Books written by: Orson Scott Card

Orson Scott Card: Ender's Game

It's been several years since I read this book, but I still remember tearing through it ferociously and longing for more at the end. I've recommended Ender's Game to quite a few people looking for a good read, and most of those who read it loved it, few merely enjoyed it, but none hated it. Card's characters are alive and vibrant as in few other novels I have read, and he weaves a touching and insightful story of innocence lost, brilliance realized, and the atrocity of war. Few other novels deserve the appellation "page turner" as much as Ender's Game, and anyone who purchases this book must be certain to begin reading only when they have a solid three hours available. They will likely be unable to stop reading.

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Orson Scott Card: Pastwatch (The Redemption of Christopher Columbus)

At first, this book seemed to fall into the "good, but not great" category when I started reading it. Soon, however, it became great.This is simply because,unlike some of Orson Scott Card's other books (Ender's Game, for example), Pastwatch isn't exciting from the very beginning. Instead, the book builds to a climax that is impossible to predict and intertwines it with the story of Christopher Columbus's life had it been interfered with by people who watched it from the future. Mr. Card makes you think about history; he lectures, yes, but he also forces you to look at history differently. He makes you THINK, which is all too rare in a work of fiction these days. The inclusion of a bibliography is remarkable, and it encouraged me as a student of history to study further. This book is not only well worth the read, but one of the best Card has written. It is intriguing, fast-moving, and clever. It is good to see that even though Mr. Card has many projects that he is currently working on, it seems like none of his books (including this one) come up lackluster.

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Orson Scott Card: Treasure Box

Although his book isn't science fiction, Orson Scott Card has written a great book none the less. In "Treasure Box", the hero of the tale, Quentin Fears (rhymes with pierce), a kind of Bill Gates with a heart of gold, falls in love with the perfect woman, what everyman dreams of finding, but sometimes someone can be too perfect. I won't say anymore about the plot, because I don't want to give anything anyway, but I will tell you that this is a book that will not only keep you wondering what the heck happens next, but will also make you think about the nature of human relationships. What we love about someone, and how much of ourselves we change to accomodate the one we love. And oh yea, there's witchcraft involved so I guess I can get away with reviewing this book under "Fantasy". :)

Click and check it out at Amazon.Com

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