Log edited with Logedit 2.6.9pl on Wed Jun 18 08:47:17 EDT 1997 Using configuration file /user/km/kms/.logeditrc Editing out: Logged by Opa Extraneous knot chatter removed Word-wrapping at 75, 0, 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Nalaya moves in from the inner courtyard. Nalaya steps in, small bag clutched in both hands in front of her. She smiles as she spots the people already assembled and smooths her hair with one hand. "Evening, everyone." Opa enters with a stifled yawn as she smiles around and makes her way over to her seat. Flail looks up from his mug of juice as important weavers enter the hall, he scrunchs into his seat, giving a brief nod to them as they slowly file into the hall, mummuring what sounds to be a greeting Weavers> Opa says, "Okay, Weavermeet! :) Just to warn everyone again, I'm using a very basic interface tonight and it's probably going to mess up my typing wonderfully, so bear with. :)" Nalaya greets Opa as she passes the CraftMaster's table on her way to the one beside it. "And how have you been, Opa? I trust all is well here at the hall?" She takes a seat at one of the journeyrank tables, then motions to Flail. "Wanna come sit over here? There's more klah pots on this table." And sure enough, there are four on one corner. Opa sits down at the Craftmaster's Table. Kylee wanders in through the archway from the teaching wing. Broccal wanders in through the archway from the teaching wing. Nalaya sits down at one of the Journeyranker Tables. Broccal strolls in, eyes taking in the appie tables, darting warning stares to the lad with the rolls in his hand. Kylee comes flying through, but immediately drops to a sedate pace as she approaches the Journeyrank Table. She nods at Craftmaster Opa. Opa shuffles her seat in at a comfortable distance from the table and smiles back cheerily at Nalaya. "Oh, the usual ups and downs, but it's doing well on the whole. How are your travels going?" Fiona strides in through the archway from the teaching wing. Kylee sits down at one of the Journeyranker Tables. Nalaya nods, setting her bag beside her feet as she settles and puts a lap cloth down. "Just fine, quieter than normal lately. The Ruathans have been remarkably good at keeping their clothing intact this past few sevendays!" She grins brightly, waving to the people suddenly converging on the room. Fiona slips in with a small child clutching at her skirts. A whispered word sends the little girl toward the kitchens as Fiona makes her way over to the master's tables. Fiona sits down at the Masters' Table. Kylee grins across at Nala and waves. Opa raises her eyebrows after returning Kylee's nod. "With all the runners they have? That's quite a feat. Good evening, Fiona." Jorai moves in through the archway from the teaching wing. Jorai sneaks into the seat next to Broccal. Broccal places the bundle in his arms behind him, turning a grin on Jorai. "How're you sweetie?" Fiona smiles over at Opa as she sits down, smoothing her apron, "Good evening," she says pleasently, turning to include the others in her smile. Jorai fairly beams as she spread her napkin over her lap. "Excellent. Had a good night's sleep and took it easy today." Nalaya hmphs softly, then greets Kylee with a grin. "And how're you? Busy as usual?" Opa yawns again at the mention of a good night's sleep and blinks a few times, looking over expectantly towards the kitchen. Kylee hmms back at Nalaya and nods. "Yes. But I think...I think I'm catching up...maybe." Kye's eyes wander over to Flail briefly. Broccal looks at Opa with concern. "Are you alright, master?" Opa rolls her eyes and nods. "Oh yes, just underslept. My own fault. Hopefully I'll make up for it tonight." Weavers> Vyren yikes, whatever's going on in the GH over there? Weavers> Opa waves to Vyren. Hi! You're welcome to come to our Weavermeet if you like. :) Weavers> Vyren says, "What the hey, sounds like a plan :)" Vyren strides into the great hall, a sheaf of papers tucked under his arm. Broccal says "What've you been up to, Jo? I'd heard somethign about a trip to Benden WEyr?" The steam rising from the fried cheese precedes the drudges as they make their way into the Great Hall with the first course. Vyren inhales experimentally, blinkblinking, "Goodness, what have i walked into?" He