"Those Pesky Aliens"

Article filed by 'DAILY' reporter Mimi Zit.

Security chief claims rumors of aliens on station absurd! This is your roven reporter, Mimi Zit, bringing you this exclusive interview with Security Chief M.Garibaldi. I was able to get this one-on-one interview late yesterday evening, before Mr. Garibaldi was addmitted to sick bay, with rather strange intestinal pain complaints. As Mr. Garibaldi laid prone on his hospital guerney, he finally spilled his guts to me about the rumors raging throughout the station of parasitic alien life forms, supposedly infecting certain regions of 'Down Below'! And I quote Mr. Garibaldi: "These absurd rumors started by that sleazy low life rag of a newspaper, some generously call the 'Daily Babylon', is nothing more than irresponsible journalisim at it's worst"....mumbles Garibaldi, as he tries to talk through what he claims is a medical sinus clearing patch. He goes on "Mimi, I'm thoroughly surprised and shocked that you would associate yourself and your good, um, ah, I mean your mediocre journalistic principles with such a sensationalist rag as the 'Daily'" I snapped back "Look chiefy, a buck is a buck, and I don't notice you paying my rent"! "And besides, you owe me ten credits for those beers you mooched off a me down at the 'Stardust' lounge, last week. Uh, you wouldn't like to pay up before you go in for that exploratory surgery, would ya? Nope, I thought not! You Security bumbs are all alike".

Mr. Garibaldi had to cut this interview short, complaining of a terrible chest ache and a peculiar whim to lie down on a galley table, flail his arms and scream! This is Mimi Zit, your field reporter for the 'Daily', cautioning one and all, beware of the dark , lonley, places, and especially air shafts, Down-Below!

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