(1) Babylon-5 chapter of the Galactic Procrastinaters Club is cancelled due to indecision of conference topic!

(2) The Babylon-5 chapter of the 'Universal Elvis Sighting Society' is rescheduled for Sat. eve., at 4:00 P.M. in the private dinning room of the "Burnen Love" Cafe. Elvis and Kosh impersonators contest will be held promptly after meeting adjournment. "Burnen Love" Cafe directions: Go to station level 14, # 8 Thoroughfare, 2nd right. Right across from "Anna's & Delenn's Boutique and Emporium".

(3) Ranger invasion of Vorlon fleet cancelled due to minutes of the Ranger meeting being accidently faxed to Vorlon homeworld. Will reschedule!

(4) Cancellation of this weeks "Kosh's Kitchen Korner" cooking show, due to escape of this weeks main ingredients. Filling in for this weeks "Kosh's Kitchen Korner" time slot will be shown the edited and formatted version of "Babylon Follies".

(5)Cancellation of this weeks "Peoples Court". This weeks line up of plaintiffs and defendants, the Shadows VS. the Vorlons killed each other off before filming of this weeks popular series began. Airing in this time slot will be "Family Feud", With Captain Sheridan, Anna Sheridan, and Delenn.

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