Books written by: Stephen R. Donaldson

Stephen R. Dolaldson: The Thomas Covenant Series

The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, the Unbeliever by Stephen R. Donaldson is simply the BEST fantasy fiction ever written!!! Donaldson received the prized HUGO award for it! The story is about Thomas Covenant, a simple man that has developed leprosy. To survive with this ailment, requires that he has aknowledged his impotence and his fraility. In the fantasy land he finds himself in, only he can save the inhabitants! They are depending on a man that can never permit himself the possible delusion of being powerful, hence his title "the Unbeliever!" For him to admit having power in the "Land" could very wll plunge him into the depts of dispair! To a leper, being powerful means being delusional means sure death! The crux of the delimma is: does he remain impotent and save himself and damn the Land, or does he accept the Land and damn himself!

The Series is enscribed in two seperate trilogys. They are all worthy of reading.

They first trilogy is as follows:

Check them all out at Amazon.Com

The second trilogy is as follows:

Check them all out at Amazon.Com

Stephen R. Donaldson: The Gap Series

Stephen Donaldson�s Gap series is one of the few series that has kept me interested enough to wait for each new book with baited breath. This roller-coaster ride of a story is thoroughly original, intriguing and entertaining. But that it not what makes the series great. Donaldson�s vivid writing style brings his characters to life and puts the reader in their heads�-literally. The story is narrated by the characters themselves. And as they describe what has happened, the reader begins to understand each character�s reasoning, background and motivations. No one who populates Donaldson�s books is one-dimensional, so the reader ends up empathizing with even the most villainous of the characters. No one is all good or all bad in Donaldson�s world, which is why it is so easy to immerse yourself in it and�-for as long as you are holding the book�-have no doubt it is real. And, best of all, the series is now complete, so you don't have to wait two years between each new installment--it's hard to hold your breath that long!

The Gap Sreies is enscribed on five (yes count them 5) books. Buy the first one and you'll be back to order the other four!

The Gap series books are as follows:

All are available at Amazon.Com

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