
I dreamed. A nightmare of the highest order occurred behind my eyes and across town in the palace vault.

Gray mist smoked across the floor, twining around the cases, coldly caressing the jewels. It streamed over them and they began to flicker and vanish one by one.

I twisted and muttered in my sleep, but continued to watch. I was forced to watch.

The spell in the vault grew tighter and tighter over the crown jewels. It tightened like a fisherman's net. They began to vanish in groups. Something was wrong though, the thief was getting angry and disturbed. A giant flash exploded in the room and all of the jewels vanished, but the thief did not get any of them.

A boiling wave of anger thundered over me like a storm tossed ocean. Guards ran into the vault waving their swords. The dream faded and I woke up.

"Damn," I muttered, un-twining my sheet. "That cheat! How dare he use magic to steal the Queen's jewels! Where's the challenge? Where's the danger in that?" I ranted as I began my nightly routine. "And what's worth he's made me late!"

I rushed around my attic rooms getting ready to go. I brushed and plaited my pitch black hair, and dressed in combination of black silk and leather. Daggers were secreted upon me- two obvious ones in my belt, tow in my boots, and one in my hair with my lock picks.

"Nothing I can do about this though. The jewels are gone and I don't know who did it. The cheat!" I ground my teeth and gave up all ideas of revenging the theft of the crown jewels.

I slipped out of the window and went to the Thieves Market Place. I wanted information on my next job and that is the place to get any and all information. I arrived and ordered a Chardoney. About a half hour later a runner rushed in and went to the announcer's podium.

I was discussing the Voleron House with Rat. He'd nosed the joint but felt it was too much for any thief, but I'd always loved a challenge.

"The crown jewels have been stolen," the announcer shouted over the din. Then all sound died. "The crown jewels have been stolen. The guards will search the Thieves Market Place two hours from now. Be prepared to evacuate." The announcer paused and began again. A low buzz echoed through the room.

"Who could have done it?"

"Who would bring this doom down on us?"

"Did the Dragon do it?"

"Did the Cat do it?"

"Well Cat," the Rat began, "did you do it?"

"No," I spat.

"Do you know who did it?" Rat asked.

"No, but he used magic," I snarled.

"I see. So you Saw it. I wish your Seeings were clearer," he sighed.

"So do I. Then I'd carve his tripes out. All I know is that something went wrong. He did not get the jewels."

"Good," Rat smiled ferally. "We had best leave. We don't want to be here when the guards come. Have fun with the Volerons."

"I will." We wove our way out of the market and separated.

I had been watching the house for several days, ever since the jewels had been stolen, and slowly looking it over at every angle. The guards were arresting every thief they found and torturing them over the crown jewels. We didn't know anything and we couldn't find out anything. The city was in an uproar and we thieves were about to hire the Assassins Guild to stop the guards. Tradition was collapsing around our ears, and we didn't like it at all.

I wandered into an alley behind the Voleron House looking for an entrance I could use. I almost fell over them. The jewels lay half in, half out of a sack, and glinted dully in the moonlight.

"Well, isn't this a pretty picture. And now I have three choices- leave them, sell them, or the most challenging of all: return them. Really, it's no choice at all."

The darkest part of the night is the few hours just before dawn, and that was the time I chose. I carried the sack to the castle wall and set it down at the base. I'd been in and out of the castle a few times, (I am one of the best after all) but never into the vault. I shot my grappling hook over the wall top, made sure it was secure, tied the sack to the bottom of it, and flew up the rope. I pulled the sack up after me and moved stealthily to the vault.

There were no guards. What would be the point of them with no jewels to guard? I smiled. It made my job easier.

I pulled out a lock pick and let myself in. Then I put the pick away. I started to put the jewels in their cases, and the guards burst in.

"Thief," they shrieked. I sighed.

"After all these years of never getting caught for anything, it's really so annoying. When it finally does happen it occurs when I'm returning something I didn't even take. Oh the cruelty of the universe," I growled softly.

I did not resist as they took me to the dungeons. I did not resist as they stripped me of the daggers at my belt and of the ones in my boots. They did not find the rest. It was very careless of them, really.

They tossed me in a cell and locked the door. I just as promptly let myself right back out again. I removed a few guards of their consciousness, and left a note.

"Beware of mages. One of them is your thief." I retrieved my daggers and left. The Cat would go on.


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