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The man and horse (Herald and Companion) picture is called "A Wanderer and his Companion" and is by Andrea Baldwin. For more art like this go to Elfwood.
Ambersong's Vale

You are the Misty fan to venture into my realm.
Heyla, and welcome to my home-on-the net! I am Ambersong.

:And Danae!:

Oh, sorry, and that's Danae, my bondbird. She gets kind of impatient if she isn't noticed right away. It's all right, everyone sees you, fluffbrain. She's actually quite bright, but you'd never know it...


Oops, got too complicated for her again. Now where was I?

Oh, yes. This portion of my page is dedicated to the books of that oh-so-wonderful author, Mercedes Lackey, affectionately known by her fans as Misty.
Shut up, featherhead.

*sigh* Bondbirds, you gotta love 'em.

Anyway, enjoy your stay. Zhai'helleva!

Misty Quote of the Month

The "demons" vanished without a sound. Hulda then flung a wall of fire at her. Her confidence increased. This she could handle! Perhaps Hulda was not so formidable after all!

She countered it by absorbing it- and took another step toward the woman-

And then Hulda recognized her. "You! The Brat!"

"The Adept," she screamed back defiantly. "Your better, bitch!"

For some more of my favorite passages see: Mage Wars, Last Herald Mage, and Vows and Honor.

Think you know everything about Misty's books? Take my quiz and find out! I finally have the answer page up so you can actually check your answers now.

The Mage Wars

The Black Gryphon

This is the first book, chronologically, of all of the books in this world. It takes place during the Mage Wars. For many years now, the two strongest Adepts in the world, Urtho and Ma'ar, have been battling each other. This story takes place in the camp of Urtho, the Mage of Silence. Its main characters are Amberdrake, a kestra'chern (a sort of psychiatrist), and Skandranon, the Black Gryphon. It is mainly about the exploits of Skandranon towards the final days of the mage wars. In my opinion, this is a good book, but not one of the best in the series. I would give it a 6.5 on a scale of 1-10. I recommend it to anyone who is interested in the history of the Shin'a'in and the Tayledras.

The White Gryphon

This book takes place several years after the end of The Black Gryphon. The survivors of the Cataclysm have built a stronghold which they have called White Gryphon. However, one day, a delegation from the Haighlei Empire arrive and claim that White Gryphon is on the lands of the Black Kings. Skandranon and Amberdrake travel to the capital of King Shalaman to negotiate an agreement. However, when several outspoken opponents of the alliance are murdered, Skandranon and Amberdrake find themselves desperately trying to clear their name. This is my favorite book out of the Mage Wars series. I recommend it to anyone who loves Misty's books. On a scale of 1-10, it's a 7.5.

The Silver Gryphon

This book takes place a few years after the events in The White Gryphon. It involves Tadrith and Silverblade, the children of Skandranon and Amberdrake. After going through their training as Silvers, they are assigned to a remote outpost. However, while flying out to the outpost, all of the magic in their equipment is drained away. They find themselves alone, hurt, and on the run from invisible enemies. This is a good book, but I would only recommend it to someone who had enjoyed the first two books in this series. It's about a 6 on a scale of 1-10.

The Books of the Last Herald Mage

Magic's Pawn

This is the introduction of Vanyel. The oldest son of Lord Withen Ashkevron, Vanyel is a misfit. He is not interested in fighting, and his dream is to become a Bard. Since Vanyel is unwilling to cooperate with anyone in his home, he is sent to Haven to be fostered with his Aunt Savil, the Herald-Mage. He doesn't understand why he doesn't fit in with his family, so he shields himself in ice. Then he discovers Savil's apprentice Tylenddel, and everything falls into place. This book is very good. It is interesting to see Vanyel grow from an arrogant little bastard into someone who will eventually make something of himself. On a scale of 1-10, I would give this book a 9.

Magic's Promise

This story takes place about twelve years after the end of Magic's Pawn. Vanyel is now one of the most powerful Herald-Mages in Valdemar. On a visit to his home, Vanyel is called to a neighboring kingdom, where he finds the entire royal family dead with the exception of one prince who is newly-Chosen. When Prince Tashir is accused of murdering his family, Vanyel knows that here is someone out there who means no good for him or for Valdemar... This is a very good book. It is one of those that will keep the reader busy for hours. I give this book a 9.3 on my scale.

