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Welcome to the Restaurant at the End of the Universe

There are four main areas in which you can sit back, relax and enjoy the show.
  1. The chill out Room
  2. Explosive Corner
  3. Information Galactica
  4. Intergalactic Hyperspace
  5. Sign the guestbook

The Chill Out Room

Relax here, chat with friends, explore the library, listen to music and flick through the photo album. This area is designated a "NO STRESS AREA", so before entering please leave the rest of the universe behind.

Explosive Corner

If you are not ready to sit back and relax in the "Chill Out Room" then go directly to "Explosive Corner", for conspiracy, controversy and debating. Find out facts, argue your point of view and never, never, say never.

Information Galactica

Find out the facts about life, the universe and everything. As some would put it, "Surf the information superhighway", as we would put it, "just get clued up!". Contact numbers, addresses everything you need to know, you will find here. Everything Encarta doesn't tell you.

Intergalactic Hyperspace

Your guide to life in the universe with tips on how to dress, eat, act, camouflage, live and die.