Babylon station and vicinity weather forcast brought to you by our lovely "Daily" reporter and paper proof-reader, Ms. Mimi Zit.

TODAYS OUTSIDE TEMPERATURE: "About as close to absolute zero as ya kin git!" "All you Starfury pilots, you be sure and wear some extra long johns, ya hear?"

TODAYS WEATHER: "Light meteor showers in the A.M., and clearing and all starry like by P.M." "Damn, there goes my picnic plans! Oooops, did I swear? Sorry folks."

TOMMOROW: "Radiation storms and solar flares by noon. Internal station temperature will remain a comfy 71 degrees, except in the Vorlon Ambassador's suite, where sulphur dioxide storms and temperatures in the triple digits are forcast. Damn, now I gotta cancel my dinner engagment with the Ambassador! Ooooh! Squeel! Don't ya just hate when that happens? Oooooh!"



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