I Could Ask Him: Part 4

By Cobalt Doll

You can always tell when Relena Peacecraft enters a room, because one of three things always happens.
A) Everyone stands up and claps.
B) There's a hush and everyone turns to look at her.
C) A million people jump out of their seats and pop out of nowhere to ask Ms. Relena how the walk was from her last class.

Seriously, Relena can be okay. She's nice, and she's always had great ideas on how to deal with the gang violence that runs rampant around here. But people think that she's Jesus incarnate. I, for one, can testify that that's a load of bullshit. Yes, she talked a kid who brought a gun to school and threatened to blow everyone away into giving her the weapon and surrendering to the cops. Yes, she started the Peer to Peer Program that's helped to identify suicidal kids and get them help. Yes, she is the leader of our school's drug free program. But who do you think banged into me and made me drop the clay art project I'd been working on for weeks and didn't even apologize when it busted into a million pieces? Who has banged the door to our homeroom open just in time to smash into my face three days in a row? And who was it that shut down my operation to get copies of the Chemistry finales a few weeks in advance? Coincidence? I think not. Quatre will insist that I'm being stupid and jealous, but I know better. That bitch is out to get me. I know it, so don't even bother to try to talk me out of it. And one of these days I am so going to get her back! Just as soon as she quits carrying around a little fan club wherever she goes.

Today, reactions were mild when she entered the art room. She got letter B. Almost. Me, Quatre, and Heero didn't even look up. Score! Sure Quatre, says he likes her, but just watch his face when they're discussing some stop-the-school-violence thing. Just watch him.

So we were this three-person rebellion to her total supremacy. And of course she noticed us. But she's tactful, right? So she didn't even look at us or send us nasty glares like I know she wanted to. And I know she wanted to. But she restrained herself, and even though the hostility was invisible and intangible and nobody else even imagined it, I know it was there. She had her little talk with Doc and me and Quat were working on pouring the plaster needed for Heero's project. Actually, we were arguing. See, to get the plaster ready, you have to mix the powder and water and mush it all together with your fingers.

"I don't want to get my hands all nasty!" protested Quatre. "I'm working on a sketch! I'll get it on my paper!"

"I don't want to! It's gross!" I replied.

"I'm not gonna do it."

"Neither am I."


"Fine." But we're best friends, right? So we came to the same conclusion at the same time through our phsycic connection. We both turned to Heero simultaneously. This time not even Quatre was spared that freaky scary glare.

"It's yucky," he said simply. We both wanted to laugh. I mean, Mr. Super Evil was calling it 'yucky'? But the death look kept us in check and we averted our eyes. The three of us had reached a stalemate. Total standstill on the brink of WWIII. And then SHE came over.

"Hi!" she said brightly, totally oblivious the heated battle we were silently fighting.

"Hello Relena," replied Quatre, faking a smile. Neither Heero nor myself replied.

"You must be the new boy," she said, turned to him. Heero nodded once. "What's your art project going to be?" she continued.

"Plaster," he grunted.

"Oh!" she said, suddenly seeing the large bucket in the middle of our table with the plaster and water in it. "Aren't you going to mix it?" she asked.



"No." She glanced from one stubborn face to the next, going from bright blue eyes to mine to evil staring ones.

"Oh," she murmured. And then, rolling up her sleeves, she stuck her hands into the mush and began to mix it up.

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