Xavier Stuart

The Vampire General

Created by Galahad

Xavier lived a rather tragic childhood in the burbs of the CS state of Chi-Town. He never even knew his parents and was raised by his father's brother in a kind and caring home, but was never truly accepted into this new household. As he grew up, he briefly turned to the streets, seeking refuge with the other rejects that he found there in the gangs and street scum skulking furtively around the less civilized areas of the burbs. After a brief run-in with CS authority, Xavier decided that if he was to ever become an officer in the military like he was told his father was, he would have to leave his d-bee and reject friends and clean up his act. The following year he turned old enough to enlist. This he did and loved the military life more than anything. He was a whole-hearted soldier, eager to pursue his father's footsteps.

Xavier was the fastest learner in his classes… a real grade A student. He applied for officer school, confident of his abilities and reputation as the best resume around. When his CO called him into his office the following week, Xavier whistled the whole way there, knowing that his destiny for leadership would be fulfilled. A very stern Colonel awaited him with good/bad news.

"Son," he said, "the good news is that you seem to be fully qualified and ready for your officer training. Congratulations. I cut my teeth under the command of your father and I'm proud to be the one who gives you this shot." His face grew serious once again. "The bad news is that you seem to have some security problems. You have a record of fraternizing with d-bees. That is unacceptable."

Xavier stood at attention and spoke clearly. "Sir, I was just a kid back then, Sir. I know the truth about them now. I'll do anything to prove I am not a risk, Colonel."

The Colonel smiled. "Good, because that's just what I had in mind. Let's take a walk." The two walked through the compound to the prison section. There the Colonel stopped, un-holstered his sidearm and handed it to Xavier. "In cell 3 is a d-bee prisoner I want you to execute. Do it, then pack your bags for school."

Xavier took the large revolver in his hand and walked to cell 3. The guard let him pass with no question and closed the door behind him. Xavier looked up into the eyes of a Quick-Flex alien. Only this wasn't just another d-bee, it was Minhos, one of the d-bees Xavier had run with in his gang days. Minhos smiled, got up from his cot and walked toward his old friend. Xavier just stared back, lifted the weapon and pulled the trigger. He left, packed his bags, and came back 18 months later as a military specialist.

Though Xavier excelled in all of his classes and was the most brilliant tactician any had seen in many years, it seemed that his sacrifice of his friend was enough to get him a commission, but that was about it. It took him 20 years to make Captain and that was the end of the line. He spent 5 years as a Captain before anything significant happened at all.

That event happened in September of 105 PA. Word began to leak through the ranks about the campaign of unity. Officers from every walk of the military were being transferred into more combat-oriented positions in the last-minute efforts to prepare for war. Excited that he may at least have a chance to train those who would actually engage in the combat, he asked his superiors for a transfer into infantry training. He was transferred, but not into training. He spent the last year of his career in an acquisitions office in Lone Star. Because of his security restrictions, he was rarely allowed anywhere but his office and barracks for fear that his contact with the dog boys would cause security problems. This, in the mind of Xavier, was yet another cruel joke.

Xavier now views his transfer in a positive light. He retired at the age of 45 and stayed in Lone Star trying to stay alive by hiring himself out as a security guard. He was at the brink of starvation and all but homeless when his second chance arrived. A dream told him to travel slightly southward so that he could see what he was capable of. After arriving at a spot that seemed proper, he met three strange men walking down the road, miles from anywhere. The three said they were sent by another and had a secret to tell him. It was only then that they bared their fangs and revealed their strange nature… as vampires.

After learning all about his choice, he agreed to help the intelligence by becoming a master vampire and leading the eventual assault on humanity. Now, not only is he an officer, but also is a general of the most ruthless army in the world.

For information on Xavier's life as a vampire, see the brief fan-fiction (by Galahad).


Real Name: Xavier Stuart

Alignment: Diabolic

Hit Points: 170 S.D.C.: N/A

P.P.E.: 60 I.S.P.: 160

Attributes: I.Q.: 24, M.E.: 24, M.A.: 28, P.S.: 34, P.P.: 24, P.E.: 22, P.B.: 25, Spd.: 30.

Experience: 5th level Master Vampire, was an 8th level CS Military Specialist

Weight: 180 lbs. Height: 6 feet Sex: Male Age: 46

Disposition: A keen strategist and cool character with what appears to be a surprising amount of honor. For example, he frequently meets with his enemies before he strikes to discuss initial terms of their surrender to avoid "unnecessary violence". In truth, this is not a sense of honor, but audacity. His one greatest attribute is that he does not have a god complex and is smart enough to accurately size up his opponents.

Natural Abilities: Has all the abilities of a Master Vampire.

Magic: See Natural Abilities.

Psionics: Death Trance, Alter Aura, Empathy, Mind Block, Hypnotic Suggestion, Presence Sense, Sense Evil, Deaden Pain, Induce Sleep, Super hypnotic suggestion. Considered a master psionic.

Bionics/Cybernetics: None.

Combat: Hand to Hand: Assassin: 6 attacks per melee. +3 initiative, +10 to parry and dodge, +7 to strike, +23 to damage on a pulled punch and +10 to pull/roll with punch, fall or impact

Bonuses: +5 vs. psionics, +4 vs. magic, +10 vs. horror factor, impervious to psionic mind control or mind control drugs, as well as magic or chemical sedation. Impervious to poisons and toxins.

Vulnerabilities/Penalties: Vulnerable to wood, silver, water, sunlight, etc. as all vampires.

Skills of Note: Language: American and Spanish= 98%, Literacy: American= 90%, Intelligence= 84%, Pilot: Hovercraft= 98%, Detect Ambush= 90%, Detect Concealment= 85%, Interrogation Techniques= 90%, Camouflage= 95%, Etiquette= 98%, Fortification= 95%Trap Construction= 77%, Trap and Mine Detection= 85%, W.P. Energy Pistol, W.P. Energy Rifle, W.P. Heavy Energy, W.P. Heavy, Hand to Hand: Assassin, and Boxing. All skills on 8th level.

Allies of Note: Vampires, especially his minions, and his Grey Seer, Cana the Blind.

Enemies: The Coalition States and all vampire hunters, especially the Arzno Mercenary Corps and their leader, Onra.

Weapons & Equipment of Note: Owns and wears a suit of light dead boy armor. All of his vampire officers also wear dead boy armor. Has a trove of armor and weapons.

Money: Roughly 3 million in credits, gems, and valuables. Another 20 to 25 million in armor and weapons, mostly stolen CS supplies. His treasure trove is deep within his sanctum and quite safe.

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