Pern-Laidan - Sunday, October 29, 2000, 11:27 AM ------------------------------------------------ Laidan RPing with candidates PernMUSH is a themed roleplaying MUSH based on the _Dragonriders of Pern_ novels by Anne McCaffrey. Here, we attempt to recreate, with as much authenticity as possible, the society described in the novels. Those who lack an interest in the world of Pern, or in roleplaying in a cooperative environment, may wish to seek their entertainment elsewhere. The World of Pern is copyright (c) to Anne McCaffrey 1967. The Dragonriders of Pern (r) is a registered copyright. Site provided courtesy of Freeside Communications. Thanks, Jeremy. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use create to create a new character. Use connect to connect to your existing character. Use connect guest guest if you'd just like to look around. Use QUIT to logout. Use WHO to find out who is online currently. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your Wizards currently: Jellan (god), Dyane, Jashua, Lara, Rilor, and Tiercel. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### end of messages ### EVENTS: If you have an event you wish to schedule, send +mail wizards! WIZMEETING CHANGE: The monthly wizmeeting will move to the first Thursday of each month at 9:30PM ET. This means the next meeting will be on November 2. Last connect was from on Sun Oct 29 00:39:49 2000. Candidate Barracks(#258RADHJ$) This cavern has a rather low ceiling, with many openings for air, since this becomes an abode for a large number of people before every hatching. Every inch of the floor is kept clean, although little of it can be seen due to the many rows of cots that fill most of the space. The central part of the cavern is rather dim, as most of the glows are on the walls. Little decoration is evidenced except for a few personal effects. You wouldn't call it uncomfortable unless the unusually low ceiling for a weyr makes you claustrophobic. On the wall, scrupulously maintained, is a list of Candidates and their assigned chores for the day. Tampering with it is rumored to be an offense punishable by death or latrine duty for the rest of one's life. The normal ruckus of the barracks is almost constant. Contents: FL: PLAYERS: Laidan Obvious Exits: Lower Caverns Myrine gets up from her cot. Myrine has arrived. Laidan yawns and checks the duty list, freshly bathed and dressed as can be told by the dampness of her hair. Myrine smiles at Laidan as she walks back into the barracks. "Only just up?" she asks cheerfully, "I've done half a days work already!" Laidan grins. "I was double-checking.. When I woke up this morning, I saw beasthold duty so I hurried up and went to help.. so I'm making sure I did the right job after I got cleaned up from it." Myrine nods and grimaces, "Yuk, I had that yesterday and I bathed at lunch and sat in the baths for about an hour in the evening and I still think I smelled like amnure and all I was doing was carrying new hay for the runners." She grins cheerfully again, "Today I've got nannying duty and that's easy, and I've got a break now too cos the littles are all listening to a harper tale." Laidan makes a face. "I'd rather pitch manure than deal with all those littles." Myrine brightens still further. "You would? Would you swap with me then next time you have nannying? I'll swap for beathold duty or /anything/ to do with firestone, I can't even lift the mallet to break it and you get covered in dust and exhausted sacking the stuff." Laidan grins. "Yeah, I was -sore- the day after breaking stone.. but sure, I'll trade you. After all, you do meet more boys doing the other chores, you know." She grins ruefully. "Not like any of them notice me." Myrine giggles, then sits down on her cot, tucking her feet up under her. "You can't really talk with them if they're busy proving how strong they are by breaking up a dragonweight of firestone in one minute." She looks at Laidan appraisingly then nods firmly and declares, "Sure they notice you though. They're probably just shy." Laidan shrugs, sitting on her cot. "Maybe they do. But I can't seem to keep any of that attention." She blinks up at Myrine. "Besides, I can beat half of them at breaking stone." Myrine nods, giggling again, "Ooh, now that might be a problem, they can cope with us being better at sewing cos they can sulk and say 'that's girls work'" She wrinkles