased with her inspection, only then the rest of the world becomes interesting to her. And that sudden feeling of hunger! Greylin suddenly breaks away from Tarlo and Alessi, maybe dragging them half a step before her hands are freed, and she stumbles to the brown, more moisture on her face as tears suddenly spill down her face. Her jaw works silently as she falls to her knees in front of the brow. Finally, Captain Kurralt's best parade-ground roar erupts out of the girl as she shouts, "KHEPRITH!!!" throwing her arms around the dragonet's neck. "Oh, Kheprith! Of course, of course, we'll get you some food. Oh, you're /perfect/!" Kichevio startles at the sudden yell, then breaks into a wide, beaming smile. "_Greylin!_ Congrats--he's great!" Merielan watches that impression with a wide grin. She slowly moves towards Greylin--placing a soft hand on Greylin's shoulder. "Congratulations...A fine brown..and a fine roar.." She gestures towards the barracks "C'mon..if he's anything like Alerith..he's -hungry- and itchy..let's get you both settled." Alessandra mouths the name softly, a grin spreading slowly across her face. "Greylin and Kheprith... Oh, Greylin, honey, he's so handsome..." But the Star-Kissed green moves, so she steps back and away from Greylin, scooting closer to Kichevio, her eyes turning back to that green. Laidan ohs! "He's beautiful, Greylin!" Talisha snatches her hand free of Lorrin's suddenly, and flings her arms around the neck of that green in front of her. "Imanath! I -am- proud of you!" and then it happens, those tears, "Of course.. we need oil, and food!" The occupant inside this rather large egg seems intent upon blasting it apart from within, given the fact that it shakes and shimmies from within its comfortable nest of sand. With one internal push, however, the Absatively Egg rolls out of its safe niche and begins to roll end over end toward its dam and sire. Before it can reach them, however, the occupant inside manages to make an escape, and a Patchwork Blue Hatchling is dumped onto the sands with a yowl, in a pile of shards. Patchwork Blue Hatchling At first glance he's not really much to look at, just an ordinary looking blue, creeling, -hungry- hatchling. Upon further study, however, the swirling miasma of color on his left haunch radiating outward through his body in a subtle array of masterful strokes becomes quite visible. At the center of the chaotic swirl is a dark seaweed green, morphing into an angry, stormy grey-blue that seems to demand an answer for some unamed misdemeanor. This grey moves out over his left wing, slowly giving way to a gentle sky blue color that seems almost transparent when he extends his wings. The other wing is a contrast--a deep midnight blue flecked with bursts of the lighter blue of the other wing, almost 'stars' of sorts. His tail is an ever-busy shifting blend of dark blue and aqua. The muzzle which swings around continuously looking for a lifemate is almost a uniform navy blue, a color which continues down his neck and over his front haunches. Over one whirling eye and about half his head is a 'cap' of sorts, of incredibly pale blue. Balvorian forgets himself and grabs Haloran's hand hard as he points excitedly. "Look! The brown chose Greylin! Kheprith? Nice name!" Haloran blinks and leans over. 'Hey--that brown went for Greylin. Good. She'll do a good job." But there's that little green and he stares at her intently. Talisha gets a nod, a friendly smile on his face. Caidan turns in surprise as she hears the yell from Greylin. Then her expression breaks into a smile as she realizes the cause for it. She offers her congratulations, though it is likely not heard. Kyris peers around to see that Greylin has just impressed and can't help but feel happy for one, no talisha has impressed two of his friends have made impressions. Alessandra whirls slightly--another one! "Talisha! Congratulations!" Lorrin gasps and looks toward her friends. "Greylin! Talisha! Congratulations! Balvorian ohs softly. "Talisha too!" Lenka is caught on an up, on tiptoe, "Oh, Greylin, oh, wow," and then just as suddenly, attention snaps to note, then voice to exclaim, "Talisha!" Kichevio barely has one shout out of her mouth before another is required. "Imanath? Go, Tali!" Thunk, pop, smash: peculiarly dull Thunder Egg and its gem-like Incarnadine neighbor crash into each other - and by the time all the shards have fallen and swift impressions have been made, it's an even bet as to which blue emerged from which egg. Of course, for the rubenesque redhead embracing her lapis lifemate, and the man with eyes only for his cobalt match, their own gamble's already been made and won. Laidan grins. "Talisha! Congratulations!" Then the shattering egg catches her attention. What an odd-looking blue.. Aisling is on her way over to Talisha, her grin splitting her cheeks. "Imanath?" She questions before adding. "Shall we take her and get her something to eat?" She asks as she begins to escort them towards the exit. Kheprith looks up lovingly at Greylin, but breaks off suddenly and creels slightly, eyes whirling redder. Caidan grins and looks over to yet another Impression, still shifting - alternating her feet to spare them from the heat as much as possible. Incandescence Egg slowly starts to rock back and forth in its wallow of warm sand, punctuated by occasional shudders by an assault from within. Greylin looks up as Merielan addresses her. "Oh... yes ma'am." She finally manages to get to her feet, not even bothering to wipe off her sandy knees, guiding her new lifemate toward where she's directed. Veiled Egg shows a sudden tremor passing through it, the colors on its surface seeming to shimmer more brightly, before veiling over out again as the egg stills. A few seconds later, another tremor, beginning at the base of the egg and shivering up to its tip begins to slowly spin it around in place. Tarlo beams, noting her two best friends in the Weyr Impressing. She bites her lip, trying not to worry. Patchwork Blue Hatchling pokes his head up out of his pile, new-colt surprise evident in the angle of his head, the expression in his eyes. Tilting his pale-capped head he lets out another yowl that fades quickly to a burbling warble. The blue picks his way almost daintily to his feet, then twitches his tail. Spotting -everything- all at once, he pauses, skittishly turning his head to look at candidates, clutchmates, parents from first one eye, then the other. Talisha doesn't shift her attention from Imanath, simply nods at Aisling as she gets to her feet again. "Yes, she's -hungry-." obviously. Greylin heads off towards the bowl on the way to the weyrling barracks. Greylin has left. Kiran reaches out to touch Tarlo lightly, reassuringly, on the shoulder. Kheprith follows Greylin eagerly out of the Sands. Haloran looks over and blinks rapidly. "That blue....shells! Look at him!" Laidan giggles nervously at the Patchwork Blue. "He's a little silly looking, isn't he?" she comments to Kich. Kheprith heads off towards the bowl on the way to the weyrling barracks. Kheprith has left. Kichevio's smile hasn't faded a watt as she notices the blue hatchling. "Hey sweetie--what seamstress patched you together?" Star-Kissed Sage Green Hatchling wanders about, head proudly raised, trying to show off her beauty. But stop, there's some sand clinging to her side! Meticulously she goes about cleaning herself, ignoring the pangs of hunger she feels. When at last she feels satisfied with her looks, she starts walking again, faster now, as hunger, and that need to find the one cannot be ignored. She passes a group of holder lads and doesn't even look at them, quite determined of what she wants. Someone to match her beauty. Balvorian spots the blue alright and chuckles. "Like a runner ready to get out of the gate!" he says, still dancing on his hot feet. Lorrin's hand let go of, she clasps it in her other. She looks even more nervous now. Tarlo gives Kiran an utterly grateful look, and turns her attention back to the hatchlings. She giggles at the Sage hatchling's narcissism. A'lex's stunned silence at the wonder of the event is broken for a moment as he cheers for several impressees. A blond boy's kept his eyes on the Rutilant Egg all this time, but when it cracks along its sunset bands, the resulting twilight-blue dragonet aims straight for his shorter, older brother. Alessandra covers her mouth with her free hand, giggling slightly as she watches the Star-Kissed Green clean off her wings meticulously. "Oh. She's so gorgeous, Kich, look at her..." Caidan giggles