All of these people rule...

LORAX - 01/26/00 20:30:16
My Email:[email protected]
Age: I don't remember
Sex: male
Political Party: Socialist
Religion: all
Sexual Orientation: straight
Plain or Crunch Berries?: Crunch Berries

I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees, for the trees have no tongues. The trees believe the Titans will win the Superbowl, Pat Buchanan is SAtan, and all mind-altering substances should be legal.

rebecca - 01/23/00 01:56:52
Age: 19
Sex: female
Political Party: blaaaa
Religion: christian
Sexual Orientation: only guys please
Plain or Crunch Berries?: ummm...

hey.. i was just going through random chat on icq and came across your name.. then happen to stumble into your webpage.. it's very funny.. and your 3d art is great. your webpage was really original compaired to most others. which just say.. hello.. my nam is fred. i like to party and eat and sleep.. bla bla bla.. boring stuff like that. anyway .. just thought that i would drop in and tell you.. :o) you did a great job.. how ever long ago you did it.. later.. becca.

PJ - 01/13/00 09:36:35
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 18
Sex: female
Sexual Orientation: straight

I kinda like your page , cause its like more psyched than other psychadelic pages I�ve been to. Well, enjoy your life / PJ

Tammy - 12/01/99 03:21:47
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 29
Sexual Orientation: straight
Plain or Crunch Berries?: plain

So this what the guy who took me to the prom turned into? I love it and miss you. Guess what? I'm only an hour away from you!

aussie - 11/29/99 22:33:17
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 14 and a half
Sex: female
Political Party: labor
Religion: christain
Sexual Orientation: vergain
Plain or Crunch Berries?: plain

hi i;m from australia and i wuold just like to say thank's for all the help.....

smiley - 11/16/99 08:11:56
My Email:smiley_stuff79@hotmail
Age: im 17 but some of my friends seem to think im somwhere between 5 and 40
Sex: i would like to think male,but somtimes im not for sure
Political Party: i dont vote, i dont like the idea of choosing the lesser of two evil forces
Religion: pagen
Sexual Orientation: it depends on who wants what
Plain or Crunch Berries?: im to poor to eat cap'n crunch but king vitamen is the shit

loved your page terrible thing to lay on someone with a head full of acid,...dontcha think the poems were great im a poet myself maybe ill e-mail ya some but you cant laugh

Jason - 11/10/99 22:55:23
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 17
Sex: male
Political Party: Democrat or Reform. U choose :)
Religion: Not really in to it....
Sexual Orientation: Girls rule!!
Plain or Crunch Berries?: crunch all the way

Dominant page dude! I'm just starting with 3D graphics, and I'm gonna go check out true Space now! Keep designing! jason

sodnbiskit - 08/16/99 13:00:23
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 27
Political Party: Mums Againsts Drunk Drives
Religion: Not Married
Sexual Orientation: This question is always awkward
Plain or Crunch Berries?: Squishy! yum

hi i live dont the street from you at labyrinth/9628, i saw your sign saying youd done something new so i thought id check it out :) cya

Ray again - 07/21/99 03:58:23
My Email:[email protected]
Plain or Crunch Berries?: Crunch I suppose ;p

Ahh fuck.. people other than you read these eh? Now that I've left a seriously repetatively lame "signature" in your wicked Guestbook for all to laugh at.. I'll be on my way ;) Gotta actually check out your page someday anyways right? lol I'll stick with mailin' ya or somethin' so as not to embarrass either of us. ;) See ya 'round Ash.

Ray, Ray Ray, Don Ray, Nizzm Jizzm, etc etc - 07/21/99 03:20:54
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 20 (Damnit! 1 more year!)
Sex: Male, thank God
Political Party: Like I could give a fuck! ;-)
Religion: In question
Sexual Orientation: Hedero how ya spell it sexual...
Plain or Crunch Berries?: What, no Peanut Butter?

