Gather Outfit

[PICTURE] Date: April 7, 1994

Crafter's rank: Journeyrank

Basic Description

This is a Gather outfit of lightweight fabrics for the fresh spring weather. At the wearer's shoulders, sleeves of a cotton shirt puff out from underneath a sisal dress tunic. The shirt is a rich russet brown, the material as fine as any sisal blend. Its collar folds up and over to cover the neckline of the tunic. The tunic itself is the vivid green of new leaves. It is meant to be tucked into the trousers at the waist and cinched with a matching green leather belt. The trousers are of a buttery soft wherhide, dyed a reddish brown to match the shirt. Sewn inside the back of the tunic is a small lavender badge with white spool and needle. It bears the words Journeyrank Crafted.

Being Worn Description

Tiden is clad in lightweight Gather finery for the fresh spring weather. Underneath a sisal dress tunic, sleeves of a cotton shirt puff out from his shoulders to be gathered in cuffs at his elbows. The shirt is a rich russet brown, the material as fine as any sisal blend. The tunic is the vivid green of new leaves, the neckline hidden by the wide collar of the shirt underneath. It is tucked in at his waist and cinched with a matching green wherhide belt. Trousers of buttery soft wherhide adorn his lower half. Dyed a reddish brown to match the shirt, they are cut loosely to the form of his legs.

Work Clothes for Tiden | Blouse and Split Skirt for Tommy | < A HREF="bricalla-1.html">Burgundy Gather Dress for Tommy | Back to Samplebook

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