This is a race developed from Frank Herbert’s book Dune (which I highly recommend) and the movie. So, just a disclaimer saying that these are not my original ideas, I have just adapted them for game play. Enjoy!


 The Fremen

Background info: The Fremen are a human-like race of desert dwellers. They know not whether their ancestry is truly human or dee-bee, but either way they have developed some interesting adaptations to the harsh conditions of the deserts of pre-rifts Utah where they live.

 With the coming of Rifts, the deserts of the West retook the cities. All water dried up and left a barren wasteland thought to be uninhabitable. Virtually all of the limited ley line activity in Utah is underground so, with a few exceptions, monsters and demons are rare. Some of these exceptions include the various Worms of Taut, the Living Sand, the occasional elemental, and the notorious Makers. The Makers, also known as Shai-Hulud by the Fremen and Sand Worms by most everyone else are terrifying creatures of the sand reaching 600 meters long and 120 meters in diameter (there are rumors that even larger ones exist in the deep desert.) Another anomaly from the Rifts is Melange, or Spice. This cinnamon smelling and tasting spice is found in the sands of the desert and has many supernatural properties. The details are discussed later.

The Fremen have managed to survive in the deep desert since the coming of Rifts. They live in scattered communities known as Seitches and have taken Techno-Wizardry to a new level.

 Description: The Fremen are completely human upon first glance except for their eyes, which are solid blue, with no white in them. (This feature is known as the eyes of Ibad.)

Upon closer examination, one will find that their skin is super-tough and capable of withstanding extreme punishment. Other adaptations include extra platelets in the blood to prevent blood loss, and decreased need for water. One reason for these adaptations is the addiction to the spice Melange.


Alignment: Any, usually selfish

Attributes- IQ: 3D6, MA: 4D6, ME: 3D6, PS: 3D4+10, PE: 3D6+6, PP: 3D4+10, PB: 3D6, Spd: 3D6

Average Size: 5’ 6" to 6’ 4"

Weight: 120 to 200lbs

Hit Points/SDC: See MDC

MDC: 1D4x10+50 (Note: the MDC transformation is the product of the addiction to the spice melange. See section on the spice for details.)

PPE: 4D6 plus PE

Natural Abilities: Wound healing- doesn’t suffer blood loss penalties after one round, limited need for water.

Magic: All Fremen know how to use Techno-Wizardry and use it frequently. Other available by OCC.

Psionics: Standard. Limited psionics can be attained by using the Spice.

OCC: Any, except for Borg, Juicer, Coalition, or Water Warlock. Also, no OCC's foreign to US. Fremen can choose the OCC "Fedaykin Warrior" found elsewhere on this page.

Additional Skills and Modifiers: Fremen receive additional skills:

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