Books written by: J.R.R. Tolkien

J.R.R. Tolkien: The Hobbit

High adventure for readers of any age awaits in these pages. The purity of J.R.R. Tolkien's fantasy allows the reader to become totally immersed in the fantasy and adventures of Mr. Bilbo Baggins, Esquire. From Dragons to Wizards the reader develops a sense of comraderie with the characters as they overcome foes and their own fears and failings. The Hobbit is a prequel of a grander epic, the Lord of the Rings. In both, these stories become a saga of the fight between good and evil, and though the forces of good prevail, the difficulties are so great and the writing is so skillful that, even after repeated readings, the suspense holds. The Hobbit is unparalleled as a fantasy children's book, and is adored by adults as well. It's even better when you read it to your kids!

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J.R.R. Tolkien: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy

This series is THE masterpiece of the fantasy genre. J.R.R. Tolkien is widely considered the father of modern fantasy, and The Lord of the Rings is his masterpiece. The novels are an in-depth look at the world of Middle Earth, and, more specifically, the quest of the hobbit, Frodo Baggins, to rid Middle Earth of the One Ring and its master, Sauron, the Dark Lord. The Lord of the Rings is among the best works of fantasy fiction ever written. Tolkien does an excellent job of fabricating an entire milieu within which his characters operate. Tolkien was a linguist, consequently, he actually created several languages for his characters to speak. He was also an avid fan of mythology, and created a whole pantheon of mythological deities which adds great dimension to the work. The depth of The Lord of the Rings is definitely one of its strongest points. The Lord of the Rings takes the reader on a spell-binding adventure through forest and fen, over and under mountains, and into the darkest recesses of evil. And indeed, it is the classic saga of good versus evil, but it is quite different than most stories which fall into this category. Tolkien understands that good ends cannot be achieved without sacrifices, and the ending to his novel is ample proof of that. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings is truly an epic journey of the imagination. A journey, once begun, you'll wish would never end.

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J.R.R. Tolkien : The Hobbit and the Complete Lord of the Rings, the Fellowship of the Ring, the Two Towers, the Return of the King/Boxed Set

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J.R.R. Tolkien: The Silmarillion

This book is quite different from Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. It is not a single story told in a linear fashion as is Lord of the Rings, rather, it is a collection of stories and legends from a much older past, when powers much greater were at work. From the very beginning of history up to the Great War of the Ring, each story adds detail to Tolkien's world until you are simply in awe of the magnitude, complexity, and yet continuity of his creation. This book (as hard as it may seem) can only increase your enjoyment of reading Lord of the Rings again. Although chronologically it precedes LOR it seems that it should be read 3rd, after the Hobbit and LOR, due to it's increasing scale. I've read most of the classics but to me this is the greatest literary gift that I've received, thank you JRRT

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