her nose. "Silly things." Another grin and she adds, "I don'tmind them doing all the stone breaking work for me while I watch though." Laidan grins. "Yeah, they can get really silly sometimes when they're trying to be impressive." Myrine grins back, "My sisters say they need attention, but they can't be seen paying too much attention to us cos that's not 'manly'." She nods again, "So bet they are watching you, and they're probably impressed you can break 'stone too just wouldn't ever say so." Spy has arrived. Spy has left. Laidan hehs. "Yeah, I guess. That's -really- silly, though." She checks her hair and finds it still wet and frowns. "Want to go get lunch? I don't want to go out, yet, until this dries more." Myrine nods, jumping up off her cot. "Sure, I just cam back in here to check the littles hadn't pulled all my hair out this morning." She grins and makes her way out of the room. Myrine heads through the entrance to the inner cavern. Myrine has left. You head through the entrance to the inner cavern. Inner Cavern(#1272RJL$) This huge cavern lies within the bowels of Telgar Weyr. The ceiling above, somewhat darkened, seems to be black in the dim light of the glows. Under this blackness, it's almost a hive. A large part of this cavern is a place where the lower cavern work is done: washing, making, remaking - endless chatter and noise concentrated around islands of bright glowlight. People come and go from several tunnels to the east and west, adding to general movement. There are several more secluded places with a table and few chairs, used by more idle folk for gaming or chat. In the southwestern part of the cavern, a small opening in the dark seems to be overlooked by everyone, and quite unused. From here there is a large entrance into the Living Cavern, the center of activity of the Weyr. There are also smaller entrances leading off into the weyrfolk quarters, the tunnel to the steam baths, candidate barracks, and a corridor leading to the Nursery. Several corridors also lead to quarters for the more permanent members of the Weyr. You may '+view residents', '+view crafters', or '+view staff' to see them. Obvious exits: Living Cavern Candidate Barracks INFirmary Nursery Steam Baths Corridor Weyrfolk Quarters You walk through the large entrance to the Living Cavern. Telgar Weyr's Living Cavern(#750RDJM$) This huge cavern is sufficiently roomy to hold a large portion of the Weyr's population without feeling cramped. There's always a bustle of activity here. Fragrant dishes are constantly in prepartion for mealtimes: currently for the mid-day meal. Drudges are always present, either cleaning under Pierron's watchful eye, or helping fetch and carry. A myriad of glowbaskets and many ever-lit hearths make the cavern warm and inviting despite its size. The scents of cooking meats, baking breads and pastries, and the pungent aroma of spices hang mouthwateringly in the air. It is little wonder that those seeking to relax nearly always find their way here to do it. Dark summer blooms of vivid hue decorate the tables. A short tunnel jaunts northward out to the bowl and the merry sounds of cooking, chores, and laughter echo from the kitchen at the southeast end of the cavern near the easterly passage to the rest of the lower caverns. Within the lower caverns is an entrance to the infirmary weyr to care for injured dragons and riders. Contents: PLAYERS: Myrine Pierron Laidan OTHER: Dragonpoker Table Obvious Exits: Inner Caverns Kitchen Bowl Laidan hurries in and checks the table.. She grabs a plate and selects wherry, a piece of pie, and a bubbly, then balances that in one hand while she serves herself a mug of juice. Myrine's meal is a healthy one of meatrolls and bubblies, with klah. She heads over to a nearby table and sits down, then waits for Laidan to join her. Laidan joins Myrine, settling into place carefully, so as not to spill the overflowing mug. "My aunt came by yesterday for the baklava, so I'll bet that's why it's all gone." Myrine lifts a bubbly from her plate, "These are good though." She grins, "If I had bubblies and baklava I'd be so full I'd never move again." She takes a mouthful of the bubby as though to show just how good it is. Lanryi walks here from the Inner Cavern. Lanryi has arrived. Laidan nods, then looks over her plate and decides the wherry should be eaten before it starts to lose it's fresh-from-the-fire