Psythe Komodo

Co-Commander of The Arzno Mercenary Company

Concept by Galahad, NPC by Lord Vortex

  Psythe let forth another burst from his rail gun into the throngs of pale undead that surrounded him. He didn't intend to kill any of the inhuman beasts, there were too many of them and they were regenerating far too quickly for him to be able to destroy any of them, even with wooden rounds loaded in his USA-M31 rail gun. No, Psythe's intention was simply to keep them off-balance, to hurt them and prevent them from getting too close, it was barely working.

Two men lay dead on the ground, their armor torn to shreds by the vampires' claws. Another lie on the ground seriously wounded and unable to move. The vampires plodded on through the shower of wooden shards towards the fallen man. The situation was desperate but not hopeless, thanks in part to Psythe s sixth sense and quick thinking. Even so they were not out of the woods yet.

Psythe focused on the vampire closest to him, the red circle imposed on the vampire by the U.S.A. SAMAS's filling his eyes in the confines of the power armor's helmet. Psythe raised his left arm and leveled it squarely upon the vampire's chest until the circle changed to green.

"Take this you bastards." Psythe mumbled. A pair of flaming tails jumped forth from Psythe's outstretched arm. The two missiles flew like comets into the lead vampire s chest and errupted into two brilliant globes of flame, illuminating the dark midnight ground with red light. A dozen of the vampires were flung back onto their backs by the force of the explosion, unhurt but stunned.

Psythe took advantage of their position and swooped down to the ground picking up one of his fallen comrades, his TWA-900 light armor all but destroyed. Turning around, his back to the vampires Psythe hit the armor's rockets and flew like a bullet off into the night, delivering his fellow mercenary from certain death. He could only hope the others got his message in time.

  Psythe is one of the original professional vampire hunters in the deserts of the old south-western United States and one of the founding members of the Arzno Mercenary Corps.

Psythe was born and raised at Fort Apache and his true Indian name is Eric Serpent Eye though he prefers to go by his long-time nickname Psythe Komodo. A psi-stalker and a natural warrior Psythe was quickly given the honor of a post with the Apache's warriors. He served extensively as a scout due to his psionic abilities and the fact that his presence at the fort tended to make many there nervous, psi-stalkers were not looked well upon by most of its inhabitants. It was during these scouting missions that Psythe discovered and came to despise the wandering tribes of vampires that plagued the land.

Psythe had that hatred in mind when he requested permission to enter the Apache s robot and power armor unit using the recovered U.S.A. SAMAS after seeing them in action against a Plumed Serpent. After a great deal of debate Psythe was granted permission to join the elite unit and begun training in earnest.

Shortly after completing his training Psythe and his squad came across a d-bee village decimated by vampires. Psythe was deeply disturbed but his superiors refused to wage a war against the vampire tribes, especially when they were not specifically threatened. Enraged Psythe left taking a U.S.A. SAMAS with him. It was about this same time that Lanis and Onra were forging the beginnings of the Arzno Mercenary Corps and Psythe upon finding them gladly joined. He has been there ever since.

Real Name: Psythe Komodo

Alignment: Aberrant

Hit Points: 53 S.D.C.: 62

P.P.E.: 8 I.S.P.: 107

Attributes: I.Q.: 10, M.E.: 17, M.A.: 10, P.S.: 17, P.P.: 20, P.E.: 14, P.B.: 9, Spd.: 23.

Experiance: 4th level Psi-Stalker, 4th level RPA Elite

Weight: 169 lbs. Height: 6 feet, 1 inch Sex: Male Age: 28

Disposition: Psythe has a tough, no non-sense attitude and rarely gives up his alert and serious warrior's pose. He is observant and a quick thinker, able to summarize a situation quickly in the thick of combat. What he lacks in tact he makes up for in ferocity.

Natural Abilities: As per standard Psi-Stalker; see Rifts or Lone Star for details.

Magic: None.

Psionics: Sixth Sense, See Aura, Mind Block, Sense Evil, Telepathy and See the Invisible in addition to the natural abilities above. Considered a major psionic.

Bionics/Cybernetics: None.

Combat: Hand to Hand: Expert: 4 attacks per melee. +6 to parry and dodge, +5 to strike, +1 to damage and +4 to pull/roll with punch, fall or impact. Robot Combat Elite: U.S.A. SAMAS: 6 attacks per melee, +8 to parry, +8 to dodge on the ground, +11 flying, +7 to pull/roll with punch, fall or impact.

Bonuses: +4 vs psionics, +2 vs magic, +6 vs horror factor, +6 vs mind altering drugs.

Vulnerabilities/Penalties: Requires regular nourishment of P.P.E. to stay healthy. Psythe also tends to get himself in over his head in combat, particularly with vampires, though so far he's been lucky enough to have always escaped with minimal injuries.

Skills of Note: Language: American and Spanish=75%, Radio: Basic=70%, Pilot Hovercraft=80%, Pilot Tanks & APCs=63%, Robot Combat: Basic, Robot Combat Elite: U.S.A. SAMAS, Read Sensory Equipment=55%, Weapon Systems=65%, Climbing=60%/50%, Prowl=50%, W.P. Energy Pistol, W.P. Energy Rifle, W.P. Heavy Energy, W.P. Knife, Hand to Hand: Expert.

Allies of Note: Apart from Arzno Psythe has a few small bandit clans who respect him or are in his debt.

Enemies: Apart from vampires Psythe has gained the enmity of several indian tribes and gangs during his years as a scout and fighter for the Apache.

Weapons & Equipment of Note: Native American U.S.A. SAMAS with TW modifications; Armor of Ithan, Impervious to Energy, and Invisibility Superior, all at 10th level strength.

Money: 16,000 credits. Psythe doesn t have much interest in or need for money.

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