at the blue, before turing her attention to Lenka. "You holding up allright?" She queries the girl next to her with gentle curiosity. Talisha is busy nodding down at Imanath, then tilts her head towards Aisling, "Can we go?" Aisling escorts the Talisha and Imanath to the edge of the sands. "Just in there are buckets and buckets of fresh meat for her. Ainsley will be able to help." Kichevio nods, attention fixed somewhere between the preening green and the crazyquilt blue. "I'm looking, oh, am I ever looking..." Patchwork Blue Hatchling scoots clumsily out of the way of a dragonet intent on impression, midsection bowed, tail and head swung the other way and feet going every which way. With a bit of skittering and the accidental help of landing against the side of a larger, solid bronze, the swirls and swishes of himself are again pattering happily towards the Candidates, intent on keeping upright until he finds someone to lean on. Talisha heads off towards the bowl on the way to the weyrling barracks. Talisha has left. Lorrin stares toward the hatchlings. Apparently the blue's appearance does not bother her, or seem comic either. Star-Kissed Sage Green Hatchling stops to preen herself, but this time more absently. Casually, she cleans herself from that sticky sand, then looks intently at a group of girls. She lowers her head, as someone catches her interest. Oh yes! Having been quiet so far she triumphantly croons, a sweet sound, matching her delicate beauty, and she heads straight for a group of girls. Laidan giggles again. "He's like a little at a gather.." Her gaze is on the blue, in case there was a confusion as to who she's talking about. Haloran watches the green, nodding to himself. "Meant for a girl," he confides to Balvorian. Imanath heads off towards the bowl on the way to the weyrling barracks. Imanath has left. With more of a rip than a crack, the Ridickerous Egg unzips along one of its shell's cadmium waves into free-rolling halves; the hatchling so exposed lifts a blunt muzzle and, before she need take even a single step, meets the eyes of a scrawny and crop-haired weyrgirl. Balvorian chuckles. "So it would appear. Or a prissy boy." Alessandra pays not a bit of attention to the blue, no, her eyes are watching that green intently, waiting to see just who she'll go too. And those darkly purple eyes won't turn away until that green finds whomever she's looking for. Star-Kissed Sage Green Hatchling is not far from her goal. Hapless candidates quickly move aside, as a very determined green hatchling finds her way to her lifemate. There she is! Adoringly she looks up at her, creeling her hunger to that raven-haired girl that will just look perfect with her. What a beautiful combination. And so she gazes deeply into purple eyes, her own filled with joyous blue shades now. Tarlo cries out happily, "Oh, Alessi, she's looking at you!" After much apparent debate on how to get free of this encasing, the creature still stuck within the Incandescence Egg stills as if taking a more logical approach. This quiet lasts only a few moments. As if diving into a pool of water, two taloned limbs burst from the top of the egg, ready to dive into its new life! The rest of the shard quickly crumbles away, allowing this Telgar Dusk Bronze Hatchling his chance to find a lifemate. Telgar Dusk Bronze Hatchling His legs and haunches are dark, almost black, with glints of bronze like glows shimmering on ledges. The darkness thrusts upwards and begins to break apart about halfway up the powerful barrel of his chest, ending in crags and ridges that are highlighted with a molten gold the color of the setting sun. Behind the darkness glows a burnished sky, ruddy bronze that shifts and changes as it moves upwards towards muscular shoulders. Streaks of sunset which could have been lifted right from his dam shoot out along delicate wingsails, more obvious now because of the dampness, but sure to dry into a pattern that will dance in the light, much like the silvered lightning from his sire's wings. His hide darkens as the color races towards his headknobs becoming a night sky speckled with bronzed stars at its highest point. Beneath it all, his frame is solid and his shoulders are broad--this one is sure to outsize many of his forebearers. Kichevio cheers loudly enough to drown out nearby babble. "Oh Alessi!!!!! Haloran blinks and turns his head. "Who just impressed? Did you see? Oh /shells/, look at that bronze!" Alessandra trembles like she's about to break, releasing her hand from Kichevio and flinging her arms around the green. "Oh Kiyoth--My Kiyoth! I can hear you now, my love, I can!" Lorrin gasps at the bronze, and thencalls toward Alessandra, "Congratulations!" Tarlo ooh's. "Now that one's magnificient. Pride of the ladies, he'll be." Kiran exhales softly, his stolid mask shattered by the hatching of the bronze. Patchwork Blue Hatchling twitches that dark, aqua-blue tail of his, staring up at a youngish sandy-haired man. Just as the shouts of impression start to ring, his tail stops twitching and he turns away, wings trailing sadly behind. A matching sad little croon pops out and he looks imploringly up to Daeylth and Nraith, before closing his eyes and shaking himself, wings flopping about. Again cheerful, he turns to creep towards the white-robes. Laidan looks up from blue watching and wows at the bronze. "He's really awesome! Some guy's really lucky.." Balvorian grabs Haloran's arm, unless the boy jerks it away, and just nods. "I've never seen a more handsome bronze!" he exclaims, then glances towards Alessandra. "It was Alessi!" he cries happily, then immediately turns back towards the bronze. Veiled Egg begins to spin more frantically, practically whirling like a top. The sand cradling it shifts a little, loosening its hold and the egg begins to bounce crazily, like an antic clown, as if its yet unseen occupant just can't wait to be born. Merielan chuckles softly, grinning from ear to ear as she moves to stand by Alessandra. She's quiet for a moment, simply letting the girl enjoy the moment. Then she gently clears her throat "Aless?" A pause "Congratulations..She must you hungry and itchy..and you hot..come with me and we'll get you both feeling better." Tarlo murmurs softly to Kiran and scoots a bit away from him, looking at all the boys in excited anticipation. As the Twinklerina Egg pitter-patters to bits, its smallest shards cling in a nimbus of glitter to a still-damp but formidable hatchling, even as he finds his paws and tromps over to claim a boy as stocky and brown-skinned as himself. Focusing on the bronze that has arrived on the sands, Kyris doesn't notice that another friend has made an impression, he admires the coloring and patterns. Bubbilicious Egg stirs. Almost a twitch, if eggs could twitch. Lorrin looks toward the little blue tenderly, and looks toward the spinning egg. Caidan twists and turns, trying to see who just Impressed. As it turns out, she hears who it was before she sees and she smiles over at the newly matched pair of Alessi and her Kiyoth. Kichevio is shaking a bit as she steps back from Alessi and Kiyoth. Her smile is warm--and just a little wistful--as she returns her gaze to the eggs and wandering hatchlings. At the sight of the little blue, she makes a silent 'oh' of sympathy. Alessandra heads off towards the bowl on the way to the weyrling barracks. Alessandra has left. Telgar Dusk Bronze Hatchling sits in the remainder of his eggshards for a moment, pensive, before he finally looks up at sire and dam. Ooh. Gold. She's pretty. He spends a moment admiring the pair before he gets up and shakes himself off. Aisling glances over to offer Alessi a grin before her attention is taken by the newest brownrider. Then she pads over to escort the newest pair to the barracks. Laidan beams over at Alessandra. "Congrats!" Then looks out at all the eggs twitching. The silly blue seems to have lightened her mood.. she's eager to watch, now, not as nervous as before. Star-Kissed Sage Green Hatchling heads off towards the bowl on the way to the weyrling barracks. Star-Kissed Sage Green Hatchling has left. Balvorian moves his eyes from the bronze to the sad little blue. "Oh!" He shakes his head. "He's so sad! I hope he finds his lifemate soon!" Haloran turns to track the blue, nodding slowly. "There has to be someone." Bronze is ignored in favor of the blue, lips pressing together. Patchwork Blue Hatchling half-prances down the row, charming in his clumsiness - or he would be if his tail wasn't swinging from side to side, threatening to thwack