Wedding Officiating Outfit

Date: January 5, 1996

Crafter's rank: Weavercraftmaster

Ronan's tall height and dark bronze skin are magnificently highlighted by the colour of his wedding officiating outfit: a jet black which matches his dark hair almost exactly. The straight-cut doublet is quilted, but not padded, so as to avoid the swelter of Igen's hot summer. Polished metal buttons fasten it closed down to just above his hips. Underneath the doublet, he wears a dark, smoky grey dress shirt of sheer, rippling linen. Its sleeves billow out from the shoulders to end in cuffs at his wrists, closed with buttons to match those of his doublet. Loose black flaxen trousers flow down his legs, tucked into black laced wherhide boots at mid-calf.

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