Ash, whoa, your page is lookin' sweet! I need to check in more often! ;-) I'm gonna make this short an' simple, wanna read your poems for some reason, curiosity I guess, struck a cord of interest back in my brain somewhere, an' now I gotta read em. Wanna heck out that TrueSpace section.. see what that's all 'bout. Anyways.. how's it goin'? If I come down sometime will you an' Matt have anythin' to "enlighten my horizens" so to speak, I'm FREAKIN' BORED!! ;( Ya talked to Cheyenne lately? I haven't heard rom them in a while, was just wonderin' how my brother an' Chey were doin' now that they're *finally* back together startin' a life an' all that stuff. Well, I'm slightly inebreated an' can't think straight, just type flawlessly. ;p Wehhhll.. I'm gonna check out your page 'ntil I get sick or konk out on the keyboard, can't hurl on the keyboard though, not mine heh. So, without further needless ramblin' I'll click on the damn "I'm Done!" button an' spare your hypothalamus the work it takes to pump ut the hormones needed by your eyes to interpret the colors of the pixels of your monitor.. or somethin'.. see ya 'round Ash ;)

Lauren - 07/15/99 01:33:28
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 15
Sex: female
Political Party: walla
Religion: hintink

I first saw you had signed my guestbook, so I figured hey-I'll go check out his page! :) And so here I am! :) Cool page...just one comment, and please don't think I'm being mean or anything, I'm just trying to help you as I hope someone would do with my p ge...but all the pics that you have on your front page really slow my computer maybe think a/b having text links instead of pictures for ppl with dumbass computers like me. :) Aiight, I guess that's it for me! :) Bubye! :) -LG

Morgana - 07/07/99 14:32:12
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Political Party: crack
Religion: nondenominational
Sexual Orientation: ain't no telling
Plain or Crunch Berries?: Crunch of course

Wassup? Your website was all good. I will visit again... oh yes.

Spijder - 06/20/99 23:56:49
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 28
Sex: female
Political Party: none
Religion: Pagan
Sexual Orientation: bi
Plain or Crunch Berries?: neither

Very kewl page! I had a blast browsing through your links! Visit my site for original poetry, art, stories and more! Join one of the mailing lists, voice yourself in the discussion boards and add your site to the free 4 all links

dad - 06/19/99 11:01:02
My Email:[email protected]

Groovy Ash, i just printed out some of your stuff to show grandma today. We're going down to pick up the old car, and see her new one. She said she got another Chevy. You'll no doubt be reading this today cause you got your puter back, right? Love Dad ps see you at seven on sunday

jerrol davis - 06/16/99 10:47:50
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 53
Political Party: none
Religion: musician
Sexual Orientation: old person
Plain or Crunch Berries?: both

Dear Ashley, I've just spent the last hour perusing your very impressive home page. I just wish Grandma could see. I'll print some of it out here and take it with me this week end. The poems, comments, drawings, and photos are really something. I was ighly entertained, engaged, and amused. See you at lunch Thursday. Love, Dad

cary - 06/15/99 19:47:48
My Email:[email protected]

hi, i was reading about making homemade lsd and i had a few questions about the directions.. where do you buy petroleum ether? i know ether is in car starting fluid, but is that the right kind? if so what brand(s) would you reccomend? what kind of "tight screen" should be used? where do you get one? you use the term 100 cc. or whatever, how much is a cc? when you say wood alcohol do you mean 190 proof grain alcohol? or if not what do you mean? the yellow gum that remains, can this be mixed with water and put onto paper? or is there anything you can do with it other than putting it in capsules? sorry for all the questions i just dont want to make it wrong and have it do some crazy shit or something, thanks alot.

connie davis - 06/03/99 21:28:58
My Email:[email protected]
Age: none of your business
Sex: yes
Political Party: hang-over after
Religion: spiritual
Sexual Orientation: i'm still oriented
Plain or Crunch Berries?: crunch

Cool! I like your new opener. The California bit was neat! Great pics. Keep up the good work. I see great potential in your graphic and literary abilities. Good Luck!

