To WildFlowers Cyber-Garden

Hello, I am glad that you could make it to my page. I hope you enjoy your stay. I am new at this Homepage stuff.. So bare with me.*Smile* Well to tell you a little about me. My Name is Angelina Dawn May, I am 21 years old, and live in Perley, Minnesota. I Love to go to the chats, Namely The Maui Crater.I also spend a lot of time in CyberBabble. Some Of My Known Chat handles are WildFlower, HugBug, GhostGirl & (My fake Evil Twin) RainBow Bright. *LOL* When I am off line, I love to write poems..as a matter of fact I have one here now...One that I wrote for My Sweetheart Edward...AKA Sir Tenzan. I Love You Baby. *Kiss*

To My Love

To my Love, I give you my heart
Sharing love each day, from the very start
To my Love, I give you my kiss
Filling each day with joy and bliss
To my Love, I give you my being
To love, to play, to work and to sing
To my Love, I give you my mind
Learning each day to be more kind
To my Love, I give you my soul
Growing together to be more whole
To my Love, I give you my life
Rejoicing the day I became your Wife.


~To All Of My Friends~
Friendship is a strange thing...we find ourselves telling each other the deepest details of our lives...things we don't even share with the families who raised us...but what is a friend? a confidant? a lover? a shoulder to cry on? an ear to listen? a heart to feel? A friend is all of these ...and more. No matter where we met, no matter how long we've been together...I call you friend. A word so small, yet so large in feeling, a word filled with emotion, a word overflowing with love. Truly great things come in small packages. Once the package of friendship has been opened, it can never be closed. It is a constant book always waiting...waiting to be read...and enjoyed. We may have our disagreements...we may have our disappointments...we may argue..we may concern one another...friendship is a unique bond that lasts through all tribulations. A part of each of us goes into our friendships...our humor...our experiences...our tears. Friendships are foundations...necessary for life...and love. Friends...you and me...you brought another friend and then there were three...we started our group...our circle of friends...there is no beginning....there is no end
All Of My Friends are very very special to me. They are my strength and my guide through many things. Without them I would be A very lonely and unimmportant person, as I once thought I was. But they all have made me see differently. I now know that I am special and important to people out there, and they taught me to love and to understand,to have fun but most importantly to be myself. A BIG THANK YOU to All Of You that have stood by my side through everything, Happy & Sad, Crazy & Goofy through thick and through thin.

here to meet my adopted Stuffy!

Here Are Some Neat Links

Sir Tenzan�'s (Edward May's) Homepage
WizKid's Homepage
Stardust's Homepage
Heavy Metal's Homepage-BEWARE!! *LOL*
Mike and Tina's Homepage
LSDiamond's Homepage
Raygun's Homepage
Death Dealers Homepage
Kojak's Homepage
Ice Baby's Homepage
Skippy's Homepage
Maui Index Chat Rooms-Where I met my sweetheart at!
Agmon Net-A nice place to meet with your' hun!

This Garden Is Still In The Process Of Growing,I still have
many things to plant. I hope you will return and see my
Continualy growing Cyber-Garden. *Smile*.

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