Pants for Dh'lon

By Duvetyne

Date: May 14, 1996
Rank: Jr. Journeyrank

I had a commission from a farmer in my posting, a man named Dhelon from Benden Hold. By the time I completed the commission, I returned to Benden Hold to find that he was gone. Local residents said he had gone to the weyr, so I assumed they meant Benden Weyr.

Reaching Benden Weyr, I discovered that I was in error, and was told that the last hatching took place at High Reaches Weyr, so I made my way there. I found that Dhelon was now Dh'lon, and the transaction was made. The pants were sold for 10 marks, due to the fabric, workmanship, and adornments.

These beautiful pants were made just for Dhelon, and it is plain to see that a great deal of time and painstaking effort has going into their creation. The fine cotton fabric has been bound together with fancy whip-stitching and then submitted to a weaving and dyeing process created by Journeyman Weaver Duvetyne as an apprentice. The fabric has been overlaid with ornamental saddle-stitching of serpentine whorls and corkscrew twists, and and then dyed a light sky-blue. The blue is a deeper shade where the stiching occurs. At the tips and center of each whorl and twist is a deep midnight-blue rhinestone. On top of the whip-stitching is embroidered small red flowers and green leaves and vines, snaking up and down the seams.
You can 'wear pants' or 'remove pants'.

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