murmurs. Varina zooms in on her broomstick. Jorai raises her voice slightly as serving begins, "Yes, I had a delivery to make." Nalaya's eyes widen as she spots the first course, settling back into her chair after noticing it won't be coming her way first. "Ooh. I guess I'm hungry tonight." Fiona looks up with no small relief at the plates of cheese being served up and makes quick work of plopping some of the food onto her plate before passing the platter along. Vyren licks his lips with a hopeful grin, "Any place for your friendly neighbourhood herder at this banquet?" Opa looks over as Vyren enters, and smiles, waving a beckoning hand. "Good evening, Herder! You're just in time for dinner." Kila has arrived. Varina dashes in, followed by a trailing two-turn old. The young'un's face is splotchy, and it's obvious the kiddo's been crying. One of the teenage residents takes Rain from Varina and she hurries over to the Master's table, flashing Rain an encouraging grin. Broccal nods. "really? I haven't been there in ages. I've met a few Bendenites, though... J'cob? Ursa? I guess that's it." Vyren grins at Opa broadly, "My very favorite phrase, MasterWeaver!" He calls out, and moves to a seat at the table. Opa chuckles and turns to Varina to smile a good evening to her. Kylee watches the Craftsecond come in and sinks a bit in her chair. At the mention of an Ursa, she looks as if she's melted into an invisible puddle. She sneaks a piece of cheese and sits there quietly nibbling. Kila peers into the Hall from outside. Jorai nods, pouring herself some wine, "Ursa was there. I didn't run across J'cob." She manages to look only slightly relieved in conjunction with that statement. Fiona glances up only briefly as names are tossed about, but then makes a point to dig into her food without revealing much with her expression. Kila walks through the large doorway to the north and outside the Weavercrafthall. Broccal nods easily, loading his plate. "Did you have a good time away from the beast hall, then?" Vyren helps himself to a large plate of roast wherry and takes his seat once more, juice in hand. He gulps down the meat hungrily, glancing around the cavern. Nalaya frowns slightly at Kylee's behavior, hmming to herself. "Kylee, you allright?" Then she turns to wave to more people as they enter, Varina being one of them. Jorai chuckles, "I haven't had time to even think of those poor Herders in sevendays." Varina murmers her apologies to Opa as she takes her place and quickly fills her plate from the serving dish. Opa nips a helping of cheese for herself before addressing the room at large. "Well, welcome everyone, and dig in!" She turns back to Varina and murmurs something about not worrying about it. Roque wanders in from the inner courtyard. Kylee looks over at Nalaya, still nibbling cheese in a distracted manner. "I'm fine Nala." Roque strides in, coming to a halt. "Oops," he mutters, evidently having come in while everyone was eating (or something). Stepping immediately off to the side, he scans the tables for a face. Jorai looks at Broc's plate and steals a bite that looks better than hers from it. Broccal turns from mesmerizing Jorai to puzzle out why the stranger looks familiar. Nalaya frowns again, looking like she might just question her journeyrank friend, but then she sits back again, nodding. "Okay. Sure. Have some more cheese." The platter on their table is pushed closer to Kylee's elbow. Kylee gives Nala a now wan smile and takes some more cheese since it's right there close and all. Roque walks a little closer to the tables and frowns, not being able to tell much just by the top of people's heads. He glances toward the head of the table but...better not bother the masters if he doesn't have to. Broccal touches Jorai on the arm, whispering lowly to her. He mutters to Jorai, "... right..." Opa nibbles away at her cheese a bit before getting into her usual round of announcements. "Well, as usual, we have some new people to welcome to the Hall, although I don't see any of them here." She wrinkles her nose. Broccal strides to the stranger, offering his hand, engaging him in quiet conversation. Jorai frowns slightly, but seems more interested in cleaning Broc's plate, anyway. Nalaya looks up at Master Opa, though a large portion of her