the Candidates at about knee level. Then, there! Next to the black hair with the gold streak (and that gets a curious stare) he plops down on his bum, tail straight out behind as his eyes shade to deep blue in Impression, matching one side of his head and contrasting with the pale blue of his mark on the other. Lenka has disconnected. It sneaks toward you, that little itch at the base of your spine which makes you feel like you're being watched. That itch creeps upward, and along with it comes an intense feeling of warmth that makes the blazing heat of the sands seem almost insignificant. Still, it's hard to tell where all these feelings are coming from, try as you might. Then, you hear it--a voice crooning, whispering to you softly in your mind, speaking of a love so deep and eternal that everything else pales by comparison. Your vision clears, and before you, you can see the Patchwork Blue Hatchling, his eyes whirling the pure amethyst of draconic devotion, looking up at you with adoration. << Here you are! Yehlth! I am Yehlth, and I am here, Laidan! I am so happy I found you! >> Boustrephedon Egg had been rocking methodically for some time, but when it finally shatters into many-purpled shards, its pale and ungainly hatchling has to slip and slide all over the sands until she finds her lanky seahold-raised lifemate. Bubbilicious Egg jumps slightly to the left. Keeping up its rather antsy movements, twitching back and forth inside its hollow of sand, the Veiled Egg finally starts to show some signs of breaking under the strain. A fine web of cracks start to work its way over the surface, growing rather rapidly. Suddenly, a muzzle pops out of the side of the egg, but quickly withdraws before any color can be discerned, as if the hatchling within startled itself back inside. Then, with a few more furious blows, the sides of this shell fall apart, revealing a Dreaming Spirits Green Hatchling. Dreaming Spirits Green Hatchling Sleepy-headed mornings caress her palest hide, whisper-thin gauzes shading their delicacies in gullible innocence across muscular curves upon her form. Offence is impossible to draw from the celery-soft shades that frame her tiny wedge, to the lily-pad shaded whorls that make slender limbs and forked tail. Soft sage infuses flanks and belly, caressed in the silver of early morning dew, drizzling from neck to talons upon the palest of hide. Soft beds of midsummer flowers pale in daylight flutter upon her lazy leading edges, trailing into the cool of minty slumber upon trailing edges, darkened in simple shadows upon pinions slim. Pale and gentle, her coloration is muted, grey mist dancing delicate melodies atop green perfection. Laidan finds her eager eyes meeting the blue that so delighted her with her antics. "Oh, Yehlth! You're wonderful!" She plops down on the sand to give him a big hug. "He's Yehlth!" Fiora pages: Congrats! From the ledges, Schmitt and Macami can be heard hollering - though of course you're probably oblivious. But in the mind of your lifemate, and resounding on to you, comes a hearty, joyful, << Oh, well done! >> from Kazeth. From afar, I'sai grins, "Congr-r-r-rats!" Tarlo oh's, and spots the latest green. From afar, G'rad snugsnugsnugsnugsnugsnugs.....WELL done m'dear! Superb!!! Lorrin stares again toward the blue. "Poor little thing," she murmurs. Then, as he impresses, she calls, "Congratulations, Laidan!" And her attentions is grabbed by this new hatchling. Telgar Dusk Bronze Hatchling finally seems to realize exactly what he's supposed to do here, and gets to his feet. With a quick flap of wings, he starts forward, tailtip twitching back and forth in the sands. The Candidates are all studied carefully as he makes his way in their direction--after all, he can't be too choosy. << Laidan? >> Yehlth tries out the name again, rolling it over in pastel syllables. << Laidan. -My- Laidan! I.. >> He fails in words, but his love washes over your soul, something you can feel right down to your toes. Balvorian sighs happily. "Good, he's found someone. Congrats, Laidan!" he calls, then flicks his eyes back to bronze, then to green, back and forth. Kiran's lips twist in a small smile as Laidan Impresses, but he says nothing, most of his attention still rivetted on the bronze hatchling. Kichevio steps away again, the smile still there, and still a little sad--he'd been so close..."He's sweet, Laidan. Well done." Aisling makes her way to the newest bluerider. "Laidan!" She calls in congratulations. "He is handsome indeed. Handsome and hungry, I bet. Shall we go get him something to eat?" Yenne pages: Congratulations! He's adorable. Yehlth croons lovingly at Laidan, and then, yes - hunger, he croons the question, is that what this is? And nudges Laidan, eyes creeping back into red. Conflagration Egg is suddenly lit with a flash of promising energy. It crackles against the sand, flame-colored shell flickering in the cavern's reflected light as it trembles with contained vigor. Laidan finally looks up from her wonderful blue Yehlth and nods up at Aisling, definitely keeping a hand on him. "Yes! Let's go eat!" Caidan smiles warmly as the blue finds his lifemate. "He's adorable, Laidan - congrats!" And then she is watching the bronze and the eggs that have yet to hatch. Kyris eyes turn to the Conflagration egg as it moves, his eyes alight for a moment before it turns back to Telgar Dusk Bronze Hatchling. Bubbilicious Egg shifts to the right. Pop! A small green fragment falls from the Paranoia Egg, the resulting vacant hole seeming black at first, and then abruptly reflecting red as its inhabitant peers out. Despite ominous creaks and rattles, nothing outwardly appears to change for many moments... till the hatchling all at once breaks free to pounce upon the next-to-nearest candidate, impressing to the weyrboy with hair darker than his own wet ash-brown hide. Haloran blinks in surprise and twists all about, completely confused. "Congratulations!" he calls out. Then there's that green. "Oooh. Another green...." GAME: Saving to disk. Will resume shortly. GAME: Save complete. Resuming. Aisling moves to the other side of Yehlth from Laidan, ready to assist should her falter. "Just right over here." She says as she indicates the edge of the sands. Kichevio turns, and her eyes fix unerringly on the Conflagration egg. It moved. Yep, it definitely moved. Tarlo oh's. "Kich..." she breathes. "Did you see...?" Laidan gets up, hand on dragonet, and moves with it out to where that food is kept. Telgar Dusk Bronze Hatchling pauses in his path down the long line of candidates who still remain. Hmm...this is interesting... The bronze dragonet pauses to whuffle curiously at Tarlo, then peers up at her curiously. Hm. No...something's not *quite* right there. On he goes--but not terribly far down the line. You head off the sands and into the barracks. Weyrling Barracks(#258RADHJ$) This immense cavern is the home for weyrling pairs. A huge opening is the entrance, leading to the ground level bowl. The floor is not quite smooth, being gauged with numerous scratches and cracks, from the clumsy undergrown claws on equally clumsy dragonets. The indentations on the floor, made by millenial pressure of the growing dragons, are quite suggestive of their purpose. Most of them have furs in one corner of them, as the new riders sleep as near their lifemates as they can. A particular odour lingers in the air here, not quite pleasant. The normal ruckus of the barracks is almost constant. Contents: PLAYERS: Greylin Laidan Talisha Ainsley Alessandra OTHER: Kiyoth, Kheprith, Imanath Obvious Exits: Bowl Yehlth arrives here from the bowl. Yehlth has arrived. Talisha beams a smile down at Imanath, "Good girl! You have to chew it into tiny little pieces and then you can swallow." she takes another piece of meat from the bucket, holding it out ready. "And then you can have some more, oh good girl! I'm so proud of you." From afar, G'rad is so happy:) You deserve it m'dear Kheprith eats more slowly now for a while. The level in the bucket goes down at a constant rate until no more meat is left and Kheprith is finally sated. From afar, Macami cheers, congratulations.:) Alessandra giggles happily, having found the oil and a paddle, rather generously smearing it over Kiyoth's sides, picking off the sand as she goes. "Oh yes, Kiyoth--" she pauses, savoring the name-- "Yes, I will, you'll be so pretty, and you'll glisten, and you'll be the absolute most gorgeous green ever!" Wait a minute. She's -already- the most gorgeous green ever. "Oh, good, yes, do be careful, love, I