
In a moment I realize
I am alone, abandoned
and lost. At times
I rejoice in the solitude.
At others I mourn.
I long for company
but I no longer know how
to reach out to find a
friend in the dark;
Solitude is my state
I know the truth�
and yet I desire more.
Truth is not knowledge
and knowledge is not hope.
I long and cry, wrapped
in silence forged by my own
lonely hand. The wall is up
whole, solid, an isolated glory
keeping everything away, or
maybe everything in. I
no longer know, nor can
I see. The difference is
small�spanning cold galaxies,
endless interior space.
Surrounded, smiling, talking
to others�it doesn't matter.
Solitude is my grace and
silence my saviour.
Almost no one knows
and no one cares, for
sorrow exists in loneliness.
And I see from a solitary
vantage point�the truth.
That everyone
is lost, alone,
Just like me.

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