Commission for Cerilla - White Blouse and Brown Pants

White Blouse and Brown Pants


Date: August 12, 1994

Crafter's rank: Apprentice Master

Cerilla's flying leathers are of thick wherhide, stained a soft greyish blue. She has overturned the top edges of the jacket, revealing the deep blue woolen lining. To protect her neck left bare by the partially opened collar, she wears a dark grey knitted scarf. Fastening the jacket down to her hips are several securely buckled straps. Cinching it in at her waist is a wide wherhide belt ringed with metal roundels, with which she can clip herself into Varquith's straps. Her trousers fall loosely down her thighs for freedom of movement. Study boots rising to her knees and thick flying gloves are stained a grey to match her scarf, and lined with deep blue wool.

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