Forge Magic Weapon

Spell of Legend

Total time: 2 hours

Total PPE: (150 for enchanted or 300 for empowered) + that of the spells being induced

The Forging process is basically the same as any other black-smithing, but with some magical additions. The forging must take place on a ley line and the flame must be created magically. At special points in the ritual, fuel flame is used to increase the temperature of the flame and massive amounts of PPE are pumped into the weapon. After the weapon is forged, any spell can be put into that weapon, provided the forger knows it. Up to six spells may be put on any one empowered weapon or only two on an enchanted one. The most common are spells such as call lightning, fire bolt, Armor of Ithan, and Superhuman Strength. All spells may be used as many as once per melee. If a spell is added more than once, it may be used as many times a melee as it has been added. Notice that an empowered weapon cost more PPE. Through this process of extra expenditure, the weapon is made indestructible and its wielder always has +1 strike and parry while using it.

Note that the spell specifically says "weapon", this process may be done on ordinary objects or in some cases, clothing.

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