attention is still on Kylee. Roque smiles. "Sorry for interrupting," he says quietly to Broccal, "But.." he blinks, and speaks softer, in whispers. Opa brightens. "But, if they're not here, we can hope they're being industrious somewhere else." There's that optimistic streak again. :) "However, I would like to announce a new apprentice who's joined us, name of Avina. I'm sure you'll all make her feel welcome." Broccal takes the man in a kinsman's embrace. He mutters to Roque, "If... have... I'll... time to... you later ." Vyren smiles at the name, sipping his klah and listening quietly. Kylee cranes her neck around to watch the Broccal and the stranger. She finally quits staring and turns back around to look at Nala. "Do you know who that is?" Opa happens to look over Broccalwards, and snaps her fingers as she's reminded of something. "Oh, and another new apprentice has recently joined us, named Namyes." Roque nods to Broccal. "Sure," he says, looking for an empty spot. Nalaya looks around for the new apprentice, but not being able to spot her just nods as if trying to memorize the name. Her eyes also travel to Broccal and the other man, but she doesn't say anything. Broccal sits down at the Craftmaster's Table. Broccal quickly retakes his seat to find an empty plate. COulda sworn I'd filled that thing... Roque sits down at one of the Staff and Residents' Tables. Jorai whispers to Broccal around a quick kiss. Roque takes a seat with the residents of the hall, striking up some small talk with them. It appears to be "fried" night tonight, as the drudges come in bearing the main course - southern fried chicken, a Boll specialty. Vyren's eyes alight as he watches the drudges emerge, attention momentarily distracted from the meeting. Opa says "And, there are a few more announcements." She looks sidelong at Varina with a meaningful expression. Broccal oohs as he rubs the ear Jorai was whispering in. Rubbing his hands together, he mutters, "Bollian chicken! Yum." Fiona makes a murmured request to one of the drudges in passing and is rewarded a moment later with a mugfull of tea. She picks lightly at the chicken while listening to the announcements. Nalaya oohs as the chicken makes its appearance, looking like she's not had a decent meal in a sevenday. And since everyone knows posted weavers are fed well at all their areas, this seems strange. "Boy, the cooks must have /known/ what would be so wonderful to eat for tonight." Varina dabs at her face with her napkin and takes a deep breath as she turns to look at the folks assembled. Her smile is very dry. "We have a new posting to announce," she says in a clear voice. Her eyes travel across the table of journeyranks. "Kylee will be spending the winter area at Benden." Kylee follows the chicken's passage onto the table looking considerably more hungry now. She reaches out and grabs a piece...or two, quietly attacking tearing the poor little things to pieces. Vyren bobs his head enthusiastically to Nalaya, "Certainly does look good, doesn't it?" he reaches for a plate with several juicy portions. Nalaya's eyes widen as Varina speaks, then she grins broadly at Kylee. "Oh! I mean, congratulations, Kylee! You'll /love/ the Benden area." She turns to nod at Vyren, and as she moves sideways her plate can be seen to be already nearly empty. "Delicious." Broccal smiles at Kylee, winking his support to her. The corners of Opa's mouth tug up slightly upon hearing Nalaya's comment and she bends to eat some of her chicken. Vyren smiles at Kylee, murmuring congratulations Roque turns and watches the activity at the crafter tables, finding out names of people from the people beside him. Weavers> Broccal sighs. I have to idle for work. Kylee looks up from mangling her chicken. "Uhmmm. Thanks everyone." A frightened look crosses her face briefly but she manages to control it. She nods at Nalaya. "I'm sure I will." Nalaya frowns again at Kylee, shaking her head just slightly. "Honestly, Kylee...that's where I spent the turns before I apprenticed here, Benden Hold. Della, the Lady Holder now, is a sweet friend, and has a lovely daughter." She realizes she's babbling, and clamps her mouth tightly shut. Fiona glances over at the journeyman's table and adds her encouragement to Nalaya's, "If you'd like Kylee, I