warmth. She attacks it with vigor, slicing off a large piece and chewing vigorously, with a wave to Lanryi. Myrine looks over to see who Laidan is waving at, then waves too, quickly finishing her mouthful of bubbly. Lanryi wanders into the living cavern with a slightly fussy, tiny baby cradled in one arm and a basket looped around the other. She smiles over at at the candidates and offers a nod, rather than a wave and greets with, "Good Afternoon." Myrine peers over at Lanryi, trying to see the baby she is carrying. "I heard you had your baby," she says excitedly. "Does she look like you?" Laidan chew some more and swallows with a gulp of juice to help it down. She peers over at Lanryi and her baby curiously. Lanryi sets her basket down on a chair and holds Lanisa down so the canidates can see her better, she's a pink little newborn with baby blue eyes and soft blonde curls of hair on her head. "I think she kind of looks more like her daddy." she offers with a proud grin. Laidan grins. "I heard it's I'sai.. is that right?" Myrine looks at the baby, carefully keeping her hands on her lap as though worried about hurting the little child. "She's so pretty," she tells Lanryi, then looks closer, "I guess she maybe looks like him." Lanryi nods, holding the edge of the blanket away from Lanisa's face, "Yes, she's I'sai's. It's kind of hard to tell who she will really look like when she's so tiny." Laidan nods. "I wonder if she'll grow up like me.." Myrine giggles, "She sort-of looks like my little sister used to now. She grew bigger really quickly though." Lanryi grins down at her daughter some more then looks over at Laidan and offers, "Do you want to hold her?" Laidan makes a small 'eep'. "I'm not good with littles at all," she demurrs hastily. Myrine giggles at Laidan, "She's not going to hurt you. She's too small even to have teeth to bite your fingers with, isn't she Lanryi?" She looks over at the rider. "Alright," Lanryi says to Laidan then with a little smile and a nod she looks over to Myrine, "Would you like to hold her? I'm really wanting to get myself some real food while I'm out of the infirmary, not that mush the healers always give me." Laidan shakes her head. "It's not that.. I wouldn't want to hold her wrong or something. I'm really not good with littles, of any age." Myrine's eyes light up. "Could I? I'd be really careful. I held my sisters too and I was much littler then." She pushes her chair back and asks, "Shall I sit here or somehwere else? Where would you like to eat?" Lanryi smiles over at Laidan, "If you change your mind your always welcome to." With that she nods to Myrine, "Yeah, you can just sit here and hold her while I get my food." she says holding Lanisa out to the candidate. Laidan decides to eat a bit more, sitting back down and still peering at the baby. "She does look a lot like I'sai." Myrine takes Lanisa very carefully, then holds her with the baby's head resting on her arm, and smiles down at her. "Hello, I'm Myrine, I live here too, same as you." Lanryi smiles, "Just watch her head." she says heading over to the serving tables when a Healer peeks into the caverns and points accusingly at Lanryi, "What are you doing out here? You're supposed to be in the infirmary!" Lanryi rolls her eyes and slumps her shoulders a little as she walks back to take her baby and head back to the infirmary. Laidan looks after Lanryi with wide eyes.. "If that's what having a baby's like, I'm not sure I want one ever.." Myrine looks disappointed as the baby is taken from her, but shrugs and grins at Laidan, "She won't have to stay there always, my ma was doing things again really soon after Tella was born. Babies are cute though, so long as they're not yelling." Laidan looks unconvinced, but fills that gap with another large bite of wherry that requires chewing and swallowing. Myrine grins at Laidan, then after munching one of her meatrolls comments, "I'm quite happy if you don't like littles, if it means you'll swap the nannying with me." Laidan finishes her bite and grins. "Definitely. I'll take breaking stone any day.. I don't have to worry about if it's fragile." Myrine starts laughing, then coughs and covers her mouth, and manages to finish her meatroll before grinning again. "Don't think the mothers would be happy if you started putting babies in the sacks instead of 'stone. And the dragons might be pretty confused