don't want you choking..." Ainsley beams as she catches sight of Laidan. "Ah! Wonderful, congratulations! Here, have a bucket of food, join your fellows here, will you?" She hands a bucket to Laidan, and grins at Yehlth. "There we are." Long distance to G'rad, I'sai, Macami, and Schmitt: Laidan thankthankthanks! :) Greylin smiles almost fatuously down at Kheprith. "I finally understand," she says to her lifemate. "I also... itch? Oil?" she queries, lifting her eyes, a hand reaching for her shoulderblades. With another croon, << I'm so glad you are here, my Laidan! >> Yehlth turns his attention rather rapidly to the food. From afar, Schmitt hugs. Congratulations to you. Laidan comes on in and accepts the bucket of food. She sits abruptly down next to Yehlth. "Here you go.." she says as she fishes out a hunk of meat. "Eat up!" Yehlth croons, sparing a curious glance for his clutchmates, then turns eyes from bucket to Laidan, tail swishing in pleasure as he gulps his first food, plopping himself down as she does. Alessandra giggles happily, reaching down and planting a kiss on Kiyoth's back. "I do see, yes, you're very careful... Oh, Kiyoth, you're beautiful..." Ainsley takes a quick pause in food duty, and heads to oil duty instead. Another bucket is taken to Greylin, this one with oil and a paddle. "This should help." Kheprith's eyes spin faster again, this time turning red-white, and he looks anxiously at his back, as far as he can. K'ran arrives here from the bowl. K'ran has arrived. Laidan grins, hugging the dragon again carefully as she fishes for more meat. "You've got to be the most wonderful blue ever, you know that?" Imanath quickly swallows her first piece and opens her mouth for the second. Her wings give a twitch, then a rustle. Indrath arrives here from the bowl. Indrath has arrived. Kiyoth stops the savoring of her food to look up at Alessi, for another croon. Hunger prevails and she continues to eat, but her tail goes looking for Alessandra's legs again, curling around them, to have what's hers with her, close by. You sense that Yelhth pauses, taken aback. << What is blue? You are wonderful. The most wonderful - what are you? >> Greylin thanks Ainsley with a grin. "Hey!" she says. "I was one of yours," she says before ignoring the paddle, setting it aside to get down and dirty with the oil in her own hands, rubbing it into Kheprith's hide between his wings, gently. Long distance to Schmitt: Laidan snugs back finally and grins. K'ran, dazed, is guided into the barracks by Aisling, accompanied by Indrath. "He's starving," the former stablehand announces. From afar, Schmitt chuckles. How do you like him? Ainsley grins widely as K'ran walks in, and makes her way over to him with a bucket of food as well. "Ah, I *knew* you could do it," she tells him before handing over the bucket. "Here, feed him slowly, and make sure he chews. Don't let him gorge, but do feed him til he's full." Kheprith relaxes under Greylin's hands, eyes slowing down and returning to blue/green as the oil soothes his itch. Laidan shakes her head, still beaming at Yehlth. "Blue's a color- your color. Except you're all sorts of blue! And I'm a girl." Yehlth would croon, but his mouth is so full. He works his jaw rather uselessly. You paged Schmitt with 'As silly as I could hope for. :)'. Alessandra stays very close, working the oil on down towards the gorgeous green's tail--the selfsame one wrapped around her. "Do you need anything more? Food? Anything, love?" Talisha lifts one hand to absently scratch at her arm.. then swivels around a moment, "Oil? Where is the oil?" she asks rather loudly before twisting down in front of Imanath. "You just keep eating sweets.. remember, chew and swallow." the bucket is offered, and she turns again for the oil. From afar, Schmitt laughs! K'ran blinks his eyes once or twice; after getting his bearings and staring dumbly down at the bucket for a moment or two, he favors Ainsley with a warm smile and then turns back to his Indrath. "Let's get you fed," he says. Ainsley, muttering something about how unfair it is that Maylia's relaxing at Southern, hands off a bucket of oil to Talisha, "There, try that." Greylin decides to take care of Kheprith preventively, for she settles in to spread the oil all over his hide, eyes drinking in every single shading and feature. Laidan oopses as Yehlth. "Be careful.. you have to open your mouth wider to chew when you have a big mouthful like that.. try to bite it in half." Kichevio pages: It's belated, but CONGRATULATIONS! :) You paged Kichevio with 'Thanks! :)'. Greylin blinks and looks down at her hands. "My what?" she queries, puzzled. Talisha accepts the oil with a most grateful smile and after finding a paddle, dips it into the oil before spreading it allover her beautie's hide . "That will take care of the itch.. and you'll glisten and look so beautiful." Alessandra plants another kiss on Kiyoth, nodding slightly as she works. "Oh yes. Always. You'll outshine every dragon, my Kiyoth..." Yehlth, eyes adoringly on his lifemate, opens his mouth wiiiide and chomps - he's left with half a mouthful, as the rest dribbles out, but half is manageable and he swallows. Now he can croon, and butt his head against Laidan. Imanath buries her head in the bucket, but somehow manages to restrain herself and only get one piece meat. She chews as fast as she can, swallowing, then helping herself to another piece. As Talisha begins to spread the oil, she lets out a little croon and wiggles her wings in delight. Kiyoth continues to slowly eat her meat. Let the others almost choke themselves, she knows how to take her time. Time and again she looks up to admire her lifemate. Indrath croons warmly at K'ran at the mention of food. He gives his wonderful lifemate a look, however, as if to say, 'how do I do this?' Laidan grins. "There you go!" She picks up the dribbled meat as fearlessly as she does dead tunnel snakes. "Now, you can finish the other half!" She scritches the blue on an eyeridge and holds up the rest of that meat. Greylin blinks again and then starts giggling. "Oh, no, they're not paws, Kheprith... they're /hands/." Soft green tendrils thread through your mind. << This is - what is this? But it's good. You are good. >> Alessandra dutifully admires Kiyoth right back--not like that takes a lot out of her. "Oh, my Kiyoth..." Anything else is lost as she wrenches her attention away from those eyes to finish oiling Kiyoth's tail. K'ran sits himself down in front of Indrath, and begins offering the bronze dragonet chunks of meat from the bucket. "Slowly," he cautions. "I know you're hungry. Just chew everything. I don't want you to be sick." He goes so far as to eat one of the smaller pieces of raw meat himself, by way of demonstration. Talisha beams a smile down at Imanath, head nodding as fast as she can manage it. "Of course sweetheart.. on your wings." she dips the paddle into the bucket again, the smears oil all along her greens wings, murmuring down, "You are the most beautiful green ever you know." and then an even softer, ".. that's it, one piece at a time." Yehlth opens his maw to recieve the meat, leaning into Laidan's touch. That scritch feels so good, in fact, that next he's forgotten meat, closed his mouth and is rubbing his head enthusiastically on Laidan. Indrath watches this, his adoring gaze never leaving K'ran. He opens his maw and starts to chew, but he's not exactly careful with it. Gobs of meat keep falling out of his mouth--and he doesn't seem to have that 'swallow' thing down quite right yet. Greylin wiggles her fingers at her lifemate. "It's the oil I just put on your hide, you silly," she replies. "It makes you feel better, doesn't it?" She reaches down to put some oil up on Kheprith's neck, rubbing it in as gently as always. Kiyoth is sated now and stops eating. And squirms. Itchy! She huffs and gets all excited and nudges Alessandra. Laidan looks puzzled for a moment, wondering what Yehlth's talking about.. then understanding dawns. "Oh! I'm scratching up here.. 