could arrange to introduce you to my friend Ursa. SHe's a rider at the Weyr and I'm sure she'd help make you feel welcome." Weavers> Varina howls. Poor Kylee! Weavers> Fiona looks innocently at the ceiling... Weavers> Nalaya giggles. Avina steps in from the kitchen and storage area. Weavers> Vyren watches this one go right over his head...8-) Weavers> Kylee pouts. Avina wanders in suprised to see so many others. Varina glances sideways at Fiona, but she covers her sigh well as she returns to her meal. Weavers> Avina says, "What's up? A convention?" Kylee loses her interest in the chicken at Fiona's words. "Uhmm...that would be very nice of you Master Fiona." Opa finishes swallowing her current bite of chicken a, speaking mildlynd nods. "I'm sure, Kylee, that you will represent our Craft well at Benden - we have had a very good relationship with the Weyr for many Turns now, and I'm sure you'll continue to uphold that." Weavers> Opa grins at Avina. Weavermeet! Fiona seems oblivious of Kylee's less than enthusiastic response and returns to sedately eating with a smile and a nod. Weavers> Opa args at her mangled pose. That should be "and nods, speaking mildly." Avina sits down at one of the Apprentice Tables. Jorai squints at Broc's plate, wondering what a particular serving might be, then taking a careful taste. Nalaya reaches out a hand to cover Kylee's near one, smiling gently now. "You'll love it." She pauses, then goes back to listening to Opa. Opa smiles over as she notices another person arriving in the hall. "Ah, and here's Avina now. We were speaking of you earlier, saying how you were one of our new apprentices. Could you come here a moment, please?" Avina stands and walks over to Opa, Avina stands and leaves the Apprentice Tables. Avina says "Yes master?"" Kylee squeezes Nala's hand thankfully and then sits back to watch the spectacle. Roque returns his attention back to the resident's table, talking with a man next to him about the crafters. Asking about Opa, Broccal, Kylee...Avina. Opa fishes in her pocket a moment. "Well, I just thought I'd take the opportunity to give you this. You may find some room for it on one of those shoulders of yours." She lifts up her hand to reveal of full apprentice's knot. Opa *a* full apprentice's knot, even. Sheesh. Jorai oofs as Rain comes running into her lap with no warning. She settles the pretty in her lap and feeds her bites off Broc's plate, as well. Nalaya giggles softly, clapping her hands as Avina's given her first promotion. "Welcome, Avina!" Kylee starts grinning and pounds on the table a few times. "Congratulations Apprentice Avina!" Avina looks at the knot, "Thank you master. I don't know what else to say...." Opa chuckles. "Thank you will certainly do, though we don't give anyone knots here which they haven't earned themselves. I hope you wear it well." Jorai peers at the commotion over the top of Rain's head, not quite sure what she's missed. Varina reaches over to offer her hand, since the apprentice is standing right there. "My congratulations as well. Keep up the good work," she says simply. Weavers> Opa wonders if there's anyone who has anything to show and tell? Speak now or forever hold your description. :) Avina swaps the knots a little clumsily as she walks back to the apprentice tables blushing at the congrats she's receiving. Vyren smiles, pleased at the numerous congratulations passing about, as he heats. Weavers> Kylee ahems and has to show something of Broc's for him. Weavers> Avina has that dress she designed for Broccal... Weavers> Kylee blinks! You designed a dress for Broccal, Avina? Does it look good on him? ;) Weavers> Nalaya woowoo! ;) Roque picks at his food, his attention divided between talking with the man next to him, and with watching the Weavers. He seems not to know whether he should be impatient that the meeting end so he can talk with Broccal, or content to watch what happens and wait. Weavers> Avina punches Kylee in the arm. Weavers> Opa ahs, okay, great Kylee, I thought perhaps we wouldn't get to see that since Broccal's had to idle. You'll be first. :) Weavers> Vyren aighs! That's not somethign I wanted to know. ;) Opa moves on as she notices the drudges bringing in the fresh fruit dessert, and speaks towards one of the journeyrank tables. "Now