Commission for F'hlan - Baby's Blanket

Baby's Blanket

Date: July 25, 1994

Crafter's rank: Apprentice Master

A note about this commission

This blanket was commissioned by F'hlan for his weyrmate Melora, due to the impending arrival of their second child together. It was made from a blanket parent which I coded especially for this project, which enables a person to snuggle any object within the blanket (or, if the baby is an actual player, it can snuggle its own self in the blanket). An ascii visual of the blanket can also be implemented.


Lying Flat

This blanket is knitted from the cuddly soft wool of the northern llama. It is small and diamond shaped, just right for a baby or toddler to sleep under. A purled pattern forms the background, the wool dyed a vibrant Harper blue which brings to mind all the familiar tunes of the traditional ballads. In the center, knitted with a raised rib stitch, is the wide ][ symbol of Benden Weyr. The colour is the bronze-gold of the brass in a Harper horn trio, and it stands out strikingly against the blue. Sewn in the top corner is the lavender and white seal of the Weavercraft. It reads Master Crafted.

Being Snuggled In

The baby is snuggling comfortably under a warm blanket knitted from the cuddly soft wool of the northern llama. A purled pattern forms the background, the wool dyed a vibrant Harper blue which brings to mind all the familiar tunes of the traditional ballads. Rising and falling along the baby's body in the center of the blanket is the wide ][ symbol of Benden Weyr, knitted in a raised rib stitch. The colour is the bronze-gold of the brass in a Harper horn trio, and it stands out strikingly against the blue.

Ascii View

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