*News Flash! Morden Fired From Vid-Com Commercial*

Story filed by Mimi Zit, part time station reporter. "Well known carismatic actor and sometimes 'Shadow Lackey' Morden, was fired from his partime job from 'Station Infomercials Inc.,' employer conglomerate 'Clearasoul', last Monday. The huge Clearasoul company spokesperson, when questioned by this Daily reporter, stated that (quote) Mr. Morden has failed to live up to certain guidelines of his contract with Infomercials and Clearasoul, respectavely! (unquote) Normally a suave good looking clear skinned Earther, according to the public relations head of Clearasoul Inc., a Ms. Fax Mactor, replied under intense Daily Babylon questioning that "Morden, with that, ya know, funny skin condition was not the best example for good press for the huge Clearasoul conglomerate". Mr. Morden was unavailable for comment, but eyewitnesses told this reporter that they saw Morden talking to things that weren't there. One eyewitness claims to have overheard Mr. Morden saying "And I want 2 Shadow cruisers to bonk the honken hell out of Clearasoul HQ's"! This is Mimi Zit, your roven Daily B-5 reporter, with additional stories upcomming, as they happen.

'Fire Downbelow' (News brief filed by Mimi Zit)

(1:00 A.M. Sat.) 14 patrons recieved 3rd degree burns last night as the grill at the 'Burnen Love' Lounge caught fire. Downbelow fire house No.# 4 responded to the 4 alarm blaze, just as the flames were about to engulf the disco platform. (Editors note: The local fire hydrant was out of commision at the time of the fire. Babylon firefighters and patrons improvised, extinguishing the fantastic inferno as the flames engulfed the Spoo Brandy, creating tremendous explosions and sighs from the patrons and brandy alike.)
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