Freaktower - 05/26/99 17:38:33
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 19
Sex: yes, I mean female
Political Party: Democrat, Republicans must die!!
Religion: Agnostic (I was born Catholic)
Sexual Orientation: I like penises!
Plain or Crunch Berries?: Crunch Berries

My gosh, your site is too cool for words. I enjoyed my visit!

The Chemist - 03/15/99 06:16:13
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 20.2
Sex: I got a cock
Political Party: Anarchist
Religion: Wiccan
Sexual Orientation: Tri-sexual
Plain or Crunch Berries?: Waffles

If you or anyone else tries to make acid from that bullshit you pulled out of the anarchist cookbook, expect a slow and painfull death. It was placed there in the 70's by the FBI to kill idiots dumb enough to try and make thier own lsd, If you want a real recipe, visit the drug lycium or contact me. Though the procedures are difficult and in most cases require at least 4 years of college chemistry. The ingredients are also watched by the government so if you use a credit card you're jail bait. Well other than that tidbit of lethal information, this is a great site.

Mooncheese - 03/15/99 05:47:41
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 1092
Sex: not sure
Political Party: republican
Religion: contemplating
Sexual Orientation: the dead
Plain or Crunch Berries?: crunch berries

Neat site.

Dhari Blythestone - 03/05/99 09:20:11
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 187
Sex: Female
Political Party: I never discuss religion, and politics.
Sexual Orientation: What loaded questions you ask...
Plain or Crunch Berries?: I like nothing...plain

I love your site...particularly enjoyed the poem written by the Ouija board entitled Silent Repose. Dhari B.

crappazappa - 02/10/99 19:52:55
My Email:whats that?
Age: 42 units
Sex: unitarian
Political Party: agrarian nomadics
Religion: self-employed
Sexual Orientation: starts with an "h"
Plain or Crunch Berries?: barry manilouse

Hey who authorized you to change the name of your website to Protonilust? Your'e licky I find it, Mr Hambone who tells secrets to prominent figures of matriarchal status. Well, I guess you do not have to sweat it - myself loves you all the same. Anyhew, I have smore word concoctions itching themselves to be demented in your brain. Please respond electrically to matriarchal communication center.

crusty butt picker - 01/21/99 12:01:09
My Email:[email protected]
Age: long live bunghole
Sex: yes
Political Party: no
Religion: sometimes
Sexual Orientation: not really
Plain or Crunch Berries?: im a beef girl actually

Ashley is my hero, i wanna do you baby!!!!! crusty chunkies 4 life!!! - 11/12/98 16:15:05
My URL:http://try again
My Email:yea whatever
Age: guess
Sex: see age
Political Party: Anarchy
Religion: Pegan
Sexual Orientation: umm...ok
Plain or Crunch Berries?: toast

Your page sux along with all your entreis and I think you are a fudge packen peter puffer for liking Pearl Jam. They sux but then again so do you WHITE PRIDE WORLD WIDE MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!

BLow ME - 11/12/98 16:09:25
My Email:good question
Age: between 1 and 20
Sex: what do you want it to be
Political Party: Asshole
Religion: Antichrist
Sexual Orientation: Homo
Plain or Crunch Berries?: Frosted Flakes

your page is a waste of time and effort.Dont bother updating it becuase it sux ass anyway

scott duncan - 11/07/98 15:35:46
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 19
Sex: male
Political Party: who gives a fuck
Religion: none
Plain or Crunch Berries?: crunch berries!!!!


10/15/98 10:51:21
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Cool page Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook

Tangerinedreem - 09/30/98 09:56:10
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 109
Sex: less & less
Political Party: u jest!
Religion: What for?
Sexual Orientation: Whatever is handy
Plain or Crunch Berries?: Little of both

Liked ur graphics. The grenade was too much, made me wish Viet Nam never ended. Nice site, keep going. Best always

Cindy - 09/23/98 07:31:02
My Email:[email protected]
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Jennifer Ramos - 09/02/98 22:55:27
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 21
Sex: Female
Political Party: liberal
Religion: nondenominational
Sexual Orientation: love men
Plain or Crunch Berries?: crunch berries

great life to the fullest and you will never be sad.........