'cause you're so wonderful, and it's just the sort of thing a wonderful dragon needs to have done to him." She keeps it up for a bit, amazed. K'ran supresses a light laugh. "You've got to close your mouth at the end," he reminds Indrath. "Like this." Once again, he dips his hand into the bucket and consumes a small chunk of raw meat. He keeps one hand on the dragonet, stroking Indrath's brow fondly. Alessandra whirls, setting down the oil and paddle. "Where? Where, hon? Oh! -here-!" Immediately she goes to scratch that awful itchy spot on Kiyoth's back. "There! How's that, my love?" Greylin breaks out into another beatific smile. "I love you to, Kheprith... more than anything in the world..." Laidan watches the blue lean into her scritches so fondly as she keeps it up, then finally dissolves into giggles. "You're silly," she says happily. "You need to finish eating, you know! Gotta eat so you can grow up big and strong." Indrath seems to be getting the hang of things now. Chew and swallow, chew and swallow. Imanath beams adoringly up at Talisha as continues to eat one piece at a time, more slowly now and the edge has been taken off her hunger. Yelhth squirms a little, drawing his head reluctantly away to peer back at his wingsails. And suddenly you can feel his itch, almost as through it were yours. Completely confused he wonders plaintively, "What is -that-? >> Kiyoth croons her delight as her back is scritched, a joyous trill of relief as that itch disappears. Wrapping herself around Alessandra, she yawns. Yehlth isn't a terribly large dragon - whatever Laidan says, he seems to be done with the meat as he twists his head towards his wings and warbles plaintively. Alessandra finishes oiling Kiyoth happily, those itches all gone now. "Oh, Kiyoth--are you tired? Do you want to sleep?" K'ran continues scratching Indrath's brow with one hand while feeding him gobbets of meat with the other. "I'm glad you did too," he says, more softly. "You know that, don't you?" Talisha smoothes more oil along Imanath's now gleaming hide and she finishes picking off the little bits of egg-shell and sand. "And you are mine, love." she smiles down, then drops the paddle into the bucket. "You are the most wonderful green.. and the most beautiful ever!" her arms wrap around the greens neck and she gives her a gentle scritching. "You look tired." Laidan ohs and looks at the wingsails, shrugging a bit as her shoulder itches. "That's an itch.. I gotta get some oil for you.." She looks around for oil.. oil.. there's some oil! She grabs it and scoops up a handful, forgoing the paddle, and fingerpaints it onto the blue, trying to find the exact itchy spot. Kichevio arrives here from the bowl. Kichevio has arrived. Long distance to Kichevio: Laidan congrats! Saulith arrives here from the bowl. Saulith has arrived. Greylin lifts her head as she finishes oiling Kheprith. "Kich!" she blurts out with a smile. Alessandra looks up, eyes widening in amazement. "Kich??? You did it!" Yehlth tucks his head down and wiggles his wings, loving the oiling. Tail thrashes back and forth too and he croons long and loud and happily. Kiyoth yawns again but looks just comfortable all nice and shiny and fed and oily around her lifemate. Alessandra blinks. And stares at Kiyoth. "What's sleep? It's when you close your eyes and you rest and... um... You sleep!" Hoo, boy. This is gonna be hard to explain. Kichevio walks in, helping the dreaming spirits green with a startled, amazed expression still on her face. "Come on, Saulith...yes, here. I'll find some food." Her smile is _bright_. "Check us out, Alessi. Greenriders. This Weyr's in trouble." Laidan giggles again, scooping up oil in her other hand, too, to add to the mess. Indrath's pace finally starts to slow down a little, now that he's starting to fill himself up just a bit. A lot of attention is now paid to the new dragonets as they wander in with their lifemates. Kheprith croons gently in joy as the oiling finishes, flicking his tail a little, and looks up at Greylin in adoration, yet again. Lorrin arrives here from the bowl. Lorrin has arrived. Alessandra giggles up at Kichevio again, nose crinkling in merriment as she laughs. "Watch out, Pern... The Terrible Two now ride green!" Kaneth arrives here from the bowl. Kaneth has arrived. Saulith butts at Kichevio's legs excitedly, then peeks around at the others, eyes whirling joyous blue, then she spots -meat- and creels eagerly. Kiyoth closes her eyes to try what Alessandra just told her. It's hard to open all those lids over her eyes again, but she manages to and croons. Talisha lifts her gaze towards Kich, then Alessi and giggles. This weyr is -definetly- in trouble. K'ran gives another light laugh, and nods earnestly at the bronze dragonet he's busily feeding. "It is. But you tell me when you're full, yes? Like I said, I don't want you eating too much and getting sick." He pays close attention to Indrath's slowing pace through the food, his gaze drifing momentarily towards the latest arrivals; to both of them, he flashes a brilliant grin. "Congratulations." Imanath finishes chewing and swallowing her last bit of meat, she looks over at the bucket, but doesn't move help herself to any more. She stretches her wings out to their full length, then folds them carefully back onto her back. As Talisha, hugs and scritches her, she gently nuzzles her neck and croons contentedly. Yehlth wiggles so happily, and rubs oily everything up against Laidan. Share the joy! Alessandra shakes her head slightly, running a hand down that glorious dragonet named Kiyoth. "No, my love, keep them closed... You'll see. Sleep is good! Don't worry, I'll be -right- here the entire time!" Lorrin looks about. "Is there some food? Oh, yes, Kaneth, we get to eat." Kaneth makes his way in just crooning after Lorrin. Forget dignity. Kichevio plops down on the nearest clear patch of ground, grabs a bucket of meat with one hand and some oil with the other, and gently tugs Soulith down beside her. "Here's the meat, dear heart--now eat." Hastily adding, "But chew, too!" Yehlth burbles light yellow: << This is *fun*! >> Greylin beams down toward Kheprith, then her smile turns softer. "You've had a busy today today, love," she murmurs. "How about we find you a nice place to sleep..." She lifts her head looks around for such a place. Alessandra shakes her head quickly, hair bouncing about. "Oh I'll -always- be here. I will! I won't go away, don't you worry about that." Laidan is happy to be oiled. Afterall, it's happened before. She works her way up the neck to the head so she can look in those eyes again. "It sure is!" Talisha smiles softly to Imanath, her arms hugging tight before she loosens them just enough to let the green settle. "You should sleep sweets... close your eyes and relax. See? Just like the others are going to do." her hands resume their scritching, as if to lull Imanath into a deep slumber. Lorrin finds the meat, and gives some to Kaneth, then says, "Oh, you poor dear, you itch." She scratches his tail cafrefully. "Is that better?" Kichevio laughs as she tries to keep up with this quicksilver dragon that chose her--chose _her_. "Yes, these are our friends...Alessi and Greylin and Tali and K'ran...and that's meat, so go on and eat; I know you're hungry...I'm sure it'll taste good to _you_, Saulith..." Kaneth just rumblegrunts happily. Yehlth looks back into her eyes, he can't get enough of this. Crooooon. And then, caught off guard. his eyelids droop and he blinks once. Imanath snuggles up next to Talisha, still crooning softly as she begins to drift off to sleep. After a few moments of peaceful, even breathing, she starts and bugles worredly, staring about. Laidan oohs, as it registers that the other dragonets are starting to go to sleep. "Are you tired?" she asks. Kheprith follows Greylin in their search for a sleeping place, eyelids already starting to droop. Ainsley, after she's assured herself that the newest entries have buckets of food, starts passing around oil to those who need it as well. Saulith looks up at Kichevio adoringly, then bumbles closer to the bowl and takes a dainty taste of the meat, before her eyes whirl orangey-red and she -plows- into the meal. << What.. is.. tired? >> Yehlth asks sleepily, his mind still whirling with excitement and love, but slowly drifting downward. Kiyoth tries closing her lids again and yawns. Lumbering over to the next best couch she finds, she curls up on it, crooning to Alessandra to stay with her, but then her lids are too heavy for her and she closes them, starting to fall asleep. Lorrin beams and nods to Kaneth. "Yes darling, you are hungry. Here, eat." She pushes a bucket of meat toward him. Greylin helps Kheprith into the appropriate venue, picking one with an eye to his future size. "Here, love... just sleep, and I will watch over you..." Kaneth opens his mouth wide and extends his tongue. Talisha snuggles in close to Imanath, speaking in very soft, hushed tones as she tries to reassure her lifemate. "That was just sleep, love. It's okay.. it might seem scarey, but it's good for you." she tries