Closet-Vampire Central
I thought it would be nice of me to send a special tanks to the people who's helped me get this site started...
So, here goes:
Aoibhin's Credits
I just want to thank Victoria for coming up with such a great idea! I hope she feels much better soon =) I also want to than Sunshiney for being such a great help! Thanks to everyone for their patience with this page and with me! And thanks to everyone who has joined and those to come...
Victoria's Original Credits
First I would like to thank Sunshiney, who presented me with the idea of the Closet-Vampires, helped me with HTML & design when I knew nothing about either, created the cute vampire-graphics, and visited me in the hospital when it didn't look like I was going to make it.

She was also the first person to sign up for the campaign.
Thanks; you're the true definition of a friend!
I would like to send a big "thank you" to Geocities, who provided the space for this page.
I would also like to thank Sunni who was the first person to sign my guestbook.
I'm also sending my love to everybody who's joined the campaign.
Way down here I guess I should thank you for stopping by this page and reading this.
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Graphics by Sunshiney. Page Copyright© The Closet-Vampire
A special thanks to Geocities who made this page possible