Doug (poppy) - 08/27/98 18:49:41
My Email:@Leaderoftheworld.cum
Age: 14
Sex: Please
Political Party: No
Religion: None
Sexual Orientation: Please
Plain or Crunch Berries?: Peanut butter

ThE SeRvEy FoR tHe SiCk AnD tWiStEd RoCkS POOP IS COOL!!! Don't touch my butt.

Rudy R. - 08/19/98 03:35:36
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Political Party: Could give a rats ass
Religion: still waiting 4 all the evidence!
Sexual Orientation: Noneya
Plain or Crunch Berries?: CRUNCH BABY!!

Cool page....if anyone who reads this has tried the homemade LSD recipe please let me know how it was!! Thanks

Darlin - 08/09/98 07:50:39
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 27 CHECK out my NEW Email!!
Sex: Definately One Prime Chica... Hot Baby Hot!!!
Political Party: Really any Party is Decent .. except the Political Ones...
Religion: Darlinism... check out my page.. it's my Way or the HighWay!
Sexual Orientation: I'm available for Tutoring The Third wednesday of the month for Men and Bi-Sexual Women ... I can help anyone with Sexual Orientation... cause I'm the Master... :o)
Plain or Crunch Berries?: Depends on how it goes Down!

LoL ... I see My Sexy Friend Stopped by .. via my link...haha..I think his greatest fear is to as WHY I am so facinated by you .. it it's because I admire the "Criminal Mind" of Sorts.. this in no way why I love *HIM* so much.. however it is Why I find yo so facinating Ash.!

Darlin - 08/09/98 07:40:24
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 27
Sex: Definately One Prime Chica... Hot Baby Hot!!!
Political Party: Now we're cookin with Oil baby.. Hot baby Hot .. hot... Who cares?
Religion: Darlinism... check out my page.. it's my Way or the HighWay!
Sexual Orientation: I'm available for Tutoring The Third wednesday of the month for Men and Bi-Sexual Women
Plain or Crunch Berries?: Cherry Flavored

Hey Sexy Ash... You know I'd stop back by ... I hope ya had a moment to read my autobiograpy thingy under Darlin Vs. MsTiffany.. That's what you Inspired on my Homepage...Mostly because I wanted to read MORE about you.... but it stopped... maybe cause you thought it was thupit... but it's not... I'm moving to Kentucky!!!! WoOhoOo
Maybe I'll see ya around eh.. it's not too far .. My New Email is: [email protected]
If ya remember I told you I had Hoped to move.. Well I quit my Job and I'm going... crazy cause I have no home and no money except the last pay check. . Life Hard or Why bother living?? I can't ever be Beat because I've nothing to Lose!
As Always...

Josh Jones once again - 08/05/98 21:03:15
My Email:Still the same.
Religion: Pink floyd
Sexual Orientation: Can't be arsed. As they say.

Its me once again. I have visited the various sections of your page and decided that you are quite definitely in fact a lot more twisted than I initially gave you credit for. Congrats!


Josh Jones - 08/05/98 20:17:20
My Email:[email protected]
Sex: Male
Political Party: Either, or.
Religion: Crunch.
Sexual Orientation: Plain.
Plain or Crunch Berries?: Tulips, please.

I have been captured and transported here by foul means of something which I am lead to believe is known as a "hyperlink" from my good friend Darlin's page. I find you rather fabulously minced about the brain regions in a rather charmingly similar way to y good self. Therefore I have decided with the Grace of the Gods to permit you the joy of a guestbook entry.
This, however, has proven to be something of a non-starter as I have yet to read much of the page... Perhaps when I have done so, I will return.

Or perhaps not.