Kylee, I understand that Broccal's been working on something for the wool festival?" Weavers> Opa warns folks there will be a slight pause as Kylee despams and gets the desc. :) Fiona glances toward the kitchens and, seeing a familiar large, scowling form in the doorway, rises to slip quietly out, moving on the heels of the drudges returning dirty dishes in that direction. Fiona wanders into the kitchen. Kylee nods and stands up, quickly taking a gown off the bench beside her. "Before he ran out of here so fast..." Kye looks at Jorai thoughtfully and continues..."I was told to show this to all of you and get your comments. Master Broccal /hopes/ that this will inspire us to create something for the High Reaches Fashion Show." She proceeds to smooth out Broccal's creation. An intricately brocaded snow white vest with two huge pockets over a simple, long-sleeved milk white dress made of warm, soft llama wool from the High Reaches area. Tied about her waist, a wide apron of a deep indigo outlined in geometric patterns of brownish-red covers the front of the dress. A twisting floral pattern of deep green vines with canary yellow and dusty brown rosettes wanders around the loose cuffs. The hem of the long skirt also shows a meticulous embroidery where four quarter-inch strips, one each of obsidian black, klah brown, cobalt blue, and golden yellow, overlap each other. Rain watches Jorai eating and emulates her, picking the best morsels off of Broccal's plate. "Momma's sitting with Opa," she whispers loudly to Jorai. Vyren whistles softly at the sight of the vest, nodding in approval, "That's just lovely, "he says, quietly. Jorai nods and smiles to Rain, indicating how she should wave her fork to her momma. Roque's eyes open a little wider at the dress. Broccal made that? Hmm... Opa flashes a brief smile in Rain's direction before leaning forward to squint at the outfit. She tsks in appreciation. "I don't envy the person who shall have to keep that clean," she teases. Opa smiles, "Seriously, it truly is gorgeous," she says, a touch of pride in her voice. Avina frowns and teases as well, hoping no one will mind, "I don't think anyone should try cleaning it...." Kylee smiles almost as proudly as if it were one of her own. "Oh well Craftmaster Opa...maybe the person this is for won't have to worry about keeping it clean hmm?" She looks around the room making sure everyone has had time to observe the beautiful piece. Roque, finished his meal, puts his elbows on the table's surface, letting his hands come together in a fist that he rests his chin against, watching the rest of the meeting. Kylee folds the gown back up carefully and sits down, looking around the room expectantly for more contributions. Broccal walks back in, hand on his tummy.... Opa nods. "Well, I think it truly will make quite a favourable impression at the festival! Thank you Kylee." She looks about. "Is there anyone else with something they'd like to show?" Avina grins, "Well I have something... Opa leans back in her seat to nibble on her fruit. "Please show us then, Avina," she says with a smile. Avina stands and pull from a folded package she had brought in with her a bright cherry red gather dress in a soft velvet that accents the golden glow of her skin. The deep cut neckline is embroidered with gold dragons on the left while green dragons grace the right, their spread wings melding into the thin lace collar of light green. The ruffled cuffs of the long loosely flowing sisal sleeves have the same dragon design, but the colours are reversed so that the green dragons flame on the left and the gold dragons dive in on the right. An emerald green sash with a gold dragon and rider accents her tiny waist. Flame red velvet slippers, dotted with small bronze firelizards, peek out from under the long skirt which is covered with pictures of holders cheering on the dragons above. A silver dragon necklace gleams at her throat. Kylee oohs silently. Vyren's eyes widen and he gasps softly, clearly impressed, "Lovely!" He exclaims, quietly. Avina grins, "You wouldn't believe how hard it was to beg help from some one who could help me sew this dress." Opa smiles delightedly. "Isn't that a clever effect, that lack of symmetry with the gold on one side and the green on the other." Roque looks at the dress, suitably impressed. 