Books written by Joel Rosenberg

Joel Rosenberg: The Guardians of the Flame Series

For anyone who's ever dreamed of stepping into that fantasy world they've been reading about, this is a must read. All the realism of normal people in an extraordinary place, the excitement and especially the dangers. And what you could do to change it with knowledge from the "Real World". Rosenberg takes realistic characters from normal life and thrusts them into a Dungeons and Dragons style world, where their role-playing skills are the difference between life and death. This is the nitty-gritty of Fantasy, where strategy is painstaking and stealth is a long, arduous process. At least, that's the way it is for the characters. For the reader, it's a fast paced adventure that pulls you in through strong connections to characters that seem more like personal friends. Don't expect any kind of traditional ending. In fact, don't expect any kind of ending. Real people don't get a "Happily Ever After", life simple continues. You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll write down the Laws. Most of all, you won't forget this one.

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