Darlin - 07/17/98 08:42:44
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 27 baby !
Sex: One Intense Chica
Political Party: all for political power~~ John Cougar... "Jackie-O" ??? hell I dunno
Religion: Darlinism... My way or the Highway... Jesus is my Friend ... Thank God!
Sexual Orientation: I teach Sexual Orientation on every Wednesday of Every Month
Plain or Crunch Berries?: Stove Top or Potatoes? >> you first!

I do believe you are rather facinating. Call me bold, or saucy.. but .. you wouldn't know unless I toldja.. so I tell ya .. I've nothin to lewze! I Really LIKE that Grenade/Feather pic. so very Intense it's rather sick and I'm questioning my own stabili y... altho that's often questioned .. but better to show feelings than live some fake existance eh? What if I go through and write this Huge long book and then when i get finished I click.. Start over instead of I'm done????? would then everything I've sa d be sucked into some black hole for only the serious web guru to find??? or ... what if I click I'm done and really I'm not done ... that's like some sort of False closure... in Fact .. here I am writing and I'm seeing these two buttons and I wonder if i 's like pushin me to "hurry" and finish??? hmm... or I could be simply paranoid ... that's a pretty easy assumption. Are you suggesting I'm paranoid?? Wait Just a minute.. what If you purposely put these buttons up to make me think I'm paranoid as some so t of psychological test... like Plain or Crunch berries/? Oh See I see how it is... Wait!! what if this was just how it comes and I'm really reading into this and I've just exposed a part of myself or my "Super Ego" ohmygoodness.. Is it my "id" or just my "ego" ... Ever been able to fully relate to someone you've never met in real life before?? SEE ONLINE IS NOT FAKE! ... Real people real emotions real connections.. unless it's a bot.... or someone's a liar... or you have a sheity ISP.. okay I shall now b ing this chapter to a close... I don't edit so if there's spellin mistakes it's because I'm simply a genus and too bad if you cannot understand me. I LIKE this PAGE it gets a LINK on Darlin's Guide to Trespassin Jeeze... I acutally almost clicked Start over .. Man I would have been pissed .. lol .. Careful now .. "I'm Done!" As Always.. Darlin

Phantom_blade_II - 07/05/98 04:24:39
My Email:visit my page and find out yourself if your interested....
Age: over 18
Political Party: one of those bleeding heart liberals people warn you about....
Sexual Orientation: VERY Straight!
Plain or Crunch Berries?: Both...just not the peanut butter crunch!

I came...I saw....I left... another random webpage vist......but hey....thats the beauty of the PC.....always something new to investigate.....

Kara Townsend - 07/02/98 07:34:47
My Email:[email protected]

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

Pestamystic - 06/26/98 06:08:50
My Email:Pestamystic
Age: 13
Sex: male
Political Party: Politics is corupt
Religion: none
Sexual Orientation: Whu??
Plain or Crunch Berries?: UHH??

Cool page But put tour title at the very top

Nelly - 06/19/98 03:19:14
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 13
Sex: Female
Political Party: Republican
Religion: Christian
Plain or Crunch Berries?: Crunch Berries

cool website!!!!

Chase - 06/18/98 09:46:54
Sexual Orientation: your mother

your site is a miserable piece of shit!!! love the open gaping fucking space you stupid twat! Don't go dicking around the net talking smack when no one asked for your shit! You do your worthless shit here and I'll do mine over there!

MY REPLY: It's amusing when a gutless turd like this talks shit but is too scared to leave his e-mail address.

Sam Gossoo - 06/17/98 18:49:11
My Email:[email protected]

I got this a loooong time ago from Melissa. Just found it and wanted to say Hey! I've tried to call Matt, but have never gotten through. Keep in touch, Sam

Julia (aka angel eyes) - 06/15/98 20:10:59
My Email:[email protected]
Age: Wait, I don't get it....are we supposed to add all our ages from lives together? Or is this just our current statis...I'm afriad your going to have to be more sp cific...
Sex: Often....ACK, why am I telling you this....did you mean gender? Ooh, ooh, I see how it is. I'm female.
Political Party: Green
Religion: Athiest
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Plain or Crunch Berries?: Crunch Berries, why live life in the dark?