'Avina made that?' he thinks to himself. 'Wait a minute, I don't know her...;P' Varina examines the dress with a critical eye. She leans over to ask Broccal, jaded, "Has she been reporting to her chores as well as sewing?" She adds a grudging compliment, "It is quite lovely." Broccal eyes the gown. "It was fashioned based on some scraps B'rin of Igen Weyr brought us. " Opa smiles at Avina. "I think it might have been worth it. Very nice work." Avina folds the dress gingerly and wraps it back up carefully as she sits down, a blush on her cheeks, "It only took a week to sketch it from what was left of the scraps." Weavers> Opa says, "Thanks, show & tellers. :) If there's no one else with anything, are there any objections if we move into the OOC portion?" Weavers> Avina has none. Weavers> Kylee smothers a yawn. G'ahead please. Weavers> Opa glares at Kylee. Now you've made me yawn. ;) Fiona steps in from the kitchen and storage area. Jorai clucks her tongue thoughtfully as she looks between Avina and the gown disappearing back into its wrap. Weavers> Kylee meeps. Sorry Opa. I'm tired IRL too. I'm going on 1 1/2 hours of sleep m'self. :) Weavers> Fiona wanders back out here to idle where she can pretend to participate, kinda sorta. :} [disconnect - after this, lots of people started disconnecting and reconnecting like mad] Weavers> Jorai says, "What just happened to all of you?" Weavers> Opa rats, I froze. Sorry about that. Weavers> Broccal says, "I froze as well." Weavers> Kylee says, "Gee even my isp is tired. What happened?" Weavers> Opa cools, I thought it was just me. :) Phew. Roque hmms. Weaver reconnect time? ;) Weavers> Avina has no idea what happened, I didn't lock or freeze or leave. Opa okays and brings out...The Squeaky Gavel!!! Muahahaha (Roque, don't be frightened, we're just going into our OOC portion :) Weavers> Varina peers, trying to figure out who bounced and who didn't. I'm gonna repose, in case it didn't get out. :) Doh! too late, we're OOC. Vyren erks and hides behind a table, quivering :) Jorai thinks Roque should be VERY frightened! Roque ohs. "So does that mean I can stop RPing with NPC's now? :)" Vyren yeahs, Roque, I think it also means you can stop doing the thing, since everyone in here is OOC. :) Roque oh yeahs. Roque says "Good, it's annoying to have to keep @emitting those." Roque will stay quiet now, since it's your meeting. :) Broccal says "It's annoying for us too, so that works out. :)" Roque @baps Broccal. Opa says "Okay, we've got only one item on the OOC agenda, 'Announcements'. And there's really only one announcement and I think I might have made it before. :)" Jorai clambers into Broc's lap. No bapping my seat! Opa says "As many of you know, I have previously announced my intention to step down as CM (really, I will do it, I swear, I'm just so bad at this 'finding time to finish off the loose ends' thing). I just wanted to reassure people that there actually will be a successor to the position. :) I'm *very* happy to say that Varina has said she's willing to take over. Actually, I'm thrilled, because she's great. :)" Broccal hooorahs Varina, bouncing Jorai around. Kylee smiles and is happy. Jorai oofoofoofs :) "Yay!" Fiona yays for Varina. :) Varina grins and doesn't believe that for a minute, Kylee. :) Avina claps for Varina. Jorai laughs! Vyren beams! YAY! Kylee grins. "As long as we OOC, I'm happy VaVa." :) Kylee erps. "As long as we are that is. Roque joins in and yays too, though he thinks that was a little quick. "I just read Opa's log yesterday of how she became CM... :P" Opa grins. Anyway, that's all I had to say. Does anyone else want to announce anything or bring anything up? (issues, not dinner...) (sorry) Vyren burps. That chicken was far too good to bring up :) Jorai waves a hand, "Don't forget to check the general bb and weaver bb for postings about the Gather." Opa says "Anyone else?" Weavers> Kylee bounces all over the place. Kylee uhs. "Did you all get my request?" Roque mutters to Kylee, "... disconnecting... now." Broccal says "Opa? In the meantime, is Varina going to be Co-CM?" Opa hadn't thought of that and turns to Varina. "You wanna?" :) Kylee mutters to Roque. Varina grins. thanks for the cheers, folks. And ya'll know we're going to miss Opa. Varina does want to make sure every one knows about the upcoming fashion show. Roque laughs. He mutters to Kylee, "You... announces these... them... maybe." Jorai adds that those who don't contribute are sent immediately to Broccal for debriefing ;) Kylee isn't contributing. :P Opa wonders if part of Varina's pose didn't make it onto her screen. 