First impressions

When I first started playing Rifts, I found Techno-Wizardry to be interesting and at the least really "cool". But, unfortunately that’s where it ended. The O.C.C. never really intrigued me. I was more interested in the more exciting Cyber-Knights and the mutants with super abilities. So what if a lightning rod makes you Impervious to Energy? It only does 1D6 MD! It wasn’t until one of my fellow players moved away and the other shipped off to the Navy that I was left alone with my books and the Internet. On the Palladium Mailing List, I found a forum to spew my ideas into. To have something to post, I created some TW items for fighting Vampires. The ideas grew in my head until I had a web page and a couple dozen inventions. Now, Techno-Wizardry is my favorite aspect of the game. I ultimately dove into the life of a Techno-Wizard and what it must be like. This was the result.


Some mages are seemingly born with an innate understanding of rifts and summoning, others live in a sort of harmony with supernatural forces. Many spend their lives learning vast numbers of spells while others concentrate on one specialization. Then there are those, who through training, study, and ability can manipulate magic and technology into a completely new genre: Techno-Wizardry.


The Techno-Wizard as a mage

The definition of a Techno-Wizard varies with whom you ask. To the Coalition, they are just another freak in need of pacification. To most laymen, they are just another bizarre near human that they both respect and fear at once. The only ones who have a specific opinion are their fellow masters of the mystic arts.

To a seasoned Ley Line Walker, a Techno-Wizard is typically a second-class sorcerer not unlike a stage magician – plenty of impressive tricks, but nothing more than illusion. They and others like them use terms like "magi-techie" and "pseudo-wizard". Many mages such as Warlocks, Seers, and Mystics consider themselves, by nature, pure and Techno-Wizards therefore impure. A large percentage of these practitioners hold a kind of grudge against Techno-Wizards and find their practices and creations to be abominations. Techno-Wizards do, however, find the occasional ally within the magic community. Temporal Wizards, Conjurers, Shifters, and other more specialized wizards don’t have the same type of superiority complex that develops in traditional spell users when they become more experienced and powerful (though magic in general does tend to lean in that direction). They don’t view the creations of Techno-Wizards as mockeries or abominations, but as a legitimate addition to diversify their magic arsenal. Also, young mages, especially Line Walkers, tend not to be as high and mighty as their elders and will readily use TW devices. Many actually will go crazy for them, much to the disgust of older members of the order.

Because of their exclusion from the magic community, membership in North American magic guilds is rare among Techno-Wizards. Exceptions include the Brotherhood Guild, based in Lazlo, and the Warriors of Magic in Tolkeen and parts of the Magic Zone. Due to this exclusion, three guilds have been set up by Techno-Wizards for their own kind in the North American continent. One is the Order of Silver and Water that stretches throughout the South. Its members are not only Techno-Wizards, but predominantly so. The most basic stipulation is that the wizard be a manufacturer of anti-Vampire weaponry or a Vampire hunter. In the Magic Zone is a small, but fragile guild named The Smiths has been formed. They have managed to get into some problems with the larger Warriors of Magic guild and are currently trying to avoid absorption into their order. The final is the Free Magic Merchants guild in Lazlo, New Lazlo, and a few of the smaller towns in between. This predominantly TW guild is more like a chamber of commerce than the traditional guild with its laws and demands. They simply keep each other abreast of new advancements and regulate prices. Over forty percent belong to other magic guilds, which is encouraged by the leadership. Word has reached the North about Arzno Weapons Manufacturing in what was pre-Rifts Arizona and efforts are being made to include its Techno-Wizards among its ranks, most of whom are members of the Order of Silver and Water. The company founder is excited at the opportunity and the issue should be settled in about six months.


The Techno-Wizard as an operator

Techno-Wizards aren’t always crusading adventurers who roam the wilderness or the burbs looking for excitement. To some, it is a profession just like being a blacksmith or mechanic. While some have weapon shops or armories, many others run simple repair shops, small stores, restaurants, or any other number of "normal" professions where they use their gifts. One of the most common jobs is one similar to an Old West blacksmith. The mage makes simple household repairs, makes tools and conveniences, and is the technical man or woman of the town. There have also recently been several TW doctors who, using their gifts, make lifesaving paramedic equipment.

Though they are in many ways just as adept as Operators, they are also ostracized by their community. Even those Operators who have psionic abilities tend to turn a cold shoulder to a Techno-Wizard in need of work, viewing them as cheaters or fakes. Most Techno-Wizards don’t take this rejection as much to heart as they do from the wizards, with whom they most identify themselves.


Techno-Wizards as people

What would Freud say about the average Techno-Wizard? The stereotypical adventurer wearing outlandish clothing making weapons of destruction or armor for protection would be an interesting case study. He would probably find that they were sexually disturbed, internally angry people who showed their pent-up emotions through acts of self-glorification. But, what would the Techno-Wizard say about himself. He would probably say that he was independent, but only because he had been cast our. He would call himself proud, only because the hate of others had humbled him time and again. He would call himself a warrior because he secretly longed for inner peace. As a people, Techno-Wizards are strong, but defenseless; poor, but rich. In the end, they are just people. Some are good, some are bad; not unlike anyone else. In my guess, if the Techno-Wizard is ever invited in by the societies he longs for the most, he will decide not to stay. He will find he is better off in his own company.

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