Gerra No’ta
Head Field Mechanic for the Arzno Mercenary Corps

  The advance team was cornered, pinned down by the adult Hydra and its nine ugly heads laying in wait just outside of the cave entrance. The team had been sent to investigate some Vampire activity in the Canyon and got a little more than they bargained for with their hungry serpent friend. Gerra looked around and assessed the situation. They had only lost one man, but several of the twenty or so were injured. The troop transport lay fifty yards behind the leering head of their monstrous foe. Thus far, any attack on the beast did nothing but unleash a hail of attacks through the cave entrance, which burned, froze and poisoned all inside. They were in a pinch and were all looking toward their Techno-Wizard mechanic for help.
He was way ahead of them. For the past hour of the standoff he had been busy cannibalizing parts from weapons and hurriedly lacing them with stones and gems from his trusty field pouch. The result was half a dozen hand grenades armed to distract the monster while they made their escape. They weren’t pretty, but they would do.
He handed the grenades to six healthy troops and made the count to move. As the troops ran from the cave, the grenades were thrown. The crystal-laden spheres soared upward then detected the evil presence of the Hydra and were drawn toward it. The troops shielded their eyes as the blinding flashes ignited in the many eyes of the beast. He reared back, firing its various breath weapons randomly as the last of the soldiers reached the transport. In another moment they were fleeing hurriedly from the scene and patting Gerra on the back.

  Gerra is a relatively new member of the Arzno Mercenary Corps, taking into account his high status. His position was given directly by Lanis, the Corps’ sponsor who found him to be far above the simple manufacturing of the TW items sold at Arzno Weapons Manufacturing. His ability to think on his feat amazing, his skill as a Techno-Wizard coupled with his mechanical knowledge and psionic abilities. Lanis declared and Onra agreed that he was perfect for the job of field mechanic.
On the field of battle Gerra is a cunning magical tactician and a ruthless warrior. Off the field he is the brilliant mind behind the TWA-1250 Imitator armor, the TWW-2000 Vamp Killer and many other unique inventions. Gerra is an officer in his position and if most commonly sent on reconnaissance missions as either the team leader or co-leader. His troops respect him for his abilities on and off the battlefield and few are troubled by his unusually alien appearance.

Real Name: Gerra No’ta

Alignment: Unprincipled

Hit Points: 29 S.D.C.: 51

P.P.E.: 105 I.S.P.: 79

Attributes: I.Q.: 17, M.E.: 10, M.A.: 11, P.S.: 12, P.P.: 12, P.E.: 14, P.B.: 7, Spd.: 10.

Experience: 5th level Trimadore Techno-Wizard

Weight: 211 lbs. Height: 7 feet, 7 inches Sex: Male Age: 25

Disposition: Gerra believes strongly in the cause of the people of Arzno and fights diligently for them. The fact that he is respected and well paid doesn’t hurt either.

Natural Abilities: Like all Trimadore, Gerra has perfect vision and excellent hearing, a strong mechanical aptitude and superior sense of touch.

Magic: Blinding Flash, Globe of Daylight, Ignite Fire, Fuel Flame, Fire Bolt, Call Lightning, Energy Bolt, Energy Field, Impervious to Energy, Telekinesis, Armor of Ithan, Fly as the Eagle, Create Wood, Create Water, Invisibility: Simple and Superior, Sense Evil, and Teleport: Superior. It is important to note that in addition to these, Gerra has access to the spells of all of the mages at Arzno for the purposes of TW devices.

Psionics: Mind Block, Speed Reading, Object Read, and Telemechanics. Considered a major psionic.

Bionics/Cybernetics: None.

Combat: Hand to Hand: Basic: 4 attacks per melee. +2 on initiative, +2 to parry and dodge, +1 to strike and +4 to pull/roll with punch, fall or impact.

Bonuses: +2 vs. magic, +7 vs. horror factor, +1 vs. disease and sickness, and +1 vs. possession

Vulnerabilities/Penalties: The Trimadore is clearly inhuman, making disguise impossible.

Skills of Note: Language: American and Spanish (93%) and Techno-Can (78%), Literacy: American (68%) and Techno-Can (58%), Mechanical Engineer (53%), Weapons Engineer (53%), Armorer (68%), Robot Electronics (58%), Robot Mechanics (48%), W.P. Energy Pistol, W.P. Energy Rifle, Hand to Hand: Basic.

Allies of Note: The few fellow Trimadore on Rifts Earth and the people of Arzno.

Enemies: The Vampires and other menaces fought by Arzno.

Weapons & Equipment of Note: Specially designed Exterminator Armor with an extra-heavy forcefield (100 M.D.C.) and an extra-large P.P.E. battery (100 P.P.E.). His weapon of choice is a silver or standard rail gun. He also carries a pouch with a dozen each of the most commonly used gems and stones.

Money: 10,000 in hard credits, but another 20,000 or so in gems.

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