Speaker for the Dead OCC

 As Taren stood before the ever-gathering crowd, she once more thought through her introduction. She wasn't nervous, but she never got used to it. After she was through everyone in this small farming community would hate her, but at least they would know the truth.

When the hour struck, she waited for the last whispers of the crowd to cease before she started. She began in the usual way, stating the obvious statistics. "Laren Ghin. Born 42 PA, died in 104. He was a priest in the local church. He told you all every day that faith would make these barren plains grow bounty galore and that the gods would protect you. The plains are still barren, but he gave you hope." Up to this point was simple. They all thought she was going to tell a glorious tale of his life. Taren looked down at the priest's daughter who had called her here. She was going to be heart-broken. Taren continued. "You gave tithes, food, sacrifices. He built a magnificent temple from which he could talk to the gods and help you. It took everything you had, but you built it." Taren took a deep breath. "I'm afraid all was in vain. You did not build a house for the gods, you built a palace for a thief. Laren Ghin was no servant of the gods, and was no saint." Taren went on, perfectly calm while telling about how it was he who had poisoned the land. The fertilizers that they were supposed to be spreading by Ghin's divine orders were actually salt and herbicides, therefore ruining the crop and making his position of faith much more potent.

At the end, everyone was crying. The huge building, the temple, in front of which he was standing, was torn down by an angry mob. Taren knew she was safe. She had spoken the truth and the people knew it. She went back to the house where she had been staying, packed her small bags, mounted her old horse, and headed out into the wilderness.

 I couldn't seem to build a whole OCC on The Speaker for the Dead, but I realized that I didn't need to. Ender (reference to Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card) was a military guy who just "became" a Speaker because he had a traumatic event in his life (that's the year's biggest understatement.) So, here is the deal. Anyone can become a Speaker. It doesn't cost any skills or anything, just the commitment to the truth and the blunt telling of it. Regardless of last occupation, they will commit their lives to speaking the deaths of anyone when called. They continue to advance as normal. SFD skills increase starting at level 1.

 The speaker is well versed in many languages and studies them excessively. After all, you can't speak if you don't know how. They have also had great tragedy in their lives and are usually very compassionate, never so much, however, as to interfere with the truth.

 Speaker for the Dead

Alignment restrictions: Good or Aberrant only

 Attributes: MA of 13+ and IQ of 11+

 Additional skills (in addition to original OCC):

Anthropology (+20%) or 10% bonus if character already has the skill

2 Languages (+15%)

2 Literacy's (+10%)

Public Speaking* (+10%)

Streetwise (+5%)

Plus any secondary or OCC skills taken get a 5% bonus, due to the character's affinity for languages

 * Use 30% + 5% per level.

 Additional equipment: none to speak of. They tend not to have much because they constantly travel. Also, a speaker will never accept pay for their services outside of room and board for the duration of their investigation.

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