Magic's Price

This takes place about five ot six years after Magic's Promise. Things are starting to fall apart in Valdemar. King Randale is near death, and the Healers are powerless to deal with his disease. The Herald-Mages are dying at a rapid rate, and there are no new ones to replace them. Vanyel is the only one who can save Valdemar, but he knows that doing so could mean his death. This completes the stories of Vanyel. In these books he has gone from being a snotty little brat to the Herald-Mage that we all know and love. I was almost in tears at the end of this book, but I loved every minute of it. This gets a 9.5 on my scale.

Vows and Honor/Kerowyn's Tale

The Oathbound

This book is about two female mercenaries. Tarma is a Shin'a'in of the Tale'sedrin clan. Her clan has been wiped out by bandits and she has cried bloodfeud becoming Kal'enedral, or swordsworn. She has devoted her life to the Warrior aspect of the Goddess giving up all sexual identity. Kethry is a Master White Winds mage. She is she'enedra to Tarma, or oathsister. In essence, it is her who will repopulate Tale'sedrin. The book is about their journey to the Plains and then their quest for enough money and prestige to raise the Tale'sedrin banner. On a scale of 1-10, I would give this book an 8.

The Oathbreakers

This book takes place a few years after The Oathbound. Tarma and Kethry are officers in Idra's Sunhawks, a mercenary band. When Idra, the captain, goes to Rethwellan in order to help settle a family conflict and disappears, it is up to Tarma and Kethry to find her. This book gets about an 8.4 on my scale.


This is a compilation of all of the short stories that Misty published in the Sword and Sorceress anthologies. There are also two new stories. In one, Tarma, Jodi, and Beaker go to Forst Reach to tame the descendents of the infamous Stud. :-) The other is about Kethry's oldest daughter who goes with her mother and Tarma to rescue her best friends from a kidnapping. If you like Oathbound and Oathbreakers, and want to know about Tarma and Kethry without going through all of those anthologies, then you'll like this book. I gave it a 7.9.
Top Ten Surprises in Oathblood (no spoilers, it's okay)

By the Sword: Kerowyn's Tale

This is the story of Kerowyn, Kethry's granddaughter. When her father is killed and her brother wounded in a raid on her family's home, it is up to her to rescue her brother's fiancee (who is your stereotypical brainless female.) In order to do this, she goes to her grandmother for help, and receives Need. The book then describes Kerowyn's "adventures" in training with Tarma and in a mercenary troop. This is a very good book; I give it a 8.8 on my scale.

The Heralds of Valdemar

Arrows of the Queen

Talia is a young Holderkin girl who dreams of becoming a Herald. When her family forces her to marry against her will, she runs away and meets Rolan, the Queen's Own Companion. But as the Queen's Own Herald, she faces danger, conspiracy, and an extremely bratty little Heir who it is up to Talia to train. This is probably one of the best books that Misty has wriiten. I give it a 9.7.

Arrow's Flight

Talia has completed her student days at the Collegium and is ready for her internship. Her counselor is Kris, who is extremely handsome. Talia and Kris ride circuit, but unsettling rumors about Talia's gifts cause her shields to crumble. It is up to Talia, Kris, and their Companions to help Talia relearn how to lose her gift without killing herself and Kris in doing so. This is a great book with some suspense, adventure, and a little romance. I give it a 9.2.

Arrow's Fall

Talia has completed her internship and relearned the use of her Gift. Now she must take her rightful place on the council. But when King Alessandar of Hardorn proposes his son Ancar for Elspeth, Talia and Kris ride into Hardorn to check Ancar out. There, they find treachery and death. This is one of the saddest books in the whole series. I give it a 9.3.

The Mage Winds

Winds of Fate

Well, it's been a few years now since the end of Arrow's Fall and By the Sword. Elspeth is all grown up now and has her Whites, and Kerown, now Weaponsmaster, is teaching her self defense. Then one day an assassin makes his way to the heart of the palace and his target is Elspeth. The problem (besides the obvious)? He was put in place by magic. Obviously the barrier is not working as well as it has in the past. Somehow Elspeth manages to convince her mother and the Council that Valdemar needs mages and that she is the one to look for them. So she and Skif, accompanied by Need, head off to Rethwellan to contact Quenten, a White Winds Master and an old friend of Kerowyn's. Meanwhile, in k'Sheyna Vale, Darkwind is having problems. The leader of the scouts, he is still not able to get respect from his father because he gave up his mage powers. He knows that the Vale is sick and the Heartstone is broken, but the mages in the Vale are not inclined to do anything about it or seek help from other clans. He also knows that somewhere out there, there is a Blood-path adept who is trying to get control of the Vale. When Darkwind and Elspeth meet, it is up to them to try and stop it... This is a well-written book. The shifts in point of view are a bit disconcerting at first, but other than that, I was very satisfied. You get to find out more about Elspeth than was mentioned in Arrows and some fascinating new characters are introduced in Darkwind, Dawnfire, Nyara, Starblade, and the new villain, Falconsbane. It's about a 7.6 on a scale of 1-10.