Hmm...while signing my guestbook you sent me a message, you sent me some telepathic message, I am afraid that my call waiting interfeared...would you mind trying again?*lol*

Ms Holly - 06/14/98 07:17:04
My Email:[email protected]
Age: oh probably a million today
Sex: none lately
Political Party: well whatever works when I go there
Religion: depends on which church is the least judgemental this week and has service after 10 on sunday other wise it is to early for me
Sexual Orientation: uh explain this to me never understood sex much for me but my exs seemed to well enough to bore me terribly
Plain or Crunch Berries?: Vegan

I like your flourescent sign my guest book..if you run into any really neat kids sites please email me those others were inappropriate in my book...or if you run into some really cool art sites tell me ok? I think you can say more about yourself that is nteresting...first off what is a metal polisher...I am suffering from probably gulf war syndrome and almost died this last week...and am surprised to be here at why not share with us who can go no where and do nothing a little bit about life on t e outside...I cannot even work right now...all I have now is the internet...and at one time I was afraid to leave the house for fear of catching a cold...I contracted whatever accidentally...some say it is Ebola..some say they do not know...I think it is omething like C. neoformans...I don't know...but I am lucky to be alive still...I think I am getting better but I am terribly one time I could not walk and barely can walk and talk and can do things I can only hope some ay I can do again...I did construction clean up and stuff like that all through college so this is a real blow to me... What is metal polishing and what is it applied it art...and if so how did you get into the internet? There are alot of lessons on HTML would you like to learn what I have learned? You seem to be doing ok to you know more than just a littl ...

Rain - 06/13/98 20:03:55
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 17
Sex: female
Political Party: republican
Religion: Christian
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Plain or Crunch Berries?: Never tried either! *L*

This is a nifty page! (I'm surprised I read that whole "me" page...I must be really bored!!) No, seriously...just by reading that I get the feeling you're a really nifty person. Very interesting. Anyway, just wanted to say I liked your page! Keep up he good work! Sayonara!! :)

Want to see a little more of what is really closer to the truth go here dear - 06/08/98 05:07:51
My URL:,
My Email:none
Age: millenium
Sex: asexual sadly none
Political Party: none
Religion: none
Sexual Orientation: none
Plain or Crunch Berries?: vegan

Geocities has been so wonderful as to allow me to have this free web page and not delete me for being different...why not suck up to those who are good to are doing ok on your pages... And I saw the blood as the parasites ooozed out of my piece of expensive meat at that wonderful restaurant by the ocean...I sent it back three times to have it return rare...after that I quit eating meat for ever....except when they mess up my order at Ta o bell...they don't put much meat in their meat stuff so it is difficult to find it a little chewier than beans though...

blackstar - 06/07/98 21:21:36
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 15
Sex: femail
Political Party: liberterian
Religion: not sure at the moment.
Sexual Orientation: straight
Plain or Crunch Berries?: plain

hello. your page is most wonderful. bye!

Russ - 06/06/98 22:55:08
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 49
Political Party: Captain Crunch
Religion: straight
Sexual Orientation: independent
Plain or Crunch Berries?: 49 Buick Roadmaster

Good job...enjoyed it.

josmen - 06/06/98 21:12:50
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 14
Sex: Male
Political Party: I am with Han Solo and his party
Religion: Hey. I have the Force
Plain or Crunch Berries?: don't like either

Nice site.

Stuart Tenold (Deceased) - 06/06/98 06:25:13
My Email:[email protected]
Age: I don't like this question
Sex: Is that an offer?
Political Party: Kegger!
Religion: I'll take any god that doesn't hate me
Sexual Orientation: Straight as an arrow, long, not narrow
Plain or Crunch Berries?: Oh itz all about the Crunch Berries

You visited my page way back when and i saw you in my guest book so i decided to stop on by... interesting page... confused the bajeebers oughta me... i'm diggin that...

