Books written by David Weber

David Weber: The Honor Harrington Series

This series has good characters, political intrigue, interstellar war, etc. The space combat is realistic (well, more so than you'll find watching star trek) where ships don't fly like planes in an atmosphere and they don't close to visual distance to fight. Honor herself is a great hero that you'll quickly fall in love with. How could you not like a lady that is as tough as they come and can out fight half the known galaxy with ship, gun, sword, or even her bare hands?

If you're like me, once you read the first book you'll need to read the next book and so on and so forth until you're waiting with baited breath for the newest release. The one thing that constantly amazes me about this series is its reference to the French Revolution, with the Republic of Haven as a representation of the First Republic of France and Manicore represents Great Britain. Weber is does not try to hide these references, yet so often I find that other people often do not make this connection.

I have been captivated by Honor Harrington since "On Basilisk Station" and have eagerly anticipated David Weber's subsequent works on this theme. Wheels within wheels are at work in these novels, and they simply cannot be read as "stand-alone" work, any more than Tolkien's books can be logically read back to front.

I've read the entire series so far and my only serious complaint concerns the numbers of nights that I've spent reading, and rereading, this series when I should have been sleeping. A tip from me - plan to read the last 75-100 pages of each book in one sitting.

The Honor Harrington Series is layed out in (to date) eight books which are as follows:

Available at Amazon.Com

David Webber: In Death Ground (With Stephen White)

David Weber has got a winner on his hands. Although this book is technicaly the third book in the "Starfire series" (The other two, Crusade & Insurrection, are lesser novels) this book is definatly a stand alone book in it's own right. The story grabs you from the start and will not let you go. Weber's discription of space combat is very compelling, at many points the reader feels as if they are in the mists the conflageration. The battles take place at "warp points" (basicly wormhole exits) so the battles are set place but very furious. The characters are well rounded, and several of them seem close friends by the end of the book. The story is obiously a first in a series of it's own, the battle between man and enemy is left hanging, both sides returning home to lick their wounds. This is not a fly-by-night human vs. space bug story. It is a wild ride of good and bad fortune for each side and will leave you reeling when you've finished (at least it did me). Well worth you money and time. You will enjoy it.

Click and check it out at Amazon.Com

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