to explain further, "You don't go away, you stay right here with me, I'm right here.." K'ran looks confusedly at Indrath for a moment, and chances a glance back behind the dragonet. Suddenly he begins to laugh. "That's your tail," he says. "It's part of you. Like your face and legs." He moves to circle the bronze, touching here and there to assist in Dragon Anatomy 101. Yehlth crooons, taking a moment to gaze sleepily around. Alessandra immediately follows Kiyoth--doesn't matter how hard the couch is, she's staying with her beloved Kiyoth. Kichevio has to smother a laugh as she tries to lift Saulith's head from the bucket before she inhales anything she shouldn't. "You don't need to eat it all at once! Just a bite at a time. And you can have as much as you want, just eat _carefully_. Okay?" She's serious--_she's_ the rider in this relationship, and don't you forget it. Indrath looks quite a bit calmer now that he realizes exactly what that thing behind him is. Lorrin giggles a little. "You have to take a bite, silly. Just take the meat in your mouth and bite it. And don't forget to chew." Laidan grins. "Tired is when you've done a lot of stuff and you can't keep your eyes open. That's when you're supposed to find a place to sleep." Kheprith walks sleepily over to the place where Greylin shows him to, then curls up and closes his eyes, ready to sleep to end his most important day. Yehlth considers and accepts: << Where, then? >> Kaneth sits there with meat on his tongue looking confused. Saulith keeps her head buried in the bowl, as her tail twitches merrily back and forth, much to the endangerment of anyone standing nearby. She warbles plaintively when Kich hauls her head up, then whuffs in agreement and resumes eating at a more sedate pace, chewing carefully. As Indrath's eating pace slows further, K'ran finds himself a bucket of oil, and, foregoing a paddle, begins to massage the stuff into his lifemate's hide. "I've got you covered," he assures the bronze. "This will help with the itching." Kaneth pulls the tongue in slowly and closes his mouth. Laidan looks around. "Well, there's a couch over there that's not been taken," she says to Yehlth. "Look fine to you?" Imanath slowly relaxes, snuggling in even closer with Talisha she lets her eyelids, one by one begin to droop as creeps toward sleep once again. Saulith continues to eat, until she's had enough and becomes distracted by the sight of oil, she turns rapidly and plows a path in that direction. Lorrin grins. "Good. Now chewing is putting the meat between your teeth and closing your mouth on it. You do that again and again until the meat is in small pieces, and then you swallow." She caresses the little blue's head as she explains. Yehlth croons agreement and picks himself up to head that way. Saulith whuffles Kaneth slowly starts moving his jaw, and a little glow goes off over his head. He gets it now. Kaneth rumbles with delight. Kiyoth has arrived. Alessandra allows Kiyoth to wander off. Lorrin nods in agreement. "Yes, it is good, isn't it dear." Talisha nuzzles against Imanath's neck gently, "I'll always be here, love. I'm not going anywhere.. You just sleep." and for extra reassurance, she gives Imanath a kiss on her muzzle. "Sleep, love." Laidan picks herself up, too, and heads along with the dragon to the couch, wiping more of the oil onto him as she does so. Kichevio catches Saulith and hauls her back. "I'll get it!--hold still, you'll do someone an injury!: Kheprith has left. Greylin calls Kheprith closer to herself. Alessandra just gently rubs her hand along Kiyoth, soothing the green in her sleep. K'ran shakes his head slightly at Indrath. "No, no. Let *me* do it," he says confidently. "You've had a busy day." He continues to massage oil into the dragonet's hide. "Well. Night, really, but don't worry about that right now." Greylin watches Kheprith fall asleep and finally manages to lift her eyes to watch the others. H'lor arrives here from the bowl. H'lor has arrived. From afar, Keara snugs. He's all yours now- pick him up, @chown him, and there you are. I had a real blast puppeting him, and congratulations again. You paged Keara with 'Thanks. :)'. Kaneth opens his mouth for more. H'lor turns back, staring intently behind him, murmuring over and over again, "Makarath. Makarath....Makarath...." waiting for his lifemate to catch up. Laidan settles down with the blue on the couch, working the rest of that oil in. "I'm gonna finish this.. you just relax, okay?" Makarath arrives here from the bowl. Makarath has arrived. Tarlo arrives here from the bowl. Tarlo has arrived. Merielan arrives here from the bowl. Merielan has arrived. Imanath drifts off into dreamland, her sides rising and falling with each rythmic breath, though she does croon once, softly as Talisha's kiss. Lorrin says "Here, take more out of the bucket, you silly." Cariath arrives here from the bowl. Cariath has arrived. Greylin was smiling toward J'rin, then blinks... "TARLO?!?" she exclaims, loud enough to wake the dead, but not her sleeping Kheprith. Alessandra looks up as Tarlo--and the gold!--enter. "Tarlo... She went to -you-... Congratulations!" Kichevio manages to convince Saulith not to eat the oil, and grins over at Tarlo. "Oh, well done you!" Cariath follows Tarlo in from the bowl, head held high as she enters behind her lifemate. Her light step and her violet eyes are clear proof of her joy, as is the trumpet of delight with shich she greets her clutchmates. H'lor immediately begins to lavish attention on Makarath, as soon as he heads across the barracks. "Food. Yes. Food." He casts an irritated glance at Greylin--that might disturb his little green--then heads for the barrels of food. "Yes--blood on the meat for you, Makarath." He seems to be savoring the sound of the name. Merielan almost drags herself into the room. Once there she slumps agaisnt the wall and -slides- downwards like melting water. A cough and one finger points "" this accomplished she simply sits for a moment, regaining equilibrium. Kaneth looks about for s'more. Oh yes, MUCH more. Talisha smiles at Imanath as she drifts into that sweet sleep, then draws her attention towards the newest weryling. "Tarlo! A GOLD! Tarlo!" she exclaims loudly. Lorrin turns as she sees Tarlo and the little gold enter. "Tarlo, congratulations! Look, she's beautiful. What's her name?" Tarlo can't seem to manage much more then a laugh that expresses how amazed she is as she grins at her fellow weyrlings. But Cariath's inevitable hunger pervades her senses, and she leads her queen to the feeding pits. "Come on, love..." she says, assisting her to the meat, and then grins almost shyly to Lorrin. "Cariath." The word is spoken like a carress. K'ran is now massaging oil into the areas along the joints of Indrath's wings. "Right here, eh?" The dragonet rumbles contentedly in response. K'ran's attention is stolen, momentarily, by Tarlo's arrival. "Shards, Tarlo. Congratulations!" Saulith has left. Kichevio calls Saulith closer to herself. Greylin ignores H'lor's cranky look, giving him a murmured congratulations, but most of her attention is still on Tarlo. "Now who's level-headed?" she asks with a smirk and a wink. From afar, to Ainsley, Alessandra, Greylin, H'lor, K'ran, Kichevio, Laidan, Lorrin, Talisha, and Tarlo, Merielan ok's to you all ;) "Now..we can alll relax and rp for a bit..for now..please pg -me- and NOT Ainsley w/ any questions/concerns what have you. a lil' bit we're all gonna go I can tell you some things. And..finally..congratulations to you all once more ;) Makarath follows her lifemate with no heed for any others, bumping up against him at any opportunity. Even though ... was that a barrel, there? Oops. Laidan watches Yehlth's eyelids droop as she transfers more oil off of herself and onto him. She hums to him, some, looking up as the new little gold enters. "oh, wow.. Tarlo?" H'lor's expression absolutely melts and he holds meat out to the little green. "Your H'lor. Yes. All yours. And you're my Makarath." He doesn't mind the bumps one bit, offering several chunks to the dainty green. Lorrin smiles and settles down on the floor. "Kaneth, dear, do you itch?" Kaneth croons. Saulith creels hopefully. But the oil _smells_ good...shouldn't it taste good too? Makarath croons ever so warmly - spits out a bit of shard - and instinct sends her not to nibble, but open her jaw hugely wide, and attempt to -inhale- the nearest chunk in one great chomp. Kheprith snoozes the sleep of the completely innocent and the stuffed-sleepy. His lifemate doesn't leave his side