'You're all going to Opa?' Is my name now a verb? ;) Opa oh, wait, now I get it, sorry. I'm underslept, don't mind me. Broccal says "It's a phrase meaning to spam intellecutally... akin to making a paragraph long grammatically correct sentence" Opa laughs! Kylee raises her hand and tries again? Opa says "Oh, sorry, Kylee, did I miss your hand before? Fire away." Vyren grins. Kylee thinks she'll lose her connection again, but would it be possible for us to weed some of the messages off of the Weaver +bboard? Broccal says "How come, Kye?" Opa nods. I'll make a note to go through it. Hey, do people think we need to keep the posts with the descriptions of the NPC subcraft heads up there or are people fine with reading them on the website? Broccal says "That's fine with me." Weavers> Nalaya poohs at her nasty, nasty network. :( Varina notes that the weaver entries for the fashion show will not be judged, they'll be auctioned. So the customers vote for the best with their marks. And your prize is the marks you earn. :) Opa . o O ( Oh lordy, apprentices with marks...it's the judgment day. ;) Varina had a horrific lag a while back and missed something in the spam. Would Co-CM be useful? Fiona says "It could help smooth over the transfer?" Nalaya sheesh, I musta missed stuff. :( Avina says "I have just the dress for it.... Want to see it? It's only a sketch now."" Broccal nods. "Right. WHen Besander stepped down, a lot of ppl didn't know to contact Rodin. I'd think the same thing could happen with us." Fiona wows. "It finally got me, too.." Opa is certainly all for it, Varina, if you're game. Jorai is getting so dizzy from yu people Opa . o O ( holy bovine ) Varina nails the weavers to the MUSH. Or tries to. If we think it will actually help, and not just confuse the heck outta folks, then we should consider Roque asks, "Another Weaver mass reconnection?" Roque blinks. "Do you folks do this /all/ the time? ;)" Broccal says "It never happens when we don't have strangers here, Roque!" Jorai seems to be completely unaffectd Nalaya staples herself painfully to the floor. Vyren iew, Nalaya! Kylee is sure she missed something interesting noting Vyren's comment, but I think the mush is telling me something. Roque hmms. Opa glares at Roque suspiciously. ;) Well, it's true that it might be confusing...and certainly we probably wouldn't have the change listed on the 'news' until it'd be time to change it again so that Varina's the only CM. Varina says "Sounds reasonable, Opa." Opa says "Which, doing the co-CM thing or not? (as I said, I'm underslept, don't mind if I get horribly confused...)" Broccal bouncies Jorai. "WHen that chicken comes back up, go bath room." Varina says "Underslept. Why is the entire craft underslept, as well as bouncing? :) Co-CM sounds like it might work, and you're right about not changing the news." Broccal bouncies with sleep? Avina has been getting an average of 3-4 hours of sleep nightly. Fiona is neither underslept nor bouncy, if that makes you feel better, Varina. :) Kylee is both and is going to call it a night. :) Nalaya got lots of sleep last night, actually. Doesn't mean I'm extraordinarily coherent, but... Opa noodles. Righto then, I dub thee Co-CM, with all the rights, privileges and undersleptness which perrtain thereof... Kylee has another commission. Does anyone want it? As she trudges tiredly off. Avina always has a few creative tidbits in her mind. Opa says "And if no one else has anything, I'm bringing this gavel down on someone's head. :)" Nalaya wishes for a log! Darn net. Fiona offers her own, put me out of my misery. :} Fiona offers her own head, that is.. Kylee goes home. Kylee has left. Broccal shoves Vyren under the gavel Opa nods, I'll see if I can be naughty at work again tomorrow and edit the log then. Varina is dubbed! wow, what an experience. Opa bypasses the whole going-going-gone thing then, and just whaps Fiona's head without any preamble. <>