too." Laidan laughs at that mental image. "Don't worry. I won't do that.. but the dragons do seem pretty confused a lot already when it comes to kids." Myrine looks at Laidan curiously. "They are? How do you mean?" Laidan grins. "Well, my mom's a green rider, so I got first hand experience. Gruneth wanted to help her raise me in every way, so she'd show up sometimes with a little of her kills or try to teach me how to dive like she can. Mom used to just suddenly pause in the middle of something when I was being difficult and burst out laughing, so I guess she got a lot stranger advice, too." Myrine makes a face, "Her kills? Ew!" She looks at Laidan oddly, "Didn't you mind?" She then grins and nods, "I've seen the riders talking with their dragons, it's like there's someone I can't see or hear but they can." She pauses, then giggles, "Suppose that's what it is though." Laidan nods. "I got used to it. I mean, it's not weirder than having an imaginary friend when you're a little. It's just that the dragons talk back. You have to put in both halves of the conversation with an imaginary friend." Myrine starts laughing again, "Dragons are kind of too big to be invisible. Imagine having an invisiable friend that had to destroy every door they went through to have enough room and squshed your cot when they sat on it with you!" Laidan joins Myrine in laughing. "Yeah.. it'd give anyone else fits!" Kichevio walks here from the Inner Cavern. Kichevio has arrived. Myrine keeps laughing, "Look out, that's my.. oh sorry, are you ok?" she calls, with appropriate dramatic guestures. Kichevio ambles in. "Lunchtime at last, thank Faranth...oh dear, what'd you do, Myrine?" she teases. Laidan dissolves into giggles. Laidan waves to Kichevio, giggling away, and attempts to stop them with a piece of pie. Myrine looks up, "Huh?" then starts blushing, "Oh, nothing, um, uh well we just saying what it would be like to have an invisible friend who was a dragon." Her blush deepens further. Kichevio thinks that one over as she piles a plate with food. "Could be fun. When you rode him, everyone else would think you were flying on your own." Myrine's blush lightens as she starts laughing again, "I didn't even think of that! I could get him to jump on firestone for me so I wouldn't have to use the mallet to crush it too." Laidan grins. "Now -that-'s something I'd want to see!" "You wouldn't," Kichevio quips. "He's invisible, remember?" Myrine laughs even more, holding her arms across her stomach. "Imagine when he went hunting herdbeasts!" Kichevio gives in to the giggles herself. "Herdbeasts just--vanishing--bite by bite!" Laidan mimes a whole bunch of scattering herdbeasts with her hands, then one rising up with a bleat of surprise. You say "The poor things wouldn't know what's got them!" Myrine's laughing turns into giggles, "And if he was lying in front of the living cavern." She makes walking forward, then stopping suddenly motions with her hands. Kichevio nods, trying her hardest to keep a sober face. "If it snowed, and he was curled up sleeping in the Bowl, he'd be kind-of visible... You say "Picture him in the steam baths.. taking up alll that water." Myrine grins at Kichevio's comment then giggles again at Laidan's. "All the water would suddenly spill out and there'd be a dragon-sized no-water place in the middle." Kichevio says "How would we wash him? There'd be no way to tell when he was clean."" You say "Sure there would be.. the dirt would show up, floating in the air." Myrine nods firmly, "Yes there would cos the dirt would be visible." She grins at Laidan says the same thing at the same time. "It'd be easier than a normal dragon, easy to see." Myrine walks towards the inner cavern. Myrine has left. Laidan works on finishing her food through her giggles. Kichevio waves good-bye to Myrine, and finally decides that she can now eat without being in danger of snorting anything out her nose. "So how did you two get to discussing--ah--Invisibilith?" she inquires with a grin. Laidan grins. "Well, first we were talking about littles and raising them, then I told her about mom when she'd laugh at something Gruneth had said, and so we got talking about people you can't see.. and well, then we thought of dragons you can't see." Kichevio chuckles. "Picture the Hatching--you just stand there, and then suddenly you're Impressed and didn't even know it was