despite the happiness for her friends dancing across her face. Tarlo laughs. "Of course I have meat for you. Anything for you, sweetling." She runs her hand along her life-mate's flank as the little dragon tuckers in. H'lor casts an alarmed look around then "No! You have to chew!" He mimes the chewing motion carefully. "Chew!" Kaneth holds up his left wing and looks at Lorrin. Alessandra just watches contentedly, happy to simply rub that so-soft dragonet beneath her hands. "Kiyoth..." She mumbles the word softly, rolling it on her tongue in a way. Lorrin looks about. "Where's the oil? Does someone have oil?" H'lor nods quickly at the little green and mimes again. "Chew. I won't give you more unless you chew." Merielan drags herself up off the floor and reassumes her cloak of authority with her standing position. "Make sure they -chew-.." She calls out in general, eyes scanning over the weyrlings to check. "Chew..and do -not- eat the's to go on their hides not their stomachs.." Makarath stares at H'lor, frozen but for the whirl of those brilliant eyes. Another moment, and she waggles her jaw up and down, if with no force behind it this time. Lorrin waits a moment, then reaches out and scratches under Kaneth's wing. H'lor nods encouragingly. "That's it. A little harder though. Chew." Talisha lets her head rest against Imanath, almost seeming to drift off into sleep herself. Well.. why not? They were woken in the middle of the night. Kaneth makes a noise sort of like OHHHHHHHHHHH! It's a good noise. Tarlo makes chewing gestures at Cariath adamantly, gently tilting her little gold's muzzle torward her so she can watch and learn. Kichevio starts oiling Saulith very carefully, tracing the swirls in her hide with absorption. H'lor beams proudly and, as his little green starts to chew, offers another chunk. "Exactly." Kaneth lifts his other wing. Lorrin is not provided with oil, so she stands and walks over to where it is. She takes a pot and goes back to him. She scratches under his wing and then sits down beside him and starts to rub oil into his skin. Makarath rocks her jaw from side to side, but then tries a full-fledged chew, teeth bright white within muzzle's green and feast's red, her whole body vibrating under her lifemate's praise all the while. Greylin reaches out to touch Kheprith's eyeridges, and he lets out a happy sigh as she smooths out a wing as well. There is complete and utter love of her lifemate on her face. Cariath follows Tarlo toward the food, not particularly graceful, but not particularly worried. She humms softly and absently as a hand is rubbed against her hide, and duitifully looks up to watch Tarlo's tiny mouth make chewing motions, but her own more substantial golden jaw is already full of more wherry meat than any one hatchling should eat in one mouthful. Bits and scraps drop to the floor all around her as she chews. "Means you're tired," says Kiran, matter-of-factly, to his lifemate. "Come on. Let's find you a place to rest." His eyes scan the interior of the barracks until they find a likely couch, and after setting aside the oil, he begins leading the dragonet that way. "How's this?" Indrath rumbles approval and settles into the couch; K'ran beams in response. "Glad you like it." The bronze's eyes then begin to wander, over towards the gold and the greens, and his newly-minted rider reddens. "Never mind that now, okay? We'll talk more about that later." Alessandra has disconnected. H'lor is completely mesmerized by the dainty beauty before him, staring at her in wonder. "You're so perfect," he murmurs softly, feeding her chunks and stroking her eyeridges at the same time. Merielan <----- OOC -PLEASE- Laidan keeps rubbing Yehlth carefully, finishing the oiling as he gets sleepier and sleepier. "yes, I'm going to stay here. No.. I'm not going to wander off while your eyes are closed." She grins. Saulith croons in pure hedonistic pleasure as she's oiled, stretching out her wings and feet in bliss at the attention. Alessandra has connected. Tarlo giggles despite herself. "Slow down, Cariath, it's not going anywhere, I promise." she gently coaxes the little dragon to take a safer mouthful. Xachael has arrived. From afar, to Ainsley, Alessandra, Greylin, H'lor, K'ran, Kichevio, Laidan, Lorrin, Talisha, Tarlo, and Xachael, Merielan tries this again.." I mean OOC now.." Saulith has left. Kichevio calls Saulith closer to herself. H'lor pops ooc then. Xachael<====A'lex in OOC form Alessandra nods. K'ran likewise pops OOC. Merielan ok's.. Lorrin is ooc. Talisha is OOC. Greylin turns the logs from hell off and mallets 'lexybabe. Tarlo is ooc. Merielan smiles "Again..congratulations to you all. PLEASE for the sake of my ALL questions until the end..and do -not- talk until I'm done..I'll let you know when I'm finished.." Kichevio is OOC too, and still grinning like a nitwit. safe=save Xachael says "Before Meri gets started, I need to let you all know that (if you didn't notice) there was a LITTLE trouble with the hatcher, so there is some extra code on your lifemates that usually isn't there. It's perfectly fine to get rid of it." Xachael says "Actually, I encourage it. " Laidan is going to need some code coaching.. :P Alessandra is, too! Kichevio is too!!! Xachael says "Now shhh and listen to Meri!" Xachael grins. Lorrin is also going to. She doesn't know what Xachael means. Oops. Xachael says "If anyone needs help, page me when Meri is done :)" Merielan grins "Thanks 'Lexs. we go. First of all..Maylia sends her -deepest- apologies for not being here. She had some RL foo and just -couldn't- make it. She also sends her congratulations. Meanwhile..I -am- here. Ainsley, Aisling and myself are your AWLM's for your weyrlinghood. ICly Weyrling hood lasts for 2 turns..OOC it lasts for about 8-9 wks." Merielan (more) Merielan moves on "For now..PLEASE under NO NOT leave the barracks..You cannot IC leave the barracks until you are taken out by Maylia or one of the AWLM's. This will probaly happen tommrow at some point." Makarath has left. H'lor calls Makarath closer to himself. A'lex appears from around a corner . . . A'lex has arrived. Xachael has left. Merielan ok's " gods..I -hate- code. Do -not- worry about code. I repeat..and I cannot say this enough DO NOT worry about code. You weren't impressed on the basis of how much of a coding dunce or whiz you are. There's a weyrling page of code..which helps..and May and the AWLM's and eventually your mentors are always around. For now--the only code you need to worry about--is the DTU code, there's a lecture you have to read on Maylia's website..once you have read that ASAP..May will try to get you your DTU's..the addy for that lecture is:" Ainsley says "Be sure to let her know once you've read the lecture! We can't get dtus set up for everyone until all of you have replied to her about it. :)" This is the add of the main weyrling webpage: There are more lectures on here and will updated probaly on monday. It is -more- important to read the DTU lecture..but the weyrling pages are your bible during weyrlinghood..keep that addy and check those pages.. Nimiriel walks in from the bowl. Nimiriel has arrived. Merielan goes on "Make sure you've set yoruself !halt..and your dragon to, otherwise your going to have problems, posing." Ainsley says "And don't forget to change your positions to reflect your new status. :)" Merielan thinks "Ok, just few more things. Yes, check your descs too..make sure your not in your robe any more and that your dragon is free of all hatchling foo* Like egg bits and blood.. No one except the WLM or the AWLM is supposed to be in here until -after- you go out for the first time..If you had anything left in the CB''s now goign to be in the lost and found cabinent. I cannot stress this enough -DO NOT WORRY ABOUT CODING-. Right now, just calm down..rp with your dragon..coding can wait. Page me with questions..and I'll start answering them..PLEASE still be quiet until all the questions are done with" Merielan um's "One more thing..your fancy clothes..they're going to get dirty..your knot is black and white with one strand the color of your lifemate." Merielan whew's "Questions?" Aisling walks in from the bowl. Aisling has arrived. Merielan blinks "No Questions?" Alessandra um's. "Do we have a uniform?" Ainsley thinks wem ay have overwhelmed them all. :) Merielan shakes her head "No, we don't have any. Your just wearing old clothes that you don't mind getting dirty ;)" H'lor grins and is a little. "I seriously need to meet some friends for dinner though." Merielan sends ya off then "Just