Pandat of the Weavercraft

Quick Facts

Name: Pandat
Previous Positions:
Current Position: Deceased
Sister: D'riana (older)

More About Pandat - An OOC History

Pandat joined the Weavercraft in July of 1991, when the Craft was essentially dead. By about September, the Craftmaster, Sharon, had vanished, and Pandat petitioned the Craft Council to give him the Craft so that he, the most active member, could build the Hall, accept apprentices, make decisions, etc.

He was responsible for building the Crafthall on-MUSH and working with Encil on the infamous looms. The latter were basically toys that would let anyone, with or without knowledge of how to code, create a finished tapestry or piece of cloth. Pandat also stuck with the DLG's statement that all apprentices start out as Weaver apprentices and specialize when they become journeyrankers, despite his Mastertailor's vehement desire to make the Tailors a separate Craft rather than a subcraft of the Weavers.

After a year of hard work and having little success with apprentices, Pandat burned out at the IC age of 18 in around September of 1992. He handed the Craftmastership over to his Craftsecond/Mastertailor, whose name was possibly Deven, and headed for a retirement position at Benden Hold. However, he died in-transit to the Hold when his runnerbeast slipped and fell off a cliff.

Thanks for all the information contained in this page go to Pandat's player.

Created November 29, 1995.

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