Julaina looks up anxiously at the others in the room. Coranda smiles encouragingly. Devin squeezes Julaina's ahnd tenderly. Julaina sniffles a little bit. Mathex rubs at his nose, then slides off the table. "All right, then. Devin, do you take Julaina here to be your wife? To annoy her, get her pregnant, put up with morning sickness, worry if she'll be all right when she's giving birth? Do you promise to stay by her side, even though she may drive you away with some rather extravagent threats to your manhood, through Flood, Fire, and Fall?" Julaina blinks. Devin nods, blinking somewhat, but nodding, "Yes sir, I most wholeheartedly do" Coranda desperately stiffles a giggle. Jaen unstraps her helmet as she steps into the great hall. Julaina snugs Devin with a smile. Devin smiles lightly. Coranda mutters to Jaen, "... Bitra,..." Anwyn has connected. Jaen watches the bustle in the hall, looking for a familiar face. Mathex turns his gaze from Devin to Julaina. "And you, Julaina, do you promise to marry and annoy Devin, to forgive him for his cold feet, stealing the covers, and getting crumbs from late-night snacks in which he doesn't bring you anything into the bed? Will you love him despite his aroma after work, put up with nine months of irritation and two days of agony in order to bear his children, and _not_ follow through on your threats to ensure that he can never put you in such a state again? Will you stay by _his_ side through Fog, Fire, and Fall?" Amberele has arrived. Amberele comes in the large eastern doors from the courtyard. Anwyn supresses a chuckle. Julaina says "Yes, I do." Devin wraps his arms about Julaina's waist. Julaina blinks and blushes. Coranda silently wonders if this is the Harper reformed version of wedding form. Jaen blinks and looks around, trying to figure out if she's just stumbled in to a real wedding, or a demented harper facsimile thereof. Coranda smiles at Jaen and quietly invites her to sit and watch the proceedings. Amberele smiles and is glad that the wedding had a happy ending Kalren climbs down the stairs from the second floor. Kalren has arrived. Mathex gestures at Devin. "Kiss your wife." Jaen nods uncertainly to the girl, eyeing the door. Julaina blinkblinks! Kalren looks around the Hall at all the unfamiliar people. Devin looks about, at all the people, but kisses Julaina passionately! Mathex grins almost viciously at Julaina. "You _did_ ask for the very short form..." Julaina responds passionately. Mathex gives a slow, quiet smile.... Kalren nods to the Harper, "Master Mathex." Jaen spies Kalren across the crowded hall and begins skirting the crowd to reach him. Allanon has arrived. Allanon comes in the large eastern doors from the courtyard. Kalren looks around the Hall and starts making his way towards Jaen. Anwyn sighs softly, and heads upstairs. Anwyn climbs up the stairs to the second floor. Anwyn has left. Mathex nods to Kalren, and smiles at the newly married couple. "Congrats. Good luck." Kalren smiles when he finally reaches Jaen, "Bitra's duty to Benden. How have you been Jaen?" Coranda gets up looking around her. "Would anyone care for anything to drink?" Mathex shakes his head slightly as the two continue with their kiss. "I'll note this in the records here," he tells them, "And then at the Harper Hall." He nods prefunctorally to the others, and steps briskly up into the network of hallways. Kalren mutters to Jaen, "Thank... Of... you... our... Who's coming..." Coranda smiles and adds, "In celebration of our newly married couple?"