read the DTU lecture and +mail May soon as you get a chance.." H'lor waves at y'all. "Congrats!!!" then snugs the leader types. "Good job." Aisling snugs a H'lor. COngrats! Merielan turns "Nim? Inspirations?" Merielan snugz "Congrat's H'lor!" H'lor has disconnected. Kichevio hugs _everyone_. We rock! :) Talisha says "Exactly which parts of the coding should be delete?" A'lex has reconnected. Lorrin says "Yeah, and how?" Aisling would wait a bit to delete anything. *ducks* her head* I have yet to delete a thing ;) From afar, to Alessandra, Greylin, K'ran, Kichevio, Laidan, Lorrin, Talisha, and Tarlo, Lenka snugs all you cool people and congrats! Nimiriel just wanted to add her thanks to the rest-- between temperamental code and everything else, all of you held up beautifully. I just wanted to say thanks and congratulations. A'lex has partially disconnected. K'ran says "You guys were awesome. I've never seen people adapt so quickly and seamlessly to misbehaving code." Merielan um's "Coding..and what should be deleted...let's hold off on that? You -really- don't need to worry about it quite yet." Kichevio laughs. I nearly yelled at the computer once or twice. ;) Alessandra giggles!!! Merielan nods to Ais.."Or ever.." Nimiriel says "Oh! There's a whole bunch of stuff put onto all these dragons. There's a 'readfirst' attribute which basically tells you what there. There's also a name_inspiration attribute which will tell you where the names came from. :)" Lorrin smiles. Yeah, that was annoying. Alessandra has no idea how to read this stuff... Merielan ok's..."More questions?" Laidan did an 'ex' of her dragon and got spammed, but it was fun to read it all. Alessandra finds! Nemmind! Nimiriel says "ex /" K'ran | ex */attribute Greylin FTPs the log to her PC so she can edit it. :) Lorrin says "wonders" Lorrin says "oops." A'lex kicks his net. Once Meri is done I'll help fix the code crap, but for now, I'm phone idle, sorry. :) I don't see that here. Merielan is done if there aren't anymore questions? (not code related) Ainsley has disconnected. Merielan holds out her hands "Anymore me or Aisling..we're gonna go back 'Lex and Nim can give you all a lil' IC speech." Lorrin is ic now. <<<<<<*IC>>>>>>> Tarlo has disconnected. Aisling has slipped in quietly and listens from the back. With one more croon, Saulith relazes into sleep exactly one foot from a dragon bed. Sighing, Kichevio settles beside her and continues stroking her. "One minute, Saulith...then you're going to sleep on a real bed if I have to drag you over there byyour tail." But her voice is full of love. From afar, to A'lex, Aisling, Alessandra, Greylin, K'ran, Kichevio, Laidan, Lorrin, Nimiriel, and Talisha, Merielanis gonna have to discon.."I will be back later tonight..for more RP and any questions you may have thought of ;)" Lorrin rubs more oil into Kaneth's skin, smiling at him. "Now, are you feeling sleepy? Merielan has disconnected. Laidan yawns, still rubbing oil into Yehlth's snoozing hide. "-I- am.. but I'm also awake, too." As Indrath's eyes finally close and the bronze begins to succumb to the irresistable pull of sleep, Kiran settles down beside his lifemate and stifles a yawn behind a hand. "Didn't think I'd be able to sleep after this," he mumbles. "Guess it took a lot out of me, too." GAME: Saving to disk. Will resume shortly. GAME: Save complete. Resuming. Greylin looks around at the others for a moment, then back at Kheprith yet again. Kichevio smiles tiredly, but is unwilling to admit to it--or even take her hand off Saulith, for that matter. "I'm afraid to sleep. She might vanish if I do." Talisha, for the most part, is yawning lazily against Imanath and falling asleep herself. But.. it's all exciting and things keep her awake. Things like the gleaming hide of the beauty in front of her. Aisling grins at Kichevio, "I kept waking up just to make sure that she was still there." Alessandra suddenly opens her eyes, blinking dazedly. "I was asleep? I was..." Your location's current time: 5:12 on day 6, month 10, Turn 33, of the Tenth Pass. It is a autumn night. Lorrin guides Kaneth to one of the couches as she finishes oiling him, and as he dozes off she curls up beside him, also dozing off. Alessandra has disconnected. Lorrin has disconnected. Nimiriel walks into the barracks with A'lex, looking tired, but still pleased. After having a quiet word with the assistant weyrlingmasters, she addresses herself to the new weyrlings. "Congratulations, all of you. Today marks the first day of a new era, for you, and for us. Today, we welcome thirty-seven new dragon pairs to the Weyr--and it's always such a wonderful occasion. Your time as a weyrling will not be easy, I can promise you that...but I think that you'll all find that it is infinitely worth it. Until the day you graduate, Maylia is your final authority on everything. She'll be hard on you, but that's her job. Listen well, heed the lessons that she and her assistants give. They may just save your life one day." Greylin lifts her chin to look toward Nimiriel as Kheprith continues his sleep, her hand still touching, ever so lightly, some bit of his hide. Laidan keeps an oily hand on Yehlth as she looks up to listen to Nimiriel. Aisling listens to Nimiriel's words, but she seems more interested in the various weyrling's reactions to those words. Kichevio keeps one arm wrapped around Saulith's neck. Yes, saving lives is important, now. From afar, to Aisling, Greylin, K'ran, Kichevio, Laidan, Nimiriel, and Talisha, A'lex FINALLY gets off the fone. Sorry for the delay. Talisha rests her head against Imanath's side as she listens to Nimiriel. A'lex steps up next to Nimiriel, "This is the one time where I allow myself to get emotional. You are our future. Be proud of that, but don't get cocky." He grins. Already dozing against Indrath's flank, K'ran mumbles a reply too quiet to be heard. He does, however, nod vaguely. Nimiriel grins, "And with that, we'll leave you in their capable hands. Congratulations again, all of you." Nodding to Aisling, Ainsley, and Merielan, she walks out of the barracks. Nimiriel moves through the opening to the west, heading toward the bowl. Nimiriel has left. A'lex pages to Aisling, Greylin, K'ran, Kichevio, Laidan, and Talisha: When y'all are ready to go OOC again, just page me and I'll come down to explain the code oddities. A'lex nods and follows the Weyrwoman. A'lex moves through the opening to the west, heading toward the bowl. A'lex has left. Saulith twitches a bit. Saulith twitches a bit more, then comes awake. Wow! She was _asleep_. Coooool. Kheprith has arrived. Greylin allows Kheprith to wander off. Aisling pages to Greylin, K'ran, Kichevio, Laidan, and Talisha: Ready for A'lex? From afar, to Aisling, Greylin, K'ran, Kichevio, and Laidan, Talisha nods :) K'ran pages to Aisling, Greylin, Kichevio, Laidan, and Talisha: Ready as I'll ever be. Kichevio pages to Aisling, Greylin, K'ran, Laidan, and Talisha: Sure, for as long as I can stay on. Greylin pages to Aisling, K'ran, Kichevio, Laidan, and Talisha: Get him in here so we can weyrling-pile on him. :) A'lex appears from around a corner . . . A'lex has arrived. A'lex says "Okay, OOC time? :D" Kichevio collapses in a heap. OOC it is. A'lex says "First thing, I'll give ya a little low down on exactly what happened tonight. :)" Laidan waves. Yep! Talisha flopples tiredly. Greylin says "A snafu, 'lex? :)" A'lex says "The delay was ALLLLLL my fault. I've been trying to get the +sands code to work right for the last three hatchings. I finally realized that the problem was that the DBREFS of the hatchlings wasn't in the right order on the hatcher, and that's why it wasn't working. I re-arranged them. Everything broke. When M'teh gave the command to hatch Greylin's baby, it ended up hatching Talisha's... and everyone freaked." K'ran probably would've freaked, too. A'lex says "And we logged it all so you could see us freak." Talisha grins. "I wanna see the log of the weyrleaders freaking." A'lex says "Granted, there's ALOT of profanity. Especially from me. :)" K'ran | See A'lex. See A'lex code. Code, A'lex, code. See code break. See A'lex freak. Laidan grins. A'lex says "So while y'all were sitting out there I litterally jumped from egg to egg recoding things." Aisling snickers. We saw a whole new side of A'lex ;) A'lex says "And didn't get them all fixed ether. SOme of the stuff was done manually still." Kichevio laughs, and offers A'lex a drink of his choice for putting up with all this. :) K'ran says "Something stiff, I'm guessing. Everclear, after that. :)"