PurplePrincess - 06/06/98 05:05:15
Sex: Female
Political Party: Independent
Religion: Christian/Protestant
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Plain or Crunch Berries?: Who cares?

You have a nice site here. Keep up the good work!

Nanette - 06/01/98 02:42:19
Age: old
Sex: female - fully female
Political Party: politicians are over paid windbags
Religion: you tell me
Sexual Orientation: hetro in retro
Plain or Crunch Berries?: go wheaties!!!

insanity at it's best here huh? Pretty interesting questions here in your guestbook - are you working on your thesis of the mind? =o ) Some people amaze me - especially their thought process!!! Stay cool!

Mike - 05/31/98 16:51:57
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 16
Sex: male
Political Party: ANARCHY!!!!!
Religion: Seventh Day Adventist
Sexual Orientation: i like chicks
Plain or Crunch Berries?: neither, CHEERIOS

Cool site, I love interesting guestbook questions, yours was fun to fill out.

stone - 05/28/98 15:53:46

good work :)

phod (my "handle") - 05/26/98 17:07:20
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Political Party: DemocratE-ReplicanE
Religion: Atheist
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexuality
Plain or Crunch Berries?: lucky charms with wheaties mixed in. Crunch Berries hurt my gums.

Thanks for looking at my site. I am honored. Wouldn't it be cool if everyone got another head. There would be the same amount of bodies except that they would have too heads. There would be twice as many people without having to support twice as many bodies. Of course, the brains of the multiple- eaded bodies would require more nutrients and their body would not be able to support them. Eventually, every head would die and we would be left with nobody on the earth, just a bunch of two-headed corpses. Then there would just be animals and plants a d maybe some rocks. That would make a nice,peacefull world. Yes, I think it would be cool if we all had two heads. Just a thought.

Claire - 05/25/98 00:43:47
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 16
Political Party: uh
Religion: uh
Sexual Orientation: uh
Plain or Crunch Berries?: mmm

Hi! Bye Claire

Michael - 05/24/98 21:39:19
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 12
Sex: Male
Political Party: none
Religion: one you haven't heard of, I bet
Sexual Orientation: What???
Plain or Crunch Berries?: CRUNCH BERRIES KICK ASS!

Great page!

Connie Davis - 05/23/98 16:28:03
My Email:[email protected]
Age: none of your business
Sex: that's private
Political Party: where's the party?
Religion: yes
Sexual Orientation: I'm oriented
Plain or Crunch Berries?: crunch

Call your mother!!

carl - 05/22/98 20:01:38
My Email:[email protected]
Age: uggh....35
Sex: sure!
Political Party: politcal and party should not be used in the same sentance, and don't bogart that thing
Religion: yea right, none for me thanks
Sexual Orientation: hetro, usaully horizontal
Plain or Crunch Berries?: crunch of course

cool 'lil site ash, keep it up, or is that what she said to me????

The Star Trekker - 05/11/98 03:05:36
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 18
Sex: As often as possible!
Political Party: Party? Who's bringin' the booze?
Religion: Atheist!
Sexual Orientation: On the top!
Plain or Crunch Berries?: Crunch Berries, of course!

Thanks for signing my guest book! Just thought I'd return the favor. Your page is looking pretty cool so far. Keep it up!

JimmyBunny - 05/10/98 09:45:40
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 19
Sex: Not till marriage
Political Party: Those are boring
Religion: No thanx
Sexual Orientation: A little to the left
Plain or Crunch Berries?: Neither, chocolate frosted sugar bombs

Sehr interessant meine Dame. Vielleicht wirdst du bald ein Photo an der WWW haben? Hoffentlich, tchuess.

