Non-Commissioned Items

Table of contents

  1. Baker's Apron
  2. "Elmo" (firelizard toy)
  3. Gather Prize - Pillow
  4. Julaina's Azure Swimsuit
  5. Julaina's Benden Gather Outfit
  6. Julaina's Fancy Boll Outfit with Drawstring Pouch (description located on Julaina's site)
  7. Julaina's Plain Boll Outfit
  8. Julaina's Wimple Outfit
  9. Maternity Flying Jacket
  10. "Melinda" (a doll)
  11. Off-the-Shoulder Gown, December 1, 1995 (description located on Julaina's site)
  12. Tapestry: Bitran Winter Sky
  13. Tapestry: Bitran Winter Valley
  14. Tunic and Harem Pants
  15. Tunic and Sarong, December 1, 1995 (description located on Julaina's site)
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Baker's Apron

This apron was obviously made for a large individual. It is made of stiffened cotton dyed a medium tan to obscure most stains. The base is filled by two cross-stitched hot bubbly pies which send steam up the sides of the apron in swirling black backstitch. The Weavercraft seal is stitched onto a tag attached to the right-hand back side of the apron as well as the phrase "This garment stitched by Apprentice Weaver Julaina".


One of Julaina's first projects as a junior apprentice weaver, this stuffed toddler-sized firelizard was fashioned from wherehide dyed a mocha brown. The stitching is of gold thread so that when the sun hits the toy, the reflection of the thread gives it the appearance of a bronze. It is a simple project, but well made for a novice. Stitched onto its backside is the Weavercraft seal and the phrase "This item stitched by Junior Apprentice Weaver Julaina".

Gather Prize - Pillow

Date: December 6, 1995
Rank: Junior Journeyrank

This carefully embroidered linen pillow depicts the lush Bitran orchards just northwest of the central Bitran valley. The pillow's fabric has been dyed the new green of spring, reminiscent of the rolling hills of the area; its edges are fringed with tassels highlighting the colors in the pattern. The wide and roaring rapids of the Bitra River are portrayed on the left side of the pillow by raised stitching of mohair dyed various blues and greys. Closest to the river are some cherry trees covered in blush-pink and soft white blossoms. Next to these are row upon row of blooming redfruit trees; an occasional scarlet french knot indicates new fruit has begun to grow. Beyond these are pictured neat rows of pear trees heavy with golden produce. It will be difficult for you to forget this gather knowing that, in reality, the wide open gather grounds lie just off the map portrayed by the pillow's embroidery. Discreetly interwoven in the foliage of the pear trees in the right bottom corner of the pillow is the name "Jules". A small tag on the back of the pillow carries the WeaverCraft seal.

Julaina's Azure Swimsuit

Date: November 27, 1995
Rank: Junior Journeyrank

Julaina's swimsuit is surprisingly modest for someone from the Boll. It neatly covers her from hips to neckline; three wide bands of material run from the neckline to the back of the suit, crisscrossing before reaching their goal in the middle of Julaina's back. It is dyed a brilliant azure and has been batiked with a mauve morning glory pattern.

Her filmy sisal overtunic is a pale lilac. Its delicate silvery embroidered edging forms bands of tiny silver morning glories connected by vines. The design is highlighted by delicate dewdrops in the form of teardrop glass beads sewn along the bottom of the tunic; these jingle as Julaina walks. Included in the outfit are a pair of simple, but sturdy, woven sisal sandals dyed a fine indigo.

Julaina's Benden Gather Outfit

Julaina's black hair is swept up in a braid around her crown. It is gently covered by a filmy violet sisal snood. Small pearls peek out from it drawing attention to Julaina's eyes.

She is wearing a daring crushed velvet emerald green dress. A crisp white linen top modestly rises out from under its off-the-shoulder bodice, forming a curving high collar at her throat. An intricately woven silvery brocade adorns the entire outfit, being found on bodice edging, collar, cuffs and hem. It stands in stark contrast to the dark richness of the dress and of Julaina's coloring. It is patterned with violet morning glories sitting against a background of white; small silver dewdrops merrily interspersed between the blooms.

The linen top's full sleeves flow out from under the bodice's brocaded edging and are gathered in soft folds above the cuffs. The dress's bodice clings to Julaina's chest and ribcage, and sinks gently into thin silver piping at the waistline. Round pearly buttons fasten the front of her top as well as her cuffs. The skirt's full rippling folds fall in swirls, just brushing the ground. Matching green wherhide slippers tied with wide violet ribbon peek out from under the skirt from time to time.

Julaina's Plain Boll Outfit

Julaina's everyday scarf is made of linen dyed deep plum. She wears it loosely down her front, over her head and around to her back - effectively covering her head from the harsh heat of midday or protecting it from the chill of evening. The edges of the scarf have been embroidered with a floral patterns of lavendars and various greens.