Winds of Change

Elspeth had gone to the Tayledras lands seeking education in her newly found magic skills. Instead, she found herself involved in a conflict with a Blood-Path mage. After the defeat of Falconsbane, Elspeth and Skif are made into clansibs with k'Sheyna, and Elspeth begins learning magic. but Falconsbane was not destryoed, and wants revenge on k'Sheyna. Meanwhile, Skif searches the forest surrounding k'Sheyna Vale for Nyara. Elspeth and Darkwind, with the help of Firesong, a k'Treva Healing Adept, must repair the fractured Heartstone of k'Sheyna Vale before Falconsbane can attack! This was a better book the Winds of Fate, in my opinion. It did not contain the abrupt shifts in point of view, and it introduces Firesong, an amusing new character. On my scale, it is a 7.75 out of 10.

Winds of Fury

Elspeth and Skif are finally returning to Valdemar...with a few more people than they came with. Darkwind, Firesong, Nyara, and the gryphons are coming along to help the Valdemarans fight Ancar. For Ancar is preparing to attack again and this time he has Falconsbane under his control. And the new Herald-Mages might not be enough to stop him. So it's up to Elspeth and her friends to venture into Hardorn to save their land! Like the rest of this trilogy, the book was good but not spectacular. Still, it presents some interesting developments and is a good lead-in to the Storms trilogy, which in my opinion is stronger. I would give this book a 7.5.

The Mage Storms

Storm Warning

Karse and Valdemar had been enemies for centuries when King Ancar of Hardorn began his bloody reign. Circumstances convinced both leaders that an alliance might be a good idea. Karal is the secretary of Ulrich, the Karsite envoy and a priest of Vkandis. He is overwhelmed by Valdemar. An'desha is a Shin'a'in Adept, contradiction in terms that may seem. He foresees a disaster of epic proportions looming over the horizon. With the help of Karal and Firesong the three must delve into memories of an evil Adept who has been dead for centuries to find clues to the disaster. Meanwhile, the Eastern Empire has decided to add the troubled land of Hardorn to its realm, and Valdemar is uneasy. While not quite up to the quality of The Heralds of Valdemar or The Books of the Last Herald-Mage, this book provides a good read. However, if you have not read The Mage Winds yet, be warned. This book contains many spoilers. I give this a 7 on a scale of 1-10.

Storm Rising

Picking up where Storm Warning left off, this book continues to chronicle the attempts of the Mages and Artificers to stop the Mage Storms. It also introduces Solaris and brings the Empire into the attempts to end the Storms. This is a good followup to Storm Warning, but it is not a good stand-alone book because you have to have read the first book to really understand what is going on. I give this a 6.9.

Storm Breaking

This takes place in the ruins of Urtho's tower. The weapon that the group set off has only bought time. They must find the weapon that will cancel out the final blow. This book ties up a lot of loose ends such as Vanyel, Florian, and Need. It also touches on the growing romance between Karal and Natoli. Again, this is a good book, but it is not a stand-alone book. You really have to have read the others to understand what is going on. I give this book a 7.1.


This takes place a little after the end of Storm Breaking. It's about an orphan boy named Darian. His parents were lost in the Peligirs and no one really wants him, so he gets apprenticed to Justyn, the local mage and healer/herbalist. The only problem is that Darian doesn't want to be a mage which is what Justyn is trying to train him to be. He wants to be doing what his parents were doing: trapping strange Peligir animals for their hides. When Darian's village is attacked by barbarians, he finds himself alone until he meets up with the mysterious Hawkbrothers...This was an okay book, but like Misty's other collaborations, it falls short of such books as Arrows of the Queen or Magic's Price. However, if you're really into the world of Velgarth, you might enjoy it. I give it a 6 on a scale of 1-10.

Owlsight is out on hardback now, but I have not gotten hold of it yet. I've heard that it's good and that Firesong makes an appearance. I also heard that a third Owl book, Owlknight is scheduled to come out, but that hasn't been confirmed. I'll let you know when I get some more info!


Valdemar's Heartstone
Silver Shadow's Vale
Dawnmist's Vale
Adepts and Bards
Portal to Velgarth
Worlds of Mercedes Lackey
Realm Silveyrna
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