coming." Laidan bursts out giggling again. GAME: Saving to disk. Will resume shortly. GAME: Save complete. Resuming. "Would an invisible dragon have a color?" Kichevio muses. "And what would participating in a flight be like? If she were female, the males couldn't see to chase her." Laidan grins. "They'd have to guess.. imagine a bunch of bronzes flying around in circles, trying to figure out where she was. And she would have a color, too, you just wouldn't be able to see it." Kichevio says "The first one to collide with her would win." Laidan grins and nods. "Just imagine the look on all the riders' faces while it was going on.. they'd all look so puzzled.." she makes a confused face. Kichevio giggles again--it seems to be contagious. "They wouldn't know whether to go to a guest weyr or stand out watching the sky." Laidan nods. "Would she lay invisible eggs, too?" Kichevio laughs. "Who knows? Maybe if a visible dragon caught her, she'd lay visible eggs. Or maybe half the clutch would be visible, and half invisible..." Laidan grins. "The poor Search dragons.. wouldn't know how many to go sniffing for." Kichevio shrugs, sipping her juice. "The invisible queen would probably tell them." Laidan nods. "They always know.. but when they hatched, you'd have a whole lot of Invisible dragons. It'd be a whole wing." Kichevio tries to picture that. "The sky empty except for falling Thread--and then the fire would just appear out of nowhere!" Laidan grins and nods. "And you could see the thread burn up in great big wing-shaped areas as they moved around.." Kichevio laughs again at that, but shakes her head. "I think I'd rather have a visible dragon. Life would be a bit less complicated." She tilts her head at Laidan, idly curious. "What color do you want most?" Laidan hmms.. "You know, I hadn't really thought about that.. I wouldn't really want a green, like mom. Gruneth's so nosy at times, and mom gets really, really touchy when she gets proddy. I guess I wouldn't want to have all the responsibility you get with a gold, either." Laidan grins. "And I can't have a bronze." Kichevio makes a face. "Ah, who'd want a bronze? All that ego. Let the boys have 'em." The face dissolves into a smile. "I dunno...a green might be fun. Sielth--Aisling's green--is so sweet." Laidan shrugs. "I guess growing up around one all my life doesn't help my attitude. I suppose it'd be different if I Impressed one, but I think it'd be more fun with a blue or a brown. Browns are so big and solid, and blues are so much fun to watch. Except Aunt Schmitt's.. he's the grumpy type." Kichevio's eyebrows go straight up. "Schmitt? As in Kazeth's rider at Igen? She's your _aunt_?" Laidan nods. "Mom's her older sister." Kichevio smiles rather crookedly. "It was Kazeth who Searched me for Igen's clutch last summer. I'm not sure I've forgiven him for that. He _is_ a grumpy sort, I agree." Laidan nods. "I stayed with her and Macami for a few sevendays a couple of Turns ago. Her duck's even more fun to be around. Doom steals socks." There go those eyebrows again. "I never met the duck, although I heard tales." Laidan grins. "I was there when Doom had a whole -pile- of socks.. wouldn't let anyone go near them, either." Kichevio shrugs again, slightly confused. "What would a duck need socks for, I wonder?" Kichevio has disconnected. Kichevio has connected. Kichevio is still musing on the mystery of socks. "I'd guess he might need them if his feet were cold--but that's Igen, so that wouldn't make sense." Laidan shrugs. "Nobody knows.. but Doom collects them." Kichevio says "Does he have a little sock-nest in the corner of their weyr?" You say "More like a sock -mound-." Kichevio snickers. "So long as he doesn't lay eggs in it...but he wouldn't; he's a boy-duck..." Laidan nods. "Yeah.. so nobody knows why he has them." Kichevio giggles yet again. "The weyr of Doom, indeed. Doom and his socks." Laidan nods. "And pies, too... Kazeth likes them, for some reason." Kichevio glances down at the half-eaten bubbly on her plate. "He has good taste in that, at least." Laidan nods. "I've never heard of a dragon liking them, before that, though." She finishes her half-forgotten piece of pie. Kichevio shrugs. "Well, if any dragon is odd enough to start liking human food, Kazeth would be the one." Laidan nods, swallowing. "That's true.." Greylin walks here from the Inner Cavern. Greylin has arrived. Laidan