A long forest green tunic and a pair of royal purple pants. The tunic reaches to her knees and has short sleeves; the pants just brush her ankles but are slit at the outside of the leg up to midcalf. Both garments are plain but well made with delicate sisal cording double-stitched at their edges.

Julaina's Wimple Outfit

Only Julaina's face is visible through the folds of a powder blue cotton wimple. Crowning her head is a circlet of moderate width decorated by alternating triangles of sky blue and plum.

A long sleeved, floor-length undertunic continues the line of her wimple down her body like a waterfall. Her cornflower blue overtunic is short sleeved, slit at the sides and falls just below her knees; it is edged with the same triangle pattern as the circlet. A fancy drawstring pouch hangs from a loop at her left hip. Simple wherhide slippers dyed deep plum adorn her feet.


This doll's body has been stitched from unbleached cotton fabric and is firmly stuffed with joints in her arms and legs; she even has tiny stitched fingers and toes! Her hair is dark brown wool yarn, dyed with black walnut, and set in two braids which end in ribbons of light blue.

Her features have been carefully stitched in trapunto style - giving them a very lifelike quality. She looks back at you with tiny blue glass beads filling in her almond-shaped eyes and smiles at you with four round pearls set in her mouth for teeth.

Her fancy sundress has been made from a fine sky blue damask with underskirts of cream-colored linen. Decorations of silvery sisal string have been added at the collar and base. The dress can be slipped on and off fairly easily but the back includes a set of largish buttons in deference to curious small fingers. She wears a pair of tiny leather button-on shoes dyed to match her dress. Stitched onto her backside is the Weavercraft seal and the phrase "This item stitched by Junior Apprentice Weaver Julaina".

Tapestry: Bitran Winter Sky

Date: February 6, 1996
Rank: Journeyrank

The colors woven into this tapestry are muted by darker threads, creating the impression of a nighttime scene. The soft light of Pern's moons, Timor and smaller Belior, peek out from behind the Northern Barrier Range and illuminate the landscape, glistening off the snow caps of the mountains and highlighting the frosty beauty of the Bitran valley. It pours over the hilly terrain, shimmering over the icy blue-grey Bitra River as it wends its way through the scene toward Benden waters.

Icicles hanging from the now-dormant trees of the orchard seem to sparkle in the moonlight. The sky ranges from a rich azure near the mountain peaks, to a deep midnight blue at the top of the tapestry. The starry wonder of the heavens is represented in small flashes of various colors of metallic threads which dot the winter sky.

Tapestry: Bitran Winter Valley

The golden fingers of dawn spread into the Bitran valley over the snowy slopes of the Northern Barrier Range. Pern's moons are barely visible as they set in the morning sky; Timor is just a sliver hovering over the range while the nearly full Belior dips slightly below the peaks. A thin trail is depicted leading north from the upper valley to the mountains where a number of hold residents on snowstaves tackle the various slopes. The easternmost slope is currently populated by a rowdy group of youths on sleds.

In the valley, by the icicle-covered trees of the orchard, another group of youths build snow people and snow forts, and pelt one another with snowballs. It is a scene of general merriment; their eyes are aglow and their cheeks and noses are quite pink from the cold. Thin strands have even been woven into the scene to depict the misty breath of the youngsters as it freezes in mid-air from their laughter.

Tunic and Harem Pants

Date: December 1, 1995
Rank: Junior Journeyrank

This outfit is ideally suited to the climes of the southern regions; it consists of a soft red tunic and a pair of billowy deep red pants which are gathered at the waist and ankles; the tunic just brushes the waistline of the pants below it. While made with long tight sleeves, there are no underarms sewn into it to aide the wearer's efforts to keep cool. The tunic's edging is decorated with swirling ruby red and emerald green floral embroidery; tiny white french knots highlight the pattern.%r%tIncluded in this outfit is a large scarf generally worn either loosely around the wearer's head or wound into a turban to effectively cover the head from the harsh heat of midday or protect it from the chill of evening. This scarf is of sheer ruby red cotton. Its edges have been decorated with tiny metal bells which jingle softly as the wearer moves.

Maternity Flying Jacket

Date: July 26, 1996
Rank: Journeyrank

This flying jacket is not as insulated as normal flying jackets, as traveling /between/ is forbidden until after pregnancy. The thick black jacket is cut wide to accommodate the increasing girth of pregnancy and is lined with soft dark brown fur. Its collar is high to protect her neck and adjustable velcro-like strips fasten the left side of the jacket. Included in the outfit is a widely adjustable leather belt with metal roundels with which the rider can clip herself securely into her lifemate's straps. She wears a pair of dark brown loose-fitting wool trousers to insulate her in flight; these tuck neatly into a pair of well-lined black wherhide ankle boots.

OOC Note: Since this is only a "display model", please feel free to adjust the color/adornment of this item to suit your coloring/hold colors or personal taste.

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Created February 10, 1996.
Last modified June 13, 1997.

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