Chance - 05/06/98 02:00:00
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 29
Sex: Male
Political Party: Libertarian
Religion: Atheist
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Plain or Crunch Berries?: Crunch

Hey Ash, the DARK POEt section looks great. I am honored that you put them up. I shall submit more soon. Although they are just as dark as the poems by Les (which are excellent). Anyway, here's a question for the philosopher in you: Do you think time move forward because the universe is expanding but one day it will contract and time will move backwards and everything will repeat itself. Hmmmmm. Anyway, great site Ash. Bi

Debubbley - 05/06/98 01:26:56
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 17
Sex: Yes please. (male)
Political Party: Communist
Religion: Athiest
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Plain or Crunch Berries?: Crunch

Groovy site. Really like the guest book. *chuckle* Thanks for visiting me. Thought I'd return the favor. Wow, this thing could really get going. I am trying to avoid the word 'nice' since you took such an aversion to it. (If you don't believe me, go look at MY guest book, and see what he wrote.... wierd). Okay, nuff said. Later.

Chris - 05/05/98 00:37:43
Age: 34(old!)
Political Party: New Age Left Wing
Plain or Crunch Berries?: Always the Crunch!

Who the heck is Nuku Nuku? Just visiting a fellow HTML newbies site and glad to know I'm not alone! I'll be checking back to see the changes as you go. If you find yourself with a few minutes to kill drop by my site and pay me a visit, please. And thanks to Geocities ANYONE can hav there own web site, no matter how bad it is!

celina buttner - 04/26/98 19:22:57
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 27
Sex: female
Political Party: democrat
Religion: catholic
Sexual Orientation: straight
Plain or Crunch Berries?: crunch

This is more like a job application.

Anyawat - 04/03/98 20:30:18
My Email:[email protected]
Age: Either way i don't act it. So they say.
Sex: "Yes Please!" (Austin Powers.)
Political Party: I don't like parties..they bore me. Unless i know in advance there is gonna be a fight.
Religion: Losing mine..& fast!.
Sexual Orientation: Sounds like a class, which i signed up for last yr! winky, winky!
Plain or Crunch Berries?: Nufin' BUT Berries!

HI ASH! Good stuff you got here, you should be proud of yerself! i like the pics you drew, damn! yer good! All hail ASHLEY! now fer the shameless plug: WET WHALE A ZINE THAT GOTS LOTS OF GOOD STUFF IN IT. LIKE EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEWS & PICS... BJORK, P5, SLEEPER, SUEDE,, PEOPLE IN ENGLAND & NY LIKE it, SO THAT MEANS YOU WILL ALSO. um, EMAIL ME FOR INFO. ok then, thanks Ash for letting me plug ?), & congrats on the page, good show ole boy! See you soon! gotta go the Simpsons are on. :)

Schmennifer - 03/26/98 16:19:31
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 24
Sex: No comment
Political Party: Green
Religion: Not applicable
Sexual Orientation: Not applicable
Plain or Crunch Berries?: Plain, please.

Weird, weird, weird. And I'm not even done yet. Er, um...I don't really have anything to say, so I don't know why I'm signing the book before I've even read the entire page. Sorry. I just got too excited.

Jesse Lynch - 03/23/98 10:59:56
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 26
Sex: male
Political Party: none
Religion: none
Sexual Orientation: hetero
Plain or Crunch Berries?: CRUNCH

Tell Matt that Jesse and Shelly say Hi !!!

Melissa Davis - 03/23/98 10:21:33
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 26
Sex: Female
Political Party: Any reason to choose one?
Religion: how about ALL?
Sexual Orientation: Un-Sexed (lately anyway)
Plain or Crunch Berries?: Crunch Berries

Ash... the page looks great so far! I didn't realize that you were so into Mars. The stargazing is wonderful over here. There are no city lights and the sky is so clear. We have stargazing parties every few months, and some of coworkers have awesome, huge telescopes. We usually go out when there is no moon and often we can see Mars. The Milky Way is gorgeous here. I'll be checking for updates to the web page. Take care. Thinking of you all, Missy

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