Books written by: Larry Niven

Larry Niven: The Legacy Of Herot (With Steven Barnes & Jerry Pournelle)

A bright new twist on a centures old idea? I like it! How rare it is to see another author take a book thats been around for hundreds of years, and then make it better. Niven has taken the Beowulf saga, and has advanced it a thousand years in "Legacy of Herot." Easily my favourite Niven book, "Legacy" has all the things you come to expect in a fast paced, well descriptive book that leaves you thirsty for more. You become one of the colonists on Avalon and join the battle with them against the insidious Grendels. If you liked the original "Beowulf" works, or are interested in a good evenings worth of reading, this books for you! (Just try to put this one down, I dare you)

Check it out at Amazon.Com

Larry Niven: The Mote in God's Eye (with Jerry Pournelle & Steven Barnes)

This happened to be one of those books that I picked up and put down many times at the bookstore. One day, however, I bought it and brought it home. Robert Heinlein referred to Mote as, "Quite possibly the finest science fiction novel I have ever read." So, I figured, who am I to disregard the words of a master. He could not have been more right. The basis of the story, mankind meets alien, is stock SF material. Niven however, carries it off with astounding grace. The aliens are a complex society, with endless currents and sub-currents moving through them. Far more than a story of conflict, this novel choses to explore a truly alien society, and predict mankind's reaction to it. Niven then goes where most writers do not, into the implications of the discovery of his new species, and reaches some unsurprising, but quite honest, conclusions about mankind. Definitely one of the ten best SF books I have ever read. Thanks for the tip Mr. Heinlein.

Check it out at Amazon.Com

Larry Niven: Lucifer's Hammer (with Jerry Pournelle)

Although published in 1977, this book continues to be one of my favorites. A great sci-fi suspense thriller. From the initial sighting of a new comet, speculation grows as to whether or not the comet will strike the earth. The characters are well presented and you easily follow their actions and reactions to this catastrophic event. You will quickly become involved with the characters as Tim Hamner, who first sights the comet, fights to stay alive after being blamed for the terrible things that are sure to happen if the comet hits earth. Amidst the turmoil there is a wonderful story of love, death, relationships and ultimate human survival instinct that you will enjoy. I would highly recommend this book not only to science-fiction fans, but to anyone who has an interest in the interation and relationship of man to his technology and how that affects his lifestyle.

Check it out at Amazon.Com

Larry Niven: Footfall (with Jerry Pournelle)

Classic hard SF. Must have. Awesome Niven and Pournelle, with humor, hard SF, human and alien psychology, love, adventure, everything. If you think this is another Indepenance Day, you shouldn't be reading books; go sit in front of the idiot box and drool. The alien culture is well thought out and fully developed. They have their own language and customs, both of which have a direct, visceral impact upon the story. Essentially, an alien vessel has been observed heading through the solar system toward earth. Not knowing what to expect but acquiescing to the probability of superior technology, earth awaits to establish greetings. Instead, they are greeted with destruction of the space station, destructive raids upon strategic installations earthside, and demands for surrender. How humanity assesses the situation and unites to fight for it's survival manages to induce feelings of pride and global patriotism within the reader. The human characters are multi-national, multi-ethnic, and brilliantly develop a means to thwart and eventually repel the invasion. The human culture and method of attack is sufficiently different from that of the aliens to completely throw the alien's attack methodology askew. Using present, cutting-edge human technology (no warp drives, phasers, or non-existent futuristic weaponry), with space-shuttles, chemical rockets, and ingenuity born of desperation, the humans successfully repel the invasion. The alien technology, although superior, is also plausibly explained in such a manner that makes it understandible as to why they were able to be defeated. Again, the story is in the characters and their participation in the events that give structure and life to the story. The physical appearance of the aliens is both outlandish and surprising, and meshes well with the cultural aspects of the story. The story is involved, exciting, visual, an excellent read, and impossible to put down once started.

Come on, after that review you must want to check it out.

Larry Niven: The Integral Trees

Having read many Sci-Fi books in my life, I can honestly say that none can come close in originality and concept to the books 'Integral Trees' and the sequel, 'The Smoke Ring' by Larry Niven. You will instantly love this book where technology takes a second-hand place to the dynamics of human development and interactivity, and the remnants of human advancements exist as strange, unknown objects, myths, and faded social traditions. Niven's paint brush creates a world where there is no gravity or planet. There are only huge trees, hundreds of meters in diameter and thousands of meters long, that radially orbit a neutron star. The trees are inhabited by 9 foot tall, spindly humans who refer to 6 foot tall humans as "dwarves". Niven creates a scientifically possible world which stretches your mind and imagination. Once I started reading this book, I couldn't put it down!

Larry Niven: Ringworld

A great book that you can read over and over again and find it new and exciting each time. Niven introduces us to a host of characters each unique with their own vews, culture, and way of life. As for Ringworld itself, it is a masterpeice of Niven's imagination and his skill of weaving a world so real, it's as if he was actually there. A must for all SF fans, and for those just discovering the wonders of this genre, a great introduction to the world of hard-core science fiction. It keeps you in your seat staying up to all hours of the night just to finish your chapter. (much to my wife's dismay)

Check it out at Amazon.Com

Larry Niven: The Ringworld Engineers

This story, continued from "Ringworld", recounts the further adventures of Louis Wu and his Kzin friend who are once again employed by a radical Piersons Puppeteer to solve the problems of the Ringworld. Various questions left unanswered from the first book are finally answered in this eagerly awaited sequel. This is a must read if you've read Ringworld, and if you haven't then go back and read Ringworld, it's a sequel for crying out loud.

Check it out at Amazon!

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