goes back to finishing her wherry. Greylin comes out of the inner caverns, looking freshly-washed and all stretchy. "Hey," she greets wearily. Kichevio is mostly through with lunch, but clearly dawdling over it for reasons involving chore-avoidance. "Hey Greylin. Grab some food while you have a free moment." Laidan waves. "We were talking about the different color dragons.. what kind would you want?" Greylin grins, "And while I'm clean, too," she comments, helping herself to her usual runner's portion of munchies. "Before I go back and finish my chore... the only one I've found so far that I really wouldn't care to do again as long as I live..." "And which one would that be?" Kichevio inquires. "Latrine duty?" Tarlo comes in, hair finally starting to dry, with tendrils curling out of her otherwise tight braid. Kichevio looks up from her plate--ah, lunch--and smiles at Tarlo. "Pull up a chair and escape from chores." Laidan nods, finishing wherry and going back for more. Tarlo does flop into a chair. "I don't suppose anyone would help me plot something awful to do to Kyris? Nah, it would only get me in trouble." Laidan grins. "What level of awful?" Kichevio brightens a magnitude or two. "Tell me what he did, and I'll decide the appropriate level of evilness." Tarlo says "Oh, well you know. He thinks he's so smart. And he noses in on other people's business, demanding to know why Greylin was sleeping in her cot in the middle of the day. And he's horrendously obnoxious, too." Laidan ohs. "Just obnoxious? Hmm.. I could get some snakes.." Greylin wrinkles her nose. "It's not right to 'get' people simply for having an attitude you don't like." Kichevio says brightly, "How 'bout I sew him into his sheets? That'll teach him to rag on Greylin for sleeping late." Tarlo says "I was thinking of sewing his underthings shut, myself." Tarlo looks over. "Oh, come on Greylin. He's such a smarty trousers." Laidan giggles, picturing Kyris trying to get into them. You say "You could let his sheets air over the manure pile in the beasthold.." You say "You could get a firelizard to follow him around glaring at him all the time.. that can get creepy, if they're mean looking enough." From Laidan's shoulder, Hielo chirps sleepily at Laidan's comment. "Or," Kich muses, expanding on her initial idea, "I could sew him _to_ his sheets. He'd be unable to get out of bed. Then we can get a fire-lizard to glare at him." Laidan hmms, ticking off ideas on her fingers, "Dye his hair while he sleeps, dead snakes in his bed, live snake -under- the bed, that's a good one, Kich.." Tarlo looks at the pair. "You two are positively dangerous." Laidan blinks innocently at Tarlo. "What?" Kichevio tries to defend herself, but the twinkle in her eye doesn't help. "Hey, getting sewn into your sheets never hurt anyone. And _I_ have no intention of messing with snakes, live or dead." Greylin shakes her head and watches the others with some amusement. "You know... they don't take kindly to pranks around here." Laidan keeps up the innocent look. "Pranks? Would I do things like that?" Of course, anyone who's heard -her- reputation around here when she was younger.. Kichevio waves a hand dismissively. "As long as it doesn't actually _hurt_ him, there's no harm." You say "Everyone's sheets can use a good airing, anyway." Tarlo has disconnected. Terrel walks in from the bowl. Terrel has arrived. Greylin shakes her head. "Would /you/ want someone to do that to you?" Terrel shambles in from the bowl, fingers, as usual, stuffed in the back of his belt. His flit sits with surprising placidity on his shoulder, as if the young Smith's entire existance was simply to ferry him around. Laidan grins. "I'd just prank them back." Greylin lifts a hand to wave toward Terrel. "I wouldn't recommend pranking at all. If it gets out of hand, they might send people home..." Terrel waves a bit and wanders over as he spots someone he knows. "Hello... how goes things?" Greylin smiles. "It's going okay," she says to the smith. "How's it going at the crafthall?" Laidan finishes a bubbly. Terrel smiles, easily enough, "Oh, just fine, just fine. It's very interesting... everyone is very helpful." Greylin grins. "You fitting in there well and everything?" she asks. Laidan finishes up lunch.. she's dawdled far too long.. but she would like to stay and talk more. Maybe go look at the eggs before going back to chores.